HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 100: Flickering Lanterns

Chapter 100: Flickering Lanterns

Pei Yan suddenly looked up. Across the street, amidst the colorful glow of palace lanterns, her petite figure stood on the stone steps in front of the shop. Her smile was as radiant as flowers, her eyes sparkling like water, blending with the magnificent lights to illuminate his gaze.

Pei Yan slowly put down the rouge box and was about to walk over when he heard the shopkeeper exclaim in surprise, displaying the silver note to the crowd. The onlookers burst into excited chatter and applause.

Jiang Ci’s eyebrows were like new moons, her smiling eyes curved. Her face was much thinner than before her illness, but her eyes were as clear and bright as ever. Pei Yan approached slowly, stopping under the street’s memorial arch.

In the lamplight, Wei Zhao and Cui Liang stepped onto the stone stairs. Wei Zhao wore a mask, his slender arms gracefully taking down the palace lanterns one by one. Cui Liang received them, smiling as he held them before Jiang Ci. She would either lower her gaze in thought or exclaim happily, guessing seven or eight out of ten lantern riddles correctly.

The crowd, seeing how quick-witted this young soldier was, cheered enthusiastically. Even when she guessed wrong, Jiang Ci’s embarrassed expression was met with warm applause. Soon, people recognized Military Advisor Cui, who had saved the entire city from the plague demon, and the cheers grew even louder.

Pei Yan stood silently under the memorial arch. When the Imperial Guards approached, he waved them away, quietly watching Jiang Ci’s charming smile, observing her interactions with Wei Zhao and Cui Liang – their shared glances, cheers, and high-fives.

As Jiang Ci guessed the last riddle correctly, she proudly cupped her hands towards the applauding crowd. Cui Liang came over and lightly tapped her head, saying, “Had enough fun? Let’s go.” The three of them stepped down from the stone stairs, squeezing through the crowd. As they walked away laughing, Wei Zhao suddenly paused and said softly, “The Young Lord is here too.”

Pei Yan emerged from the shadow of the memorial arch, smiling, “I came to take a look. What a coincidence to run into you all.”

Jiang Ci was still somewhat excited, her cheeks slightly flushed. Pei Yan gazed at her intently, “Little Ci seems to have enjoyed herself.”

Jiang Ci smiled, “I’ve had enough fun. Let’s head back, I’m getting a bit hungry.” She took the lead, walking towards the prefect’s mansion. Pei Yan walked alongside Wei Zhao and Cui Liang, occasionally exchanging a few words, but his gaze remained fixed on the lively figure ahead.

Having just recovered from a serious illness and been so excited for so long, Jiang Ci began to feel her strength waning. Upon returning to the prefect’s mansion, she hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of food before retiring to her room to sleep.

The next day, the sky was as clear as jade. Jiang Ci woke up early, thinking of the free clinic she had left for many days. She quickly got out of bed, checked the hourglass, and seeing it was still early, drew well water into the inner room for a refreshing bath. She changed into clean clothes and, after some thought, carefully tucked the jade hairpin she had bought yesterday into her bosom.

Just as she put on her military cap, there was a knock at the door. Jiang Ci opened it to find two girls, who were about fifteen or sixteen years old and dressed as maids, standing outside. She was momentarily stunned as the two curtsied, “Miss Jiang.”

Jiang Ci let out a small “Ah” as the two maids entered the room carrying several dresses and some jewelry. One of them approached and curtsied, “Miss Jiang, let this servant help you with your makeup.”

Knowing this must be Pei Yan’s order, Jiang Ci hurriedly waved her hands, “No need, no need, I have things to do.” With that, she dashed out the door. Just as she turned the corridor corner, Pei Yan, dressed in blue robes, came through the moon gate, blocking her path.

Jiang Ci quickly stopped, halting very close to Pei Yan. He had been smiling broadly, expecting her to bump into him, but when she managed to stop, his smile faltered slightly.

“Good morning, Lord Chancellor,” Jiang Ci curtsied, then tried to step past him.

“Stop,” Pei Yan’s brow furrowed slightly.

“Lord Chancellor, it’s getting late. I need to go to the free clinic.”

“Come with me,” Pei Yan said, turning to walk back into the room. Hearing that Jiang Ci wasn’t following, he turned back, his expression stern, “This is a military order.”

Jiang Ci had no choice but to follow him back to the room. The two maids curtsied and left, gently closing the door behind them.

Pei Yan, hands behind his back, looked around the room before sitting down at the table. After a moment, he patted the table with his hand. Jiang Ci hesitated, still standing by the door, and said, “Lord Chancellor, I’ve been away for so many days, the free clinic—”

“Sit down first,” Pei Yan said softly, his tone surprisingly gentle. Jiang Ci had no choice but to approach, moving the wooden stool slightly away before sitting down.

Pei Yan stared at her for a moment, then slowly pushed the clothes and jewelry on the table toward her. Jiang Ci quietly looked back at him, not asking anything.

Pei Yan smiled, “The court has heard about the epidemic in Hexi and has sent several doctors from the Imperial Medical Academy. There are enough hands now, and you are originally a woman, so you don’t need to be a military doctor anymore.”

Jiang Ci was startled and quickly said, “No way.”

Hearing her speak so decisively, Pei Yan was somewhat displeased, but he still patiently said, “When I initially allowed you to stay as a military doctor, it was a temporary measure. How can a woman stay in the army for a long time?”

Jiang Ci, unconvinced, said, “Why not? Our Hua Dynasty is not like the Huan Kingdom. At the founding of our dynasty, the Holy Martial Virtuous Empress herself led the women’s army to battle. Why can’t I be a military doctor? When you agreed before, Lord Chancellor, you said the Long Wind Cavalry didn’t mind having one more female military doctor. Is the Lord Chancellor a man who doesn’t keep his word?”

In her urgency, she spoke a long string of words very smoothly. Pei Yan gazed at her red lips and faded memories came rushing back.

In the chancellor’s mansion, her lips touched with rouge, and she pouted, “You go your way, I’ll live my life as a江湖 wanderer. From now on, you and I, in the official sea and江湖, to the ends of the earth, above the sky and below the ground, in the yellow springs and blue skies, with hidden mountains and distant waters, for all lifetimes, we’ll forget each other—”

After Jiang Ci finished speaking, seeing that Pei Yan had no reaction and was just quietly looking at her with a somewhat distant gaze, she sensed something and slowly stood up, taking two steps back, saying softly, “Lord Chancellor—”

As she moved, the fresh scent from her bath, carrying a unique fragrance, flowed through the room, making Pei Yan’s breath catch. He looked at her beautiful face and said in a low voice, “Little Ci, don’t be a military doctor anymore. The battlefield is dangerous, and epidemics are hard to prevent. It’s really dangerous. Just stay here in the prefect’s mansion, I—”

Jiang Ci let out an “Ah,” as if suddenly remembering something, and hurriedly said, “Oh no, I forgot, Brother Cui asked me to distribute medicine to the people. Lord Chancellor, I have to go now.” Without waiting for Pei Yan to speak, she opened the door and ran out quickly.

Pei Yan instinctively reached out his hand, then stopped, watching her figure disappear at the end of the corridor, suddenly feeling his palm empty. A gentle breeze blew in from outside the door, his fingers moved slightly as if trying hard to grasp this fresh, soft wind, but the wind had already silently passed through his fingers—

Jiang Ci ran straight to the front courtyard before feeling at ease. She returned to the free clinic and busied herself with Xiao Tian until the hour of Xu (7-9 pm). Seeing that it was completely dark outside and there were no more patients in the hall, they tidied up and she walked towards the main room in the east courtyard of the prefect’s mansion. Song Jun was on duty outside the room and smiled, nodding to her before leaving the courtyard.

Jiang Ci knocked gently on the door. After a long while, Wei Zhao’s cold voice came from inside, “Come in.”

Jiang Ci pushed open the door and poked her head in with a smile, “Third Lord.”

Wei Zhao was sitting at the table, writing something. The wind that blew in as Jiang Ci opened the door made the candlelight flicker. He looked up at her for a moment, then lowered his head to continue writing the secret letter, saying flatly, “What is it?”

Jiang Ci smiled, walking over quietly, gazing at Wei Zhao’s eyebrows and eyes, and said softly, “Thank you, Third Lord.”

Wei Zhao’s brush slipped, and the last stroke of the character “奏” (memorial to the emperor) a bit longer than usual. He hurriedly wrote a few more words, not looking up, and said, “What are you thanking me for? I already promised to compensate you.”

“It’s not for that,” Jiang Ci said.

Wei Zhao stopped talking, finished writing the secret letter, folded it, and put it in his sleeve. Only then did he look up at Jiang Ci, “You’ve just recovered, you should rest more?”

Jiang Ci looked at him quietly and said gently, “You haven’t been sleeping well these days either, you should rest more too.”

Wei Zhao quickly stood up and walked towards the door, “I have urgent matters to attend to.”

“Third Lord,” Jiang Ci called out urgently.

Wei Zhao paused at the doorway.

Jiang Ci looked at his tall, straight figure and said softly, “Was it you?”

She slowly walked closer but didn’t dare to walk in front of him, stopping just a step behind him. Wei Zhao said coldly, “I still have official duties.” He stepped over the threshold and walked away quickly.

“It was you,” Jiang Ci said with some excitement, “I recognize your scent.”

Wei Zhao’s body stiffened. After a brief silence, he said in a low voice, “Go back and rest.”

“It was you,” Jiang Ci slowly walked behind him and, gathering all her courage, said in a trembling voice, “It must have been you. Third Lord, you risked danger to take care of me every night, it must be—”

Wei Zhao felt a surge of emotion in his chest and dared not listen further. He leaped lightly, instantly leaving the courtyard. The night wind blew, making the bamboo in the courtyard rustle. Jiang Ci retreated a few steps in despair, leaning against the bamboo, slowly sitting down, covering her face, and weeping.

After a while, her crying gradually stopped, followed by a few low coughs. She seemed to be in pain in her abdomen, curling up into a ball against the bamboo. A moment later, she was motionless.

Wei Zhao silently flashed into the courtyard, slowly walked over, and quietly looked at Jiang Ci before bending down to pick her up. In his arms, she was as light as a peach blossom. His heart ached as he carried her into the room.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, letting her lean diagonally against his chest, and took her wrist. His true qi entered through the three yin meridians of her hand. A moment later, Jiang Ci opened her eyes.

“How can this be? Weren’t you all better?” Wei Zhao’s tone was somewhat urgent.

“Brother Cui said that the initial prescription used to test the medicine on me was too strong and damaged my internal organs. It seems this illness will accompany me for life,” Jiang Ci said.

“Is there no medicine that can cure it?” Wei Zhao asked.

Jiang Ci hesitated for a moment before saying, “There is no cure.”

Wei Zhao tightened his grip on her right hand. Jiang Ci had already reached out her right hand and grasped his left hand, “Third Lord, I want to ask you for something.”

Wei Zhao remained silent, only nodding slightly.

“I heard people say there’s a ‘Little Moon Lake’ outside the city. It’s said to be beautiful, and it sounds a bit like my hometown. Could you take me to see it?”

Her terminal illness and pleading expression made it hard for him to refuse. After a moment of silence, he finally put his arm around her waist, left the room, and climbed onto the roof.

In the night, Wei Zhao held Jiang Ci, avoiding the patrolling soldiers, treading along the roof ridges out of the prefect’s mansion. They then moved along the densely packed houses in the city, leaping over eaves and walls. In the cool night breeze, they quietly left Hexi Prefecture.

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