HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 112: My Heart Is Not of Stone

Chapter 112: My Heart Is Not of Stone

As soon as the battle began, Jiang Ci and Physician Ling found themselves overwhelmed with work. Wounded soldiers were constantly being brought in, and news from the frontlines trickled in through various accounts.

The Marquis personally challenged the enemy; the Huan army emerged from the pass, and the Marquis engaged in fierce combat with Yu Wen Jinglun;

The Yue Luo’s surprise troops appeared, joining forces with the Chang Feng Cavalry to flank the Huan army;

The Yue Luo Saint Sect Leader and the Marquis joined hands on the battlefield, slaying enemies together and cutting down the Huan Kingdom’s Yi Ping Wang with their swords;

The Huan army was routed, with the Chang Feng Cavalry and Yue Luo troops jointly pursuing them towards Dong Lai.

Jiang Ci listened silently, her hands never stopping their work, but her eyes gradually moistened. So this was what you went to do, and you still joined forces with him—

The tent full of wounded soldiers prevented her from leaving the medical tent.

From Hui Yan Pass to the Juanshui River, the fierce battle lasted two days.

During these two days, Jiang Ci moved with the medical tent, rescuing the wounded without a moment’s rest, utterly exhausted. It wasn’t until the medical tent reached Dong Lai City, where local physicians and citizens joined forces to save the wounded, that the medical tent was no longer short-staffed, allowing her a brief respite.

As the night deepened, Jiang Ci could no longer stay awake and dozed off by the medicine stove. In her dreams, she vaguely heard the words “Saint Sect Leader” and suddenly awoke.

Nearby, some wounded soldiers were conversing.

“Why did the Yue Luo people help us this time?”

“That’s unknown.”

“Yeah, it’s quite strange. I’ve heard that Yue Luo was severely oppressed by our Hua Dynasty. Wang Lang’s subordinates killed countless people there. Why would they still come to help us fight the Huan bandits?”

“If it weren’t for their assistance this time, we might not have been able to defeat the Huan bandits. It’s a pity they came quickly and left just as fast.”

One person’s voice carried a hint of regret: “Indeed, on the battlefield the day before yesterday, there was a Yue Luo soldier with excellent martial arts who blocked a blow for me. He was a true man. I was hoping to have a few drinks with him after the battle ended.”

“And their Saint Sect Leader, tsk tsk, his martial arts were otherworldly. I reckon he’s not far behind our Marquis, if at all!”

Someone nearby laughed: “Of course, our Marquis’s martial arts are the best in the world. This Saint Sect Leader can only be second best. Yi Han will just have to crawl back home.”

Everyone burst into laughter, and another person chuckled: “Yi Han is quite a formidable character too. He escaped with his life and even managed to seriously wound General Wei Zhao—”

Jiang Ci’s face drained of all color. She stood up abruptly and ran out at full speed.

Throughout Dong Lai City, people were celebrating the Chang Feng Cavalry’s victory in driving away the Huan army. Chang Feng Cavalry soldiers were constantly riding back and forth, but Jiang Ci seemed oblivious to it all.

“Yi Han is quite a formidable character too. He escaped with his life and even managed to seriously wound General Wei Zhao—”

Is it true? Her eyes gradually moistened as she ran, her breath quickening and her feet weakening, yet she couldn’t stop. But where should she go to find him?!

“Xiao Ci!” Someone seemed to be calling her loudly, but Jiang Ci didn’t hear it and continued running towards the city gates. Xu Jun caught up on horseback, blocking her path, and smiled, “Where are you rushing off to?”

Jiang Ci stopped, her lips trembling, unable to speak her query. She urgently asked, “General Xu, where is the Marquis?”

Seeing her pale face from anxiety, Xu Jun quickly replied, “The Marquis is by the Juanshui River, gathering boats to prepare for crossing and pursuing the Huan army.”

Jiang Ci stepped forward and forcefully pulled down one of his guards who wasn’t prepared, then mounted the horse herself. With a sharp cry, she galloped towards the Juanshui River.

At the banks of the Juanshui River, voices roared and lanterns blazed. Pei Yan saw that the boats were ready and the floating bridge was almost complete. He smiled at Cui Liang, “It’s about time.” As Cui Liang was about to speak, a rider came galloping through the shouts of the Chang Feng Guards.

Pei Yan recognized the rider and stepped forward to grab the horse’s reins. Jiang Ci lost her balance and tumbled from the saddle. Pei Yan’s right hand reached out to steady her, saying, “What’s wrong?”

Jiang Ci, catching her breath, gripped Pei Yan’s arm tightly and asked in a trembling voice, “He… where is he?”

Cui Liang sighed inwardly but didn’t feel it appropriate to say anything in front of Pei Yan, so he just lowered his head.

Pei Yan was silent for a moment. He quietly gazed at Jiang Ci, and as she saw his expression, despair gradually filled her heart. Her body swayed, and two streams of tears fell uncontrollably.

The war horses neighed, and Pei Yan suddenly smiled. Jiang Ci looked at his smile, feeling something odd about it, and her tears began to slow. Pei Yan led over a warhorse and said to Jiang Ci, “Come with me.”

Jiang Ci instinctively glanced at Cui Liang, who nodded slightly, and she quickly followed Pei Yan. Pei Yan waved his hand, and the Chang Feng Guards retreated to their original positions. He walked with light steps, leading Jiang Ci westward along the Juanshui River for several dozen paces.

The river breeze blew gently. Pei Yan turned around, handed the reins to Jiang Ci, looked at her deeply, and said softly, “He went back to Chang Le City to kill Ning Ping Wang.”

Jiang Ci, who had been extremely frightened and worried earlier, couldn’t quite react to these words at first, and just let out a dull “Ah.”

Pei Yan looked at her, a flash of melancholy crossing his eyes, but it disappeared in an instant. He said flatly, “From today on, you are no longer a military doctor of the Chang Feng Cavalry. In the future, you need not return to my Chang Feng Cavalry camp.”

In the firelight, Pei Yan looked at her once more, then suddenly turned away. Jiang Ci took a step forward, then stopped, watching Pei Yan walk away quickly. She called out loudly, “Thank you, Lord Marquis!”

Pei Yan’s purple war robe fluttered lightly in the night wind. He gathered his spirits, leaped onto his “Black Gold Steed,” and shouted in a clear voice, “Brothers, let’s cross the Juanshui River and reclaim our lost territory!”

The Chang Feng Guards responded in unison: “Cross the Juanshui River, reclaim our lost territory!”

The autumn wind was slightly cold, mixed with fine autumn rain, dampening Jiang Ci’s hair.

She rode westward and fearing that people might mistake her for a deserter, she used her military pay to buy a set of old women’s clothes and some dried food from villagers in a small mountain village that night. After changing into women’s attire and resting briefly, she set out again.

During idle times in the military camp, Cui Liang had occasionally explained the geography of the world to her when he was in the mood. She identified the route and headed towards Chang Le. After two days of travel, she caught up with the marching route of the Yue Luo troops, and could still faintly see traces of where they had set up camp and rested. Jiang Ci’s heart gradually eased, and she increased her speed somewhat.

On this day, she arrived at Jin Family Village, only about a hundred li from Chang Le City. Feeling extremely thirsty, Jiang Ci dismounted at a tea house and used her remaining copper coins to order a pot of tea. As she was drinking, she suddenly heard the urgent sound of hoofbeats from the mountain road to the west.

Cheers could also be heard faintly: “The Huan army has been defeated!”

“Chang Le has been defended, and Ning Ping Wang was killed by the Yue Luo Saint Sect Leader!”

The people in the tea house rushed out in a crowd. Several swift horses were seen galloping by, the riders holding colorful feather flags symbolizing victory, cheering as they headed east.

Jiang Ci followed the crowd from the tea house, hearing the waves of cheers around her. She couldn’t help but smile along with the crowd, but as she smiled, tears silently fell.

She leaped onto her steed and whipped it hard. The hundred or so li of the road passed in a blur, and all that kept flashing before her eyes were those quiet eyes and that warm embrace.

Chang Le came into view, and the Hua Dynasty soldiers and Yue Luo troops coming and going on the road gradually increased. Jiang Ci didn’t know where Wei Zhao was, so she could only hurry toward Chang Le City.

As she approached Chang Le City, she saw a large contingent of Yue Luo troops coming out from within the city, followed by some Hua Dynasty warriors seeing them off. Having fought side by side and shared life and death in this battle, they seemed to have put aside past grievances, and there was a sense of reluctance to part at this moment.

Jiang Ci saw a familiar figure and, overjoyed, spurred her horse towards him.

Grand Commander Hong Jie had been pursuing the Huan army on the battlefield that day and had joined forces with a Hua Dynasty deputy general surnamed Yuan to kill a Huan army general. The two hit it off immediately and, after the battle, found a place to drink some wine and ended up becoming sworn brothers. Now, as they bid farewell, they were quite reluctant to part.

As they were talking, he heard someone calling out his name loudly. He turned his head abruptly, and Jiang Ci had already reined in her horse in front of him, smiling, “Brother Hong, how have you been?”

Hong Jie recognized her and let out an “Ah,” his face reddening for a moment. Then, remembering Dan Xue, who was now married to him, he quickly regained his composure and laughed heartily, “It’s Miss Jiang, what brings you here?”

Jiang Ci leaped off her horse, and many Yue Luo soldiers recognized her and greeted her. Jiang Ci smiled and returned their greetings, then pulled Hong Jie aside. Hong Jie quickly shook off her hand.

Jiang Ci asked urgently, “Where’s your Sect Leader? Where is he? Is he well?”

Knowing her close relationship with the Sect Leader, Hong Jie quickly said, “The Sect Leader led some people back to Yue Luo first. They just left not long ago. If you go in that direction, you might be able to catch up.”

Jiang Ci was overjoyed. Hong Jie’s vision blurred for a moment, and she had already leaped onto her horse, hooves flying. When Hong Jie looked up again, he could only see her distant figure and hear her voice full of boundless joy: “Thank you, Brother Hong!”

Having learned that Wei Zhao was unharmed, Jiang Ci’s heart was filled with joy. This pursuit felt like flying through the clouds, very different from the anxious and worried journey westward of the past few days.

Before long, she could faintly see more and more Yue Luo troops on the mountain road ahead, a dark mass moving westward. Jiang Ci’s heart was even more delighted. The Yue Luo troops, hearing the sound of hoofbeats, turned to look back. Many recognized her as the Miss Jiang who had risked her life to warn them last winter. Seeing her approaching so urgently on horseback, they cleared a path for her.

Ahead, a white figure sat upright on a horse, talking with Uncle Ping beside him. Jiang Ci urged her horse forward, catching up and blocking his path.

Her heart seemed about to leap out of her chest, her eyes gradually moistening. She bit her lower lip slightly, quietly gazing at him, looking into the eyes behind his silver mask.

But why did these eyes seem somewhat unfamiliar? Why was there no trace of joy in his eyes?

Jiang Ci suddenly understood. At this moment, Uncle Ping also awoke from his initial surprise at seeing her. He rode up beside her and said softly, “Little girl, come with me.”

Uncle Ping dismounted at the edge of a grove. Jiang Ci followed a few steps and asked urgently, “Uncle Ping, where did he go?”

Uncle Ping looked at her for a moment, his eyes complex, and finally shook his head: “I don’t know either. After he killed the Ning Ping Wang, he disappeared. We searched everywhere but couldn’t find him, so we could only let Su Jun continue to act in his stead.”

Jiang Ci was bewildered. Where had he gone?

Uncle Ping, seeing her face full of worry and longing, suddenly remembered the scene of rushing back to Chang Le with Wei Zhao from Hui Yan Pass: He would stand alone at night, always silently gazing eastward. Occasionally, he would play his jade flute, and only then would his eyes show a hint of softness. That touch of gentleness was exactly like that person from many years ago.

But on that day on the battlefield, when he captured Ning Ping Wang and forced him to reveal that his wife had indeed passed away many years ago, with no remains left, he let out a mournful cry and beheaded Ning Ping Wang with one sword stroke. His eyes were filled with intense hatred, and standing by his side, one could even hear the hissing sound from his chest, like a venomous snake. He skinned the Ning Ping Wang’s flesh bit by bit with his sword, and everyone, including himself, dared not look directly at the scene. When everyone raised their heads again, he had already vanished without a trace.

Where exactly had he gone?

Jiang Ci pondered silently, then suddenly had an idea and asked urgently, “Uncle Ping, can you give me a token from your Star Moon Sect?”

Uncle Ping instantly understood and, after a moment’s hesitation, finally took out a token and tossed it to Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci caught it, mounted her horse, and called out loudly, “Uncle Ping, don’t worry!”

Uncle Ping watched Jiang Ci’s figure disappear into the distance on horseback, his emotions complex. Xiao Li hurried over and asked in a low voice, “Who exactly is this girl? Wu Xia seems to have an unusual relationship with her.”

Uncle Ping let out a long sigh.

Galloping westward from Chang Le City, it didn’t take long to enter the Yue Luo mountain range. Jiang Ci rode her horse at full speed. The mountain wind grew colder, and the deeper she went into the mountain range, the stronger the autumn chill became. Having used up all her copper coins, she had to pick wild fruits and drink spring water by the roadside to satisfy her hunger and thirst.

On this autumn evening, she finally reached Star Moon Valley.

She silently looked at the three characters “Star Moon Valley” on the stone tablet, then dismounted after a moment and walked towards the valley. After just a few steps, several people flashed in front of her to block her way.

Jiang Ci handed the token to the lead white-robed disciple. The disciple, seeing the token clearly, quickly knelt and said, “Greetings, Esteemed Secret Envoy.”

Only then did Jiang Ci realize that the token Uncle Ping had given her was actually for the Star Moon Sect’s secret envoys. She calmly said, “You may all withdraw.” Everyone complied and retreated together.

Jiang Ci vaguely remembered the stone path that Wei Zhao had taken her to his father’s grave that day. She found the stone tablet with the words “Forbidden Area” and followed the stone path deep into the gorge. By now, the sky had darkened, and the gorge was extremely dim. She could barely see the path and had to feel her way along the right side of the rock wall, moving forward slowly.

The rock wall beneath her palm was unbearably damp and cold. If he were here, he would surely hold her hand like he did that day, wouldn’t he?

Inside the gorge, the silence was heart-stopping. Jiang Ci didn’t know how long she had walked before she finally emerged from the crevice. Turning right again, she at last saw a faint spark of fire in the distance.

She made her footsteps extremely light, slowly walking over. In front of the grave, by the nearly extinguished bonfire, a white figure was prostrate on the ground, seeming to be kneeling in worship or perhaps praying. Beside him lay a head, bloody and mangled – presumably that of the Ning Ping Wang.

Jiang Ci’s eyes gradually moistened as she stood silently behind him. Seeing him kneeling for so long, she finally said softly, “If you keep kneeling like this, Father and Sister will be heartbroken.”

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