HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 23: Advancing Step by Step

Chapter 23: Advancing Step by Step

Jiang Ci had been thinking day and night about how to visit the Prime Minister’s mansion. Hearing the opportunity, she exclaimed with joy, “I’ll go!”

Pei Yan smiled and said, “Then go change your attire.”

Jiang Ci set down the copper kettle with a thud and dashed to her room. She hurriedly changed into a servant boy’s outfit and rushed out carrying a cloth bundle. Seeing Pei Yan’s figure already at the garden gate, she quickly caught up. When they reached the west gate of the Prime Minister’s mansion, she realized Cui Liang wasn’t with them and asked anxiously, “Isn’t Brother Cui coming to watch the opera?”

Pei Yan, with his hands behind his back, replied, “His wound has just healed. He needs rest.”

Noticing an ordinary two-wheeled, black-canopied carriage parked at the west gate, Jiang Ci found it strange. As she boarded the carriage with Pei Yan, he noticed her clutching the cloth bundle tightly and asked, “What’s that?”

“Elder Sister Su’s clothes. I’m returning them to her.”

Pei Yan smiled, “Who said we’re going to Lan Yue Lou?”

Jiang Ci let out a surprised “Ah!” and exclaimed, “Aren’t we going to Lan Yue Lou to watch the opera?”

“We are going to watch an opera, but not at Lan Yue Lou. Do you think only Lan Yue Lou has good performances in the capital? The dan roles at Li Zi Yuan are quite good too.”

Greatly disappointed, Jiang Ci had hoped to see Su Yan at Lan Yue Lou and find a way to pass on an urgent message. Realizing they weren’t going there and remembering that Brother Cui wasn’t with them, she put on a smile and said, “Your Excellency, I’m not feeling well. Perhaps I shouldn’t go to the opera after all.”

Pei Yan closed his eyes and didn’t respond. Hearing the coachman’s whip-crack outside and the carriage about to move, Jiang Ci felt inexplicably afraid and said, “Your Excellency, I’ll head back to the West Garden first.” She lifted the carriage curtain, intending to jump out.

Pei Yan opened his eyes and swiftly reached out, grabbing Jiang Ci’s collar and pulling her back just as the carriage started moving. The sudden motion caused her to fall into his arms.

It was now deep autumn, in the tenth month. A heavy rain had fallen during the day, and the night wind carried a chill as it rushed in through the lifted curtain. Jiang Ci, wearing only the thin servant’s attire, shivered in the cold breeze.

Pei Yan pinched her left arm, somewhat displeased, “If you didn’t have a padded jacket, you should have said so. Someone would have prepared one for you. Dressing like this to go out with me makes it look like my household mistreats its servants.”

Jiang Ci struggled out of his embrace, angrily retorting, “I’m not your servant!”

Pei Yan chuckled and said leisurely, “Is that so? I seem to recall someone promising by Ying Yue Lake one night to be my servant to repay the debt of saving her life.”

Jiang Ci was furious but knew it was unwise to engage in a battle of words. This “big crab” had brought her out to watch an opera for no apparent reason, surely with ill intentions. As her mind raced with thoughts, she slowly inched away, subconsciously trying to distance herself from the “big crab.”

Pei Yan let out a light snort and said no more, leaning against the carriage wall with his eyes closed, resting.

After much deliberation, Jiang Ci finally spoke up, “Your Excellency.”

“Hmm,” Pei Yan responded in a low voice, eyes still closed.

“Um, can we go to Lan Yue Lou to watch the opera? I only want to see Elder Sister Su Yan’s performance.”

“You want to see Su Yan’s performance?”

“Of course! Elder Sister Su Yan is beautiful and kind-hearted, and her opera singing is first-class. Who else would I want to see?”

“Then let’s go to Lan Yue Lou tomorrow. Su Yan has a new play premiering tomorrow. I’ll take you to see it then.”

“Really?” Jiang Ci’s face lit up with joy, and she scooted closer.

Pei Yan opened his eyes and smiled without speaking. Jiang Ci feared this kind of smile from him the most and quickly moved back again.

Pei Yan leaned towards her, smiling. Jiang Ci slowly retreated until her back was against the carriage wall, with nowhere else to go. Pei Yan chuckled, “Weren’t you quite brave before? How come you’re afraid of me now?”

Seeing the teasing smile on Pei Yan’s face, Jiang Ci felt defiant and blurted out, “I’m not afraid of you. I think you’re somewhat pit—”

Remembering Pei Yan’s vulnerable state that night by the lotus pond when he was drunk, and the secrets he had inadvertently revealed, Jiang Ci unconsciously showed a hint of pity, her voice trailing off.

Pei Yan’s smile froze, and he let out a cold snort, returning to his seat. A moment later, he stomped his right foot, causing the carriage to shake. Caught off guard, Jiang Ci lurched forward, her head about to hit the carriage wall when Pei Yan’s hand shot out like the wind, grabbing her and tossing her back to her original spot. He said coldly, “Sit still and don’t move around.”

Dizzy and disoriented, Jiang Ci felt like a piece of dough in Pei Yan’s hands, kneaded back and forth, or like a grasshopper tied to a string, unable to escape his control no matter how much she jumped. Humiliated and angry, tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to cry in front of him. She bit her lower lip hard, her face full of defiance as she stared at Pei Yan.

Inside the carriage hung a small red lantern, its flickering light casting shadows that made Jiang Ci’s tear-filled eyes look like glistening dew on crab apple blossoms. Pei Yan looked at her for a moment, then closed his eyes again, saying nothing. The only sound in the carriage was Jiang Ci’s heavy breathing.

When the carriage stopped, Jiang Ci jumped out and realized they had arrived in a courtyard. The courtyard was dimly lit, making it difficult to see the surroundings clearly, but the faint sound of string instruments could be heard in the air.

Pei Yan alighted from the carriage, and someone came forward to greet him: “Your Excellency, everything has been arranged. Please follow me.”

Pei Yan led Jiang Ci through halls and courtyards, the sound of string instruments growing clearer. Seeing that they were indeed going to watch an opera, Jiang Ci felt somewhat relieved. As she looked around curiously, an attendant opened an ornately carved wooden door, and they entered a curtained private box.

The attendant raised the curtain, served fragrant tea and various snacks, then bowed and retreated. Seeing no one else in the private box, Jiang Ci was about to speak when Pei Yan made a gesture for silence, focusing intently on the opera.

On stage, a dan actress was singing a mournful tune accompanied by the huqin, her eyes, and brows conveying a sense of loneliness and melancholy, her small steps graceful and alluring.

Jiang Ci exclaimed, “Wonderful!” Pei Yan smiled slightly and patted the yellow wooden chair beside him. Jiang Ci sat down, still watching the stage.

Pei Yan glanced at her and said with a smile, “You do love watching operas. Back at Chang Feng Mountain Villa, you nearly lost your life for the sake of watching an opera. Haven’t you learned your lesson?”

Jiang Ci raised an eyebrow, “What’s wrong with loving operas? They’re meant to be watched.”

As they bantered, they heard the door of the neighboring private box being pushed open. A young man’s polite voice could be heard faintly, “Miss Yan, please.” A woman responded softly. Soon after, they heard the young man say, “Miss Yan, the snacks at Li Zi Yuan are quite good. Please try some.”

The woman seemed to say something, but Jiang Ci, focused on the opera, couldn’t hear clearly. Pei Yan, however, suddenly pushed open the partition between the two boxes and said with a smile, “I thought the voice sounded familiar. It is Ji Zong.”

The young man in the neighboring box turned to look, hurriedly stood up, and bowed, saying, “Your Excellency!”

Pei Yan waved his hand slightly, “No need for formalities, Ji Zong. I’m just here to watch the opera. And this is—” He looked towards the blue-robed woman beside Ji Zong.

“This is Miss Yan. Miss Yan, this is Prime Minister Pei.”

Miss Yan didn’t raise her head and said indifferently, “Mr. Shao, I think I should head back now. Please enjoy yourself.” She stood up to leave.

Shao Ji Zong quickly stood up as well, “Why don’t we finish watching the opera before you go? Your leg isn’t well, I can’t let you go back alone.”

Pei Yan smiled, “I apologize for the intrusion. Please don’t mind me, Ji Zong.”

Shao Ji Zong hurriedly turned to Pei Yan and said, “Your Excellency, you’re too kind. You flatter me.” He looked around and asked in surprise, “Your Excellency, did you come to watch the opera alone?”

Pei Yan looked left and right, not seeing Jiang Ci. He listened carefully, then lifted the tablecloth to find Jiang Ci curled up under the table with her head covered. He laughed, “What kind of way is this to watch an opera from under the table? Come out!”

Jiang Ci didn’t dare to come out. She huddled in a corner under the table, hoping the people in the neighboring box would leave quickly.

Pei Yan reached out and dragged her out, saying, “You have quite a few bad habits.”

Jiang Ci had no choice but to turn her back to the neighboring box, her heart anxious, praying to the Bodhisattva that she wouldn’t be recognized. But then she heard Pei Yan say coldly, “Jiang Ci, sit down properly!”

A gasp of surprise reached her ears, and Jiang Ci felt dizzy. With no other option, she turned around and stared at the stage with an expressionless face.

The blue-robed woman in the neighboring box stared at Jiang Ci for a moment, then let out a cold laugh. She limped over, her face a mix of anger and amusement. “Well, well, you’ve certainly made something of yourself. You don’t even recognize me anymore.”

Jiang Ci feigned surprise and said, “Miss, you must have mistaken me for someone else. I’ve never seen you before.”

Pei Yan turned his head and smiled, “Miss Yan, this is a servant from my household named Jiang Ci. Do you know her?”

The blue-robed woman looked at Jiang Ci and said slowly, “She’s my junior sister. We lived together for over ten years. I’d recognize her even if she turned to ashes.”

Pei Yan asked in surprise, “May I ask, Miss Yan, are you from the Deng Family Village?”

“That’s right.”

Jiang Ci was startled and looked at Pei Yan, who smiled triumphantly, “An Chang said he heard you muttering about returning to Deng Family Village and mentioned an elder sister. It seems he wasn’t wrong.”

Seeing that she couldn’t deny it any longer, Jiang Ci looked at the blue-robed woman, forcing a smile that looked more like crying, “Elder Sister!”

The blue-robed woman didn’t speak, her face as cold as frost, reaching out to grab Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci let out an “Ah!” of surprise and jumped behind Pei Yan, trembling as she said, “Elder Sister, I was wrong!” Then, pointing at the woman’s foot, she asked, “Elder Sister, what happened to your foot?”

Unable to reach past Pei Yan to catch Jiang Ci, the blue-robed woman smiled gently and said, “Xiao Ci, come here. Come back with me honestly, and I won’t hold anything against you!”

Seeing her elder sister smile so tenderly, Jiang Ci became even more afraid. She hid behind Pei Yan, begging for mercy while desperately trying to signal to her elder sister Yan Shuang Qiao with her eyes, hoping she would understand and leave quickly. But Yan Shuang Qiao didn’t understand and said, “What’s wrong with your eyes? Come here and let me take a look!”

Jiang Ci lamented inwardly. She had been trying to prevent her elder sister from knowing about her poisoning and didn’t want her to get involved in this troublesome situation. That’s why she had pretended not to recognize her at first and had been signaling for her to leave quickly. But none of her plans had worked out.

As she moved, she caught a glimpse of Pei Yan’s cold smile. Anxious, she stopped in her tracks and pleaded, “Elder Sister, please go back first. I… I can’t go back with you.”

Yan Shuang Qiao was stunned. Noticing Jiang Ci’s attire, her initial surprise and anger gradually gave way to calm. She asked, “What’s going on here?” Then she turned to Pei Yan and asked, “Who is he? Why are you with him, dressed like this?”

Shao Ji Zong quickly came over and said, “Miss Yan, this is the current Left Prime Minister, His Excellency Pei.”

Yan Shuang Qiao frowned, inwardly annoyed that her junior sister had gotten involved with such a high-ranking official for no apparent reason. She said indifferently, “We are but simple women from the mountains, unfamiliar with proper etiquette. We’re not fit to watch an opera with the Prime Minister. We’ll take our leave now.”

Pei Yan smiled and said, “Miss Yan, you’re free to leave if you wish, but Jiang Ci must stay.”

“Why?” Yan Shuang Qiao pulled Jiang Ci behind her protectively and asked coldly.

“Because she is now a servant in my household,” Pei Yan said leisurely, watching the stage.

Yan Shuang Qiao turned to face Jiang Ci, staring at her, “Tell me, what’s going on?”

Jiang Ci was at a loss. After much thought, she could only go along with Pei Yan’s words. She lowered her head and said, “I… I owed His Excellency money, so I’ve sold myself to his household as a servant.”

Pei Yan smiled, “Your junior sister is not one to default on her debts.”

Yan Shuang Qiao let go of Jiang Ci and walked up to Pei Yan. She said softly, “How much money does she owe you? I’ll pay it back for her.”

Pei Yan looked up at her, noting her graceful demeanor like autumn water. He compared her appearance to someone in his mind, then smiled and said, “The money she owes me isn’t much just four or five thousand taels. If she serves in my household for a lifetime and bears a few little servants, that should about cover it.”

Yan Shuang Qiao felt faint. Although their master had left them some land and silver, enough for the two sisters to live comfortably, it was nowhere near four or five thousand taels. She let out a cold laugh and said, “My junior sister is young and ignorant. She must have offended Your Excellency in some way. But I can’t imagine how a young girl could need four or five thousand taels. I fear she may have been tricked or falsely accused without realizing it.”

Pei Yan laughed and said, “I didn’t extort her. She volunteered to be a servant to repay the debt she owes me.”

Yan Shuangqiao turned to look at Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci knew her senior sister wouldn’t leave her behind, and she also knew Pei Yan would never let her go. Yet, unable to reveal the truth, her face was clouded with worry.

Believing Pei Yan’s words to be true, Yan Shuangqiao felt troubled. After a moment’s hesitation, she walked up to Pei Yan, curtsied gracefully, and said softly, “I apologize for any previous offenses, and I hope Your Excellency can forgive us. However, my junior sister is clumsy and doesn’t know how to serve others. I beg Your Excellency to be merciful and let her go. Our family isn’t wealthy, but we will sell all our land and property to repay the debt we owe you.”

Pei Yan crossed his legs and swayed leisurely, appearing lost in thought without saying a word. Shao Jizong hesitated for a moment before approaching Pei Yan and bowing.

Pei Yan quickly helped him up, saying, “Jizong, there’s no need for such formality. Please, speak your mind.”

Shao Jizong glanced at Yan Shuangqiao, his face slightly flushed, and said, “Your Excellency, I have an unreasonable request.”

Pei Yan looked at Yan Shuangqiao, then at Shao Jizong, and chuckled, “Jizong, you know I’ve always been willing to help others. Go ahead and speak. I’ll certainly help you fulfill your wish.”

Shao Jizong became even more flustered and hesitated for a long while before saying, “Your Excellency since this young lady is Yan Shuangqiao’s junior sister, and she’s young and naive, I’m willing to repay Your Excellency’s debt on her behalf. I hope Your Excellency can be merciful and let her go!” He bowed deeply as he spoke.

Yan Shuangqiao looked gratefully at Shao Jizong. Their eyes met, and her cheeks flushed as she averted her gaze, remaining silent.

After a moment’s thought, Pei Yan said, “Very well. For Jizong’s sake, I’ll let this little girl off the hook. As for the money, there’s no need to repay it. You can take her away. I find her too clumsy anyway.”

“Thank you, Your Excellency,” Yan Shuangqiao and Shao Jizong said simultaneously, their faces beaming with joy as they bowed.

Jiang Ci was astonished and confused, looking at Pei Yan’s cheerful face, unable to understand why he was behaving so strangely tonight. As she was about to speak, Pei Yan added, “However, since she has stayed in my residence for some time, I have a few words to say to her. You two can wait outside.”

After Yan Shuangqiao and Shao Jizong left, Pei Yan stepped closer to Jiang Ci and said in a low voice, “Listen carefully. Jizong is someone I want to win over, so for his sake, I’m letting you leave with your senior sister tonight. I’ll also have people secretly protect you to prevent that person from silencing you. But don’t think about escaping. When it’s time for you to identify someone, you must cooperate. Remember, I’m the only one who has the antidote. Also, if you don’t want to implicate your senior sister, keep your mouth shut and behave yourself.”

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