HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 103: The Wind Stirs the Lotus Fragrance

Chapter 103: The Wind Stirs the Lotus Fragrance

Pei Yan and Cui Liang calculated the days, realizing that in just over ten days, the Huan Kingdom’s reinforcements would reach Huiyan Pass, which would lead to a bloody battle. Pei Yan sent an urgent military order to Tong Min in Longzhou, and then discussed matters with Cui Liang. With another long-planned affair on his mind, he headed towards Wei Zhao’s residence in the east wing.

Seeing no one guarding the door, Pei Yan thought Wei Zhao wasn’t in and was about to turn back when he faintly heard Jiang Ci’s laughter from inside. His heart stirred. He activated his Yuan Power, concealing his footsteps, and slowly approached the courtyard gate, peering through the cracks.

In the morning sun, Wei Zhao sat on a stone bench under a large tree in the courtyard. Jiang Ci crouched before him, mending his white robe. Her fingers danced with needle and thread, while Wei Zhao silently gazed down at her. She occasionally looked up, smiling tenderly at Wei Zhao, sometimes saying something with a radiant smile.

Knowing Wei Zhao’s inner power was similar to his own, Pei Yan held his breath and focused on the conversation between the two in the courtyard.

“I won’t be a mouse,” she said with a hint of coquettishness.

“I’m the shameless cat, so of course you’re the mouse.”

“Too ugly, and always bullied by you.”

“Then what do you want to be?” Wei Zhao’s voice was gentler than Pei Yan had ever heard.

She looked up, smiling coyly. Sunlight filtered through the tree canopy, dancing on her forehead like a blooming lotus. Her voice was as soft as drifting clouds: “I’ll be a cat too. One cat is too lonely, but two cats can snuggle for warmth and play-fight. I had two cats at home, one black and one white—”

Her demeanor was so bright and gentle that even in their most intimate moments, Pei Yan had never seen her look at him that way.

She continued chatting happily, and Wei Zhao listened with great patience. Pei Yan suddenly felt this Wei Zhao was very unfamiliar. He could no longer see the arrogance from his time in the capital, the sharp cruelty when killing, or his usual bewitching demeanor in the palace.

Pei Yan silently watched the pair, listening to Jiang Ci’s silvery laughter, feeling a tightness in his chest. Suddenly, he saw Jiang Ci bite off the thread and snap back to reality. Seeing Wei Zhao about to stand, he quickly retreated, walking slowly back to the main hall.

A servant brought fragrant tea. Pei Yan stared at the icy white jade teacup from the royal kiln on the table, lost in thought.

Cui Liang’s hurried footsteps interrupted Pei Yan’s contemplation. Cui Liang said with a smile, “My Lord, the ‘Four-Directional Chariot’ is ready!”

Pei Yan stood up excitedly: “Let’s take a look!”

The two hurried to a large courtyard behind the prefect’s mansion. In the yard stood an eight-wheeled large chariot. The top of the chariot was covered with over ten giant logs, concealing the iron cage below. The iron cage was wrapped in several thick layers of medicinal cowhide, and the wheels were extremely sturdy. Pei Yan and Cui Liang climbed inside the chariot. Looking at the catapult in the center of the iron cage, Pei Yan stepped on it and said happily, “I never imagined such a siege weapon existed in this world!”

Cui Liang smiled: “Although this catapult can send people onto the city walls, it requires someone with exceptional lightness skills. I’m afraid in the army—”

Pei Yan said, “Don’t worry, Ziming. When I heard your description of this Four-Directional Chariot, I already summoned a group of people. They should arrive soon.”

Cui Liang understood immediately: “People from the martial arts world?”

“Yes. Huiyan Pass is extremely treacherous, and the walls are so high. Even with the help of this Four-Directional Chariot, to leap onto the city walls, resist experts like Yi Han, and open the gates, we need a large number of martial arts masters. I’ve already sent a message to Alliance Leader Liu Feng, and the Crown Prince has issued an edict. Liu Feng has gathered people from the martial arts world and is rushing to the front lines.”

Cui Liang lowered his head, saying no more. Pei Yan carefully examined the inside of the chariot again, asked Cui Liang several questions, then climbed out and asked, “How many more can be built in the next few days?”

“I’ve ordered them to start building. We estimate we can make twenty more in seven days.”

“That should be enough. Although we don’t have a guaranteed victory, it will certainly catch the Huan army off guard.”

“We need to strike before King Ningping and King Yiping’s main forces arrive.”

“Yes, Yu De is leading people to destroy roads and bridges, which will delay them for a few days. He reports the situation daily. When the two kings are about to arrive, and Yu Wen Jinglun is most relaxed, we’ll launch a strong attack.”

The capital city sweltered under the June sun.

On this day, the Hua Dynasty celebrated the death anniversary of its founder, Emperor Shengwu. The Crown Prince led the officials in holding a grand ceremony at the Imperial Ancestral Temple. Amidst the sacrificial music, the Crown Prince, with reddened eyes, performed the great ancestral rites. Choking with emotion, he reported to Emperor Shengwu’s spirit tablet the good news of the “Great Victory in Hexi” and the resolution of the plague. He then knelt, beseeching Emperor Shengwu’s spirit to bless his father’s swift recovery and protect the soldiers at the front, driving away the Huan army and reclaiming lost territory.

The sacrificial text, drafted by Grand Scholar Tan Xuan, was concise yet deeply moving. The Crown Prince broke down in tears several times, unable to speak. The officials were moved by his filial piety and couldn’t help but weep quietly.

Traditionally, a grand banquet would follow the great sacrifice upon returning to the palace. However, this year, with the traitor Bo’s rebellion, the Huan army’s invasion, and Emperor Cheng’s gravely ill and bedridden, the filial Crown Prince issued an edict canceling the banquet. He ordered the officials to withdraw, only asking Grand Scholar Dong and Marquis Zhenbei Pei Zifang to stay behind.

Grand Scholar Dong and Pei Zifang discussed the details of grain allocation and troop recruitment. The Crown Prince remained silent, listening. When the two occasionally sought his opinion, he just chuckled, saying, “This prince is young and inexperienced. Everything is up to you two gentlemen.”

As they were discussing, Palace Eunuch Wu, the head of the inner palace, hurriedly entered the hall, his voice trembling: “Your Highness, Noble Consort Gao has passed away!”

The Crown Prince stood up in shock. Grand Scholar Dong and Pei Zifang exchanged glances, each turning over countless thoughts in their minds. They stepped forward simultaneously, flanking the Crown Prince as they left the hall. Grand Scholar Dong whispered in the Crown Prince’s ear: “Let Gao Cheng enter the capital alone. The rest of the Hexi army must not pass the Jinshi Pass Grand Camp of the capital region.”

The Crown Prince shuddered and nodded. Pei Zifang went to draft the edict.

Upon hearing of Noble Consort Gao’s grave illness and passing, Prince Zhuang cried as if his heart would break, fainting several times before her spirit tablet. Over the past few months, Gao Cheng’s defeat, the Hexi army’s devastating losses, the fall of Hexi, his uncle’s martyrdom, and now his mother’s death—this series of heavy blows left the usually mature and steady prince haggard. If not for the urgent secret message from Wei Zhao and Tao Xingde’s earnest consolation, he would have completely broken down.

For several days, Prince Zhuang knelt before his mother’s spirit tablet, unable to eat or drink. Finally, unable to go on, he was forcibly sent back to his mansion by the Crown Prince’s order, with imperial physicians assigned to treat him.

Noble Consort Gao’s nephew, Gao Cheng, was stationed with the remaining 20,000 troops of the defeated Hexi army at Chaoyang Manor, over 200 li north of the capital. Upon hearing the tragic news, he intended to lead his subordinates into the capital to mourn. However, after receiving a secret letter from Right Chancellor Tao Xingde, he changed his mind and entered the capital alone, following the Crown Prince’s edict.

With Noble Consort Gao’s passing, Noble Consort Wen, Prince Jing’s birth mother, took charge of all mourning affairs in the inner palace.

Between assisting the imperial physicians in treating the emperor, busy with troop recruitment and grain transport, occasionally visiting Marquis Xuhai’s navy at the Xiao River, and now strictly preventing Gao Cheng from bringing troops into the capital after Noble Consort Gao’s death, Pei Zifang had been running himself ragged.

It wasn’t until Noble Consort Gao was buried in the imperial tomb, Gao Cheng had left the capital, and Prince Zhuang had secluded himself in his mansion to mourn and recuperate, that Pei Zifang finally felt at ease. Taking advantage of a less busy day, he returned to his marquis residence.

He had recently returned to the capital from Youzhou, and most of the servants in his residence were those previously bestowed by the emperor. However, he preferred tranquility, and except for two old servants he brought back from Youzhou, no one was allowed to enter his “Lotus Fragrance Courtyard.”

Pei Zifang walked along the corridor and entered the “Lotus Fragrance Courtyard.” Seeing the copper crane by the lotus pond pointing east, he smiled and entered the eastern study of the courtyard.

He climbed the wooden stairs to the second floor, casually picked up a book, and sat by the railing to read. After a while, seeming tired, he yawned, closed the bay window on the second floor of the study, and walked to the back of the bookshelf that reached the ceiling.

Marchioness Pei, Rong Yudie, lay reclined on a soft couch behind the bookshelf, her eyes slightly lowered. Her cloud-like black hair cascaded over her front, and being summer, she wore only a light cyan silk dress, accentuating her slender figure.

Not wanting to startle her, Pei Zifang tread lightly, sitting down by the couch. He gazed at her snow-white skin, graceful eyebrows, and beautiful face, unable to look away.

Half a lifetime in the mortal world, in the jianghu, and at court, all seemed very distant at this moment. All that remained in his heart was the woman before him, whom he had cherished for over twenty years, and that person far away in Hexi—

Marchioness Pei’s eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she smiled with her eyes still closed. Pei Zifang’s heart fluttered as he leaned forward to help her up, saying softly, “You’ve been keeping vigil for several days. Are you tired?”

“You’re the same, aren’t you tired?” Marchioness Pei sat up with his help, her delicate hands warm. Knowing she had come through the secret passage must mean important matters, Pei Zifang suppressed the longing in his heart and casually embraced her, asking in a low voice, “Did you see Noble Consort Wen?”

“We talked briefly, but with people coming and going in the palace, we didn’t say much. However, I noticed that she and her son seem quite wary of us now,” Marchioness Pei said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Prince Jing doesn’t have many troops directly under his command, so we needn’t worry about him. As for Gao Cheng’s twenty thousand men, Yan has already made plans to put them to good use. Now, the main task is to win over Marquis Xuhai,” Pei Zifang said.

Marchioness Pei nodded, then shook her head slightly. Pei Zifang smiled, “I told you before that Marquis Xuhai is a man of integrity, impervious to persuasion. You didn’t believe me, and now you’ve hit a wall, haven’t you?”

“It’s not that,” Marchioness Pei said, her fine eyebrows furrowed and eyes lowered gently. “While we must win over Marquis Xuhai, there’s another person we can’t overlook.”


“The young King Qingde.”

Pei Zifang’s heart skipped a beat. He loosened his grip slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, “This playboy prince, could he be not as simple as he appears?”

“That’s not it. It’s just that he’s too important, and all sides want to win him over, which makes him more unpredictable.”

Pei Zifang nodded, “Indeed. According to our plan, the south must not be in chaos before Yan defeats the Huan army.”

“The person I sent has caught the young King Qingde’s eye and was made Consort Zheng. But he’s currently favoring Cheng Yingying, who is already with a child. Wei Sanlang is cooperating with Yan now, but we can’t guarantee there won’t be problems in the future,” Marchioness Pei said lightly, smoothing her hair.

She seemed a bit troubled and said, “Let’s not talk about this. I’ll find another way to win over the Marquis Xuhai brothers. By the way, how is that person? Is there no hope?”

Pei Zifang’s face darkened slightly, and he said coolly, “So you came to ask about this.”

Marchioness Pei looked at him carelessly, gave a light laugh, and said with a hint of mockery, “I just wanted to ask how my husband’s murderer is doing now. Is he going to live to see our son return triumphantly? I need to give Yan a definite answer.”

“No need. I’ve already sent word to Yan. Xie Che’s condition has stabilized these past few days, but the chances of him waking up are slim,” Pei Zifang said, slowly tightening his hands. He whispered in Marchioness Pei’s ear, “I know you’re concerned about him. Although I helped the imperial physician clear his meridians and made him take the medicine, I also did something to his body, so you don’t have to worry!”

Marchioness Pei sighed softly, her cheeks beginning to flush. She said coquettishly, “What do I have to worry about? I’m just concerned for Yan. We can’t let the Xie family benefit from our efforts!”

“Then let me ask you, with Xie Che’s methods, how could he show such favor to Yan? Even when Yan touched his greatest taboo, he still didn’t make a move?” Pei Zifang asked casually.

Marchioness Pei’s eyes and brows carried a charming smile as she said coyly, “Wasn’t I also doing it for Yan’s sake, forced by circumstances?” Her smile deepened, and a mischievous light flashed in her eyes, reminiscent of the young Yudie from over twenty years ago. ” I didn’t say much. If he chose to misunderstand that Yan is his flesh and blood, that has nothing to do with me.”

After more than twenty years, her smile was still as fresh as morning dew. Pei Zifang couldn’t take his eyes off her. Marchioness Pei hooked her arms around his neck, her cheeks reddening as she said softly, “It just so happens that Yan was born a month early, so he had no choice but to believe it.”

Sunlight shone through the mirrored windows of the study, casting a dark red glow. The light and shadows danced on Marchioness Pei’s light cyan gauze dress, making her appear even more stunningly beautiful. Pei Zifang was mesmerized. He sighed deeply, slowly leaning down to whisper in her ear, “Yudie.”

“Zifang,” Marchioness Pei responded softly.

“I only regret that the one who found you first on Snow Ridge that year wasn’t me, but my elder brother—”

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