HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 74: Heaven of Parting Sorrows

Chapter 74: Heaven of Parting Sorrows

Si Tu Ling lacked Yuan Power and couldn’t protect Ming Yi, but that wasn’t his fault. The blame lay with the Empress Consort, who would kill even in defiance of the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke understood this clearly but chose not to pursue the matter before his officials. He merely said, “My loyal subject, you’ve worked hard. What crime have you committed?”

Then, glancing at the Empress Consort, he added, “You should retire and rest now.”

Hearing the displeasure in his voice, the Empress Consort gritted her teeth and hastily departed with her attendants.

The Grand Duke then turned to Ming Yi with a smile. “You’re the first woman I’ve seen who can use Yuan Power. Since you’re also Marquis Ji’s beloved concubine, why don’t we call you the Golden Hairpin Duelist? Come to tomorrow’s welcoming banquet and sit at the main table.”

Upon hearing this, Ming Yi immediately curtsied. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

She thought to herself, “I’m to come tomorrow as well, which means regardless of how angry Marquis Ji becomes, he can’t kill me today. How wonderful.”

Even from a distance, Ji Bozai could hear the calculations spinning in her mind. He found it amusing that she was so delighted over a single day’s reprieve. Earlier, he had been angry at her deception, but now his anger had faded. She had kept so many secrets from him that it was pointless to be upset. Now, he simply wanted to see who she was, what she aimed to do, and whether she’d live long enough to accomplish it.

“Now that we’ve found her, this subject will take her back,” Ji Bozai said, extending his hand gently toward Ming Yi. “Come here.”

A chill ran down Ming Yi’s spine. Her instincts screamed at her to flee, but under the watchful eyes of the crowd, she couldn’t avoid her husband. She stiffly walked over to him, forcing a smile worse than a grimace.

Ji Bozai tenderly caressed her face. “You must be tired after such a long day. Let’s go home and rest.”

He then bowed to the Grand Duke. “This subject takes his leave.”

Si Tu Ling wanted to speak but hesitated, watching helplessly as Ji Bozai led Ming Yi away. From behind, they almost looked like a well-matched pair.

“Your Grace,” he sighed, “now that we know Miss Ming possesses Yuan Power, we can’t let her return to the Ji household.”

The Grand Duke finally realized the implications. He lightly tapped his forehead. “You mean…”

“Your Grace could find a pretext to have Miss Ming stay at my residence temporarily,” Si Tu Ling suggested, cupping his hands. “This way, the mother talisman can better control the child talisman. Otherwise, if mother and child are united, our leverage becomes meaningless.”

“That makes sense,” the Grand Duke nodded, then frowned. “But Ming Yi is Ji Bozai’s concubine. What suitable reason could there be?”

“Since Miss Ming is to be introduced to the envoys as a duelist, her status shouldn’t be too lowly. We could say she’s my elder sister, and it would be natural for a sister to visit her family for a short stay.”

The Grand Duke appreciated how Si Tu Ling always thought everything through so thoroughly. He was about to nod in agreement when someone else approached hurriedly.

“Your Grace,” Xie Tian Lin cupped his hands in greeting. “This old man has an unreasonable request.”

Recognizing an honored guest, the Grand Duke hastily gestured for Si Tu Ling to stand behind him before returning Xie Tian Lin’s greeting. “Master, please speak.”

“This old man had a daughter who died young, causing me great sorrow for many years. Just now, I saw a young woman whose features strongly resemble my deceased daughter. I’m willing to increase my tribute by ten percent if Your Grace would bestow this woman to me.”

Ten percent increase in tribute! That could buy thousands of women.

The Grand Duke replied happily, “As long as her status is appropriate, of course, she can be bestowed—does Master know her name?”

“I don’t know her name, but earlier she was seated in the first row of the lower seats, the third position from the right.”

The Grand Duke thought for a moment. Haha, wasn’t that Ming Yi?

He fell silent.

Xie Tian Lin continued, still bowing, “If Your Grace agrees, this old man can also offer ten additional divine artifacts to your esteemed city, with power no less than the Heart-Piercing Arrows.”

The Grand Duke was practically salivating. He opened his mouth to agree, “Al—”

Before he could finish, Si Tu Ling tugged at his sleeve, causing him to change course mid-word. “Al… although I’d like to, it’s not up to me. She’s a concubine in Marquis Ji’s household.”

A concubine?! Xie Tian Lin’s forehead throbbed, the pain in his eyes intensifying. “This old man’s longing for his daughter is unbearable. I implore Your Grace to help. Name any conditions you wish.”

This windfall was almost too good to be true. The Grand Duke’s rational defenses were crumbling, and he was about to nod when yet another person came running.

“Why is everyone gathered here?” Zheng Tiao looked around uncertainly before hesitantly asking Xie Tian Lin, “Have you seen Ming Yi?”

Xie Tian Lin shot him an irritated glance. “Who’s Ming Yi? I don’t know her.”

“The dancer from Marquis Ji’s household,” Zheng Tiao gestured. “The one who was sitting in front of me earlier.”

The Grand Duke was taken aback. “Why are you looking for her too?”

“She… dropped her hairpin earlier. I’ve come to return it to her.”

Zheng Tiao was not adept at lying. His words came out haltingly, and his gaze darted about.

The Grand Duke felt his head buzzing. How had all these powerful figures become entangled with that little dancer from the Ji household?

Thankfully, she had Yuan Power. Otherwise, if she had truly died here today, it would have become a huge incident.

“Your Grace, about what we discussed earlier?” Seeing more competition, Si Tu Ling quickly reminded him.

Xie Tian Lin also came to his senses. “This old man only wants Ming Yi.”

Zheng Tiao realized what was happening and bowed as well. “I knew her first. If Marquis Ji no longer favors her, Miss Ming could come with me.”

Surrounded by their powerful Yuan Power, the Grand Duke felt uncomfortable. He quickly extricated himself, waving his hands. “Since she belongs to Marquis Ji, let him decide. I saw how fond he is of Ming Yi. He may not grant your wishes.”

“Fond?” Zheng Tiao shook his head. “He doesn’t like complicated women. Even if she just knew some martial arts, let alone Yuan Power, he wouldn’t keep her by his side.”

“You didn’t see it,” the Grand Duke smiled, shaking his head. “As soon as the Empress Consort made a move towards her, Ji Bozai immediately pulled me along to intervene. I’ve never seen him so flustered.”

The three men were stunned into silence.

Ji Bozai, losing composure over Ming Yi?

Ji Bozai sat in the beast-drawn carriage, his face cold and expressionless, not even glancing at Ming Yi.

Knowing he harbored thoughts of killing her, Ming Yi dropped her pretense. She leaned back relaxedly against the carriage wall, her eyes slightly closed. “Whether you believe me or not, I never intended to harm you. I went to the Blue Tile Courtyard because it held the antidote I sought. I wanted to try my luck.”

Yuan Power, blue-black meridians, seeking his antidote—Ji Bozai immediately understood. “You’ve been poisoned with Heaven of Parting Sorrows.”

Heaven of Parting Sorrows was a poison specifically targeting Yuan Power users. The fact that she was still alive meant her previous Yuan Power had been substantial.

“Does my lord truly have its antidote?” Ming Yi’s eyes brightened.

Seeing her reaction, Ji Bozai scoffed lightly. “There’s only one vial of that. I need to keep it for my protection. Why would I give it to you so easily?”

Her expression tightened. “Has my lord also been poisoned with Heaven of Parting Sorrows?”

“No,” he replied carelessly. “But this poison isn’t extinct. Who knows when I might need it?”

His meaning was clear—he had no intention of giving it to her.

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