HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 12: The Elusive Crane Dream

Chapter 12: The Elusive Crane Dream

Pei Yan chuckled and stepped aside. As Jiang Ci was about to strike again, she felt an intense itching on her back. She had to withdraw her fist and reach back to scratch, but couldn’t quite reach the spot. She switched to her left hand, frantically trying to relieve the itch.

The people of the Minister’s mansion watched her predicament, but out of respect for Pei Yan, they didn’t dare laugh out loud. However, their facial expressions were contorted with suppressed amusement.

Pei Yan stood up and said, “Let’s go. We’ll have Zi Ming take a look at you back at the mansion and give you some medicine. Scratching like this won’t solve the problem.”

Jiang Ci angrily retorted, “I’m not going! I’m not going back!”

Pei Yan calmly replied, “Then you can stay here. Sect Leader Xiao will take good care of you.”

Jiang Ci’s stubborn nature flared up. She sat on the ground and said coldly, “I’m not leaving. Let’s see what he can do to me!”

Pei Yan frowned slightly. Seeing an attendant leading horses over, he chuckled softly and bent down to reach for her. Jiang Ci felt a numbness in her waist as he pressed several of her acupoints, then lifted her sideways onto the horse’s back.

Pei Yan mounted the horse, gave a light command, and the horse galloped off towards the Minister’s mansion.

Jiang Ci was in great discomfort, both from the itching and the jolting ride. Along the way, she had to endure the occasional chuckles from that “Big Crab.” She gritted her teeth inwardly: You damned Big Crab, just let you have your moment of smugness. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re really up to!

Back at the Minister’s mansion, Jiang Ci was helped to bed by An Hua. She was completely drained of energy, too weak even to scratch her itches. She could only lie there curled up, facing inward.

Pei Yan stood with his hands behind his back, looking at her disheveled state, and said with a smile, “Bear with it a little longer. I’ve already sent for Zi Ming to come and take a look at you.”

Jiang Ci let out a cold snort, filled with hatred, but remained silent.

In her hazy state, she heard footsteps approaching. Cui Liang came to the bedside and asked gently, “What’s wrong? Where are you feeling unwell?”

Jiang Ci desperately held back her tears, sobbing silently. Cui Liang had already heard from the mansion’s attendants that Miss Jiang was suffering from stomach pain and itching due to eating crabs. Seeing her body trembling slightly, but not turning to face him, he suppressed a smile and gave An Hua a knowing look.

An Hua peeked into the bed and saw tears in the corners of Jiang Ci’s eyes. She smiled slightly, took a silk handkerchief, and gently wiped away Jiang Ci’s tears, saying softly, “Miss Jiang, you should let Cui Gong take a look at you first and drink some medicine. Enduring it like this won’t help.”

Jiang Ci gave a soft “Mm” in response, composed herself, and slowly turned around. She met Cui Liang’s slightly smiling gaze, her face flushing as she called out softly, “Brother Cui.”

A light chuckle came from nearby. Jiang Ci’s gaze shifted to see that hateful “Big Crab” standing in the doorway, still wearing that infuriating smile. Anger welled up in her heart. She suddenly sat up straight, grabbed a porcelain pillow from the bed, and hurled it at Pei Yan with all her might.

Pei Yan’s right foot lightly flicked up, spinning the porcelain pillow on his toe before it traced a graceful arc through the air and landed gently by the bedside. He smiled softly and leisurely walked out of the room.

The disturbance lasted half the night until the moon had set and the stars had shifted in the sky.

Pei Yan stepped out of the courtyard gate to find An Chen standing outside with his hands clasped. The cold wind brushed his face, gradually clearing his mind. After a moment of thought, he said, “An Chen.”

“Yes, Lord Minister.”

“Focus the investigation of the Star Moon Sect Leader on people I’m familiar with and interact with regularly.”

An Chen was taken aback and lowered his head, saying, “Lord Minister, forgive this subordinate’s stupidity.”

Pei Yan snorted softly, “The little girl hasn’t seen his true face, only heard his voice. The fact that he still wants to kill her to silence her means he’s not afraid of her drawing his likeness for us to search with.”

An Chen thought for a moment, then suddenly understood: “He’s afraid Miss Jiang might recognize his voice in some situation. Since Miss Jiang is staying at the Minister’s mansion now, he must be someone who frequently interacts with you, Lord Minister. He fears that one day, you might bring Miss Jiang to meet him, exposing his true identity.”

Pei Yan nodded, “In today’s fierce battle, his techniques were clumsy, clearly disguising his true martial arts skills. Moreover, his movements were deliberately erratic, also to prevent me from recognizing him by his physique. It’s a pity that when he was speaking to the little girl earlier, we were too far away to hear his voice.”

He paused briefly and continued, “Investigate everyone in the mansion who knew I was taking the little girl to Lan Yue Tower, as well as everyone who was at Lan Yue Tower tonight. This person’s information is so well-informed; if we don’t find him soon, he’ll remain a major threat.”

He stood with his hands behind his back, gazing at the gray horizon, and said calmly, “I’m becoming increasingly intrigued by this person. Who could he be?”

An Chen waited for a moment, and when Pei Yan didn’t speak further, he asked softly, “Lord Minister, about the investigation into Miss Jiang—”

“There’s no need to investigate her further. Since she went to such lengths to escape, she can’t be a spy. She’s just a wild girl from the countryside. However, I still have use for her, so let her stay here for now.”

Cui Liang wrote out a prescription and instructed An Hua to prepare and decoct the medicine. He then took out silver needles and inserted several into Jiang Ci’s face and arms. Jiang Ci’s pain and itching gradually subsided, but her whole body was exhausted. She sat on the edge of the bed, her head drooping like a flower wilted by frost.

Cui Liang noticed the cloth still wrapped around her neck, with blood stains on it. He untied it to take a look and frowned, asking, “How did you get injured?”

Jiang Ci answered weakly, “I was scratched by a cat.”

Cui Liang leaned in for a closer look and said doubtfully, “It doesn’t look like a cat scratch. It looks more like a wound from a blade.”

Jiang Ci turned and flopped onto the bed, her head hitting the porcelain pillow. She sat up again, remembering how she had been toyed with by both a crab and a cat tonight, suffering needlessly. Feeling extremely frustrated, she let out a loud “Ah!” and fell backward.

Cui Liang was turning to put the silver needles back into their case when he heard Jiang Ci’s cry, full of embarrassment and frustration. Knowing she still had a childish side, he smiled and said, “Don’t be angry. Just be careful not to eat so much next time.”

He finished putting away the needles and went to the copper basin to wash his hands. An Hua entered carrying a bowl of medicine.

An Hua approached the bed and saw Jiang Ci lying there. She giggled and said, “Miss Jiang, you should get up and drink your medicine.”

Jiang Ci didn’t move.

An Hua smiled and said, “If you don’t drink the medicine soon, you might start itching again.”

Jiang Ci still didn’t move.

Cui Liang sensed something was wrong and quickly went to the bedside. An Hua hurriedly put down the medicine bowl and bent to help Jiang Ci up. They saw that her eyes were tightly closed, her face had turned ashen, and her breathing was weak. She had fainted.

The moon set and the stars faded as morning mist arose.

Pei Yan had only slept for a little over two hours before waking up. He remembered something and was about to go to Butterfly Garden to consult his mother when he noticed the sky outside was still gray. Knowing it was still early, but unable to sleep again, he decided to get up and practice sword techniques in the courtyard.

As Cui Liang entered Shen Garden, he saw a white figure dancing in the center of the courtyard, sword energy crisscrossing, cold wind whistling, and flashes of frosty light. It was like a white dragon coiling in the air, or snow and ice swirling wildly on the grass.

Mid-leap, Pei Yan noticed Cui Liang standing in the corridor. With a light shout, he executed a move called “Snow Falling on the Long Plains.” All the morning mist in the courtyard seemed to gather at the tip of his sword, then burst towards the osmanthus tree in the yard. With a series of cracking sounds, osmanthus branches broke and scattered on the ground.

Pei Yan sheathed his sword and stood still, turning to smile at Cui Liang: “Why has Zi Ming come to my place at this hour today?”

Cui Liang smiled and said, “Lord Minister’s swordsmanship is excellent. It’s my good fortune to have witnessed it, truly eye-opening.”

Maids and servants came to take Pei Yan’s sword and offer him a fragrant towel. Pei Yan wiped his face and tossed the towel back onto the tray, then turned to walk into the room, saying, “Zi Ming, please come in and let’s talk.”

The two sat down in the West Flower Hall. Maids brought in clear tea and clean salt. Pei Yan rinsed his mouth several times, spitting into a basin. The maids then took his martial training clothes and helped him change into a light cyan embroidered brocade robe.

Pei Yan waved his hand, and everyone withdrew. He picked up a cup of ginseng tea, took a sip, and looked up to see a hint of hesitation on Cui Liang’s face. He smiled and said, “Zi Ming, if you have something to say, just say it. There’s no need for formalities between us.”

Cui Liang took a sip of tea and said, “Please forgive my impertinence, but I wonder if Lord Minister has heard of a rare medicine in the palace called ‘Celestial Crane Grass’?”

Pei Yan nodded, “Yes, the palace medical pavilion does have this medicine, but in very small quantities. It’s used specifically to refine pills for His Majesty. Why does Zi Ming ask about this?”

“Miss Jiang has been poisoned, and her life is in danger,” Cui Liang said, lowering his head slightly, his voice tinged with worry.

Pei Yan’s hand, holding the teacup, froze in mid-air as he looked at Cui Liang. “How did she get poisoned?”

“It’s from the blade wound on her neck. The weapon was laced with poison.”

Pei Yan’s brow furrowed slightly. “From what Zi Ming is saying, the poison she’s contracted requires ‘Celestial Crane Grass’ to cure?”

“That’s correct.” Cui Liang raised his head. “Lord Minister, would you be willing to save Xiao Ci’s life?”

“Xiao Ci?” Pei Yan said softly, glancing at Cui Liang again.

He thought for a moment, leisurely sipping his tea a few times before finally speaking. “This matter might be very difficult to resolve. There are only three stalks of ‘Celestial Crane Grass’ left in the palace. His Majesty is fond of medicinal pills, and this ‘Celestial Crane Grass’ is an excellent ingredient for pill refining. To try to obtain one stalk from His Majesty’s hand, I think, would be extremely difficult. Moreover, I have no relation to Miss Jiang. If His Majesty were to ask, it would be awkward for me to make such a request.”

Cui Liang remained silent for a long while before saying softly, “I know it’s extremely difficult, but Xiao Ci, she—”

“Is there no other way to save her?” Pei Yan interrupted.

Cui Liang shook his head. “Even if the legendary ‘Divine Farmer’s Descendant’ were here, only this medicine could save her.”

Pei Yan put down his teacup and frowned in thought for a moment. Then he heard Cui Liang say, “Lord Minister, Xiao Ci is only seventeen years old. If you can save her, I beg—”

Pei Yan raised his right hand, stopping Cui Liang’s words. He stood up and paced back and forth in the room several times, then looked up at Cui Liang. “Since Zi Ming is pleading so earnestly, I will try my best. As for whether I can persuade His Majesty to show mercy, it will depend on her fate.”

Cui Liang’s eyes brightened. He stood up and bowed deeply, saying, “Cui Liang thanks, Lord Minister!”

Pei Yan hurried over to support Cui Liang’s right arm, smiling, “Zi Ming, there’s no need for such formalities between us. Besides, if anyone should thank me, it should be that little girl, not you on her behalf!”

Cui Liang smiled slightly and was about to speak when Pei Yan, still holding his right arm, began walking towards the East Side Hall. As they walked, Pei Yan said, “Zi Ming must be hungry. Come, let’s have breakfast together. I have some matters I’d like your opinion on.”

Cui Liang was taken aback. He gently freed his arm and stood still for a moment at the entrance of the main hall before finally following Pei Yan to the East Side Hall.

Jiang Ci slowly regained consciousness, feeling that everything before her was pitch black. She mumbled, “Sister, why haven’t you lit the lamp again? What’s the point of sitting in the dark like this?”

Cui Liang, who had been dozing against the bedpost, was startled awake by Jiang Ci’s voice. He realized that the lamp on the table had almost gone out. He quickly went to trim the lamp, then turned to see Jiang Ci staring at him with wide eyes. He smiled and said, “You’re awake!”

It took Jiang Ci a while to fully regain her senses and remember she was in the Minister’s mansion. She tried to recall previous events and asked confusedly, “Brother Cui, what happened to me? It feels like I’ve been asleep for a long time.”

“The wound on your neck was poisoned. You’ve been unconscious for two days. Fortunately, Lord Minister found a rare medicine for you. Now that you’re awake, it proves the poison has been neutralized. You’ll be fine now,” Cui Liang said gently, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Jiang Ci looked around and asked, “Where’s An Hua?”

“She’s been watching over you for two days and nights. Seeing how exhausted she was, I told her to rest in the outer room.”

Jiang Ci looked at Cui Liang for a few moments. She noticed he seemed thinner, and his usually bright eyes appeared somewhat dimmed. She lowered her head and said softly, “Brother Cui, it’s all my fault.”

Cui Liang smiled, “What are you saying? You haven’t done anything wrong.”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment, then raised her head, “That’s right, I haven’t done anything wrong. I just climbed a tree, I didn’t do anything terrible. If they want to fight, let them fight to the death among themselves. Why did they have to drag me into it? None of them are good people!”

Cui Liang, having been informed of the situation by Pei Yan, said gently, “You’ve just woken up, don’t think too much about it. Lord Minister is trying to find a way to keep you safe from that person’s pursuit. He also went to great lengths to obtain the ‘Celestial Crane Grass’ to save your life. You shouldn’t resent him anymore.”

Jiang Ci was still seething with resentment towards the “Big Crab” and couldn’t believe he had any good intentions. Although she didn’t want to argue with Cui Liang, her face remained flushed with anger.

Seeing her expression of indignation, Cui Liang shook his head with a smile. He glanced out the window at the changing sky and said, “Xiao Ci, you should rest for now. It’s nearly dawn, and I need to head to the court for roll call.”

Jiang Ci was taken aback. She looked at the hourglass in the room and asked, “Why is the Ministry of Rites calling roll so early? You used to go around the time of the Chen hour.”

Cui Liang smiled faintly and didn’t answer. He walked to the door, then turned back and said, “Remember to take your medicine again at the Chen hour. If you’re feeling better and able to move around, you should go and thank the Prime Minister.”

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