HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 234: Chubby Can Be Cute Too (2)

Chapter 234: Chubby Can Be Cute Too (2)

It was the first time her teacher had initiated a conversation with her, and he was complimenting her dress. The spring breeze gently lifted the hem of his lake-blue robe as he stood with his hands behind his back, seemingly shy as he averted his gaze. “Ask me a couple of questions in class tomorrow. Everyone else asks, but I never hear from you.”

Ji Yichen snapped out of her daze, finally feeling excited. “Teacher, you don’t dislike me?”

“Why would I dislike you?” Li Shaoling followed her gaze to her figure. “Chubby can be cute too.”

A light seemed to ignite within her. Suddenly, all the candles in her heart lit up one by one, chasing away the darkness.

Ji Yichen suppressed her joy, blushing as she agreed to his request. After he walked away, she let out a cheer and rushed towards Hailan, who had been waiting nearby. “Lan, did you hear that? He said chubby can be cute too!”

Hailan, nearly winded by the impact, chuckled through her discomfort. “I heard, my Princess. The teacher seems quite fond of you. You shouldn’t torment yourself anymore.”

“I won’t. I’ll… I’ll have some new fabric in nice colors picked out when I get back,” Ji Yichen said, linking arms with Hailan as they walked, her face beaming with joy. “Do you think celadon green looks better, or pale yellow?”

Then, with a touch of worry, she added, “Would it be too bright?”

“Not at all,” Hailan smiled. “I have a cousin named Haiqing who always wears bright red dresses. She’s like a ball of fire.”

Ji Yichen had seen that young girl before – confident and outgoing. She took a deep breath, thinking excitedly that she wanted to become just like that!

In the days that followed, people at the Yuan Academy saw their Princess wearing pale yellow one day, willow green the next, and even bright red after that.

“From a distance, it looks like someone moved a big red drum from their doorway,” someone muttered.

But as soon as he said it, someone covered his mouth. It was no joke – she was the Emperor and Empress’s precious daughter. Who would dare upset her? Their entire family would be finished.

Ji Yichen couldn’t hear these voices. She only felt that it was wonderful – Li Shaoling complimented her every day when she changed clothes. As the compliments piled up, she gradually became less afraid of interacting with others. Besides Hailan, she could occasionally exchange a few words with other girls now.

Once she started talking, she realized that no one here looked down on her. On the contrary, they were sweet-tongued, always praising her and being very friendly.

Ji Yichen felt that living in this world was truly blissful.

“Teacher,” she said, holding up a sachet she had just embroidered as she went to find Li Shaoling.

Li Shaoling glanced at the item in her hand and immediately understood her intention. He smiled, “You’re quite skillful.”

After a pause, he added meaningfully, “There’s no one else here. You can call me Shaoling.”

“Shao… Shaoling,” she stuttered, her face reddening again.

Li Shaoling lowered his head to look at her, his straight nose like a mountain ridge, very close to her.

Ji Yichen felt her heart pounding loudly, completely out of control, so loud that the entire room could hear it.

Li Shaoling suddenly smiled, stepping back and bowing to her, “This subject has been disrespectful.”

“No, I don’t mind,” she waved her hands frantically, the blush not yet faded from her face.

A young girl in love, her eyes and brows full of affection.

Li Shaoling stared blankly for a moment, then smiled again. “A poetry and tea is gathering the day after tomorrow. It’s the kind of place young ladies like. If Your Highness is willing, you could join this subject in attending incognito.”

He was skilled in social graces and had many friends in the palace. Although Ji Yichen wasn’t as afraid of people anymore, she still didn’t particularly enjoy interacting with strangers.

But she couldn’t bear to refuse Li Shaoling. After hesitating for a while, she nodded, “Alright.”

Given her status and position, she would be revered wherever she went. Li Shaoling had his motives for bringing her – there were several young nobles who, despite being on good terms with him, often teased him about his humble origins, mocking him as a poor boy who made good. If he brought Princess Changle along, even the highest birth wouldn’t be impressive in her presence. He could settle the score.

“Then it’s settled,” he smiled, gently pinching her soft, chubby hand. “This subject will await you outside the east palace gate tomorrow.”

Ji Yichen nodded, hurrying back to prepare in a fluster. She took out all the jewelry her mother had given her and selected them one by one, then tried on each of the new ceremonial clothes her father had awarded her.

Finally, she chose a set of sky-blue Su embroidery casual clothes. This was Li Shaoling’s favorite color. If by chance they wore the same color, that would be… that would be wonderful.

Her heart thumping, Ji Yichen looked forward to the poetry and tea gathering with great anticipation.

However, when the day arrived, she found that the situation seemed quite different from what she had imagined.

She had studied poetry and prose, but none of that was needed here. They had only used the name of a poetry and tea gathering, choosing a mountaintop with beautiful scenery, but it was actually for drinking and chatting.

Everyone had brought a girl with them, and Li Shaoling was no exception – that is, besides bringing her, he had brought another.

That girl had a slender waist and delicate features, wearing a sky-blue dress that bloomed like a flower when she twirled.

“My name is Hua Qing, here to accompany the young master for drinks. I hope Your Highness doesn’t mind,” she bowed slightly.

Ji Yichen nodded in return. Although she felt a bit uncomfortable, she thought it was fine since she didn’t know how to drink.

When Li Shaoling introduced Hua Qing to everyone, he called her a friend. But when he introduced Ji Yichen, he said, “This is my… prized student.”

Ji Yichen’s heart suddenly brightened again.

She was different to him.

The people at the table all laughed, somewhat strangely. Someone even teased, “Shaoling, your future is boundless.”

Ji Yichen’s heart tightened, fearing he would be displeased. She quickly turned to look at him, but saw that her teacher showed no sign of displeasure. Instead, he smiled and said, “How could it compare to your bright future? With a fifth-rank official in your family, you have ancestral glory to enjoy. Unlike me, born to a humble family, I can only rely on my efforts.”

The person who had spoken twisted his mouth and turned away to drink, saying nothing more.

Ji Yichen’s eyes brightened.

Her teacher seemed different from others. He didn’t mind that she was chubby, nor did he mind being gossiped about with her.

He truly was worthy of her affection!

Hua Qing drank on Li Shaoling’s behalf. When she became tipsy, she went to the nearby woods to vomit. Li Shaoling, concerned for her, stood up to follow, saying to Ji Yichen, “Your Highness, please sit for a moment. I’ll be right back.”

Ji Yichen nodded obediently.

But whether it was the effect of alcohol or the wildness of the mountain forest that made them too uninhibited, the people at the table spoke to her with barbs in their words: “Your Highness has good taste. Shaoling is the most promising among us. I thought he would achieve top honors in the imperial examinations or make a name for himself at the Six Cities Conference. But unexpectedly… oh well…”

“How about me, Your Highness? I can do everything Shaoling can.”

“Did Shaoling choose this outfit for you? He’s quite mischievous, making a noble princess wear the same color as a brothel girl.”

Sensing the malice, Ji Yichen’s face turned cold. No longer willing to sit there, she stood up and also walked towards the nearby woods.

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