HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 241: Chubby Can Be Cute Too (9)

Chapter 241: Chubby Can Be Cute Too (9)

It was no wonder Changle didn’t recognize him. The shortest child in the group back then had grown tall and straight. Even on tiptoes, she could barely reach his shoulder.

“So you’re here to repay my kindness?” Changle suddenly realized, then frowned. “But you’ve been bullying me all this time to repay me?”

“Heaven knows, who’s bullying whom?” He Jianghe spread his hands. “Every time we compete, I can’t bring myself to hurt you, but you beat me mercilessly.”

Changle laughed dryly. “If you had said you were here to repay kindness earlier, I wouldn’t have…”

“I’m not here to repay kindness,” he interrupted, frowning. “That small favor from childhood, a sweet potato would suffice, right? I’m here now because I like you and want to marry you. It’s not about repaying any favor, don’t misunderstand.”

Changle found this absurd.

What kind of favor was only worth one sweet potato? With her brave stance back then, it should be worth at least five.


She felt like she might have missed something.

Did he like her?

Changle looked up at him in shock, her eyes wide. “Are you crazy?”

For power? His family already had considerable influence, and as a prince consort, he couldn’t even enter the court.

For wealth? They weren’t a poor family to begin with, so there was no need.

Then why did he like her?

Even Li Shaoling, a mere Blue Vein, thought being a prince consort was a waste. He, born with Red Veins, was willing to throw it all away for her?

“I am,” he nodded lazily as if reading her thoughts.

Changle was so startled she hiccupped.

Amusement sparked in his eyes as he took out a leather flask, and offered her water. “You’ve been hurt too badly by Li Shaoling. If I don’t come to save you now, your whole life will be ruined.”

“Nonsense!” Changle swallowed the water and glared at him. “Instructor Li has always been good to me. How has he hurt me?”

“You’re a daughter of the imperial family, born with Red Veins and powerful Yuan Power, among the top in the entire academy,” He Jianghe said. “Besides your status, you can forge weapons, know battle techniques, excel in the four arts, and are skilled in needlework—my princess, few women in this world are as accomplished as you.”

Changle was bewildered. “Are these things really that impressive?”

He Jianghe nodded firmly. “These skills would allow you to live well regardless of your status. You don’t need to rely on anyone; you could even bring glory to a family on your own. How is that not impressive?”

“But… without my status, Instructor Li wouldn’t have paid attention to me in the first place,” Changle lowered her eyes.

He Jianghe rolled his eyes. “That’s why I say he’s hurting you. At first glance, he only sees your status and appearance, not your other virtues like gentleness, lack of greed, good manners, and thoughtfulness—he sees none of these. You like him, so you follow his gaze and only see your flaws, thinking you’re not good enough for him.”

“If this continues, you’ll only become more insecure, feeling you have no merits at all, and that it’s your great fortune if he marries you.”

Changle was stunned. “Isn’t it?”

“Hell no! He’d be the lucky one to receive your favor!” He Jianghe flicked her forehead. “Wake up, princess. There’s not just one man in the world, especially not one who makes you suffer. You have everything, so why like someone who only makes you cry? Are you too comfortable and looking for trouble?”


“Don’t talk to me about true love or not. You’re not even sixteen yet, you’ve met too few people, mostly influenced by those around you. The female students all like Li Shaoling, so you like him too. Well, they all like me too, so why not give me a look?”

Changle instinctively turned to look at him.

He Jianghe had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, with clear, defined facial features that could appear fierce when angry.

She shrank back a little.

His expression softened, and he sighed deeply. “There are too many men in this world who think their ambitions are worth everything, believing that if they aspire to the court, you’re not good enough for them. They don’t even consider whether they can reach the places they long for.”

A Blue Vein barely qualified for the Yuan Academy by teaching battle techniques. Without Changle’s help, it would take him at least ten years to even approach the court.

Changle pouted. “Don’t speak ill of Instructor Li.”

A vein throbbed at his temple. He Jianghe snorted coldly and turned away, brooding for a while before turning back. “If he says he longs for the court, then let him go. It’s not difficult to find him a minor position. What’s there to cry about?”

“I…” Her eyes reddened again.

“You can’t bear to part with him, right? I understand.” He Jianghe clapped his hands. “I’ll teach you a good method.”


“Keep me by your side, and you won’t have time to miss him,” He Jianghe said seriously.

Changle looked at him in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“Every word I’ve said today is true. Don’t take me for joking,” He Jianghe said. “You still have half a year until your birthday. Think carefully about whether you want to choose him and face mutual disappointment, or choose me and let me lead you out of misery.”

With that, he stood up gracefully and strode out of the courtyard.

However, this graceful figure only maintained its composure until it was out of her sight. As soon as He Jianghe left her view, he turned back and peered over the courtyard wall.

The conflicted little princess had started shedding tears again.

Ah, He Jianghe pressed his lips together, wondering if he had been too harsh earlier.

But if he wasn’t forceful enough, she would remain deluded. What could he do then? He was already struggling against his family’s pressure; if he couldn’t win her over, he might end up alone for life.

Fortunately, the little princess only cried for a moment before wiping her face and standing up. She took a deep breath, and her expression lightened considerably.

Had she figured it out?

He Jianghe raised an eyebrow, anxiously guessing what her decision might be.

In the following half-year, she stopped sending food and clothes to Li Shaoling and didn’t visit the Yuan Academy, but she still dieted in an attempt to lose weight.

He Jianghe’s heart was left hanging, cursing as he tried to feed her while tossing and turning at night.

The Ministry of Rites had already begun preparing for the princess’s wedding, which meant she intended to request a marriage at her birthday banquet. The question was, who would be the groom—him or Li Shaoling?

His servants comforted him: “Young Master, don’t be too nervous. You’re such a good person, the princess won’t choose you.”

That’s uncertain, He Jianghe frowned as he looked at himself in the mirror, suddenly understanding Changle’s feelings a little.

When you like someone too much, it’s easy to look down and find your flaws, fearing you’re not perfect enough.

But he was fine; it didn’t hurt to look for flaws. She, however, couldn’t afford to, as she might trap herself in a dead end.

So, for the rest of their lives, it would be best if he did the looking instead.

Heaven bless, and may the name Changle utters at tomorrow’s banquet be He Jianghe.

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