HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 238: Chubby Can Be Cute Too (6)

Chapter 238: Chubby Can Be Cute Too (6)

Though still unwell, Princess Changle smiled upon seeing him: “It’s rare for Teacher to seek me out. Has something happened?”

Li Shaoling glanced at her round figure and said reflexively, “They say Your Highness has lost weight, but I can’t see it?”

He meant to add that since there was no effect, she needn’t torment herself and fall ill for nothing.

However, upon hearing his words, Princess Changle froze. The brightness in her face visibly dimmed, and she forced a smile, saying, “He Jianghe saw I was starving and stuffed me with a lot of food. So, I’ve gotten chubby again.”

Li Shaoling narrowed his eyes slightly. “He Jianghe?”

“Minister He’s son, the one who ranks first every year in the men’s school at Yuan Academy. The teacher should remember him.”

Of course, he remembered. His colleagues often praised He Jianghe, speaking of his innate red meridians and exceptional talent, though his mischievous nature often caused trouble for the He family.

But why was this person mentioned by Princess Changle? And in a way that didn’t sit well with him?

“He’s the son of an external official. How did he enter the inner palace to bring Your Highness food?” Li Shaoling pressed his lips together.

Princess Changle grinned, “He’s fearless. He climbed the wall to find me, got caught by Ming Chen, and they fought.”

“That’s quite improper,” Li Shaoling glanced at her. “He gives you food, and you just eat it?”

“He said it doesn’t matter if I’m chubby, he doesn’t mind,” Princess Changle lowered her gaze. “Just like Teacher used to say.”

Li Shaoling was momentarily stunned, his brows furrowing. “Is Your Highness too easily deceived? Will you be moved every time someone says this to you?”

Princess Changle was silent for a moment, then smiled and nodded, “Yes, indeed.”

He didn’t understand the significance of these words to her. Her physical condition couldn’t be changed; she might have to live like this her whole life. So, people who thought she was fine as she was were precious companions to her.

At first, she thought Teacher was one of them, but more than a year ago, his casual words seemed to have slipped his mind. Later, when he spoke again, it was to tell her to lose weight.

She couldn’t lose weight. She had already tried her best.

Princess Changle gave Li Shaoling a deep look, then stood up, smiling, “Remember to come to my birthday banquet this year.”

Her sixteenth birthday banquet would naturally include a betrothal ceremony. Li Shaoling knew he should attend, but he felt uncomfortable now, seeing her ready to leave.

So he said coldly, “I can’t go. It’s also Hua Qing’s birthday this year.”

The last light in her eyes faded. Princess Changle softly said “Oh,” then bowed to him, “Then this student takes her leave.”

“…” Li Shaoling opened his mouth to keep her, but she had already turned, crossing the threshold in the blink of an eye.

He sat in the room, feeling stifled.

The shining new official robes were still beside him. He hadn’t had the chance to share his news with her before the room fell into utter silence.

What was she rushing off to do? To eat the feast He Jianghe had prepared for her?

She didn’t even listen to him finish. Anyone can say they don’t mind, but wasn’t he just looking out for her best interests?

He decided not to attend her birthday banquet. Let’s see who His Majesty betroths her to!

Rising with a sweep of his sleeve, Li Shaoling entered the inner chamber, glimpsing the birthday gift he had prepared for her on the table.

It was a pair of chubby clay dolls. The female doll was round like her, while the male doll bore his name but was two sizes larger than him. Together, they made a matching pair.

His anger subsided a bit. Li Shaoling stood in the room for a long while before finally starting to tidy himself up.

He would appear at her birthday banquet in his best form. No matter who else was there, he would outshine them all.

Princess Changle’s birthday celebration this year was more lively than ever before. Rumors circulated among the people that the Princess’s heart had awakened, that she had found her love, and was just waiting to turn sixteen to marry. Hence, the palace paid extra attention to this celebration.

Everyone at Yuan Academy knew this wasn’t just a rumor.

The Ministry of Rites had been preparing the ceremonial vessels for the Princess’s wedding for a long time. The Princess had been studying for a while too, likely to have her wedding feast right after the birthday banquet.

People on the street who met Li Shaoling bowed and smiled, “Congratulations!”

Li Shaoling kept a straight face and didn’t respond, only saying, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Why hide it, Patrolman Li? We all know who our Princess has given her heart to.”

The corners of his mouth twitched upward but were quickly suppressed. Li Shaoling said seriously, “I’m full of ambition. How can this be worthy of congratulations for me?”

“Indeed,” his colleague nodded. “You’ve just obtained this official position, but it might soon be gone. Living in the Princess’s mansion thereafter, who knows if you’ll even be able to come out for drinks.”

“It’s a pity to waste Shaoling’s talents and learning.”

To suppress his rising spirits, Li Shaoling forced himself to consider these downsides.

As he thought about it, he truly couldn’t feel happy anymore.

The group entered the palace where the birthday banquet was being held, surrounded by dignitaries and nobles.

Li Shaoling glanced around casually and spotted He Jianghe in his fine silks.

He Jianghe wore a lake-blue brocade robe, matching the color of Li Shaoling’s. Their eyes met across the crowd, both filled with hostility.

He Jianghe strode over.

“Teacher’s lake-blue peacock design is eye-catching, but perhaps a bit old-fashioned,” he said, then added with sudden realization, “Oh, I forgot. The teacher is indeed our elder, much more mature than us.”

His words implied Li Shaoling was old.

Li Shaoling raised an eyebrow. “Young Master He’s butterfly pattern on his robe is also beautiful, but perhaps a bit gaudy. It suits you youngsters who haven’t come of age yet, but I couldn’t wear such a thing.”

He wasn’t about to back down.

He Jianghe shook the butterfly pattern on his sleeve, suddenly smiling. “Teacher also thinks it’s gaudy? I agree, but Changle insisted on embroidering this pattern, saying butterflies in pairs are a good omen.”

Li Shaoling’s hand suddenly tightened inside his sleeve.

Changle embroidered clothes for him?

She hadn’t embroidered clothes for Li Shaoling in a long time, let alone butterfly patterns. She always embroidered green bamboo and landscapes for him.

“I hear the Teacher’s official career is going smoothly lately,” He Jianghe looked him up and down. “Congratulations, Teacher. You’ve achieved your wish.”

Li Shaoling lowered his eyes and scoffed lightly, “It’s merely Her Highness’s favoritism.”

“She doesn’t call it favoritism, she calls it foolishness,” He Jianghe slightly lowered his eyes. “Fulfilling others a thousand times without knowing to fulfill herself once, not even considering if that person is worth it.”

Li Shaoling didn’t understand these words.

Changle giving him an official position was just fulfilling his temporary wish. It would eventually be taken back due to his status as Prince Consort. What fulfillment was there to speak of? If anyone was fulfilling anyone, it was him fulfilling her by being willing to set aside his reservations and be with her.

A string of notes from a bell chime suddenly rang out, and the banquet fell silent.

They both fell quiet, looking up in unison.

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