HomeLove in the CloudsChapter 8: The Flirt

Chapter 8: The Flirt

Yuan County, located beyond the southern mountains of Muxing City, was known for its production of blood ginseng, which mostly grew on cliffs. Ever since Court Physician Wei Hongfei began extolling the virtues of blood ginseng, Yuan County officials had been forcing farmers to harvest it. Many had fallen to their deaths, leaving families shattered by the loss of their menfolk.

Many of these dancers from Yuan County came from ginseng-harvesting families. The judge believed they might harbor resentment against Wei Hongfei because of this.

“In that case, Ji, you should be careful,” Prince Gong Qi Zhen looked at him.

Ji Bozai dismissed the concern. “If they were to hate anyone, it should be the local officials. Why go to such lengths to kill Wei Hongfei? Besides, Wei wasn’t the only one who died that day. This theory doesn’t hold water.”

“I think you’re blinded by beauty, unwilling to be wary of your little beauty no matter what,” Liang Xiuyuan teased him. “Well, when it’s time for your funeral, we can all come out for another drink. At least we won’t have wasted our friendship.”

“Get out of here,” Yan Xiao shook his head.

The table erupted in laughter. Ji Bozai remained silent, playfully feeding the beauty in his arms two cups of strong wine before casually asking Shu Zhonglin, “How did you know the one I took home was from Yuan County?”

“Lord Ji, don’t you know your current status? As soon as you left the inner court that day, we nobles thoroughly investigated the woman you took away. After all, knowing your taste helps us select suitable women to send your way in the future,” Shu Zhonglin didn’t hold back. “My old man has already chosen three or four women matching your little beauty’s appearance, keeping them in reserve for you.”

“That’s true,” Yan Xiao tossed some peanuts into his mouth, speaking indistinctly. “Even I know that your little beauty is a farm girl from a small village in Yuan County. She lost her father two years ago and drifted to the main city, enduring a period of hardship before catching your eye.”

He paused, then added, “If you ever tire of her, remember to let me know.”

Ji Bozai gave him a look. “Don’t get any ideas. She’s already mine.”

“What are you thinking? I just feel sorry for her and worry she might have nowhere to go in the future. I thought about taking her in as a serving maid.”

That won’t do either.

He snorted a laugh.

With Mingyi’s money-grubbing ways, even if he did tire of her one day and let her leave, she’d already have enough capital to establish herself. She wouldn’t need to serve anyone.

Thinking of her made him feel restless below the waist. He couldn’t help but pull the little wine server close for intimacy.


When Mingyi woke up and rose, her whole body felt sore. She coyly allowed the maids to help her bathe, then shyly accepted clothes from Matron Xun, her eyelashes fluttering. “I can change by myself.”

Everyone was used to her shy demeanor. Matron Xun glanced at the unusually numerous red marks on her body but said nothing, leading everyone out.

As soon as the door closed, the blush vanished from Mingyi’s face.

She massaged her legs, sitting at the dressing table and humming a tune in high spirits.

Those sisters in the inner court hadn’t lied to her. When it came to size and skill, Ji Bozai was indeed the best. She had truly tasted the pleasures of the flesh, and it wasn’t in vain that she chose him as her first man.

However, it might just be her lack of experience. There would be opportunities to compare with others in the future before making a final judgment.

After combing her hair into a neat bun and changing into a vermilion undergarment, Mingyi didn’t rush to dress up. Instead, she gently pushed open the window and peered outside.

The courtyard was vast, and her daily range of activity was limited. Taking advantage of the moment, she climbed out without hesitation.

Although her movements were somewhat inconvenienced, years of rigorous training made it easy for her to evade the maids and matrons. She quickly infiltrated his study.

Ji Bozai, skilled in martial arts, had collected various training manuals in his study. Mingyi flipped through them for a while but didn’t find what she wanted. Just as she was about to leave, she heard movement outside.

Alert, she swiftly leaped onto a roof beam, her vermilion undergarment blending with the vermilion beam.

“Careful, My Lord.” The wine server supported Ji Bozai as he stumbled into the room, unsteady on his feet.

Ji Bozai’s eyes were hazy with drink, but he was still smiling. “You’re formidable, managing to get even Prince Gong drunk.”

“I’ve been at Prince Gong’s residence for years. I know the Prince can’t handle mixed drinks, so I took advantage,” the wine server said, blushing as she helped him to a chair. But she didn’t leave. Instead, she draped herself over him, coyly saying, “For you, My Lord, I’ve practically betrayed my master.”

He chuckled softly, his long fingers caressing her face. The wine server, as if receiving a signal, excitedly leaned in.

Mingyi watched, pursing her lips.

This man was truly a fickle radish. Fortunately, she knew his nature beforehand and hadn’t believed his sweet talk. Otherwise, this scene would have been truly upsetting.

They had just consummated their relationship, and here he was, eager to be intimate with someone else.

Even a pig wouldn’t sow its wild oats this much.

Rolling her eyes, Mingyi considered an escape route. But the study was too small, with the pair right below her. Any movement would surely be noticed.

“My Lord, aren’t you thinking of your beauty back home? I hear she’s quite lovely,” the wine server pouted.

Ji Bozai tossed aside her sash, murmuring, “You’re beautiful too.”

“My Lord, you tease~” She pushed at him playfully. “Tell me, My Lord, who’s more beautiful, me or her?”

You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful, your whole family is beautiful.

Mingyi sneered, closing her eyes. Out of sight, out of mind.

Unexpectedly, Ji Bozai didn’t play along with the flattery. Instead, he released her. “Jealousy isn’t amusing.”

The wine server hadn’t expected this response to displease him. She immediately begged forgiveness. “I won’t ask again. Please don’t be angry, My Lord.”

“You seem drunk as well. I’ll have someone escort you to the back courtyard,” he said lazily. “When I have time, I’ll come find you.”

The wine server was both surprised and delighted – surprised that he stopped so abruptly over a single comment, and delighted that she was being kept in the residence.

This was an incredible stroke of luck.

She hurriedly thanked him for his grace, reluctantly straightening her clothes, and looking back at him repeatedly as she left.

Ji Bozai rubbed his brow, reclining in the chair, not detaining her further.

The door opened and closed. He glanced at the roof beam above, then pretended not to notice as he called out, “Matron Xun.”

“This old servant is here.”

“Is Lady Yi awake?”

“Yes, she’s dressing and preparing herself.”

He nodded, swaying as he stood. “I’ll go see her.”

Mingyi’s back broke out in a cold sweat from shock.

No way. This beast was drunk, and he still wanted to find her.

She quickly assessed her position and calculated the distance he’d need to walk through the corridor. Holding her breath, she waited for him to leave the study before immediately jumping down and climbing out the window.

The corridor was no longer an option. She looked at the dirty courtyard wall beside her, gritted her teeth, climbed up, and ran along the roof tiles.

As Ji Bozai passed through the covered walkway, she reached the wall behind the woodshed.

When Ji Bozai entered the main courtyard, she jumped to the corner of the wall behind it.

Ji Bozai pushed open the door to find the room empty.

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