HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 122: A Sudden Turn of Events

Chapter 122: A Sudden Turn of Events

Three days after Pei Yan’s triumphant return to the capital, the Crown Prince officially led the court officials in paying respects at the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

On this day, at the hour of Mao (5-7 AM), before dawn had fully broken, all civil and military officials gathered before the Qianqing Gate in their court attire, standing according to their ranks. The Crown Prince, dressed in sky-blue sacrificial robes, departed from the fasting palace in his imperial carriage. The procession moved slowly, with officials following on foot, creating a grand spectacle. Under the guidance of the Court of Imperial Sacrifices officials, they arrived at the Imperial Ancestral Temple at the hour of Chen (7-9 AM).

The Imperial Ancestral Temple, with its multi-tiered colorful halls and white marble foundation, adorned with ornate stone railings, exuded an air of solemn majesty and imperial dignity. In the courtyard, century-old cypress trees stood strong and ancient.

The Crown Prince halted before the five-colored glazed door turned around, and took Pei Yan’s hand, smiling, “Lord Pei, you’ve accomplished great deeds. Come with me into the sacrificial hall.”

Pei Yan, alarmed, replied, “Your Highness, I wouldn’t dare.”

However, the Crown Prince held his hand firmly. Pei Yan had no choice but to step back slightly, following behind him as they passed through the five-colored glazed door, ascended the white marble steps, crossed the golden bridge, passed through the Dazhi Gate, traversed the courtyard, and finally stood before the majestic and splendid main hall.

The officials followed in order, passing through the Dazhi Gate and standing solemnly in the courtyard paved with granite. Wei Zhao, being the supervising official and still holding the Emperor’s precious sword, stood at the front of the right column. Today, he wore a dark red official robe, his demeanor lacking some of his usual arrogance and showing rare solemnity.

As the officials took their positions, bells, and drums sounded in unison, and elegant music filled the air. After the music and rituals concluded, an official from the Court of Imperial Sacrifices came forward with a jade box, requesting the Crown Prince to open it and take out the prayer tablet.

The Crown Prince remained motionless. At this moment, light footsteps were heard, and Internal Attendant Tao emerged from the side hall with a ceremonial whisk. The Crown Prince smiled, stepped back, and knelt respectfully.

Pei Yan’s pupils suddenly contracted, and Wei Zhao also sensed something amiss. A gust of wind blew, causing the officials’ robes to rustle. Amidst the sound of fluttering garments, Internal Attendant Tao raised his voice and announced, “His Majesty the Emperor arrives!”

Pei Yan, shocked, swayed slightly. From the corner of his eye, he saw the color drain from Wei Zhao’s face. Behind him, Pei Zifang suddenly raised his head, and the officials’ faces were filled with astonishment as they looked up, disregarding etiquette.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a tall figure dressed in bright yellow imperial robes slowly emerged from the dim side hall.

He approached slowly, his face much thinner, but his expression as solemn as ever. His gaze remained as sharp as before, coldly sweeping over the faces of the officials. The officials couldn’t help but shudder, coming to their senses. With mixed emotions of shock, joy, and worry, they all knelt and called out, “Long live the Emperor! Long live, long live the Emperor!”

Prince Zhuang and Prince Jing simultaneously climbed the white marble steps, prostrating themselves at the Emperor’s feet, weeping, “Father!”

Jade tablets throughout the courtyard fell to their knees one after another. Wei Zhao, however, stood dazed, the dragon-coiled sword in his hand clattering to the ground. He instantly snapped back to reality, rushing forward two steps, his face a mix of shock and joy, choking out, “Your Majesty! You—”

Pei Yan, taking advantage of the Emperor’s gaze turning towards Wei Zhao, quickly exchanged a glance with Pei Zifang at the bottom of the steps. Pei Zifang shook his head slightly. Pei Yan felt a powerful, somber qi approaching, and when he looked up again, he saw another figure had appeared beside the Emperor. This person wore a gray robe, his face hidden beneath a wide-brimmed gauze hat. Though slender, he stood beside the Emperor like a mountain, instilling a sense of retreat in others. His figure seemed familiar, but Pei Yan couldn’t recall where he had seen him before.

However, he knew that the Emperor’s sudden appearance after being gravely ill, along with this expert by his side, meant everything had been carefully arranged in secret. There was no room for any unusual behavior. So he immediately kowtowed deeply, his voice tinged with suppressed tears, “Your Majesty, your recovery brings us immeasurable joy. Truly, Heaven blesses our dynasty!”

The Emperor smiled at Wei Zhao, whose face showed both shock and joy, then turned back, bending to help Pei Yan up, speaking gently, “Lord Pei has achieved unprecedented military success, and I was able to regain consciousness the night before last. It is indeed Heaven’s blessing and the manifestation of our imperial ancestors’ divine power.”

Only then did the officials realize that the Emperor had awakened two nights ago. Excited, they kowtowed, exclaiming, “Heaven’s blessing and the manifestation of our imperial ancestors’ divine power!”

Wei Zhao slowly stepped back, kowtowing deeply to the other officials. He struggled to control the chaotic qi within his body, forcefully swallowing a mouthful of sweet blood rising in his throat. His hand, gripping the dragon-coiled sword, trembled uncontrollably.

He dared not raise his head. The figure before the hall, carrying with it the nightmares that had haunted him for over a decade, was now entangled in his soul night after night. At this moment, he felt as if he was surrounded by endless darkness, without a glimmer of light or warmth.

In the darkness, a faint voice came: “Please, Your Majesty, take the prayer tablet and enter the hall to pay respects!”

In the darkness, the elegant music rose again. The Emperor seemed to open the jade box and take out the prayer tablet. He appeared to enter the main hall under the guidance of the Court of Imperial Sacrifices official. The official called out according to ritual, and the Emperor paid his respects as per custom.

In the darkness, after the music, Wei Zhao seemed to hear her laughter again, as if seeing her bright and charming smile before his eyes.

Blood slowly seeped from the corner of his mouth, and his numb body finally regained sensation. He slowly raised his sleeve, taking advantage of the kowtow to quietly wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“In the fifth year of Chengxi, in the cyclic year of Wuchen, on the auspicious fifth day of the second month of winter, Bingchen day, the Emperor leads all officials in humbly praying to the imperial ancestors: We reflect on how the virtues and benevolence of emperors and kings pervade, commanding the Marquis of Sword and Tripod to eradicate evil and suppress violence, resisting foreign aggression. Now, with Heaven’s protection and the manifestation of our imperial ancestors’ divine power, we have quelled the rebellion, subdued all traitors, and repelled the Huan barbarians—”

The Emperor’s solemn and majestic voice echoed in the sacrificial hall. Pei Yan listened in a daze, his palms sweating.

After the prayer was finished, the Emperor personally placed the prayer tablet and silk into the sacrificial furnace. The sacrificial music rose again, and everyone in and outside the hall, from the Emperor down to all the officials, kowtowed to the spirit tablets of the imperial ancestors and the past emperors of the Xie clan.

As the ceremony concluded, the Emperor rose and pulled Pei Yan up, smiling kindly, “Lord Pei has achieved great merit this time and should be well rewarded to showcase our dynasty’s might. Listen to your conferment.”

Pei Yan hurriedly kowtowed. Internal Attendant Tao unfolded a bright yellow imperial edict and read aloud: “By the mandate of Heaven, the Emperor decrees: Now, the Marquis of Sword and Tripod, Pei Yan, possesses both wisdom and courage, unparalleled loyalty and filial piety. He accepted a dangerous mission in times of crisis, quelled the rebellion, defended our borders, and protected our land. His achievements benefit the state and society, shining through the ages. We hereby confer upon Pei Yan the title of Prince of Loyalty and Filial Piety, grant him a nine-pearl crown, permit him to carry a sword within the palace, and bestow upon him a fief of five thousand households. All meritorious officers of the Changfeng Cavalry are to be promoted three ranks above their current military grade. For all the heroic martyrs, their loyalty shall be honored. We specially decree that long-life shrines be built in all states and prefectures across the country for the Prince of Loyalty and Filial Piety and meritorious officers, and loyalty monuments be erected for the heroic martyrs, to be worshipped in all four seasons. The families of fallen officers shall be generously compensated. So be it!”

Internal Attendant Tao’s voice was shrill and prolonged, heard clearly by hundreds of people inside and outside the hall. The winter wind blew across the front of the hall, and Pei Yan, unable to suppress his fear, could only kowtow deeply, saying in a deep voice, “Your subject Pei Yan thanks Your Majesty for this great honor. Long live, long live the Emperor!”

Only then did the officials recover from their shock. Since the founding of the Hua Dynasty, apart from Yue Fan, who was granted a princedom due to special geographical and historical reasons, only descendants of the Xie imperial clan could be conferred princely titles. Especially after the “Rebel Prince Uprising” more than twenty years ago, the Emperor had been actively reducing feudal power, retaining only the Prince of Qingde as the sole princely title. For Pei Yan, at just twenty-four years old, to be granted a princely title outside the imperial clan was unprecedented in Hua Dynasty history, leaving everyone astounded.

The Emperor once again helped Pei Yan up, patting his hand gently, saying, “Lord Pei’s triumphant return has greatly pleased me, and my illness has improved rapidly. I shall hold another banquet in the palace to commend your merits and celebrate with all the officials.”

Holding Pei Yan’s hand, he stepped out of the main hall, descended the white marble steps, and then smiled as he grasped Wei Zhao’s left wrist, looking at him with a hint of fondness: “Third Son has worked hard too. I have another imperial edict for you.”

Wei Zhao smiled at the Emperor, his smile radiating immense joy. He flipped his right hand, presenting the dragon-coiled sword before the Emperor, his fine eyebrows slightly raised, showing a hint of proud accomplishment: “Your subject has fortunately not failed your command.”

The Emperor chuckled, releasing his wrist, taking the sword, and handing it to the Crown Prince behind him. He then grasped Wei Zhao’s hand again, leading both Pei Yan and Wei Zhao towards the Dazhi Gate.

The gray-robed man wearing the gauze hat followed the three with heavy steps. Prince Zhuang and Prince Jing inadvertently exchanged glances, both discovering a flash of horror in each other’s eyes.

That day, another grand feast was set in Hongtai Hall to celebrate the Emperor’s recovery and again commend Pei Yan’s outstanding military achievements in being conferred the title of Prince of Loyalty and Filial Piety. During the banquet, the Emperor issued another decree, rewarding Pei Yan with eight thousand taels of gold, five hundred bolts of fine silk, fifty pecks of pearls, and twelve palace maids. The officers and soldiers of the Changfeng Cavalry were also rewarded according to their merits, with the Ministry of War issuing separate edicts to be sent to Hexi, Chengjun, and other regions. As for the “False Emperor of Shu” and the family members of Boyun Mountain who were escorted to the capital months ago, all were to be beheaded and their entire clans executed.

Inside Hongtai Hall, a chorus of congratulations rose. The Emperor sat on his dragon throne, smiling as he watched the officials toasting Pei Yan. He then looked towards Wei Zhao and beckoned him over.

Wei Zhao approached with a smile, but suddenly the gray-robed man beside the Emperor reached out and gripped his right wrist. Wei Zhao continued to smile, not struggling. After a moment, the gray-robed man released his hand and whispered something in the Emperor’s ear.

The Emperor’s face gradually filled with concern as he said to Wei Zhao, “It seems the ‘Ice Soul Pill’ indeed has issues. Fortunately, you took fewer ‘Fire Pills,’ and being young with a good foundation, it hasn’t manifested yet. But haven’t you been coughing up blood occasionally?”

Wei Zhao smiled bitterly, “Your Majesty is perceptive.”

Seeing that the officials were still gathered around Pei Yan toasting, the hall filled with clamor, the Emperor sighed softly, “It’s my fault for having you take the ‘Ice Soul Pill.’ Starting tomorrow, come to Yanghui Hall morning and evening. I’ll have this master help you with qi circulation treatment.”

Wei Zhao glanced sideways at the gray-robed man but said nothing. The Emperor chuckled, patting his hand, “I’ve just recovered and am feeling a bit tired. You all go enjoy yourselves, just don’t get too wild.”

As the Emperor rose, the officials hurriedly knelt to see him off. As Pei Yan looked up, he watched the gray-robed man’s figure and suddenly changed expression, finally remembering where he had seen this person before.

Pei Yan was eager to leave, but the group of ministers continued to engage him. Wei Zhao, taking advantage of the others’ inattention, quietly slipped out of Hongtai Hall. He stood at the entrance of the great hall for a moment, gazing at the clear, cold sky. In the sky, there were only a few very faint clouds, one of which undulated like mountain ranges after moonset, and another thin wisp of cloud curved slightly, resembling her coquettishly raised lip corner when she pouted.

He silently watched until his feet no longer trembled, then turned and walked towards Yanghui Hall.

The Emperor had just lain down when he saw Wei Zhao enter, his tone reproachful, “Why have you come again?” The gray-robed man came over to help the Emperor up, but Wei Zhao pushed him aside, sat beside the Emperor, took a brocade pillow, and placed it behind the Emperor’s waist.

The Emperor’s complexion was somewhat pale, his words also revealing weakness, “I’m truly tired. Come back tomorrow.”

Wei Zhao remained silent for a long time. The Emperor turned his head to look at him, seeing his eyes gradually reddening, and couldn’t help but chuckle, saying, “You haven’t cried since you were thirteen.”

Wei Zhao turned his face away, and after a while, said in a low voice, “Third Son thought that never again—”

The Emperor sighed, “I know your heart. Even if I could bear to part with this vast land and rivers, I couldn’t bear to part with you.” Before Wei Zhao could respond, he closed his eyes and said softly, “I’m really tired. Come back tomorrow, I still have questions for you.”

Wei Zhao knelt and kowtowed, saying, “Yes, your subject takes his leave.”

After Wei Zhao left Yanghui Hall and his footsteps faded away, the Emperor coughed several times. The gray-robed man came over and pressed on his back, helping him catch his breath. The Emperor then said, “Master Ye, what do you think of him—”

“There are indeed signs of qi deviation, similar to Your Majesty’s symptoms, though milder. It seems Lord Wei’s youth has temporarily prevented it from manifesting.”

The Emperor slowly lay down, closing his eyes. After a long while, he said faintly, “This child—” Master Ye waited for a while, but seeing the Emperor speak no more and hearing his breathing indicate he had fallen asleep, he gently tucked the brocade quilt around him and silently walked out of the inner chamber.

The Crown Prince stood in the outer hall, asking softly, “Has Father fallen asleep?”

Master Ye walked out to the hall entrance, with the Crown Prince following. Master Ye lowered his voice, “The Emperor was barely holding on today. This illness has been too severe, and although he has managed to wake up, his vital essence is greatly damaged. The Crown Prince should prepare early.”

The Crown Prince frowned deeply, staring at the deep red carved window lattice of Yan Hui Hall. After a long pause, he finally said, “I am grateful for Master Ye’s efforts.”

“Your Highness, I will do my utmost,” Master Ye replied, bowing deeply.

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