HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 117: A Secret Crossing

Chapter 117: A Secret Crossing

Heavy clouds hung in the sky. As the late afternoon approached, accompanied by gusts of cold wind, heavy rain began to fall.

Today was the birthday of Consort Wen, the birthmother of Prince Jing. After the passing of Noble Consort Gao, Consort Wen had taken charge of the six palaces. With frequent reports of victories from the Changfeng Cavalry on the frontlines and the imminent recovery of Cheng County, Prince Jing’s influence in the court had naturally risen. The Crown Prince also held great respect for Consort Wen and had ordered the Crown Princess to personally enter Zhenghua Palace to offer birthday wishes to the Consort.

From early morning, court ladies of the third rank and above had been dressing according to their ranks to enter the palace and wish Consort Wen a happy birthday. After the birthday banquet, as the Crown Princess was leaving, Consort Wen casually mentioned that she wanted to choose a side consort for Prince Jing. Upon hearing this, the assembled ladies were reluctant to leave. They surrounded the Noble Consort, filling the room with the jingle of jewelry and the chatter of voices, naturally discussing the virtues and appearances of various noble families’ young ladies.

The lively conversation continued until late afternoon when Consort Wen’s gaze fell upon Madam Rong Guo, who had been sitting quietly to one side. With a smile, she pointed at her and said, “All the ladies have made excellent suggestions, but I fear Madam Rong Guo might be planning to compete with me for a daughter-in-law.”

At these words, the ladies in the room immediately began making mental calculations. However, given Pei Yan’s well-known reputation for repeatedly refusing marriage proposals from noble families, no one dared to speak up rashly.

Madam Pei glanced around gracefully, smiling as she said, “My son Yan is indeed of marriageable age. I would be grateful if the ladies could keep an eye out for suitable candidates.”

The ladies in the hall immediately wished they could send matchmakers to the Prime Minister’s mansion right away, each harboring their schemes.

Consort Wen looked out the window at the sky and said, “It seems a heavy rain is coming.” The ladies hurriedly took their leave, but Madam Pei stayed behind, chatting with Consort Wen for a while longer before leaving Zhenghua Palace.

Jiang Yuan, the Commander of the Imperial Guard and acting Commander of the Guangming Bureau, had just finished his rounds in the Imperial City. As he exited through the Qianqing Gate at dusk, the rain was pouring heavily.

Someone from the Guangming Bureau came to drape a straw rain cape over him. After giving a few more instructions, he mounted his horse to return home. The route from the Imperial City to the Jiang residence required passing through the Jiale Gate. As Jiang Yuan rode through the heavy rain, he caught sight of a purple-curtained carriage stopped in front of the Jiale Gate. This sight made him pause, and he instinctively reined in his mount.

In the pouring rain, eunuchs holding large umbrellas escorted two women out of the Jiale Gate. One was wrapped in a rain cape, her face obscured. She moved neither quickly nor slowly through the rain, her light purple skirt swaying like a lotus leaf in the wind as she gracefully boarded the purple-curtained carriage with the help of her maid.

As the carriage curtain fell, she turned back for a moment. Jiang Yuan’s eyes lit up as if he had glimpsed a crescent moon amidst the curtain of rain. He blinked, and the moonlight had already disappeared behind the carriage curtain.

Watching the purple-curtained carriage disappear into the rain, Jiang Yuan came to his senses and chuckled self-deprecatingly. He gently squeezed his horse’s flanks and continued towards the Jiang residence.

Just as he left the main street of the Imperial City, he saw the purple-curtained carriage stopped by the roadside. Jiang Yuan had already ridden past but, after a moment’s thought, he turned his horse around, dismounted, and approached the carriage, asking, “What’s the matter?”

The coachman, soaked to the bone and barely able to open his eyes against the violent rain, shouted, “The wheel is stuck in a ditch!”

Jiang Yuan looked down and saw that the carriage wheel was indeed trapped in a roadside water channel. He flexed his arms, trying to lift it, but shook his head and said, “It’s no use. It’s too heavy and stuck tight.”

From inside the carriage, a maid poked her head out and asked in a delicate voice, “What’s wrong?”

The coachman replied fearfully, “This lowly one is to blame. The wheel is stuck in the ditch, and we can’t lift it out.”

Soon after, the maid jumped down from the carriage with an oil-paper umbrella. She came over to look and said anxiously, “What are we to do? Old Wu, be careful, or the head steward will have your hide. The Madam is in a hurry to return home.”

Jiang Yuan gathered his strength again, took a horse stance, gripped the axle with both hands, and with a mighty shout, lifted the carriage a few inches. But it immediately slid back into the ditch.

Hearing a faint exclamation from a woman inside the carriage, the maid turned to Jiang Yuan angrily and said, “Who are you? You’ve startled our Madam. Can you take responsibility for that?”

“Shuxia, don’t be rude.” From inside the carriage came a gentle, girlish voice that Jiang Yuan had heard months ago. His heart suddenly fluttered as the woman in the light purple dress he had seen earlier stepped down from the carriage.

He quickly bowed his head and stepped back, respectfully saying, “This one is Jiang Yuan. I apologize for disturbing Madam Rong Guo.”

Madam Pei lowered her gaze and said, “So it’s Commander Jiang. Thank you for your kind assistance.”

Her voice, though broken by the heavy rain, was soft and melodious, like a thread of flute music intertwined with the strong notes of a zither, impossibly entangling and filled with an indescribable tenderness.

As Jiang Yuan stood dazed, the maid Shuxia had already helped Madam Pei to shelter under the eaves. She then turned to the coachman and said, “Hurry back and call for help!”

Old Wu responded hastily and ran off toward the Prime Minister’s mansion.

The rain fell harder, bringing with it a chill. Madam Pei and Shuxia stood under the street-side corridor, both shivering slightly.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment, then crouched behind the carriage again. He circulated his true energy through his body for several cycles, then with a mighty shout, gripped the axle with both hands. The carriage rose with a creak. The well-trained horses surged forward several steps, and finally, the wheels were free of the water channel.

Shuxia was overjoyed and helped Madam Pei approach. Madam Pei kept her head lowered and said softly, “Thank you, Commander Jiang.”

Jiang Yuan quickly stepped back two paces, not daring to raise his head, and said, “It was a small matter. Madam is too kind.”

Madam Pei said no more and boarded the carriage with Shuxia’s assistance. Jiang Yuan returned to his horse but saw Shuxia standing bewildered outside the carriage. It was clear she didn’t know how to drive it, and with no coachman present, the mistress and maid still couldn’t return home.

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but marvel at Consort Rong Guo’s reputation for being aloof and low-key. Even when going to the palace to offer birthday wishes, she only brings one coachman and one maid, despite her son Pei Yan currently being at the height of his power. He dismounted once more and stepped forward, saying, “This Jiang begs your pardon and offers to drive the carriage for Madam.”

Shuxia was delighted and, without waiting for Madam Pei to speak from inside the carriage, thrust the reins into Jiang Yuan’s hands and climbed into the carriage. Jiang Yuan heard Madam Pei’s faint voice of reproach from inside and smiled slightly. He leaped onto the driver’s seat, called out loudly, and drove the carriage towards the Prime Minister’s mansion.

By the time they reached the Prime Minister’s mansion, the rain was falling even harder. Even with his rain cape, Jiang Yuan was soaked through.

Seeing the Madam return, a large group of people from the Prime Minister’s household rushed out. Maids and old women surrounded Madam Pei as she entered the mansion. When Jiang Yuan looked up again, her figure had already disappeared.

He tossed the reins to the anxious coachman and was about to turn away when the head steward of the Prime Minister’s mansion caught up with him, saying, “Commander Jiang, please wait.”

Jiang Yuan stopped and asked, “What is it?”

In the heavy rain of early winter, beads of sweat appeared on Steward Pei’s forehead as he bowed repeatedly, saying, “Our servants were incompetent, causing trouble for the Commander. It’s a crime worthy of death. The Madam has already scolded me severely. Now, with the heavy rain and you without a horse, please come into the mansion to wait it out. When the rain lessens, I’ll prepare a horse for you and personally escort you home.”

Jiang Yuan looked at the torrential rain, still hesitating, when Steward Pei pleaded, “Please agree, Commander. The Prime Minister is extremely filial to his mother. If he learns upon his return that we’ve been discourteous to you, this lowly one won’t survive.”

Jiang Yuan glanced at the large gold-lettered plaque above the mansion’s main gate, his mind stirring. He graciously said, “Very well, thank you for your trouble, Steward.”

Steward Pei was overjoyed and led Jiang Yuan into the mansion, walking sideways out of respect.

Jiang Yuan had heard that the Prime Minister’s mansion was beautifully and exquisitely decorated. As he walked, he silently admired it, thinking of his own austere and frugal elder brother, the Marquis of Suhai, and couldn’t help but feel some emotion.

Steward Pei led Jiang Yuan through halls and courtyards for quite some time before bringing him to a particular courtyard. Inside, there were pavilions, trees, towers, intricate beams, and quiet windows. The room was filled with soft curtains, light smoke, brocade carpets, and embroidered felt, speaking of unspeakable wealth and luxury.

Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned. Steward Pei bowed and said, “This is the Quiet Pavilion where our Prime Minister meets friends for poetry and chess. Please rest here for now, Commander.”

Jiang Yuan understood. Servants brought in clean clothes and served ginger tea to ward off the cold before retreating.

After everyone had left, Jiang Yuan took off his outer garment, only to realize that the servants of the Prime Minister’s mansion had only brought an outer robe. His inner shirt was also soaked through. Seeing that there was no one else in the room, he simply took off his wet inner shirt as well, put on the clean blue outer robe, drank some ginger tea, and began to slowly pace around the room, listening to the rain and observing the paintings, finding a unique pleasure in it.

On the east wall of the room hung a painting titled “Clear and Distant View of Cold Mountain.” Jiang Yuan, coming from a noble family, naturally recognized it as the work of the great master Wu Zhidao from the previous dynasty. As he examined it closely, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “The brushwork is vigorous and majestic, yet it doesn’t lose its grace and tranquility. Marvelous!”

“Commander Jiang has a good eye,” a voice as gentle as water came from behind the screen. Jiang Yuan quickly stepped back and lowered his head, saying, “Madam.”

Madam Pei walked out gracefully, smiling as she said, “Commander Jiang, there’s no need to be so formal. I am an old acquaintance of the Marquis of Suhai’s wife. Years ago, I promised to find her a piece of ice silk cold gauze. I’ve recently found one and would like to entrust it to you to take back to her, along with my regards.” As she spoke, she held out a wooden box with both hands.

Jiang Yuan, who greatly respected his sister-in-law, heard that it was a gift for her and quickly reached out with both hands to receive it, saying respectfully, “Thank you, Madam.”

He took it quickly, and before Madam Pei could withdraw her hands, his right hand covered the back of hers. Madam Pei let out a soft exclamation, and Jiang Yuan also felt a tremor in his heart. They both withdrew their hands at the same time, and the wooden box fell to the ground.

Jiang Yuan, feeling he had been discourteous, quickly bent down to pick it up. A fragrant breeze brushed past as Madam Pei crouched down first to retrieve the box. As she raised her head, he finally saw her face.

He suddenly drew in a sharp breath. On this rainy night of early winter, he felt as if the bright moon was in the sky and clear lotuses were in full bloom. For a moment, he couldn’t speak or look away.

Madam Pei gazed at him with eyes full of emotion and smiled gently. Jiang Yuan could hardly believe that this woman, who looked to be only about thirty, was the birth mother of the current Left Prime Minister. He suddenly felt his lips and tongue go dry and unconsciously licked his lips. Seeing this, Madam Pei put down the wooden box, picked up a teacup, and said softly, “Please have some tea, Commander Jiang.”

Jiang Yuan made a sound of surprise, coming to his senses. He hurriedly took the teacup, lowered his head, and said in a trembling voice, “I’ve been discourteous.”

The softness of her hand still lingered in his, and her incomparably beautiful smile remained in his eyes. He drank the tea absent-mindedly. When he had finished the cup, he looked up to see Madam Pei standing before him again.

A faint fragrance emanated from her body, and Jiang Yuan felt dizzy. The ginger tea he had drunk earlier seemed to burn as if a flame had ignited in his chest. On such a cold, rainy night, he was suddenly covered in sweat.

Madam Pei made a soft sound of surprise and asked with concern, “What’s wrong, Commander Jiang? You’re sweating profusely.” She took out a silk handkerchief and gently wiped his forehead.

A whiff of fragrance came from her sleeve, and Jiang Yuan felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He stumbled back two steps and fell onto the soft couch behind him.

Madam Pei seemed a bit flustered and came over to support his left arm, her voice soft and sticky, “Are you feeling unwell somewhere?”

It seemed she had been caught in the rain earlier, and her thick hair was loose. As she bent over, her long hair fell onto Jiang Yuan’s chest. Jiang Yuan had nowhere to retreat, and an unnamed desire swelled within him, causing his face to flush red.

Madam Pei’s fingertips moved slowly, gently pulling open his outer robe as she said softly, “Are you feeling hot?”

In his daze, Jiang Yuan vaguely remembered that he wasn’t wearing an inner shirt, but he couldn’t move or find the strength to push her away. His handsome face twisted in pain from the intense restraint. She had opened his outer robe, but her hand remained on his bare chest, slowly moving downward as she said in a low voice, “You’re so hot, why are you so hot?”

A raging fire burned through Jiang Yuan’s chest and down to his lower abdomen. Just as he was unable to control this fierce fire, she leaned down, and his waist softened as he fell back onto the couch.

The heavy rain continued all night. At the hour of Zi (11 pm-1 am), amidst the sound of wind and rain, the people of the capital heard the rapid and enthusiastic sound of hoofbeats. First, it was the cheers of a few people, then dozens, hundreds, and even more.

“Victory news! A great victory in Cheng County!”

“Cheng County has been recaptured, the Huan army has been defeated!”

“Chang Feng cavalry achieved a great victory! The Sword Cauldron Marquis has reclaimed Chengjun and driven the Huan army back!”

In Guocheng and the inner city, the rain did not deter the people; they poured out into the streets in droves. Amid the cheers, several cavalry riders sped through the main streets of the inner city, waving their purple banners excitedly. The pounding hooves sent up silvery splashes of water as they galloped toward the palace.

Inside the chamber, Jiang Yuan, gasping for breath, suddenly sat up. A delicate hand rested on his shoulder, a touch that seemed to possess an unspoken magic, causing Jiang Yuan to collapse back onto the bed, still panting heavily.

“Don’t be afraid; no one knows.”


“Did you hear? They’re celebrating outside; Chengjun has won a great victory.”


“I wonder if His Majesty will wake up soon to hear this good news.”

Jiang Yuan’s breathing became more labored as he sank deeper into a pleasure he had never known before, murmuring, “I fear His Majesty may be beyond saving. The Crown Prince had a renowned physician brought to the palace last month, but there was no improvement. The Crown Prince has been crying in the Yan Hui Hall for several nights.”

“Let’s not talk of that now—” Her voice, sweet and youthful, seemed to have an irresistible allure, driving him to madness.

Outside the pavilion, the night grew darker, and the rain intensified. The patter of rain drowned out the endless, stormy romance within the drapery. The red candle’s wick grew longer and longer, and with a loud pop, it burst into a large, distorted flower of flame before slowly extinguishing.

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