HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 17: Trouble Arises Within

Chapter 17: Trouble Arises Within

Jiang Ci startled, quickly jumping up and taking two steps back. Unfortunately, she had strained her neck earlier when Wei Zhao appeared, and this sudden movement caused another sharp pain. She couldn’t help but cry out, clutching her neck.

Pei Yan turned his head and stared at her for a moment. Jiang Ci dared not look at his drunken face and increasingly piercing gaze. She rubbed her neck and gradually retreated.

Pei Yan stood up and strode to the edge of the lotus pond. He bent down, scooped up the cold lake water, and splashed it on his face repeatedly. After dozens of splashes, he finally stopped, crouching by the pond in silence.

Jiang Ci slowly backed away, concealing herself under a large tree by the pond, fearing that this “big crab” might lose control in his drunken state and harm her.

Pei Yan gazed at the withered lotuses in the pond for a long while before standing up. With his hands behind his back, he walked towards the garden gate. As he passed where Jiang Ci was standing, he coldly said, “Follow me.” Jiang Ci had no choice but to comply.

Pei Yan walked to the entrance of Butterfly Garden and stood with his hands clasped, saying nothing more. Jiang Ci could only stand behind him, silently cursing. She couldn’t help but raise her fist, wanting to make a subtle gesture, but halfway through, she hesitated and quietly lowered it.

The moon gradually rose to its zenith, and the night became ethereal. Light footsteps sounded, and the man in the purple robe emerged with his hands behind his back. Pei Yan stepped forward and bowed respectfully, remaining silent. The purple-robed man also said nothing, his sharp gaze fixed on Pei Yan for a long time. Finally, he swept his sleeve and said softly, “Let’s go.”

Pei Yan responded with a “Yes” and continued to lead the way. The three of them exited through the east side gate of the Chancellor’s mansion. The purple-robed man stopped and glanced at Jiang Ci behind Pei Yan. Jiang Ci’s heart pounded, and she lowered her head.

Pei Yan seemed to understand the man’s thoughts and said in a low voice, “Don’t worry.”

The purple-robed man boarded the carriage. Pei Yan took the reins and led the carriage to the front of the Chancellor’s mansion. The previous coachman came over, took the whip, leaped onto the driver’s seat, and with a light call, the carriage slowly moved off into the darkness.

Pei Yan bowed slightly, watching the carriage gradually disappear from view. A fleeting look of sadness seemed to cross his face, vanishing in an instant.

Only when the sound of hooves had completely faded did he straighten up? His finger joints cracked as he turned to look at the gilded character “Chancellor’s Mansion” on the gate lintel, letting out a cold laugh.

Jiang Ci, hearing Pei Yan’s strange laughter, couldn’t help but look at his face. She saw that the drunken flush had receded, and his eyes were no longer hazy, but as sharp as ever.

Pei Yan glanced at Jiang Ci and said coldly, “Remember to keep your mouth shut. Don’t eat the wrong poison again.”

It took Jiang Ci a while to understand his meaning, and she was furious. But with her life in his hands, she couldn’t reveal anything about the purple-robed man’s night visit to Madam Rong, nor could she tell anyone about his earlier drunken behavior.

While she was lost in thought, Pei Yan had already regained his composure. He strode gracefully, smiling as he entered the Chancellor’s mansion.

In the main garden, the guests had finished their meal, but the dishes had gone cold. Still, there was no sign of Chancellor Pei returning to the garden, and they couldn’t leave without his dismissal. Everyone wondered: What could have happened to make the usually composed Chancellor Pei abandon his guests, including the esteemed Crown Prince and two princes, for nearly half a night without returning?

In the main hall, the Crown Prince was growing impatient. Fortunately, Prince Jing kept him occupied with composing poetry and had Su Yan sing several songs, preventing him from leaving in a huff. Prince Zhuang, however, seemed to be gloating, chatting animatedly with the Right Chancellor, occasionally mentioning, “Why hasn’t the Left Chancellor returned to his seat?”

Wei Zhao seemed indifferent to everything around him. He leaned back in his chair, eyes half-closed, appearing to be neither asleep nor awake. Occasionally, a slight smile would play on his lips, exuding charm and attracting glances from others. Then he would suddenly open his eyes wide, startling them into hastily averting their gaze.

Pei Yan entered the garden with a smile, bowing and apologizing all the way. He stepped into the main hall and approached the Crown Prince, bowing as he said, “Please forgive me, Your Highness. There was a small issue in the mansion that I had to attend to. I humbly request Your Highness’s pardon.”

The Crown Prince helped Pei Yan up, smiling as he stood, “No need for apologies. Now that the host has returned, and we guests have eaten and drunk our fill, we shall take our leave.”

Pei Yan quickly bowed and said, “This subject will see Your Highness off!”

Wei Zhao stood up smiling, his black eyes shining brightly, outshining the autumn chrysanthemums in the garden. He brushed his white robe and said, “I’ll take my leave as well. We’ll drink together another day, Young Chancellor!”

Seeing the Crown Prince and others step out of the main hall, the officials hurriedly knelt to bid farewell to the Crown Prince as he left the garden.

Pei Yan escorted the Crown Prince to his palanquin, and everyone watched as it departed. Only then did the carriages of other princes and noble relatives slowly approach the main gate. The guests bid farewell to Pei Yan, who thanked them with a smile, creating another scene of bustling activity at the mansion’s entrance.

Prince Zhuang pulled Wei Zhao aside, whispering something to him, but Wei Zhao only smiled without speaking. Prince Jing noticed this and turned back to whisper in Pei Yan’s ear, “What’s wrong with the Young Chancellor tonight? He’s stirred up so much speculation and gossip for no reason.”

Pei Yan continued to bow and say goodbye to the officials while quietly replying, “I’ll explain in detail to Your Highness another day.”

As they were talking, they suddenly heard someone shout, “Not good, there’s a fire over there!”

Everyone was startled and looked up to see a huge fire in the northeast direction of the inner city. The flames were growing stronger, turning half the night sky red. Soon, the sound of fire alarm gongs could be heard, indicating that the Imperial City Guard had been alerted and was rushing to extinguish the fire.

Pei Yan looked for a moment, mentally calculating, and his expression changed: “This is bad, it’s the Envoy’s Residence!”

Wei Zhao’s handsome face darkened, and he and Pei Yan simultaneously rushed out, leaping onto their horses and riding toward the fire. An Cheng quickly led several dozen Changfeng Guards to follow, and Wei Zhao’s personal guards also hurried after them.

Prince Zhuang and Prince Jing looked at each other in dismay. Right Chancellor Tao Xingde shook his head, “If it’s the Envoy’s Residence on fire, this could be quite troublesome!”

Seeing Pei Yan ride off, Jiang Ci noticed the Changfeng Guards who had been watching her for the past few days approaching. She cursed inwardly and decided not to look for Su Yan, instead returning directly to the West Garden.

Entering the garden, she saw Cui Liang lounging in a bamboo chair, swaying slightly, leisurely drinking and peeling peanuts. Jiang Ci smiled and sat on a small stool beside him, “Brother Cui, you seem so relaxed, while I’ve been bored all night.”

Cui Liang looked up at her and smiled, “Why are you still in that disguise? Go change quickly.”

Only then did Jiang Ci remember she was still in her disguise. She hurried to her room to change into women’s clothes and wash off her makeup. As she wiped her face, she came out and asked, “Brother Cui, why didn’t you go to the main garden for the birthday banquet?”

Cui Liang shook his head and asked, “Did you recognize that person’s voice?”

Jiang Ci pouted and said, “No.”

A hint of worry flashed in Cui Liang’s eyes as he sat up, “Did the Chancellor say anything? Were there any guests who didn’t attend?”

Jiang Ci pulled the plate in front of him onto her lap and started peeling peanuts while saying, “Some seats were empty. It looked like about ten people didn’t come to offer their congratulations. But the Chancellor doesn’t have time to think about that now; he rushed off to fight the fire.” She pointed towards the northeast of the inner city.

Only then did Cui Liang notice the faint glow of fire in that direction. After looking for a moment, he frowned slightly, “This doesn’t bode well. There will surely be chaos in court tomorrow.”

“Why?” Jiang Ci offered a handful of peeled peanuts to Cui Liang.

Cui Liang’s expression was solemn, “The fire is at the Envoy’s Residence. If anything happens to the Huan Kingdom’s envoys, I’m afraid—”

Jiang Ci put the peanuts in Cui Liang’s hand and said, “Never mind that, let the Chancellor worry about it.”

Cui Liang sighed lightly, “Little Ci, you don’t understand. If something happens to the Huan Kingdom’s envoys, Huan might demand an explanation. If the peace treaty isn’t signed and war breaks out again between the two countries, it’s the common people at the border who will suffer, and millions of soldiers who will bleed.”

Hearing the compassion in Cui Liang’s words, Jiang Ci felt that faint sadness from earlier in the banquet creeps over her heart again. She was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, “Brother Cui.”


“I think I understand the meaning of a line from a play I used to sing.”

“Which line?” Cui Liang turned to look at her.

“No matter how beautiful his beloved, how grand his wealth, how great his power to move heaven and earth, in the end, it all comes down to that one body, that one day, that one handful of yellow earth!”

Cui Liang asked in surprise, “Why this sudden sentiment?”

Jiang Ci looked towards the distant night sky and said wistfully, “I saw two very special people tonight and watched a grand play. It made me pensive.”

Cui Liang’s eyes flickered as he gazed at Jiang Ci’s slightly melancholic face. Suddenly, he reached out his hand.

Jiang Ci tilted her head to avoid it, but Cui Liang said softly, “Don’t move, there’s still some black mud here.” He took the silk handkerchief Jiang Ci had tossed aside and gently wiped away the remaining disguise mud near her ear.

Jiang Ci felt a bit ticklish and giggled, her previous melancholy disappearing. Cui Liang looked down at her innocent smile and sighed inwardly. He said softly, “Little Ci.”


“I want to ask you a question.”

“Go ahead. I’m listening.”

Cui Liang put the handkerchief on the stool and gazed at Jiang Ci, “If… if you discovered that many things aren’t as you imagined them to be, that some people aren’t what they appear to be on the surface, would you be heartbroken?”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment, then shook her head, “No.”


“What’s the use of being heartbroken? No matter how sad I am, it won’t change anything.”

Cui Liang was stunned, then smiled and said, “Little Ci, you see things more clearly than many clever people.”

The Envoy’s Residence was located in the northeast corner of the inner city, separated from the Imperial City by only Weicheng Avenue. It consisted of dozens of large and small buildings, grand and magnificent, with exquisite carvings. For years, it had been used to host envoys and distinguished guests from various countries.

Pei Yan and Wei Zhao rode their horses to the front of the Envoy’s Residence. The scene was already one of raging flames and chaos, with the fire spreading like a tide from the east side of the residence to the west. The flames rolled fiercely, and the thick smoke made it difficult to keep one’s eyes open.

Fan Yi, the commander of the Imperial City Guard, was directing his subordinates to pour water and fight the fire. Many civilians had also rushed to help, but the fire was too intense. The crackling sound of the flames was deafening, and before long, the entire Envoy’s Residence was engulfed in flames.

Fan Yi had been promoted by Pei Yan himself. Turning his head and seeing Pei Yan frowning and standing with Wei Zhao nearby, he hurried over to bow and greet them, “Chancellor, Lord Wei.”

Pei Yan asked, “What about the people inside?”

“Some escaped, and I’ve arranged for them to rest and receive treatment elsewhere, but—”


“The Right Envoy from Jin, His Excellency, is trapped inside. He hasn’t escaped.”

Pei Yan was shocked and angry, but his face remained calm as still water. After a moment’s thought, he said, “Focus on putting out the fire first.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Wait!” Wei Zhao said lazily.

Fan Yi’s Imperial City Guard had long been bullied by Wei Zhao’s Guangming Department, but they dared not voice their anger. His guard was only responsible for patrolling and maintaining order in the inner city and outer city, while the safety of the Imperial City was the responsibility of the Guangming Department. The guards of the Guangming Department had always looked down on the Imperial City Guard, and before Wei Zhao took office, the two sides had fought countless times, with wins and losses evenly split. Of course, these conflicts were all conducted privately, never reaching the emperor’s ears.

Since Wei Zhao became the commander of the Guangming Department, their arrogance had surged, and the Imperial City Guard could only lower their heads and avoid confrontation when they encountered the Guangming guards. They were severely oppressed. Although Wei Zhao’s power was overwhelming, Fan Yi could only smile and submit outwardly while seething with hatred inwardly. Even though they were of the same rank, when Wei Zhao called, he could only turn with a smile and ask, “What are Lord Wei’s orders?”

Wei Zhao said coldly, “First, have people tear down that house behind the Envoy’s Residence.”

Fan Yi was stunned. Pei Yan frowned slightly, then said calmly after a moment, “Do as Lord Wei says. If the fire spreads to the Imperial City, it would be a capital offense.”

Fan Yi suddenly realized that the Envoy’s Residence was separated from the Imperial City by only one house and a street. If the fire spread to the rear house and crossed the street to affect the Imperial City, he would certainly lose his position as commander of the Imperial City Guard.

He quickly turned and dispatched most of the Imperial City Guard to demolish the buildings behind the Envoy’s Residence. Wei Zhao glanced sideways at Pei Yan and said languidly, “Young Chancellor, please don’t take offense. Protecting the Imperial City is my duty. I cannot allow His Majesty to be alarmed.”

Pei Yan smiled and said, “How dare I? The safety of His Majesty is indeed the most important.”

Wei Zhao turned to look at the fire scene and sighed, “I’m afraid the envoy’s life is in grave danger!”

Pei Yan turned his head to look at Wei Zhao. The fire had turned his face bright red, and that whiteness amidst the red glow was almost eerily beautiful. His slightly narrowed, shining eyes exuded an indescribable magical power. Pei Yan’s heart stirred, but in an instant, he remembered that Jiang Ci had shown no reaction when Wei Zhao entered the garden, and he suppressed that hint of doubt.

The fire raged on, with constant cracking sounds as beams and rafters broke and crashed to the ground, creating huge sounds and sending up even fiercer flames. Those fighting the fire scattered in all directions. Pei Yan sighed inwardly and retreated with Wei Zhao to the street corner. Looking up at the night sky, they felt as if dark clouds were pressing down, with wind and rain about to come.

On the night of the eighth day of the tenth month in the capital city, a sudden blaze erupted in the stables behind the envoy’s residence. The fire spread rapidly, and despite the efforts of the Imperial Guard, it engulfed the entire envoy’s residence, reducing dozens of buildings to ashes.

At the time, more than seventy members of the Huan Kingdom’s envoy were staying in the residence. When the fire broke out, only a handful managed to escape in time. Jin Yourang and over fifty others perished in the inferno.

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