HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 109: In the Same Boat

Chapter 109: In the Same Boat

The autumn rain finally stopped after several days, leaving the maple forest of Yueluo Mountain even more vibrant and lively in its red hues.

Clan Leader Mu Feng had grown taller, exuding a martial aura. His swordsmanship now looked quite impressive. Xiao Li and Su Jun exchanged glances from the sidelines, both seeing contentment in each other’s eyes. Xiao Li thought of Wei Zhao, far away in Hexi, and his expression darkened. Only when Mu Feng finished his sword practice and came running over did Xiao Li’s expression lighten.

Cheng Xiaoxiao, wearing a veil, was about to take out a silk handkerchief to wipe the sweat from Mu Feng’s brow when Xiao Li coldly said, “Little Holy Maiden.”

Cheng Xiaoxiao’s heart skipped a beat, and she quickly took two steps back. “Yes.”

“The Clan Leader is a man who stands tall. What need is there for a woman to wipe his sweat? In the future, even if he bleeds, he can only swallow it himself.” Xiao Li’s words carried an air of authority.

Mu Feng nodded in agreement and didn’t wipe his sweat-covered brow. “The Chief Minister is right. We might as well dismiss those few maids in my courtyard too.”

Upon returning to Yueluo, Chun Yu Li reverted to his original name, Xiao Li. At the “Sect Master’s” invitation and the Clan Leader’s order, he assumed the position of Chief Minister of Yueluo. Over the past few months, he had been training the military and managing internal affairs, gradually improving various matters in Yueluo. His skillful methods and deep scheming impressed even the Holy Sect Master, who followed his advice, and the various ministers couldn’t help but admire him.

Remembering Wei Zhao’s instructions, Xiao Li poisoned Wu Ya upon his return and had Su Jun formally accept Mu Feng as his disciple. Mu Feng was intelligent, and with Xiao Li and Su Jun’s careful nurturing in both literary and martial arts, his rapid progress was quite gratifying. They felt they were not disappointing Wei Zhao’s trust.

Thinking of that person, his face showed a hint of longing. Mu Feng noticed and looked up with a smile, “Who is the Chief Minister thinking of?”

Xiao Li came back to his senses and smiled, “Indeed, someone.”

As they walked towards Shanhai Hall, Mu Feng asked, “Who is this person the Chief Minister is thinking of?”

“Someone I respect.”

“Oh? Someone who can earn the Chief Minister’s respect must be extraordinary. Why doesn’t the Chief Minister introduce me to them?”

“There will come a day when he meets the Clan Leader. If he sees the Clan Leader excelling in both civil and military arts, he will surely be delighted.”

Ping Wushang hurried over, intercepting the group in front of Shanhai Hall. Without time for formalities, he quickly said, “Bad news, the Huan army has surrounded Langle City.”

Xiao Li was startled. After the war with Hua Huan began, Langle had always maintained over ten thousand garrison troops to prevent Yueluo from causing trouble or the Huan army from invading. It had always been a buffer between Huan and Yueluo. Now that the Huan army had come and surrounded Langle City, their next target was likely to be Yueluo.

He had been in secret contact with Wei Zhao, who had always warned him to be vigilant against a Huan invasion. It seemed Wei Zhao’s unfortunate prediction had come true. He exchanged glances with the masked Su Jun, then turned to Mu Feng and said, “Please order an emergency battle preparation, Clan Leader. We must defend Liuxia Peak and Feihe Gorge!”

Mu Feng, aware of the gravity of the situation, quickly took out the Clan Leader’s seal. Xiao Li received it with both hands and turned to Cheng Xiaoxiao, “Prepare the horses. We’re heading to Liuxia Peak!”

The Huan army had been quiet for quite some time, but the Changfeng Cavalry dared not relax, training and preparing their horses daily. When news from the west reached the military camp, it was on a bright, crisp autumn day.

Pei Yan folded up the confidential letter and uttered four simple words: “Langle is surrounded.”

Cui Liang looked up in alarm: “Dangerous!”

“Indeed.” Pei Yan placed a piece on the board. “Yueluo is in peril!”

“In the current situation, Yueluo and I are in the same boat. If we let the Huan army take Yueluo, Jibei will surely fall. Then, they’ll attack Hexi from both sides. I’m afraid—”

Pei Yan leaned back in his chair. “But we’re too far away and don’t have the troops to manage Yueluo’s affairs.”

Cui Liang said nothing, lowering his head as his eyes flickered slightly, placing a piece in the northwest corner.

Wei Zhao entered the tent, and Cui Liang immediately took his leave. Seeing that the game was unfinished, Wei Zhao sat down opposite Pei Yan. However, Pei Yan smiled and said, “Third Young Master, the sunlight is excellent today. Why don’t we go for a walk?”

“As you wish, Young Lord,” Wei Zhao casually tossed a chess piece and rose gracefully.

The two walked side by side, chatting casually like close friends. When they reached the mountain on the west side of the camp, Pei Yan dismissed the Changfeng guards, and he and Wei Zhao climbed to the peak.

At the summit, white clouds drifted silently, and the fragrance of grass and trees wafted through the air. Both men tilted their heads slightly, seemingly lost in the autumn scenery that filled the sky.

Wei Zhao suddenly smiled. “Young Lord, please speak frankly.”

Pei Yan smiled. “It seems the Third Young Master hasn’t received the news yet.” He took out a confidential letter from his sleeve and handed it to Wei Zhao. Wei Zhao took it and read it carefully, his fine brows furrowing slightly, his gaze becoming deep and cold. He closed the letter and remained silent for a long time.

“Third Young Master, our collaborations have always been extremely pleasant. However, I have offended you many times in the past. Today, Pei Yan sincerely apologizes to the Third Young Master.” Pei Yan took two steps back and bowed deeply.

Wei Zhao helped him up. Pei Yan turned to gaze at the distant frontier and sighed, “In the past, I only saw the Third Young Master as a lifelong opponent. But over the past half year, we’ve fought side by side against the enemy, sharing life and death. In my heart, I’ve long considered the Third Young Master a friend in life and death.”

Wei Zhao was silent for a moment, then said, “The Young Lord has quite a way with sentimental words.”

Pei Yan laughed heartily and said, “But they are sincere words.”

Though his heart surged with emotion, Wei Zhao’s face remained calm. “I understand the Young Lord’s meaning, but this matter is of great importance and concerns the safety of my entire Yueluo clan. I need to think it over.”

“Third Young Master, Pei Yan’s request for your assistance is truly out of sincere concern for your Yueluo clan. Right now, King Ningping is leading troops to surround Langle. I fear he will soon wage war against your Yueluo. Given his cruel nature and the old grudges with the Yueluo clan, your people may face a brutal and bloody massacre. This is the first point.

“This time, King Ningping’s attack on Yueluo is not as simple as previous raids for captives and plunder. He intends to completely annex Yueluo, turning it into Huan territory, and then use Yueluo to attack our Hua Dynasty from the south, aiming to swallow our country. When that time comes, with the world under the iron hooves of the Huan, Yueluo will have no hope of establishing itself as a vassal state and may even face the danger of extinction. This is the second point—”

“The Young Lord need not say more,” Wei Zhao said coldly. “When I receive confirmed information, I will give the Young Lord an answer.”

“Then I shall wait a few more days patiently.” Pei Yan’s expression was grave. “I also know that asking the Third Young Master to send troops to assist is a weighty matter. I just want to tell the Third Young Master that if Yueluo wishes to establish itself as a vassal state, the resistance at court is strong. Without sufficient reasons, it will be difficult to silence the many voices, and there may be variables in the future.”

Wei Zhao remained silent. Pei Yan continued, “Now, the situation has far exceeded our initial expectations when we first cooperated. I didn’t anticipate the Huan army would be so ferocious. But having fought to this point, Third Young Master, I’m afraid if we don’t put in our utmost effort and fight to the death, we’ll face the danger of national extinction!”

“The terrain of my Yueluo is treacherous. If we defend to the death, the Huan army may not be able to take it. But if I respond to the Young Lord’s request and rashly send troops to pincer attack Yu Wen Jinglun with you, that would be openly tearing apart relations with Huan. If we succeed, it’s fine, but if we fail, Yueluo will fall into an irredeemable situation.” Wei Zhao’s words were calm and cold.

Pei Yan’s lips curled into a smile as he slowly said, “I’m afraid even if the Third Young Master wants to defend, King Ningping won’t allow it!” His voice was soft, but he slightly emphasized the words “King Ningping.”

Wei Zhao’s fine brows furrowed tightly. He lightly brushed his sleeve and turned around. “Young Lord, please be patient. I will give you an answer.”

“Third Young Master.” Pei Yan saw Wei Zhao stop in his tracks and said calmly, “If the Third Young Master has any requests, feel free to make them.”

Wei Zhao smiled, his white figure moving lightly. His voice carried on the wind: “The Young Lord is too kind. Wei Zhao cannot bear such courtesy.”

The night was deep and cold. Qing Pangzi, the Changfeng Cavalry’s cook, had tidied everything up and glanced at the row of large stoves in the west corner. He yawned and went to rest.

A black shadow silently flitted over, reaching into the furnace of the leftmost stove. The ashes still held some warmth. He pulled out a small iron box from the ashes, and in a flash, his figure disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Ci was in Cui Liang’s tent, asking him about treatments for heart ailments when she suddenly heard familiar footsteps outside. Her heart skipped a beat. She lifted the curtain and stepped out, looking left and right. Seeing that the Changfeng guards on duty were standing quite far away, she softly asked, “Why have you come here?”

Wei Zhao looked into her eyes and smiled. “I’ve come to find Ziming.”

Jiang Ci’s cheeks flushed. Cui Liang came out and said, “General Wei.”

“The moonlight is beautiful tonight. I’d like to invite Ziming to climb the mountain and enjoy the moon with me. Would Ziming be willing to give Wei Zhao this honor?” Wei Zhao squinted at Cui Liang, speaking leisurely.

Cui Liang thought for a moment, then nodded with a smile. “Since General Wei has invited me, I shall certainly accompany you.”

Jiang Ci started to follow, but both Wei Zhao and Cui Liang turned their heads simultaneously: “You should rest early.” Jiang Ci couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright then, you two enjoy the moon to your heart’s content.” She turned and left.

Wei Zhao smiled. “Ziming, please.”

Seeing the Changfeng guards about to follow, Wei Zhao turned and smiled coldly. The guards, knowing his martial prowess and not fearing for Cui Liang’s safety, no longer followed.

The autumn night was clear and shallow, the moonlight like water. The sound of falling leaves rustled intermittently in the mountains.

The two walked quietly, soon reaching the peak. Standing at the summit, looking out over the frontier to the north and south, the campfires stretched endlessly. Cui Liang couldn’t help but sigh.

Wei Zhao glanced at him, his eyes glittering. “Why does Ziming sigh?”

Cui Liang turned to look at him, then gazed back at the vast land under the moonlight. He said, “During the ‘Seven Kingdom Rebellion’ years ago, there was a folk song that spread widely. I wonder if General Wei has heard it?”

“I’d like to hear it.”

Cui Liang recited:

“Thousands of miles of desolate plains, the road strewn with starving corpses;

Jackals and tigers are everywhere, and piles of white bones accumulate;

Not seeing loved ones, my heart breaks into pieces,

Crows fill my sight, all feeding on rotting flesh.

Sorrowful tribulations, vast yellow springs,

Great ministers and gentlemen, can you know my worries?

Great ministers and gentlemen, can you see my suffering?”

The autumn night wind blew high. Wei Zhao listened silently, then suddenly let out a cold laugh. “What a pity that in both Hua and Huan, among all the civil and military officials, we can’t find a single gentleman like Ziming!”

Cui Liang looked at Wei Zhao, seeing the piercing cold in his eyes, filled with bone-deep hatred. He inwardly sighed, then calmly said, “Sect Master Xiao.”

Wei Zhao took a step back and bowed. “Please, Ziming, enlighten me.”

Cui Liang helped him up and said, “Sect Master Xiao must be unwilling to see his clansmen caught in the fires of war. But at this point, it’s unlikely for Yueluo to remain uninvolved.”

“I’d like to ask Ziming, if my Yueluo sends troops to assist, what are the chances of victory in this war?”

Cui Liang uttered two words: “Fifty percent.”

Wei Zhao remained silent for a long time before saying, “But if Yueluo stands firm in defense, we have a seventy percent chance of repelling the enemy outside Liuxia Peak.”

Cui Liang said, “But if the Changfeng Cavalry is defeated and the Huan army emerges victorious, chaos will erupt in the Central Plains. Yueluo’s hope of surviving independently will be less than ten percent.”

“As long as the Huan army can’t use Yueluo to directly penetrate Jibei, the Young Lord should have no problem holding Huiyan Pass.”

“Yueluo may be able to hold out for a time, but what if the war lasts for several months or even years? Sect Master Xiao, please forgive Cui Liang for speaking bluntly, but Yueluo has been exploited and oppressed by both countries for many years. Its resources are scarce, and it can easily be worn down by a prolonged war. What Yueluo needs now is a stable situation, then under the leadership of a wise leader, first seek survival, then seek strength. When the power grows, then plan for the future. Provoking great chaos and watching the tigers fight from the mountain is by no means a good strategy!” Cui Liang looked directly at Wei Zhao. “You must know that when two tigers fight, they can destroy the entire forest!”

Wei Zhao was silent for a while, then let out a breath and said, “I was indeed rash before.” He added, “Thank you for your guidance, Ziming.”

The two walked down the mountain side by side. As they neared the camp, Cui Liang stopped. Wei Zhao turned to look at him, and Cui Liang said, “I regard Xiao Ci as my own younger sister. Please don’t let her down.”

Wei Zhao’s expression became slightly distracted. After a long while, he said only, “Rest assured, Ziming.”

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