HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 30: A Whispered Alliance

Chapter 30: A Whispered Alliance

Jiang Ci smiled faintly. “Of course, I’m not afraid. Would Sect Leader Xiao like to know why?”

“What’s the reason?” Wei Zhao’s finger remained poised at her throat, his words growing increasingly cold.

Jiang Ci continued to smile. “This is something I can only whisper in your ear.”

Wei Zhao’s curiosity was piqued. He tilted his head closer. “Go ahead, this Sect Leader is listening.”

Jiang Ci was prepared. As his head drew near, she suddenly opened her mouth and bit down on his right ear.

Wei Zhao’s body stiffened, the finger at Jiang Ci’s throat poised to strike. But as he reconsidered, he realized she had already clamped down on his earlobe. Even if he could take her life, her teeth would clench in her final moments, leaving his ear permanently disfigured. If that person were to see it, the consequences would be endless. Moreover, he still needed to use her to implement his grand plan, so he couldn’t take her life now.

His mind raced, finding no solution. Seeing that he made no move, Jiang Ci was in no hurry to bite down further. They remained in a stalemate for a moment before Wei Zhao suddenly chuckled softly, withdrawing his right hand from Jiang Ci’s throat. “Well played,” he said languidly.

Jiang Ci didn’t release her bite, mumbling something indistinct. Wei Zhao listened carefully, realizing she had said, “Likewise.”

He felt her lips on his earlobe, a tingling sensation he had never experienced before. It made him slightly uneasy, so he said coldly, “Release me. Let’s discuss business.”

Jiang Ci still didn’t let go, mumbling something else. Wei Zhao focused intently to understand and had no choice but to release her acupoints. Jiang Ci let go, smiling triumphantly as she shifted slightly to the right.

Wei Zhao glanced at her sideways. “Speak. What do you want?”

Jiang Ci glared at him. “You tell me first. What do you want?”

Wei Zhao sneered, “Weren’t you the one who said you, a young girl, greatly admired me and longed to see me again? That if I didn’t agree, you’d have no choice but to die before me? I’m a kind-hearted person who couldn’t bear to cause such tragedy, so I came to see you.”

Jiang Ci snorted, “I’ve figured out people like you. You never do anything without benefit. You wouldn’t come just for the life of a little girl like me. Tell me, since you agreed to meet, what plan have you concocted to deal with Pei Yan that requires my involvement?”

In the dim light filtering through the trees, Jiang Ci saw Wei Zhao seem to pause. A moment later, his face slowly leaned towards hers. His snow-white skin exuded an icy chill, but his eyes, like black jewels, seemed to burn with a fierce fire.

Jiang Ci forced herself to remain calm, leaning back slightly as she spoke, “I’ve thought it through. Since you spared my life, you must intend to use me to distract Pei Yan. I’m willing to cooperate. I also want to resolve this voice recognition matter quickly so Pei Yan will let me go. Since our goals align, why not work together?”

Wei Zhao looked Jiang Ci up and down. “Clever girl. You’ve saved me some explaining.”

He continued with a cold smile, “Listen carefully. Pei Yan is searching for three people who didn’t attend the Xiang Manor’s birthday banquet that night. For one of them, I’ll fabricate evidence of his connection to my Star Moon Sect. Then I’ll arrange for him to appear before Pei Yan and you, where he’ll say a few words. At that time, you just need to act shocked and identify his voice as the one you heard in the tree. Let Pei Yan believe he’s the Star Moon Sect Leader, and our task will be complete.”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment. “Pei Yan has me confined in this Western Garden. How can you make that person appear before him and me?”

Wei Zhao shook his head. “You were clever a moment ago, but now you’re being foolish. Once Pei Yan has a lead on that person, he’ll naturally bring you out to identify him.”

Jiang Ci considered this, then said, “Your plan sounds good, but I need to clarify two points before I can help you.”

“Go on.”

“First, if I help you and you successfully trick Pei Yan, what’s to stop you from withholding the antidote or killing me to silence me?” Jiang Ci stared intently at Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao leaned back against the tree trunk, speaking leisurely, “What do you suggest?”

Jiang Ci cleared her throat and said, “Listen carefully. I’ve met some people these past few days and left a letter with someone. I told that person if I were to die or if they didn’t hear from me for over six months, they should deliver that letter to Lord Pei.”

Wei Zhao said coldly, “And naturally, the letter tells Pei Yan who the real person in the tree was?”

Jiang Ci clasped her hands smugly. “Sect Leader Xiao is indeed clever.”

Wei Zhao’s eyes flashed. After a while, he pulled out a porcelain bottle from his robes. “This contains half the antidote to neutralize the poison in your body. After taking it, your life will be spared, but if you don’t take the other half within six months, your hair will gradually whiten, your skin will wrinkle, and your figure will become hunched. If you complete this task for me, I’ll give you the remaining half of the antidote.”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment, then took the bottle, weighing it in her hand. She smiled, “It seems I have no choice. Saving my life comes first. Neither of us can truly threaten the other. With that letter, I don’t fear you withholding the antidote. You hold immense power at court, yet still choose to be the Star Moon Sect Leader. You have grand ambitions and wouldn’t risk failure over a little girl like me.”

Wei Zhao’s mouth twitched slightly. He said coldly, “What’s your second question?”

“The second question is about the person you’re planning to frame and use to divert Pei Yan’s attention. What kind of person is he? An honest official or a corrupt one?”

Wei Zhao frowned slightly. “Why do you ask? Just follow my instructions. What does it matter if he’s honest or corrupt?”

Jiang Ci pouted, “That won’t do. I need to know. If he’s a righteous official, I won’t participate.”

Wei Zhao sneered, “How naive! Is your own life more important, or is that person’s?”

Jiang Ci angrily retorted, “In your eyes, of course, your own life is most important. You view us common people as mere grass. But to us common folk, the lives of you powerful elites are worth less than grass!”

Wei Zhao grew irritated but quickly calmed himself. He sneered, “That man can be described in eight words: a mass murderer with countless sins.”

“How so?”

“His name is Yao Dingbang, the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of War, and a former general under Duke Bo. This man has attacked cities and pillaged land, leaving few survivors and killing countless people. His nickname is ‘Judge Yao.’ He has a handsome appearance but a penchant for hunting women, loves money, is extremely greedy, and has some unsavory hidden vices. Tell me, doesn’t such a person deserve to die?!” Wei Zhao spoke casually, but his phoenix eyes burned intensely as he stared at Jiang Ci. He slowly twirled a strand of her long hair around his slender fingers. With his last words, he suddenly yanked hard. Jiang Ci cried out in pain, but before she could voice it, he gripped her throat again.

Jiang Ci shouted angrily, “Let go!”

Wei Zhao’s ice-cold fingers locked around Jiang Ci’s throat as he lowered his head to gaze at her. Jiang Ci looked up, clearly seeing his eyes beneath his long lashes. That gaze was as cold as a sword, mixed with hatred, frenzy, and cruelty.

As Wei Zhao’s fingers slowly tightened, causing pain in Jiang Ci’s throat, the sound of the courtyard gate softly opening reached them. Wei Zhao suddenly released his grip and quickly donned a human skin mask. He leaned close to Jiang Ci’s ear and whispered, “Before Yao Dingbang appears, I’ll find a way to send you a message. When the time comes, speak as we’ve agreed.”

Jiang Ci rubbed her throat and nodded as she saw Cui Liang enter. “I understand. Don’t worry, as long as you keep your word—” Before she finished, Wei Zhao had vanished.

Jiang Ci knew he had used the cover of night to leave and blend back in with Prince Zhuang’s retinue. She silently admired his extraordinary abilities. Seeing Cui Liang enter the room, she waited for her throat to feel better before sliding down from the tree.

Cui Liang searched the room, puzzled not to find Jiang Ci. Just then, Jiang Ci ran in, smiling, “Brother Cui, you’re back! Did you see Sister Suyan?”

Cui Liang nodded, “I did. She said your senior sister left in a hurry that day and couldn’t see you. She wants you to stay put in the Xiang Manor and not wander off. She’ll come to get you when she’s finished her business.”

Having already met Wei Zhao, Jiang Ci didn’t pay much attention to Suyan’s message. She moved a lounge chair over and smiled, “Brother Cui, since the night is long and we have nothing to do, why don’t you tell me some stories?”

Cui Liang smiled, “Why the sudden interest in stories? I’m not very good at that.”

“I’m just so bored cooped up in this Western Garden all day. It doesn’t have to be stories. You’re very familiar with the people and affairs at court. Why don’t you tell me about these officials? Which ones are good, and which ones are corrupt? Tell me about all of them. Please?” Jiang Ci spoke while pouring a pot of clear tea and moving a bamboo chair next to Cui Liang. She looked up at him with a smile.

Seeing her innocent expression, Cui Liang inwardly sighed. He smiled and said, “Alright, since we have nothing else to do, I’ll play the role of a storyteller for once.”

Although Prince Zhuang and Prince Jing fought fiercely at court, they maintained a facade of brotherly love and harmony outside it. Similarly, while Lord Pei and Lord Tao opposed each other in court, they still presented an image of friendly colleagues working together in public. Since they weren’t at court, and tonight was the celebration of Lord Pei taking a concubine, with the talented actress Suyan as company, the wine flowed freely and laughter filled the air.

By the time of the Hai hour (9-11 PM), Prince Zhuang and Lord Tao were somewhat drunk, while Prince Jing, who usually maintained his composure, had a flush on his face. Suyan was slumped in her chair, gazing at Pei Yan through hazy eyes. Only Pei Yan, claiming his injury hadn’t healed, abstained from drinking and remained sober.

After several rounds of toasts, the guests were in high spirits. Prince Jing, noticing a signal from Pei Yan, understood and smiled, “Although the wine is delightful, Young Lord’s Madam Ru must be growing impatient. We should be considerate and return the Young Lord to Madam Ru.”

Prince Zhuang laughed heartily, glancing at the attendants inside and outside the hall. He stood up, “Third Brother speaks wisely. It’s getting late, we should take our leave.”

Pei Yan repeatedly insisted it was too kind, escorting the guests to the manor gate. As the carriages for Prince Zhuang and the others arrived, Prince Zhuang and Lord Tao boarded their carriage. Just as Prince Jing was about to descend the steps, Pei Yan suddenly said, “Oh, Your Highness, I’ve found that set of ‘Shu Yu Collection’ with annotations by Master Gaotang that you asked me to look for.”

Prince Jing was overjoyed, “Excellent! I’ve been searching for years without success. Quickly, let me have a look.”

Pei Yan turned to instruct Pei Yang, “Go to the library and bring this set of books for His Highness.”

Prince Zhuang, boarding his carriage, smiled, “Third Brother, you wait here. We’ll head off first.”

Prince Jing hurriedly bowed, “Safe journey, Second Brother.”

Watching Prince Zhuang’s convoy depart, Pei Yan and Prince Jing exchanged a smile. Pei Yan led the way, bringing Prince Jing to the second floor of the Shen Garden Library. After the maids served fragrant tea, Pei Yan closed the door. Prince Jing smiled and asked, “Young Lord, be honest. Is this injury of yours real or feigned?”

Pei Yan smiled, “How could an injury be fake? This is the most severe injury I’ve sustained since entering officialdom.” He coughed lightly a few times.

Prince Jing sat down in a chair, slowly sipping his tea as he surveyed the library. “This is indeed a good place for lying low and biding one’s time.”

Pei Yan smiled, “Your Highness is correct. I fear that while I wish to lie low here, some people won’t let me have peace of mind.”

“I’d like to hear more.”

Pei Yan stood up and opened the south-facing window, gazing at the few cold stars and the crescent moon in the sky. “Your Highness, during these few days I’ve been absent from court, I hear the Ministry of War urgently dispatched a batch of military rations to Prince Wang Lang’s forces in the northwest. They also ordered Gao Cheng’s troops to move 300 li eastward. The garrison in Nan’an Prefecture exchanged some troops with Yujian Prefecture. Tell me, Your Highness, how can I sleep soundly here? I suspect Your Highness hasn’t been sleeping well these past few days either.”

Prince Jing remained silent for a moment before slowly saying, “This is the first time the Young Lord has spoken so directly.”

Pei Yan smiled, closed the window, and sat back down next to Prince Jing. He smiled and said, “Your Highness, I did indeed find that set of ‘Shu Yu Collection’ with Master Gaotang’s annotations.”


Pei Yan walked to the northwest corner of the library, moved aside a cabinet door, and took out an old set of the “Shu Yu Collection.” Prince Jing eagerly accepted it and examined it closely, stroking the book as he smiled, “This is indeed Master Gaotang’s handwriting.”

Pei Yan placed his right hand on the pages. “Although Master Gaotang was a literary giant and a renowned scholar in his day, with admirable annotations, if the ‘Shu Yu Collection’ itself wasn’t a masterpiece, it wouldn’t have become so famous.”

Prince Jing nodded, “The Young Lord speaks truly.” He looked up, gazing directly at Pei Yan. “If the Young Lord has something to say, please speak plainly.”

Pei Yan lightly brushed his robe and sat down opposite Prince Jing. Calmly, he said, “If Your Highness is willing to be the ‘Shu Yu Collection,’ I am willing to be Master Gaotang.”

Prince Jing spoke slowly, “We are already in the same boat. Everyone at court, including the Emperor, sees you as my man.”

Pei Yan smiled, “But now, I fear Your Highness may be wavering?”

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