HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 116: Autumn Wind Sweeps Through

Chapter 116: Autumn Wind Sweeps Through

The journey from Yue Luo to Yu Province took more than a day.

Uncle Ping prepared two horses for them. Wei Zhao donned a mask and a wide-brimmed gauze hat, while Jiang Ci changed into men’s clothing. The pair bid farewell to Xiao Li and Uncle Ping before setting off towards Yu Province. Halfway through the day, Jiang Ci decided to sell one of the horses at a marketplace, opting to share a ride with Wei Zhao.

As they traveled, the late autumn wind grew cold. Wei Zhao bought a gray feather cloak, wrapping Jiang Ci tightly in his embrace. Outside the cloak, the autumn wind howled, but inside, it was as warm as spring. Jiang Ci wished this journey would never end, longing to stay curled in his arms forever.

At night, the two remained inseparable. In the cold, long nights, only by being together did they feel less alone.

As their intimacy deepened, Jiang Ci slowly began to notice subtle changes in him. Sometimes, while he slept, he would curl up slightly, as if enduring some pain in his dreams. As they traveled, witnessing the devastating aftermath of war, he would often furrow his brow in silence.

What worried her most were the invisible scars in his heart, which she never dared to touch. She feared that if she brushed against those festering wounds, he might vanish forever. All she could do was lose herself in passionate embraces each night, immersing him in the deepest, most intense love.

As Yu Province came into view, they saw people everywhere celebrating Long Feng Cavalry’s victory over the Huan army and the recapture of Yu Province. Wei Zhao watched silently, his palms suddenly breaking out in a cold sweat.

Jiang Ci, however, looked on with joy. She turned to gaze up at him, smiling, “Isn’t it wonderful? It would be even better if there were no more wars in the future.”

Wei Zhao forced a smile, then with a shout, spurred the horse into a gallop. They finally entered Yu Province as night fell.

Pei Yan’s army moved swiftly, with the Long Feng Cavalry pushing the Huan army back to the Cheng County area. Yu Province was now under the command of Marquis Xuanyuan, He Zhenwen. After sneaking into the governor’s mansion to gather information, Wei Zhao returned to the inn and said, “The Young Lord isn’t here. We need to go to Cheng County.”

“Are we leaving now?” Jiang Ci asked, removing his mask and placing it on the table.

Wei Zhao remained silent for a moment, then suddenly embraced her from behind. She laughed softly as she fell into his arms. He quietly raised his hand and extinguished the candle.

She awoke in his arms, able to see his furrowed brow in the faint moonlight filtering through the window. Unable to resist, she reached out to smooth his forehead, but he suddenly opened his eyes and gently kissed her palm.

Jiang Ci chuckled softly, “You weren’t asleep?”

“Neither were you,” he replied.

“What were you thinking about? Your brow was furrowed. It doesn’t look good on you.”

Wei Zhao seemed taken aback and then hugged her tightly. After a long while, he finally asked, “Xiao Ci, tell me, why me?”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment, then shook her head with a smile, “I don’t know.”

He sighed in her ear, “You’re so naive.”

“Master says naive people are blessed.”

He sighed again, “But I’m a bad person, through and through.”

Jiang Ci wanted to stop his words, but he held her tightly and whispered, “Xiao Ci, in the past, I’ve done many terrible things. My hands are stained with blood, my soul burdened with sin. If you stay with me—”

Jiang Ci remained silent for a long time before softly replying, “Then I’ll pray to the Bodhisattva to let me descend to the eighteenth level of hell after death to atone for your sins.”

As October arrived, the northern border quickly turned cold. Withered leaves fluttered to the ground, forming a carpet of dark yellow.

A hawk’s cry pierced the sky, followed by the twang of a bowstring. The bird let out a piteous wail as it fell among the mountains.

Yu Wen Jinglun tossed aside his powerful bow and looked back at the blazing Qilin Valley. His brow furrowed with anger and frustration. Yi Han saw this clearly and stepped forward, saying, “Your Highness, we should enter the city first. This great fire will only hold Pei Yan back for a day or two.”

Yu Wen Jinglun remained silent. Teng Rui, his wounds not yet healed, coughed repeatedly before saying, “I fear we cannot enter Cheng County.”

Yu Wen Jinglun pondered this. The left army general, Murong Guang, asked in confusion, “We still have men guarding Cheng County. Why can’t we enter? The city has high walls and deep moats. We can defend it and fight.”

Teng Rui’s face was pale. During the “Battle of Returning Geese,” he jumped from the city wall to escape, and Yu Wen Jinglun arrived just in time to absorb most of the impact of his fall. Still, he was badly injured. Despite his exceptional medical skills, the constant retreats with the army, exhausting both mind and body while devising strategies had prevented his wounds from fully healing. He had helped Yu Wen Jinglun safely withdraw these 80,000 troops to the Cheng County area, but now he was utterly exhausted.

He coughed several more times before saying, “General Murong, Cheng County has long been a stronghold for the Long Feng Cavalry. Pei Yan enjoys the full support of the city’s people there. Now that we’ve retreated here, isn’t it strange that there hasn’t been any major unrest in the city?”

Murong Guang was startled, “Could it be that the ‘Sneak Attack Teams’ have already infiltrated Cheng County, waiting for us to enter so they can launch a pincer attack with Pei Yan?”

“The Sneak Attack Teams are secondary. The main issue is that we retreated in haste and lacked supplies. If we enter Cheng County without sufficient provisions, how can we hold out? If we’re besieged, who will come to our rescue? With no hope of a southern campaign, what’s the use of defending Cheng County?”

As Teng Rui spoke, everyone fell silent. Since Yu Wen Jinglun’s defeat at the “Battle of Returning Geese,” and the subsequent deaths of King Yi Ping and King Ning Ping in battle, the Huan Crown Prince had repeatedly slandered him before the Huan Emperor. The Emperor had ordered the Crown Prince’s cousin, Left Zhi, to lead troops to provide support. However, after reaching the Black Water River with 30,000 troops, Left Zhi did not advance further south, clearly intending to watch from the sidelines as Yu Wen Jinglun was pursued by the Long Feng Cavalry.

As for the crucial supplies, Left Zhi was also withholding them, delaying their crossing of the Black Water River. It was precisely this lack of provisions that had led to the Huan army’s successive defeats. If they were to be trapped in Cheng County now, these 80,000 men would likely perish under the dual assault of the Long Feng Cavalry and the Huan Crown Prince’s overt and covert attacks.

Yu Wen Jinglun gazed into the distance. To the south, the mountains were tinged with yellow, the sky pale and the wind cold. Looking back to the north, he saw vast plains and endless skies. He pondered for a long time before turning to meet Teng Rui’s gaze, saying solemnly, “Please come with me, sir.”

The autumn wind grew stronger, sweeping away the thin sunlight. Under the gloomy sky, the distant mountains and nearby fields all bore a desolate appearance.

Teng Rui followed Yu Wen Jinglun to an open area. The two stood with their hands behind their backs, the wind whipping at Yu Wen Jinglun’s battle robe and Teng Rui’s clothes. One man exuded an imposing presence, while the other remained as calm as still water.

“Sir,” Yu Wen Jinglun said, looking up at the sky, “This winter will be very cold.”

Teng Rui sighed, “The capital will likely be even colder, with wind-like knives and frost-like swords.”

“But if we don’t return to the capital, we’ll face more than just wind and frost. There will be hidden arrows and venomous snakes as well.”

Teng Rui gazed at a distant corner of Cheng County’s city wall, slowly saying, “But if we have enough warm clothing, and winter provisions, and build our fires high, raising our walls even higher, we’ll have nothing to fear. Once we endure the winter, spring will naturally follow.”

Yu Wen Jinglun asked solemnly, “Please advise me, sir.”

“Your Highness, we clearly cannot hold Cheng County now. If we return to the capital after this defeat, even if His Majesty wishes to protect you, you’ll still have to relinquish your military authority.”

The autumn wind swept through as Yu Wen Jinglun, the future king of the Huan Kingdom, and his strategist Teng Rui reached a deeper understanding at this crucial turning point. They seemed to hear a more distant song of kingship carried on the breeze.

In the 5th year of Hua Chengxi and the 3rd year of Huan Tianjing, in October, Pei Yan led the Long Feng Cavalry northward, pursuing the Huan army. Unable to resist, Yu Wen Jinglun retreated step by step, finally withdrawing his 80,000 troops north of the Black Water River within Huan territory.

The Long Feng Cavalry pursued the Black Water River, engaging in a fierce battle with the Huan army. Left Zhi, the Huan Crown Prince’s cousin, died in combat while blocking Pei Yan. Yu Wen Jinglun led his troops in a desperate struggle, finally halting Pei Yan south of the Black Water River.

The “Hua-Huan War,” lasting half a year and resulting in hundreds of thousands of military and civilian casualties, ended with the Huan army’s retreat and the Long Feng Cavalry reclaiming all lost territory. The two countries reestablished the Black Water River as their border, with no further conflicts for over a decade.

That same month, taking advantage of the Huan army’s recent defeat, the Yue Rong Kingdom invaded. Prince Xuan, on his way back to the capital, received urgent military intelligence and led his troops west to aid. After months of warfare, he conquered the Yue Rong Kingdom.

At the Chen hour (7-9 AM) that day, Cheng County was filled with the sound of drums, music, and cheers reaching the sky. Countless banners and thousands of cavalry escorted Duke Jianding, Pei Yan, as he entered the city through the north gate.

Pei Yan sat upright on his horse, his armor and battle robe still bearing faint traces of blood. His smile was handsome and elegant, his spirit high. As he rode, the victor’s smile was even warmer and more brilliant than the morning sun overhead.

The air of war and killing had finally dissipated, and the Central Plains once again saw peace.

The people, not knowing how to express their gratitude to Duke Jianding and the Long Feng Cavalry, could only cheer along with the entering soldiers, crowding the streets until they were impassable. It took Pei Yan and the Long Feng Guard a full hour to travel the main road from the north gate to the governor’s mansion.

Entering the governor’s mansion, Chen An sighed in relief and joked, “I think these civilians are more terrifying than the Huan army. With the Huan army, we’d draw our swords without a second thought. But with so many civilians surrounding us, I—”

Ning Jianyu kicked him, saying, “Watch your words.”

Tong Min laughed heartily, “I think you’re just scared of those young ladies. Afraid they’ll chase you to the military camp tomorrow?”

Everyone burst into laughter. Chen An, annoyed, held Tong Min down, saying, “Don’t laugh at me. Tell me honestly, what’s going on between you and Miss Li from ‘Huichun Hall’?”

Tong Min was greatly embarrassed, wishing he could sew Chen An’s mouth shut. As they scuffled, Pei Yan turned back with a smile and said, “Tomorrow, I’ll ask Uncle Ling to help propose marriage for you. In a few days, we’ll choose an auspicious date to bring her back, so the brothers can have a celebration too.”

Everyone immediately burst into laughter and teasing. Tong Min’s face turned red, secretly delighted, but unable to withstand the teasing from Chen An and the others, he made an excuse about arranging defenses and escaped with the Long Feng Guard.

Amidst the laughter and joy, Pei Yan suddenly thought of An Chen, and then another beautiful face surfaced in his mind, leaving him momentarily dazed. Cui Liang entered, smiling, “My Lord, everything has been arranged.”

Pei Yan snapped back to reality and smiled, “Thank you for your hard work, Ziming.”

Ning Jianyu came over and put his arm around Cui Liang’s left shoulder, laughing, “My Lord, Ziming has done great service. You should find him a beautiful wife too.”

Cui Liang was stunned, a figure in egg-yellow quietly appearing in his mind. He sighed inwardly, a hint of melancholy flashing in his eyes, leaving him momentarily speechless. Ning Jianyu laughed and patted his shoulder, “Look at Ziming, he’s so happy he’s gone silly.”

Cui Liang came to his senses and hurriedly said, “No, no. I’m naturally free-spirited, I only want to travel the world and make everywhere my home. Don’t ruin some young lady’s life.”

Pei Yan’s brow furrowed slightly. He lowered his head to take a sip of tea, changing the subject, “Yu Wen Jinglun truly lives up to his reputation as a formidable figure of our time. It’s impressive that he could come up with such a plan.”

Cui Liang smiled slightly, “My Lord if you were in his situation, you’d probably have the same idea.”

Pei Yan laughed heartily, “Ziming understands me best.”

Tong Min hurried in and whispered something in Pei Yan’s ear. Pei Yan’s heart leaped with joy, and he quickly stood up and walked towards the inner hall.

In the western side room of the inner hall of the governor’s mansion, a row of bamboo was planted under the window. As it was early winter, only sparse bamboo branches remained.

As Pei Yan entered the courtyard, Wei Zhao turned around, his smile as subdued as the bamboo beside him: “Congratulations, Young Lord.”

The early winter sunlight fell on his white robe, giving him a special aura. As Pei Yan was pondering how he seemed different from before, Jiang Ci walked out of the room, smiling, “Congratulations, My Lord, on your great victory and the recapture of Cheng County.”

Wei Zhao turned back to smile at Jiang Ci. Pei Yan stood in the corridor, finding it hard to move his feet.

She also seemed somewhat different from before. Though dressed in men’s clothing, when she looked at Wei Zhao, her eyes and the corners of her mouth were full of gentle, womanly grace. Even though he thought he had let go, Pei Yan felt a dull pain in his chest. He forced himself to remain calm and smiled, “San Lang has finally returned.”

Jiang Ci, however, was thinking of Cui Liang and asked Pei Yan, “My Lord, where is Brother Cui?”

“He’s in the main hall.”

Jiang Ci looked up at Wei Zhao, who gazed at her softly and said quietly, “Go on.” Jiang Ci smiled and ran past Pei Yan.

Her steps were light and quick, the breeze she created gently lifting Pei Yan’s battle robe. Pei Yan forced himself not to turn and watch her go, instead smiling as he walked towards Wei Zhao.

As they entered the room, Wei Zhao spoke while walking, “There were more clan matters to attend to, so I’m a few days late. I hope I haven’t kept the Young Lord waiting too long.”

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