HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 141: An Old Friend Forever Gone

Chapter 141: An Old Friend Forever Gone

Pei Yan helped Cui Liang lie down in the room. Jiang Ci entered and asked, “How did he get drunk?”

“Xiao Ci,” Pei Yan turned, gazing at her intently.

Jiang Ci noticed an unusual heat in his eyes and quickly stepped back, saying, “Your Highness, it’s getting late. You should go rest.”

“Then escort me out.”

Pei Yan stopped under the wisteria trellis, suddenly turning around. Jiang Ci saw him staring at her abdomen and instinctively covered it, then realizing he had noticed, she dropped her hand and calmly said, “Take care, Your Highness.”

“Xiao Ci, what do you plan to do?” Pei Yan’s voice was gentle.

Jiang Ci replied, “After Brother Cui teaches me medicine for another year, I can open an herbal shop. There are female doctors in Hua Dynasty, and it suits me well.”

“And the child?”

Jiang Ci looked up at the night sky and said softly, “He will be watching from heaven, seeing me raise his child to adulthood.”

Pei Yan felt a twinge in his heart but still managed to say, “Xiao Ci, running an herbal shop is hard work, and raising a child alone isn’t easy. Why don’t you… stay in the prince’s mansion?”

Jiang Ci was stunned. Pei Yan looked at her and said in an unprecedented gentle tone, “Xiao Ci, stay here in the West Garden. Don’t leave anymore.”

Jiang Ci understood the implication of Pei Yan’s words and was surprised by his decision, leaving her speechless. Pei Yan, thinking she was hesitating, said softly, “If San Lang sees that you and the child are settled, he would be at peace too.”

A cold wind blew, and he took off his fur coat, draping it over Jiang Ci’s shoulders. They both froze, realizing it was the silver snow pearl fur coat from last year.

After a long moment, Jiang Ci looked up at Pei Yan and said, “Your Highness, I have a request.”

Hearing her voice so soft and gentle, unlike her recent coldness, Pei Yan’s heart stirred. He smiled and said, “Alright, whatever it is, I’ll grant it.”

Jiang Ci’s eyes reddened as she said softly, “The day after tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. I want… I want to visit and walk around the place where he used to live.”

Pei Yan was stunned. Her words showed a devotion he had never seen in anyone before. Would he ever have a woman care for him like this in his lifetime? Seeing Jiang Ci’s tears fall, he slowly reached out to wipe them away, saying gently, “Alright, I promise you. The Wei mansion and the Viscount mansion are sealed, but I’ll take you there the day after tomorrow.”

Her cheeks were cold, but her tears were scalding. This mix of hot and cold lingered on his fingertips for a long time—

On New Year’s Eve, heavy snow began to fall again. By late afternoon, the streets were empty. A luxurious curtained carriage slowly approached the former First-Rank Loyal and Brave Viscount’s mansion on the east side of West Straight Street.

Cui Liang and Pei Yan jumped down from the carriage, both reaching out to help Jiang Ci down. Noticing that Jiang Ci was dressed rather lightly and not wearing the fur coat, Pei Yan asked, “Why didn’t you wear the fur coat out?”

Jiang Ci, however, was staring at the white seal on the Viscount mansion’s gate, her lips trembling. Pei Yan waved his hand, and Tong Min went to tear off the seal. A yamen runner with a sword came over, shouting, “Who dares to remove the imperial seal?!”

Tong Min showed his token, and the man retreated in fear.

Cui Liang said softly, “Xiao Ci, let’s go in. After you’ve seen it, don’t think about it anymore. Have a good New Year, and next year, focus on giving birth to your child safely.”

Jiang Ci nodded, crying softly. Cui Liang supported her as she stepped onto the snow-covered stone steps, with Pei Yan following behind. Jiang Ci turned back and said softly, “Your Highness, I’d like to go in with Brother Cui. Could you wait for us outside?”

Pei Yan was slightly taken aback but then said, “Alright.” He added, “Just take a look and come out. The household is waiting for us to return for the New Year’s dinner.”

Jiang Ci was silent for a moment, then bowed formally to Pei Yan, saying solemnly, “Thank you, Your Highness!”

Fearing Pei Yan might notice something amiss, Cui Liang gently squeezed her right hand. Jiang Ci glanced once more at Pei Yan at the bottom of the steps before turning away.

The mansion gate creaked open, and as Jiang Ci stepped over the threshold, she looked back once more.

At the bottom of the steps, in the heavy snow, he stood wrapped in his fur coat, smiling gently at her. The wind whirled snowflakes onto his face, but he continued to smile, watching her, always watching her—

At the beginning of the Hour of the Monkey, three fine horses galloped through the mud and snow, racing out of the northern gate of the capital.

By the end of the Hour of the Monkey, the sound of hooves thundered, and bells jingled as the formidable Changfeng Guards mobilized, speeding out of the northern gate of the capital.

The gate guards watched in bewilderment and some alarm, whispering among themselves.

“Did you see? The Loyal and Filial Prince himself is leading the troops out of the city.”

“Such urgency on New Year’s Eve. Who knows what’s happened?”

“Ah, this year has been full of troubles. Let’s hope next year will be more peaceful.”

In the wind and snow, Pei Yan rode hard, the cold wind cutting his face like a blade. The letter in his chest burned like a raging fire, fueling his anger with nowhere to vent.

“Your Highness,

Cui Liang and his sister Jiang Ci bid farewell and express their gratitude for your years of care. Today we part, never to meet again. I am deeply moved by your kindness, Your Highness. However, my abilities are limited and unworthy of your trust, and I have failed to live up to your expectations.

Now that the realm is newly stabilized, it is time to focus on agriculture, reduce taxes, employ honest officials, and listen to the people’s voices. Only goodness should be pursued, only virtue should be practiced. The ‘Map of the Realm’ I have drawn is accurate for every river and mountain north of the Juanshui River. Your Highness may use it if foreign invaders come. South of the Juanshui River, truth and falsehood are mixed; please do not use it. The locations of various mineral deposits are all in my mind. If the country faces difficulties in the future, I will inform Your Highness as appropriate to help you benefit the people and stabilize the realm.

Although Yueluo has been established as a vassal state, exempted from miscellaneous duties, and prohibited from offering concubines and young boys, many of the agreements between Your Highness and Brother Xiao have not yet been implemented. I humbly request that Your Highness remember Brother Xiao’s kindness, fulfill your promises, and comfort his spirit. Entrusted by Brother Xiao, I hold evidence of Your Highness’s actions over the years. If Your Highness breaks faith, I will reveal Your Highness’s handwritten edicts to the world. Please be cautious.

My sister Jiang Ci and I will live among mountains and rivers, wishing Your Highness success in governing the realm, achieving great prestige, and becoming a great minister of this generation!

Cui Liang and sister Jiang Ci bow on New Year’s Eve of the first year of Yongde.”

The wind and snow howled past his ears, but couldn’t extinguish the flames in Pei Yan’s heart. Seeing a rider approaching from the opposite direction, he angrily reined in his horse, and the Changfeng Guards also halted.

Su Yan pulled her horse’s reins and smiled at Pei Yan, “Your Highness, where are you going on this New Year’s Eve?”

Pei Yan knew that Cui Liang and Jiang Ci had escaped through the secret passage to Old Willow Lane and must have been helped out of the city by Su Yan. However, he couldn’t offend the person behind Su Yan. As for why he wanted to bring Cui and Jiang back, that was something no one could know. So he suppressed his anger and said calmly, “Sister Su, I just want to ask you one thing: which way did they go?”

Su Yan adjusted her crane-feather cloak and smiled, “Your Highness, I just returned from offering incense at the Great Enlightenment Temple. I don’t understand what you mean.”

Pei Yan snorted angrily, knowing further questions would be futile. He was about to ride off when a thought struck him. He shouted suddenly, turning his horse southward.

Su Yan’s expression changed slightly, but she quickly composed herself. Watching Pei Yan and the Changfeng Guards disappear into the distance, she smiled and said, “Your Highness, even if you’ve guessed correctly, you won’t catch up to them.”

Red Maple Mountain, Wangjing Pavilion.

This was the second time Pei Yan had climbed to this pavilion. Last year, he had intercepted Cui Liang here and had a long talk with him, the memory still fresh. But this time, he could only stand alone at the railing, gazing out.

The cold wind whistled past his ears, thick snow covered the land, and the mountains and rivers were pristine and crystalline. He looked as far as he could, but there was no trace of people. All they had left behind was the letter in his chest.

Winter had passed, and spring had arrived, but the people who had once been by his side were leaving him one by one.

No matter how much he pounded on the railing, no matter how far he gazed across the horizon, everything had flowed away like water, never to return.

Pei Yan didn’t know how long he had stood in the Wangjing Pavilion, nor what he was looking at or feeling melancholy about until the sound of hurried footsteps startled him awake.

Tong Min rushed over, saying, “Your Highness, an urgent report!”

Pei Yan read it, his eyes suddenly gleaming. Holding the report, he looked towards the distant capital city covered in snow and suddenly threw back his head, laughing loudly, “Xie Chi, ah Xie Chi, I’ve truly underestimated you all this time!”

The cold wind blew his fur coat, making it flutter lightly. He let out a long breath, his gaze as deep as an abyss. He turned around casually, hurriedly left Wangjing Pavilion, descended Red Maple Mountain, mounted his horse, and galloped towards the capital city under the escort of the Changfeng Guards, like a sharp sword cleaving through the snowy wilderness.

In the twelfth month of the first year of Yongde in the Hua Dynasty, Prince Jing was ordered by Emperor Ming to attend the birthday celebration of the Small Prince of Qingde in Yujian Prefecture. During the banquet, the Small Prince of Qingde suddenly fell ill and died. The Prince’s subordinates directly accused Prince Jing of poisoning him and detained Prince Jing.

Emperor Ming urgently ordered Marquis Xuanyuan to go south and temporarily take charge of military and political affairs in Yujian Prefecture and to rescue Prince Jing back to the capital. However, Prince Jing was unable to prove his innocence. To appease the public anger in Yujian Prefecture, Emperor Ming demoted Prince Jing to Earl of Haicheng, relocating him to Haizhou, never to return to the capital for life.

In the first month of the second year of Yongde, Emperor Ming commended Marquis Xuanyuan He Zhenwen for quelling the unrest in Yujian Prefecture and summoned him to the cabinet to manage military affairs.

In the second month of the second year of Yongde, Emperor Ming took Princess Xuanyuan He Qingling as his consort.

In the fifth month of the second year of Yongde, the primary wife of the late Small Prince of Qingde, Lady Tan, gave birth to a son. Emperor Ming bestowed upon him the title of Prince of Yujian. Before he turned eighteen, his birth mother, Consort Tan, would manage all military and political affairs in Yujian Prefecture.

In the sixth month of the second year of Yongde, the mother of the Great General of the North, Ning Jianyu, passed away. Emperor Ming posthumously conferred upon her the title of First-Rank Furen, gave her a grand burial, and allowed Ning Jianyu to observe a three-year mourning period. He dispatched Marquis Xuanyuan to Cheng Prefecture to take over military command. However, on the eve of Ning Jianyu’s departure, Cheng Prefecture was suddenly attacked by the Huan army. Ning Jianyu, dressed in mourning clothes, led his troops in a bloody battle, killing the enemy general and forcing the Huan army to retreat.

Emperor Ming issued an edict praising Ning Jianyu’s military achievements, canceling his mourning period, and ordering him to continue guarding Cheng Prefecture.

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