HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 120: True Hearts Behind Masks

Chapter 120: True Hearts Behind Masks

That night, the Prime Minister’s mansion was brightly lit and lavishly decorated. A grand feast was laid out to celebrate Pei Yan’s triumphant return to the capital.

According to custom, after a victorious army’s return, the Emperor would fast for three days before offering sacrifices at the Imperial Ancestral Temple and bestowing promotions on meritorious officials. With the Emperor gravely ill, the Crown Prince took on the duty of bathing and fasting for three days. During this time, he decreed that Pei Yan should rest at his mansion and host banquets for guests in celebration.

It had been over a year since Lady Rong’s birthday celebration. Back then, Pei Yan was already a rising star. Now, his reputation had reached its peak, making him the most powerful official. As he entered the garden, sycophantic praises rang out incessantly. Pei Yan smiled and greeted everyone before taking his seat beside Prince Jing at the main table.

Prince Jing, beaming, engaged in animated conversation with Pei Yan. Prince Zhuang, though thinner, seemed more spirited than before, occasionally exchanging words with Right Prime Minister Tao Xingde.

Servants in colorful attire served an endless stream of dishes. On the stage, flutes and drums played in harmony as Su Yan performed “Full Court of Tablets,” filling the garden with an air of wealth and nobility. Fireworks lit up the rear garden, making the Prime Minister’s mansion a dazzling spectacle of opulence and festivity.

“Sir Wei has arrived!” the steward announced loudly from outside the garden. All guests inside paused their eating.

Since the Emperor fell ill and the Gao clan of Hexi suffered a heavy blow, Prince Zhuang’s influence had waned. Many harbored a sense of schadenfreude. They imagined Wei Zhao, far away on the battlefield, was about to lose power. Even if he could return to the capital, he would no longer possess his former arrogance. Those who had been bullied by him before couldn’t wait to kick him while he was down.

However, news from the frontlines kept coming. In every major battle, Wei Zhao personally fought the enemy, showing no fear of death. He had even engaged in combat with Yi Han, striking fear into the Huan army. It was said that within the Huan army, he had earned the nickname “Ghost Third Son.” The Hua Dynasty highly valued military achievements. Hearing these reports, people felt both admiration and jealousy, leading to complex attitudes towards his return.

The Qingliu faction was determined to take advantage of the Emperor’s illness to humiliate Wei Zhao thoroughly. Upon hearing of his arrival, several Grand Scholars of the Longtu Cabinet exchanged glances, and Yin Shilin brazenly sat down next to Prince Zhuang.

Before Prince Zhuang could speak, Wei Zhao entered the garden at a leisurely pace. He wore a white fur-lined robe, his black hair still loosely tied with a jade hairpin. That bewitching smile still played on his lips, but now at his waist hung the dragon-engraved sword bestowed by the Emperor.

Only then did everyone remember that he still held the imperial title of Supervising General. With the Emperor gravely ill, no one dared to take away his imperial sword. Seeing him approach nonchalantly, they had no choice but to leave their seats and kneel.

Prince Jing and Pei Yan exchanged glances and stood up with wry smiles. Prince Zhuang and Right Prime Minister Tao Xingde rose slowly, both looking somewhat smug. Wei Zhao ignored everyone else and walked straight to Yin Shilin. He tilted his head back slightly and let out a soft snort.

Yin Shilin, with great reluctance, hastily kowtowed and left in a huff.

Before Prince Zhuang and the others could kneel, Wei Zhao sat down, smoothing his robes. Pei Yan quickly said with a smile, “We’ve been waiting for you, Third Young Master.”

Prince Jing and the others breathed a sigh of relief and returned to their seats.

Suddenly, Wei Zhao spoke in a calm voice: “His Majesty’s health is poor, and as his subject, I am deeply concerned. I’ve just come from Yanhui Hall. Before I left for the campaign, His Majesty instructed me—”

Bearing the Emperor’s sword and now reciting the Emperor’s words, custom dictated that all officials must listen with hands clasped. Prince Jing and the other officials had no choice but to leave their seats again, bowing and listening attentively.

Wei Zhao spoke slowly, taking a long time to finish recounting the imperial teachings. Finally, his voice choked with emotion: “I only hope that His Majesty recovers soon, so that we, as his subjects, can once again hear his sage advice.”

The officials responded in a chorus of agreement, secretly wiping sweat from their brows, grateful that he hadn’t recited the entire 10,000-word “Record of Vigilance” drafted by the Emperor. They all smiled and returned to their seats.

Soon after, the Crown Prince sent court attendants with imperial gifts, the most precious being a five-foot-tall red coral from the Western Liu Kingdom. Everyone gathered to admire it. After three rounds of drinks, with the host and guests in high spirits, people began to take their leave. However, before departing, they all had to pay their respects to Wei Zhao once more.

Wei Zhao, a smile playing on his lips, exchanged glances with Pei Yan as he stood up. “Shao Jun, I’ll take my leave first.”

Pei Yan smiled and said, “After we offer sacrifices at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, I’ll invite you for drinks again.”

The two bid farewell at the mansion gate. Guards from the Guangming Office brought over a carriage, and Wei Zhao boarded it. After the carriage had traveled two main streets, Prince Zhuang’s carriage sped up from behind, passing by.

In the main garden of the Prime Minister’s mansion after the grand banquet, servants were busy clearing away dishes and chopsticks. Pei Yan, having seen off all the guests, returned to the main garden. Su Yan, having just removed her costume, came over to bow and smile, “Congratulations, My Lord.”

Pei Yan smiled, “I’ll come to listen to your performance another day, Elder Sister Su.”

“Does My Lord keep his word?” Su Yan asked with a suppressed smile.

“Of course,” Pei Yan replied, not saying more as he hurried past, heading straight for the western garden. Su Yan watched his retreating figure, smiled, and left the mansion with her troupe from “Lan Yue Lou.”

Pei Yan rushed to the western garden where An Lu met him, whispering, “The Military Advisor has returned, but—”

Pei Yan stared at him, forcing him to continue, “The Military Advisor entered Lan Yue Lou with Miss Jiang. Our brothers saw Miss Jiang sitting by the window the whole time, but after the Military Advisor left, she was nowhere to be seen.”

Pei Yan was stunned for a moment, then waved for everyone to leave, unable to suppress a bitter smile.

In front of the hibiscus-adorned bed, under the crystal lamp, Shu Yun had changed into a light, patterned dress of bright red silk. She gazed at her flower-like face and cloud-like hair in the bronze mirror, slowly inserting a colorful, pearl-fringed ornament into her hair.

For days, she had been longing for his return, unable to sleep for several nights. She knew he had arrived at the Jinshi Kou main camp, entered the palace, and that a grand banquet was being held in the front garden. Yet she could only wait silently in this Garden of Caution.

Outside the window, the crescent moon had risen to the middle of the sky, but still, he had not returned.

Her maid, Qing Bi, hurried in on light feet and whispered in her ear, “After the banquet dispersed, My Lord went to the western garden. He’s just come out and has been sitting alone by the lotus pond in Zhengfang Garden for half an hour now.”

Shu Yun was startled, then stood up, saying, “He might be drunk.” She quickly ordered Qing Bi to prepare some sobering soup and walked briskly to the garden gate. After a moment’s thought, she returned to her room to fetch the silver-white pearl-embroidered fur cloak.

This fox fur cloak seemed to be his favorite. Even though it had two burn holes, he still ordered it to be carefully preserved. Knowing it was an imperial gift and seeing how much he treasured it, she had spent over a month finding matching silk thread and fox fur, working late into the night to mend it.

Looking at the cloak, now repaired without a trace, she smiled gently and walked with some urgency towards the lotus pond in Zhengfang Garden.

The night was cloudless, the starry sky dazzling and resplendent. Fireworks were still being set off in the distance, the fiery trees and starry lights reflecting off the rippling surface of the lotus pond in Zhengfang Garden.

From afar, Shu Yun saw his figure sitting on a rock. Her heart suddenly began to race, but her steps slowed. Controlling her intense heartbeat, she slowly approached.

His handsome figure seemed to radiate warmth, making it difficult for her to breathe. After a long moment, she finally managed to speak, “Congratulations, My Lord.”

Pei Yan didn’t turn around, remaining silent. Shu Yun waited a while longer, then gently draped the fur cloak over his shoulders. Her voice was softer than the ripples on the lotus pond: “My Lord, the winter night is cold, and you’ve had a tiring day. Please retire early to rest.” She sat down beside him, her left hand quietly grasping his warm hand. She looked up at his elegant face, momentarily lost in her surroundings.

In the distance, a chrysanthemum-like firework lit up the night sky. Pei Yan lowered his head and saw the fur cloak draped over his shoulders. His expression changed slightly, and his right hand suddenly tightened its grip. Caught off guard, Shu Yun let out a pained “Ah!” as tears sprang to her eyes.

He stared blankly at the hem of the fur cloak on his body, but his right hand didn’t relax. Shu Yun’s face gradually turned pale from the pain, and she finally pleaded, “My Lord!”

Pei Yan came to his senses, let out a cold snort, and slowly released her hand. Shu Yun quickly stood up, not daring to rub her hand, but tears involuntarily fell from her eyes.

Pei Yan looked down for a moment, then let out a heavy sigh. He stood up, looked at Shu Yun, and said coolly, “Does it hurt much?”

Shu Yun quickly shook her head. Pei Yan pulled the fur cloak tighter around himself and smiled faintly, “Go and rest. I’ve kept you waiting for too long.”

In the east chamber of the Garden of Caution, the hibiscus-adorned bed was warm. She was lost in his intoxicating scent, her cheeks deeply flushed. She closed her eyes with a soft moan, missing the flash of pain and melancholy that crossed his face as he glanced at the fur cloak outside the bed curtains.

“Has everything been well in the mansion?” After the passionate encounter, his smile was still as captivating as ever, leaving her weak in his arms.

“All is well,” she said softly. “The Madam only left the mansion for Uncle’s birthday, High Consort Gao’s funeral, and Consort Wen’s birthday. However—”

“However, what?” His hand caressed her back, causing her breathing to quicken. She giggled and squirmed a little before saying, “When the Madam returned from wishing Consort Wen a happy birthday, she encountered heavy rain, and the carriage got stuck in a ditch. Fortunately, Commander Jiang happened by and escorted the Madam back.”


“The Madam scolded the head steward. The head steward then invited Commander Jiang to change clothes and have tea in the warm pavilion of Zhengfang Garden. I heard that it wasn’t until the rain stopped in the early hours that he escorted Commander Jiang back.”

Pei Yan’s smile froze on his lips, but she didn’t notice. She continued with a suppressed smile, “There’s also some good news to congratulate you on, My Lord. The Madam has announced that she will choose a bride for you from among the daughters of noble families. These days, matchmakers have been coming non-stop. I heard that even the horoscope of the second daughter of Scholar Dong has been—”

She let out a soft cry of surprise as Pei Yan suddenly rose. He only put on his outer robe, draping the fur cloak over his shoulders, and strode out of the Garden of Caution.

The starry night was silent as he wandered, eventually finding himself back at the lotus pond. Traces of the earlier splendor remained, with withered lotus plants still standing in the garden. The fur cloak on his shoulders provided a slight warmth, but his closest kin, his most respected opponent, the talented individuals he sought, and even she who was as warm as the sun – all seemed to be drifting further and further away from him.

That night, to welcome the victorious return of the frontline troops, fireworks lit up the capital city. Thousands of fiery trees and tens of thousands of silver flowers painted the night sky in a riot of colors.

Prince Zhuang, wrapped in a fox fur, sat reclined on a couch. As two carriages drew alongside each other, Wei Zhao flashed in through the window like a swift swallow. He smiled, “It’s been half a year, and Third Brother’s skills have improved even more.”

Wei Zhao’s face was filled with sorrow as he knelt on one knee before Prince Zhuang. He choked out, “Wei Zhao was blind to the situation, deceived by Pei Yan, leading to the Gao clan’s misfortune. I have truly failed Your Highness.”

Prince Zhuang hurriedly helped him up, tears streaming down his face. After a moment, he said, “It’s not your fault. I only hate that Pei Yan was too deceitful and the Huan bandits too formidable. You helped me retrieve Uncle’s remains. Before she left, even the Imperial Consort said we must greatly reward you.”

As the carriage slowly moved along, Wei Zhao sat opposite Prince Zhuang. The Prince poured him a cup of tea and finally couldn’t resist asking, “In your opinion, will Father Emperor truly not wake up?”

“I’ve checked his pulse. It alternates between strong and weak, with his internal energy blocked. It’s certainly due to the combined effects of medicine and anger attacking his heart. The chances of him waking are slim.”

Prince Zhuang let out a long, thin sigh. After a while, he said bitterly, “Now, the court officials are either turning to Big Brother or aligning with Third Brother and Pei Yan. My Prince Zhuang Manor seems to have become a plague-ridden place.”

Wei Zhao sneered, “These petty men, seeing our power wane, want to kick us while we’re down. One day, we’ll make them know our might!”

Recalling the earlier events at the banquet, Prince Zhuang smiled, “Third Brother did well today, it was most satisfying!”

Wei Zhao looked down at the Dragon-coiled Treasure Sword at his waist and said, “Three days after paying respects at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, I’ll have to hand over this sword. At that time, I’m afraid—”

Prince Zhuang laughed proudly, “I’m still a prince after all. Who would dare to touch you?!”

Gratitude showed on Wei Zhao’s face as he said, “With Your Highness’s protection, Wei Zhao will dedicate his life to you!”

Prince Zhuang waved his hand and smiled, “There’s one more thing I must thank you for. The Chief Historian from Little Prince Qingde’s manor secretly came to the capital a few days ago. He showed his master’s token and hinted that as long as we can stabilize the capital, his master would be pleased to see it happen. He mentioned his master is preoccupied with the concubine’s miscarriage and inability to conceive again, unable to attend to other matters.”

Wei Zhao took a sip of tea, hiding a smile at the corner of his lips. He said, “Given Little Prince Qingde’s personality, he’s determined to be a fence-sitter, offending neither side. We can act freely in the capital. As long as we succeed, he will naturally support us.”

“Mm, as long as he doesn’t interfere, if something happens to Big Brother and Third Brother, I’ll be the only heir to the throne. He’ll naturally side with me. Moreover, the Yue father and son have always been in contact with me. With the support of these two factions, we can slowly find ways to strip Pei Yan of his military power.”

Wei Zhao smiled mysteriously and said, “Knowing Your Highness fears Pei Yan might march south, I set a fire before returning to the capital, making him think Yu Wen Jinglun did it. He can only station his troops heavily in Cheng Prefecture.”

Prince Zhuang clapped his hands and laughed heartily, “Excellent!”

Wei Zhao refilled the Prince’s teacup and said, “Now we need to find the most suitable opportunity to strike, without leaving any evidence behind. We also need to get Marquis Suhai’s navy back to Cangping Prefecture. This way, we’ll have the best chance of success.”

Prince Zhuang pondered, “Then the Winter Solstice imperial tomb ceremony would be the best opportunity to make our move.”

“Your Highness is wise. There are still about twenty days until the Winter Solstice. By then, the war situation will be settled, and Marquis Suhai’s navy will have to leave the capital. During the imperial tomb ceremony, the outer defenses will be handled by the Imperial Guards, but the internal security will still be my Guangming Department’s responsibility. We won’t lack opportunities to act.”

“Then what we need to do now is, firstly, instigate conflict between the Crown Prince and Prince Jing, and secondly, do our utmost to maintain your position as the Commander of the Guangming Department.”

Wei Zhao smiled, “Gao Cheng’s men will need to evade the Capital Garrison and secretly enter the imperial tombs. We should have them train well.”

Prince Zhuang nodded, “Don’t worry. Gao Cheng is bottling up his anger, wanting to avenge his father. He will certainly do his best.”

“That’s good. Your Highness, continue to recuperate. We should also avoid suspicion. I’ll take my leave now. If anything comes up, I’ll have Yi Wu contact you.”

Prince Zhuang clasped Wei Zhao’s hands, quite reluctant to let go. After a while, he said softly, “Third Brother, be careful in everything.”

As the fireworks slowly dissipated, the night sky over the capital returned to tranquility. On the streets, pedestrians gradually thinned out, leaving only the night watchman, hunched over, slowly walking along. Occasionally, he would strike his watchman’s drum, letting out a long, desolate call: “The weather is dry, be careful with fire and candles—”

Wei Zhao’s figure flashed, sometimes hiding behind eaves, swiftly moving across rooftops. After ensuring no one was following, he stealthily made his way towards Old Willow Lane on West Straight Street in the inner city.

He climbed the old willow tree in front of the house, finally able to let out a sigh of relief. Inside, a dim candlelight burned, her silhouette faintly visible through the window paper. Wei Zhao flipped into the courtyard, just about to push open the door when the Dragon-coiled Treasure Sword at his waist swayed slightly with his movement. His chest tightened, his steps faltered, and he closed his eyes in pain.

Just as he was about to turn away, Jiang Ci had already opened the door and rushed into his arms. He instinctively stepped back, pushing her away slightly. She looked up, puzzled, “What’s wrong?”

Seeing Wei Zhao’s pale face with beads of sweat on his forehead, Jiang Ci became alarmed and asked tremblingly, “Are you feeling unwell somewhere?”

Wei Zhao took a deep breath and forced a smile, “No, I’m just hungry and walked a bit too fast.”

Jiang Ci relaxed and smiled, “I knew you probably couldn’t eat much at the Minister’s banquet, so I prepared a few small dishes. Come quickly.” She took Wei Zhao’s hand and pulled him into the room. As he stepped through the doorway, Wei Zhao quietly unfastened the Dragon-coiled Treasure Sword from his waist and tossed it onto the woodpile in the courtyard.

On the table, just like in their old home in Star Moon Valley, were several small dishes. Jiang Ci pulled Wei Zhao to the table, placed chopsticks in his hand, and said softly, “I know you probably couldn’t eat much over there, but in the future, no matter how upset you are, you must eat well and eat enough. Be like me – even if the sky falls, fill your stomach first.”

Wei Zhao just lowered his head and ate in silence. Jiang Ci spoke as she ate, “Elder Brother Cui and I went to Lanyue Tower. Aunt had Bao’er and me change clothes, disguising her to sit by the window pretending to be me, while I hid in a costume trunk to leave Lanyue Tower. When I went out to buy groceries earlier, I also dressed as a man and darkened my face before going out.”

Wei Zhao was slightly startled, then said, “In the future, don’t go to Lanyue Tower anymore. There are too many people there, and Su Yan’s identity is complicated. Although she won’t harm you, we can’t prevent others from finding out something.”

“Alright.” Jiang Ci continued, “Oh, Elder Brother Cui wants to meet with you. He says he has some things to discuss with you.”

Wei Zhao lowered his head, gave a brief acknowledgment, and said no more. When he put down his chopsticks, Jiang Ci took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash them. Suddenly, she heard a splash of water from the courtyard. She rushed out and saw Wei Zhao standing by the well, soaked from head to toe.

She slowly understood, her heart aching. She walked over gradually. Wei Zhao’s handsome face was somewhat contorted. Seeing her approach, he stepped back. Jiang Ci followed closely, and when he backed up against the parasol tree in the courtyard, she threw herself into his arms, tightly embracing his waist.

The cold well water dripped from Wei Zhao’s long hair onto her neck. He tried to push her away, but she held him tightly, saying softly, “It’s so cold. I’ve heated some water.”

Wei Zhao remained motionless. Time seemed to stand still for a long while. Finally, he held her tightly, burying his head in her hair, murmuring, “Xiao Ci, wait for me. Just wait for twenty more days, and everything will be over.”

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