HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 105: Name and Life Intact

Chapter 105: Name and Life Intact

A dragon’s roar shattered the night sky, accompanied by Pei Yan’s angry shout. Even though Yi Han desperately wanted to take Cui Liang’s life, he had to leap up to avoid the sword Pei Yan had thrown with all his might from over ten zhang away.

Yi Han landed, with Pei Yan still five or six zhang away. Yi Han quickly thrust his sword towards Cui Liang’s throat again. Pei Yan, now unarmed, saw he couldn’t make it in time, but Jiang Ci once again threw herself onto Cui Liang.

Yi Han’s sword momentum faltered slightly, and this thrust pierced Jiang Ci’s right arm. She cried out in pain and fainted.

Pei Yan charged forward with a roar, instantly appearing behind Yi Han. Knowing his assassination attempt had failed, Yi Han unleashed a dazzling light, forcing the unarmed Pei Yan to step back. With several more moves, he fended off the surrounding Changfeng Guards and disappeared into the vast night.

Pei Yan quickly turned back and picked up Jiang Ci. Cui Liang also struggled over: “Xiao Ci!”

Blood flowed freely from Jiang Ci’s right arm. Pei Yan tore off her sleeve with a hiss, pressed acupoints near the wound, activated his lightness skill, and ran towards the medical tent, with Cui Liang following urgently under the protection of the Changfeng Guards.

When Military Physician Ling and others gathered to treat Jiang Ci’s wound, Pei Yan finally let out a sigh of relief. Recalling the earlier situation, it had been extremely dangerous. Seeing Cui Liang enter the tent, pale as paper, he quickly checked his pulse and realized Yi Han’s inner power had injured him, requiring a period of recuperation. He couldn’t help but grunt angrily: “This Yi Han! We must eliminate him sooner or later, to avenge Ziming!”

Cui Liang suppressed the turmoil in his chest and walked to the bedside. Seeing his complexion, Physician Ling hurriedly said: “Let me do it.”

Cui Liang remained silent and took the medicinal wine. Physician Ling had no choice but to let him proceed, and went to report to Pei Yan: “Xiao Jiang’s sword wound has affected the bone. She’ll need some time to recover.”

Pei Yan nodded and walked to the bedside, watching Cui Liang treat Jiang Ci’s wound. Looking at Jiang Ci’s pale, unconscious face, the urgency and anger slowly faded from his expression, his gaze gradually softening and even showing a hint of admiration.

A white figure flashed into the tent. Pei Yan looked up, his eyes meeting Wei Zhao’s, who then gazed at Jiang Ci on the bed. A sharp pain struck Wei Zhao’s chest, but he suppressed it, quickly walked over, and asked: “Is Ziming alright?”

Cui Liang looked up at him and said: “I’m fine, thanks to Xiao Ci’s rescue. Yi Han’s sword was infused with true qi, injuring her bone. However, Yi Han must have held back some of his inner power at the last moment, otherwise, she would have lost her right arm.”

Pei Yan and Wei Zhao remained silent, standing on either side of the bed with their hands behind their backs, watching Cui Liang treat Jiang Ci’s wound.

After bandaging the wound, Cui Liang was pale, with sweat dripping down his forehead. Pei Yan helped him lie down nearby and infused him with true qi. After Cui Liang regulated his breathing for a while, he felt slightly better.

Pei Yan turned back to see Wei Zhao still silently watching Jiang Ci on the bed. He walked over, deliberately making his footsteps heavier. Wei Zhao looked up and said coldly: “Lord Shaojun, Yi Han failed to assassinate Ziming. The Huan army will launch a full attack soon.”

Knowing the gravity of the situation, Pei Yan instructed Physician Ling: “Inform me as soon as Xiao Ci wakes up.” After a pause, he added: “Use the best medicine for her. If the army doesn’t have it, send someone back to Hexi Prefecture to fetch it.” Still feeling uneasy, he said: “The medical tent is crowded. Move her to my main tent to rest, and assign a mature person to watch over her.”

Cui Liang also knew a major battle was imminent and struggled to stand. The Changfeng Guards came to support him, and the group hurriedly left the medical tent.

Wei Zhao walked out of the medical tent and looked back at the frail figure on the bed, his heart churning. He forced himself to close his eyes and turn away.

Sure enough, less than three hours after Yi Han escaped back to the fortress, just as dawn broke, the Huan army sounded their war drums. Their entire force surged forward, attacking the Changfeng Cavalry.

The Changfeng Cavalry, having trained for many days, executed Cui Liang’s formations with fluid precision, their ranks orderly and connected. Cui Liang, suppressing the pain in his chest, climbed to the highest “tower cart” despite his injury. With horn signals accompanying his flag commands, he directed the Changfeng Cavalry in a life-and-death struggle against the Huan army before Huiyan Pass.

Wei Zhao rode beside Pei Yan, coldly observing the battle. Suddenly, his gaze sharpened, fixating on a large flag fluttering in the Huan army, bearing the fierce character “Ningping.”

Below the flag, King Ningping fought like a fierce tiger, charging left and right. His precious blade had already drunk the blood of dozens of Changfeng Cavalry soldiers. As his killing frenzy grew, his face became increasingly ferocious, like a demon from the underworld in the dawn light.

Had this blade drunk his father’s blood? Had it slit his mother’s throat?

Wei Zhao suddenly laughed to the heavens, let out a fierce shout, and spurred his steed forward. Like a white shooting star, he charged towards King Ningping before Pei Yan could stop him.

As Wei Zhao charged out, he had already nocked an arrow. More than ten arrows shot out like meteors, each finding its mark, instantly felling over ten soldiers around King Ningping. As he neared King Ningping, his right hand grasped the long sword at his horse’s side, channeling qi to the sword tip, unleashing a storm of attacks at King Ningping.

King Ningping, a seasoned battlefield veteran, remained calm. He raised his blade with both hands, leaning back in his saddle to block Wei Zhao’s full-power strike. However, the force of the blow knocked him off his horse.

Wei Zhao leaped down from his saddle, his techniques fierce and merciless, forcing King Ningping into a desperate situation. After a few more exchanges, King Ningping was a beat slow in circulating his true qi. Wei Zhao’s long sword cut through his armor. King Ningping roared and activated his protective true qi, preventing Wei Zhao’s sword from penetrating deeply into his ribs, but still drawing blood from his left side.

Wei Zhao suddenly spun rapidly, generating a force with an intense vortex, and thrust again at King Ningping. Just as it seemed King Ningping couldn’t dodge, a loud “bang” rang out. Yi Han had thrown a stone from afar, blocking Wei Zhao’s killing blow.

Pei Yan saw Yi Han leading several hundred men to protect King Ningping, surrounding Wei Zhao. Realizing the danger, he called out in alarm. At this moment, Cui Liang on the “tower cart” also noticed the anomaly. He waved several flag commands, and the Changfeng Cavalry formation changed, gradually moving towards Wei Zhao in the center.

Cui Liang waved more flag commands, and horns sounded, ordering Wei Zhao to retreat. But Wei Zhao seemed deaf to the orders, continuing his bloody assault on King Ningping, who was now protected by Yi Han and others.

With no choice, Cui Liang changed the flag commands again. The Changfeng Cavalry’s tiger wings became a phoenix tail, with over a thousand men surging forward to surround Wei Zhao. Wei Zhao seemed to have gone mad, trying to break through the Changfeng Cavalry’s encirclement. Only after his sword had wounded several Changfeng Cavalry soldiers did he slightly regain his senses. Ning Jianyu arrived with his spear, shouting. Wei Zhao, expressionless, leapt behind Ning Jianyu. The two rode back to the commander’s banner.

Pei Yan frowned slightly, looking at Wei Zhao. Wei Zhao’s gaze was icy cold with traces of bloodlust remaining. Without a word, he dismounted, covered in blood, and left with a sweep of his sleeve.

With neither side gaining an advantage, both armies sounded the gongs to withdraw. Before Huiyan Pass, only corpses and bloodstains remained.

Pei Yan and the others returned to the central command tent to find Cui Liang ashen-faced. Pei Yan quickly helped him circulate qi to heal and gave him a “Nine Origins Pill” from the palace. Only then did Cui Liang regain some color.

As Pei Yan was about to speak, Jiang Ci, lying in a corner of the tent, let out a soft groan. Pei Yan and Cui Liang stood up simultaneously. Cui Liang hurried to the couch and called out: “Xiao Ci!”

Jiang Ci opened her eyes, taking a moment to recall what had happened. Seeing Cui Liang standing before her, safe and sound, she smiled happily.

Cui Liang’s eyes moistened, but he could only smile back at her, unable to speak.

Jiang Ci sat up, and Pei Yan came forward to support her, his voice softening: “Why are you getting up? Lie down.”

Jiang Ci’s gaze swept the tent, not seeing that figure. Disappointment flashed across her face. Cui Liang noticed clearly and said: “You still had cold energy in your body and hadn’t fully recovered. Now your bone is injured too. I need to change to a set of Python needles for treatment. Let’s go to my tent.”

Pei Yan quickly said: “Just do the acupuncture here.”

Cui Liang glanced at Ning Jianyu, Tian Ce, and others nearby, smiling: “My Lord, how could I focus on treating Xiao Ci while you discuss important military matters in this central command tent?” He turned to Jiang Ci and asked: “Can you walk?”

Jiang Ci got off the couch, smiling: “It’s just a hand injury. Of course, I can walk.”

It was nearly evening, but the sunlight was still scorching. Wei Zhao walked slowly towards the camp tents with his hands behind his back. As he approached, Cui Liang came from the east, escorted by over ten Changfeng Guards, and stopped in front of him.

Cui Liang looked at Wei Zhao and smiled: “Cui Liang dares to request that in future battles, sir, please follow orders.”

Wei Zhao was silent for a moment, then said: “I was rash. Ziming, please don’t take offense.”

“Thank you, sir,” Cui Liang smiled. “Sir violated military orders today and should be punished according to army regulations. However, as you are the imperial overseer representing the emperor’s dignity, you may be exempted from punishment but should receive a small penalty.”

Wei Zhao stared at Cui Liang for a moment, then said coolly: “Please speak, Ziming.”

Cui Liang’s expression was calm as he said: “I need to discuss military matters with the Chancellor in the main tent, but I forgot to bring the chariot diagrams I drew. Cui Liang dares to ask sir to fetch them from my tent and bring them to the main tent. If sir doesn’t bring them, the Chancellor and I will keep waiting in the main tent.”

Wei Zhao, being astute, smiled slightly: “Ziming’s punishment is quite novel. Wei Zhao willingly accepts.”

The two men exchanged smiles, bowed slightly to each other, and passed by.

Following Cui Liang’s instructions, Jiang Ci sat in his tent, circulating qi, but her right arm still ached terribly. Having heard from Cui Liang about the day’s battle, her heart was filled with concern for that person. She had just stood up to leave the tent when a gentle breeze stirred, and someone entered from outside, carrying her back to lie on the mat.

By now, the sky was darkening, and the tent was dim. Jiang Ci could still see the bloodstains on Wei Zhao’s white robe. Her eyes reddened, but she couldn’t say anything, only instinctively grasping his hand tightly.

Wei Zhao checked her inner breath and felt relieved, though his heart ached slightly. After a long while, he finally said: “You’re quite brave.”

“Third Young Master only realized my bravery today?” Jiang Ci said coquettishly, tears welling up.

Wei Zhao reached out to wipe away her tears. Despite the summer heat, his hand was like ice. Jiang Ci felt even worse and looked at him pleadingly: “Third Young Master, let’s go back.”

“Us? Go back?”

“Yes.” Jiang Ci gazed at him. “I want to go home with Third Young Master.”

Wei Zhao was bewildered. Where was home? Where was the road back home? Jiang Ci grasped his hand tighter, but Wei Zhao shook his head gently: “My enemies are here.”

Jiang Ci looked at Wei Zhao dejectedly but didn’t try to persuade him further. After a while, she smiled faintly and said softly: “Alright then, wherever Third Young Master is, that’s where I’ll be.”

Wei Zhao slowly grasped her left hand in return, gazing at her, and said in a low voice: “From now on, don’t call me Third Young Master. Call me Wu Xia.”

Jiang Ci looked into his eyes, smiling through her tears, and called softly: “Wu Xia.”

Wei Zhao was overwhelmed with emotions. After a moment, he responded in a deep voice. Jiang Ci tilted her head and smiled, tears still falling.

On this day, both had brushed with death and spent an entire day worrying about each other. Now together, they found they had little to say. They simply sat quietly, holding each other’s hands, feeling calm and at peace.

His icy hand slowly warmed in her small palm.

Jiang Ci coughed lightly twice. Wei Zhao felt her forehead, his brow furrowing: “You have a slight fever.”

“It’s nothing. Brother Cui said I’d have a low fever for two days. Once I get through these two days, I’ll be fine.” She gently moved his hand from her forehead and held it tightly. After hesitating for a while, she finally said: “Wu Xia, Brother Cui is a good person.”

Wei Zhao understood and smiled faintly: “Don’t worry. You risked your life to save him. How could I harm him? Moreover, he is indeed a righteous person.”

Jiang Ci let go of her worries and leaned into his embrace. Smelling the faint scent of blood on his white robe, she said nothing more and gradually fell asleep. After she was sound asleep, Wei Zhao stroked her forehead once more before laying her down and quietly leaving the tent.

To guard against a surprise night attack by the Huan army, the military camp was brightly lit, with several times the usual number of night patrol soldiers. As Wei Zhao walked, he felt as if he could only see the moon and a few cold stars in the sky, like her bright eyes and her smile, always accompanying him—

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