HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 2: Often Appearing as Prey

Chapter 2: Often Appearing as Prey

He stopped looking at her, simply holding her in his arms. His large hand warmed her waistline while the other picked up a wine cup and slowly poured.

Ming Yi felt somewhat at a loss. She tried to slip out of his embrace, but as soon as she moved, he tightened his hold.

“You want a drink too?” he asked.

She shook her head vigorously, but he seemed not to notice, bringing the cup to her lips. “Or perhaps you’re being considerate, knowing this lord can’t drink anymore.”

If you can’t drink anymore, why are you still pouring?

She grumbled inwardly, wrinkling her nose as she sniffed, reluctantly taking a small sip.

It was so strong.

She fumbled with the cup, spilling wine that soaked half her garment. The thin silk clung to her skin, emanating a warm fragrance.

Ji Bozai looked down to see her cheeks flushed, her eyes misty. She looked like a piece of pink jade soaked in water, translucent and glistening.

She couldn’t hold her liquor.

He gazed at her for a moment longer, then held the cup to her lips for a few more sips.

As the alcohol took effect, Ming Yi, her eyes reddened, nuzzled against his chest, mumbling, “No more.”

She curled up against his heart like a kitten, her soft white hands unconsciously wrapping around his waist, holding on tightly like a drowning person clutching a floating log.

Ji Bozai was quite pleased. He half-embraced her shoulders, feeding her a bite of food in good spirits.

Yan Xiao watched in amazement. “You intend to take her back with you?”

He glanced at Yan Xiao. “Why not?”

“This isn’t like you at all,” Yan Xiao shook his head. “You’ve never kept any of the previous dancing girls. Don’t act rashly out of momentary spite, only to abandon her later. These women at the banquet are all pitiful souls.”

How annoying.

Ji Bozai couldn’t be bothered to argue. Seeing the person in his arms growing drowsy, he stood up. “You handle things with Qian Li. I’m leaving.”

“You’re quite good at delegating tasks to me,” Yan Xiao complained.

He snorted lightly, securely holding the soft jade in his arms, and left through the side door without even bidding farewell to the Grand Minister.

“That man…” the Celestial Official beside the Grand Minister watched Ji Bozai’s retreating figure and shook his head slightly. “He has talent in abundance, but lacks self-control.”

The Grand Minister smiled. “Fighters are rare. It’s good that he has things he likes. Better than being interested in nothing at all.”

“Your Excellency is wise.”

The music in the hall continued. Ji Bozai exited through the moon gate of the inner courtyard, walking on the imperial road paved with blue stones.

“So wobbly,” the person in his arms mumbled.

Ji Bozai said meaningfully, “It’ll be even wobblier later.”

Hearing this, she immediately covered her forehead in panic. “If it wobbles anymore, it’ll spill!”

Her breath was fragrant with alcohol, drunk, and utterly adorable.

He couldn’t help but ask, “What will spill?”


“What are you?”

“I’m a golden cup!” She covered her forehead and looked up foolishly, her eyes misty. “I’ve just been filled with wine. I can’t spill.”

Chuckling, he leaned in close, kissing the back of her hand, teasing, “If you drink it, it won’t spill.”

She pondered this for a good while, finding it quite logical. So she removed her hand, offering her forehead to his lips. “You drink a little, just a little bit.”

Unable to resist, he laughed heartily, lifting her and brushing his thin lips across her forehead before directly kissing her babbling little mouth.

Ming Yi’s pupils contracted slightly, then quickly became shrouded in mist.

She whimpered, trying to resist, but his movements were skilled and gentle, not at all unpleasant. Instead, it felt soothing, and in the midst of it, she lost all strength.

The sky was filled with stars, near and far, studying the entire night sky. Several were even larger than the moon – icy blue, deep purple, pale yellow – floating in the dark curtain of night with halos of light, fantastical and magnificent.

She gazed at them, her eyelids slowly drooping, getting heavier and heavier until finally, she couldn’t keep them open.

Ji Bozai carried her onto the beast-drawn carriage, his gaze extremely tender.

The driver couldn’t help but ask, “My lord, shall we head straight back to the residence?”

“No, go to the villa in the east of the city.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ming Yi slept obediently and quietly on his lap. He played with her hair between his fingers, taking the opportunity to look at her hands.

The back of her hand was soft and white, but her fingertips felt a bit hard, as if calloused.

He lowered his eyes, pretending not to notice, and continued to gently caress her cheek.

Upon reaching the villa, he instructed the driver, “Have Bu Xiu bring my things over.”

The driver left to carry out the order, while the maids and older women in the courtyard hurried out to receive them.

They were experienced. They took Ming Yi away to bathe and change, and to examine her body.

Ji Bozai was very particular. He wouldn’t keep anyone with scars, nor would he keep anyone who wasn’t clean.

Fortunately, after the examination, the old woman just smiled at him and nodded, saying nothing.

He nodded in acknowledgment, changed his clothes, and went to her room.

Ming Yi was sleeping soundly, showing no signs of waking. He reached out, and she even gurgled softly, nuzzling his hand.

What a waste of a fine night.

Unusually patient, Ji Bozai lifted the brocade quilt and lay down, pulling her onto himself.

Her black hair was loose, making her appear even more delicate and charming than at the banquet. Her small face was still flushed, but her skin was snow-white. Lying on top of him, he could see her two delicate collarbones and the particularly full curves below.

His throat tightened slightly as he raised his hand.

“My lord… your servant deserves death, but please go to the front quickly and take a look. Something has happened!” An untimely voice suddenly sounded from outside.

Ji Bozai impatiently waved down the bed curtain. “We’ll discuss it tomorrow.”

“But someone has brought the Imperial Guards. They’re right outside the door, saying they must see you.”

The Imperial Guards were exclusively used by the inner court and wouldn’t move about without good reason.

He tensed, placing Ming Yi back on the pillow before getting up, putting on his robe, and opening the door.

“What has happened?”

“We don’t know, but everyone who visited the inner court tonight is being questioned one by one.”

Such a commotion was indeed rare.

He went out to meet them, encountering the leader of the Imperial Guards, who bowed formally with a serious expression. “Lord Ji, there has been a murder in the inner court. We have orders to search, please forgive the intrusion.”

Ji Bozai raised an eyebrow. “Is it that serious?”

Meng Yangqiu first waved his men to start the search, then walked to the side with Ji Bozai. “To be honest, I find it strange too. The victims were sitting right there at the banquet, and they lost their lives in full view of everyone. The people nearby thought they had just passed out drunk. Who would have guessed that when the eunuchs tried to rouse them after the banquet, they found they had been dead for hours.”

To kill someone right under the Grand Minister’s nose – that took some nerve.

Ji Bozai asked, “With such skillful methods, what do you expect to find in your search?”

“There was blood under one victim’s fingernails. The coroner suspects he scratched the killer before dying. So the Grand Minister ordered us to search everyone who attended the banquet today, fearing the evidence might disappear in a few days,” Meng Yangqiu answered truthfully.

Hearing this, Ji Bozai smiled and waved his hand dismissively. “Then you won’t find anything in my residence. You know how particular I am. The dancing girl I just brought back doesn’t even have a single mole, let alone a scratch.”

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