HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 29: Hidden Agendas

Chapter 29: Hidden Agendas

A subtle, refreshing fragrance wafted from the bronze beast’s mouth, invigorating the senses. Pei Yan reclined in his rocking chair, eyes half-closed, observing the silent Cui Liang.

Cui Liang stared at the embroidered carpet beneath his feet, maintaining a prolonged silence. The room was filled only with Pei Yan’s occasional soft coughs.

Outside, the rain intensified. Autumn winds rattled the poorly closed windows. As Pei Yan coughed again, Cui Liang stood up, walked to the window, and slowly secured it. He paused for a moment before returning to his seat.

Pei Yan smiled, “I’m well aware of the significant risks involved. However, only you, Zi Ming, can decipher that map. Although the Archive’s regulations limit document clerks to half an incense stick’s time in the secret chamber, that should be enough for you to memorize parts of the diagram. I’ll have Minister Cheng promote you to document clerk. With time and repeated visits, you’ll naturally be able to recreate the entire map.”

Cui Liang sighed, “So, the stone carving ‘Map of the World’s Geomancy’ created by Great-Grandmaster is actually in the Archive’s secret chamber. Alas, the old man lost his life for this map, it’s truly—”

“Master Yu’s journey across the Hua Dynasty’s vast lands, mapping the world’s terrain and identifying gold, silver, and copper mines, was a monumental achievement benefiting all. Unfortunately, after completing the map, Emperor Hong presented him with poisoned wine. Your master then faked his death and fled, leaving the map indecipherable. Had I not chanced upon you on the street that day and had our heartfelt conversation, I wouldn’t have known Master Yu still had a disciple in this world.”

Cui Liang’s face showed hesitation, “I can indeed read the map and memorize it to recreate it, pinpointing the exact locations of various mineral deposits. However, half an incense stick’s time is too short. It’s only enough to remember a small portion without any errors. This will take considerable time.”

Pei Yan stared at him, speaking slowly, “As long as Zi Ming is willing to help, I can wait a year or two.”

Cui Liang’s breathing deepened. Finally, he gritted his teeth and nodded, “Very well. Your Excellency has shown me great kindness. I’ll repay your sincerity with this task. But I have one condition.”

Pei Yan’s face lit up with joy as he sat up from his recliner, “Please, Zi Ming, do tell.”

“After I’ve recreated the map and identified the specific locations of all mineral deposits, I don’t wish to enter officialdom. I also don’t want to be involved in Your Excellency’s future affairs. When the time comes, I hope Your Excellency will allow Xiao Ci and me to leave together.” Cui Liang looked up at Pei Yan, his expression extremely serious.

Pei Yan was stunned for a moment before bursting into laughter, “Of course! That’s only natural. Zi Ming’s feelings for Miss Jiang are truly touching. Let’s make a deal. Once this matter is settled, I’ll even arrange a grand wedding for you and Miss Jiang before sending you both away from the capital.”

Cui Liang slowly extended his right hand, “Your Excellency, let’s seal this with a handshake. I hope you won’t go back on your word when the time comes.”

Pei Yan quickly stood up, “I absolutely won’t. Let’s shake on it.” They clasped hands, sealing their agreement with a mutual smile.

Excited, Cui Liang stepped forward to speak, but his foot caught on the stool leg. He stumbled forward, and Pei Yan swiftly extended his right hand to steady him. Cui Liang steadied himself, gripping Pei Yan’s right arm. Pei Yan chuckled, “Don’t get too excited now, Zi Ming.”

Cui Liang’s face reddened as he hastily stepped back, bowing, “Your Excellency, I hope you’ll keep Miss Xiao Ci’s matter discreet.”

“Rest assured, Zi Ming. Miss Jiang is innocent and lovable. I have no intention of punishing her. She’ll just need to stay in the West Garden for a while. You can focus on your duties at the Archive,” Pei Yan said with a smile.

“Thank you, Your Excellency. I must report to the Archive now. I’ll take my leave.”

“Zi Ming, please go ahead.”

The path from Shen Garden to West Garden passed by a lotus pond and a maple grove. Pei Yan walked slowly in the light rain, unbothered by the droplets on his fox fur coat. He stood by the lotus pond, gazing at the withered lotuses for a long while before turning towards West Garden.

Seeing Cui Liang leave, Jiang Ci tidied up the kitchen and lounged on a bamboo chair in the corridor, her face propped up by her hands, staring blankly into the misty rain. When Pei Yan entered, she glanced up briefly before returning her gaze to the rain-dampened bluestone steps of the corridor.

Pei Yan sat beside her, glancing at her slightly pouted lips. He smiled, “You injured me. Shouldn’t you show some remorse when you see me?”

Jiang Ci scoffed, “Don’t try that with me. You know very well whether you’re truly injured or not.” She turned to face Pei Yan, “Your Excellency, you must be plotting something. Can you at least tell me who you’re targeting? Why are you using me?”

Pei Yan smiled, “I’m not using you. You did hurt me.” He placed his hand on his chest, coughing softly.

Seeing his act, Jiang Ci imagined the dignified Prime Minister feigning weakness in public while being perfectly fine in private. Finding his hypocrisy utterly ridiculous, she burst out laughing, pointing at Pei Yan.

As she laughed uncontrollably, leaning back on the slightly uneven chair, it tipped sideways. She fell, her head hitting the stone pillar of the corridor hard. “Ouch!” she cried out.

Pei Yan didn’t help her up, instead clicking his tongue, “Serves you right, you ungrateful girl!”

Jiang Ci got up, feeling a bump forming on her forehead. She rushed inside to apply some herbal medicine, rubbing it vigorously. Pei Yan entered, shaking his head, “I told you you’re foolish. The harder you rub, the more it’ll hurt tomorrow. You should massage it gently.”

Jiang Ci glared at him but lightened her touch. Pei Yan watched her silently before suddenly asking, “Do you want to leave my residence?”

Jiang Ci grumbled, “Obviously. In this residence of yours, apart from Brother Cui, there’s not a single good person. If I stay here too long, I might die without even knowing how.”

Pei Yan chuckled, “That’s true. I once had a Siamese cat that always followed me around. Later, for some reason, it just died.”

Hearing him mention cats, Jiang Ci thought of the faceless cat. Her movements paused as she wondered if Sister Su Yan had passed a message to San Lang.

Pei Yan slowly approached, pouring some herbal medicine into his palm. He placed his right hand on Jiang Ci’s forehead. Startled, she tried to retreat, but Pei Yan’s left hand held her firmly. She heard him say, “Stay here quietly for a year or two, and I’ll let you go. I’ll even send you off with fanfare. As long as you don’t leave West Garden, your life will be safe.”

Sensing something unusual about Pei Yan, Jiang Ci desperately tried to break free from his grip. As she jerked her head back, the herbal medicine from Pei Yan’s hand smeared into her eyes. She cried out in pain, tears streaming down her face.

Her vision blurred, unable to see clearly, she stumbled towards the kitchen to wash her face. Before she could take two steps, Pei Yan lifted her forcefully.

Pei Yan carried her to the kitchen and used a ladle to scoop water from the vat. Jiang Ci fumbled to wash her eyes clean. Slowly regaining her vision, she still felt pain and blinked rapidly. Pei Yan, seeing her face covered in water, eyes red, and eyelashes fluttering up and down, found it utterly comical and burst into laughter.

Fury welled up in Jiang Ci. She felt that this man was her natural nemesis, bringing her nothing but misfortune since their encounter. Hatred and anger surged within her. She grabbed the ladle from the table and forcefully splashed water on Pei Yan.

As the lamps dimmed and the moon rose, Cui Liang returned to West Garden. Upon entering, he heard Jiang Ci humming a tune in the kitchen. Standing at the kitchen door, he smiled, “What’s got you so cheerful?”

Jiang Ci lifted the pot lid and beckoned Cui Liang over. He looked in and furrowed his brow slightly, “That’s an unusual dish. I’ve never seen hairy crabs boiled like this before.”

Jiang Ci laughed heartily, “Today, I insist on making boiled hairy crabs!” Remembering how she had drenched Pei Yan, she laughed even harder.

Cui Liang, unaware of the reason for her delight, shook his head, “Didn’t you get sick from eating hairy crabs last time? Why are you making this dish again?”

Prime Minister Pei’s injury took several days to heal. Today was October 25th, the day of his concubine-taking ceremony.

Although it was only taking a concubine, this was the first time the renowned Left Prime Minister of the Hua Dynasty officially accepted a side chamber. Given Prime Minister Pei’s current prominence, court officials eagerly came to offer congratulations, only to be politely turned away at the manor gates. The chief steward of the Prime Minister’s residence explained that although Prime Minister Pei’s condition had improved, he still needed rest. As it was merely a concubine-taking ceremony, there would be no banquet for colleagues. Instead, a theatre troupe had been invited for a small celebration within the residence.

Pei Yan didn’t want to make a big fuss, but as dusk fell, Prince Zhuang, Prince Jing, and Minister Tao arrived together. Upon hearing this, he hurried out to greet them.

Seeing Pei Yan’s pale complexion, Prince Zhuang laughed heartily, “Young Lord, this injury of yours couldn’t have come at a worse time. I’m afraid Madam Ru will be disappointed tonight.”

Pei Yan gave a wry smile. Minister Tao leaned in, grinning, “I heard Young Lord was injured by a maid in the residence. Did a beauty get jealous upon hearing you were taking a concubine?”

Pei Yan merely smiled without answering, leading the three into the East Flower Hall. With the arrival of these distinguished guests, the occasion naturally became livelier. Chief Steward Pei Yang gave orders to formally set up a banquet in the East Flower Hall and move the originally planned stage from the back garden to the main garden. Su Yan personally took to the stage, filling the Prime Minister’s residence with a joyous atmosphere.

In West Garden, Jiang Ci heard the continuous sounds of music drifting over. Cui Liang had told her that Pei Yan was taking a concubine today and had invited the Lan Yue Lou theatre troupe to perform. She felt restless, desperately wishing she could fly to the main garden to see Su Yan. Knowing that Pei Yan had strictly ordered her not to leave West Garden, let alone go to the main garden to see Su Yan, she gritted her teeth in frustration but could do nothing about it.

She sat idly in the courtyard, lost in thought. Cui Liang approached and sat beside her, carefully observing her expression before smiling, “Do you want to go watch the performance?”

Jiang Ci nodded.

Suddenly, an idea struck her. She looked up at Cui Liang, “Brother Cui, could you do me a favor?”

“Of course, what is it?”

“Could you go to the main garden and check on Sister Su Yan for me? Also, please ask her if my senior sister has any urgent matters. Why did she leave without seeing me?” Jiang Ci asked, looking up at him.

Cui Liang, recalling what she had told him about Yan Shuang Qiao, felt a twinge of guilt about his thoughts. He quickly agreed, “Alright, I’ll go right away and ask for you.”

Seeing Cui Liang leave, Jiang Ci felt a bit more at ease. She sat in the courtyard for a while longer, feeling cold, and was about to go inside when she suddenly heard a cat meowing from the locust tree in the northwest corner of the courtyard.

She was greatly surprised. The Prime Minister’s residence didn’t keep pets like cats or dogs, so where could this meowing be coming from? Fond of small animals, having raised rabbits and goats in Deng Family Village, she couldn’t resist her playful urge. She tiptoed towards the back of the courtyard.

Standing on her toes and holding her breath, she reached the locust tree. She pinched her voice and mimicked a few cat meows. Listening carefully, she heard faint “meows” from the treetop. Delighted, she hitched up her skirt and began to climb.

The locust tree wasn’t very tall, and Jiang Ci quickly reached the branches. Peering around in the dim candlelight from the courtyard, she couldn’t see any wild cats. She meowed a few more times but received no response. Disappointed, she sat down among the branches, muttering, “Couldn’t catch it. No fun.”

As she grumbled, she suddenly felt a numbness in her waist and fell backward into someone’s arms. Just as she was about to cry out, the person pressed her mute acupoint. Lying in his arms, Jiang Ci looked up to see a pair of gem-like eyes. Realizing who it was, her heart leaped with joy, and she gave him a sweet smile.

Wei Zhao, seeing her quick-wittedness, released her mute acupoint and set her beside him. He chuckled softly, “We meet in a tree again.”

Jiang Ci laughed, “How did you get in? The Prime Minister’s residence is heavily guarded.”

Wei Zhao relaxed slightly, leaning against the tree trunk, and said in a low voice, “I mixed in with Prince Zhuang’s attendants to enter the residence. Once inside, the guards of your West Garden couldn’t detect me.”

“Of course not. You’re the mighty Sect Leader Xiao, with supreme lightness skills. Your escape abilities are top-notch,” Jiang Ci couldn’t help but mock, remembering how he had pushed her off the tree that day, causing her serious injury and entangling her in this endless turmoil.

Wei Zhao wasn’t angered. He calmly said, “Tell me, why did you have Su Yan pass a secret message to me, wanting to meet?”

Jiang Ci glared at him, seeing through his pretense, “Give me the antidote.”

Wei Zhao looked at her wide, glaring eyes and laughed, with a hint of coldness in his voice, “Why should I give you the antidote? A month hasn’t passed yet.”

Jiang Ci calmly replied, “If you don’t give me the antidote, I’ll immediately tell Pei Yan that you’re the Sect Leader of Xing Yue Sect.”

“Is that so? I can end your life right now. Dead people can’t talk!” Wei Zhao’s slender fingers, carrying a hint of killing intent, touched Jiang Ci’s throat as he spoke coldly.

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