HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 33: Advancing by Retreating

Chapter 33: Advancing by Retreating

Jiang Ci woke up earlier than usual that day. After dressing, she stepped out of her room, surprised not to see Cui Liang practicing martial arts in the courtyard as he usually did. She thought that perhaps Brother Cui was too busy with his duties lately and might still be asleep. After washing up, she hurried to the kitchen and got to work.

Although the West Garden’s kitchen was small, it was well-stocked. It seemed Pei Yan had given orders, as the main kitchen sent over excellent vegetables and fruits daily. Jiang Ci carefully selected some premium dried scallops and lean meat, then simmered a fragrant pot of dried scallops and lean meat porridge.

By the time the porridge was ready, Cui Liang still hadn’t risen. Jiang Ci went to knock on his door, but there was no response. She pushed the door open to find the room empty, realizing Cui Liang must have left early. She had no choice but to eat alone.

After finishing her meal, she suddenly remembered that while washing Cui Liang’s clothes yesterday, she had noticed a torn seam on one of his robes. She went to his room to retrieve it. As the morning mist dissipated and autumn sunlight filled the air, Jiang Ci sat in the courtyard, focusing on mending the garment. She only looked up when she saw a pair of black soft boots appear before her. Cui Liang was quietly watching her. She smiled and said, “Brother Cui, where did you go so early? Have you had breakfast? There’s still porridge in the pot; I’ll go serve you some.”

She put down the robe and was about to take a step when Cui Liang held her back, saying softly, “Xiao Ci, I’ll serve me. You sit here.”

Jiang Ci smiled, gently freeing her right arm, and hurried to the kitchen to serve a bowl of porridge. Cui Liang accepted it, and they sat together in the courtyard. As Cui Liang slowly ate his porridge, he watched Jiang Ci bend over her mending, finding it increasingly difficult to swallow.

The morning sun rose higher, shining through the vine trellis onto Jiang Ci. Her face was like white jade, her eyelashes fluttering, a slight smile playing on her lips, revealing a hint of dimples. A gentle breeze blew a leaf onto her shoulder, but she seemed unaware, still focused on her sewing.

Cui Liang reached out and plucked the leaf away. Jiang Ci looked up and smiled at him before returning to her needlework.

Feeling a growing sense of tenderness and guilt, Cui Liang said softly, “Xiao Ci.”


“I want to ask you something.”

“Alright.” Jiang Ci continued her work without looking up.

Cui Liang hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Are you… afraid of death?”

Jiang Ci laughed, “Of course I am. Who in this world isn’t afraid of death?”

Cui Liang was silent for a moment, then smiled, “I mean, if you knew you were about to die, would you be terrified? Would you lose your appetite or wail in despair?”


“Why not?”

“Because it wouldn’t help.” Jiang Ci finished the last stitch, carefully tied off the thread, and bit it off. She turned her head and said, “If death is inevitable, being afraid won’t change anything. You should eat when you need to eat and sleep when you need to sleep. Laugh when you want to laugh, and don’t hold back tears when you want to cry. Just like me—” She paused, smiling as she gently folded the mended garment.

Cui Liang couldn’t bear to look at her pure, beautiful smiling face. He tilted his head back, taking a deep breath, then lowered it and quickly finished the porridge in his bowl. He smiled and said, “Xiao Ci, I’ve arranged it with the Prime Minister. Tomorrow, I’ll take you to Red Maple Mountain for an outing.”

Jiang Ci was overjoyed. “Really?! The Prime Minister agreed?!”

Cui Liang stood up, patted her head, and smiled, “When has Brother Cui ever lied to you? Of course, it’s true. I need to go to Master Fang’s place now. You should rest more and not tire yourself out.”

Pei Yan entered the inner chamber of Yanhui Hall, where the Emperor was talking with the newly arrived Yue Fief’s heir, Yue Jinglong. Yue Jinglong was tall with handsome features and a vibrant presence. He delivered a string of praises and thanks with smooth eloquence. The Emperor seemed to be in an excellent mood, laughing heartily, “Having such a son, Lord Yue, greatly pleases me.”

Pei Yan came forward and kowtowed. The Emperor smiled, “Has Lord Pei’s injury healed? Quickly, rise!”

Pei Yan stood up and nodded with a smile to the Yue heir. As a nominal disciple of Cangshan, Yue Jinglong was considered half a member of the martial arts world, making them somewhat old acquaintances.

The Emperor took a sip of tea and smiled, “Your fathers and I are old friends. Seeing you, the younger generation, become pillars of the state truly delights me.”

Pei Yan noticed Yue Jinglong’s extremely respectful smile, knowing that he too understood the Emperor’s words were insincere. With Prince Qingde dead and the peace treaty with the Huan Kingdom signed, Yue Fief was likely the Emperor’s next target. Summoning the heir to the capital seemed to be a way to restrain the Yue King.

The Emperor seemed to recall something amusing and came over to take Yue Jinglong’s hand, laughing, “I just remembered, when your mother and Yu—, I mean, the Duchess of Rong were pregnant at the same time, they had planned to arrange a marriage between their children. But both gave birth to sons, so it couldn’t happen.”

Yue Jinglong merely smiled politely. The Emperor released his hand and said, “Jinglong, you may withdraw for now. Another day, you’ll accompany me on a hunting trip to the imperial villa.”

As Yue Jinglong left Yanhui Hall, the Emperor’s smile faded. He sat back in his chair and said, “Has Young Lord’s injury fully healed? I’ve been worried for over ten days. In the future, let your subordinates handle these dangerous tasks. Don’t risk yourself personally. Your mother has only you as a son.”

Pei Yan quickly bowed and said, “I’ve caused Your Majesty’s concern. I’m ashamed. My injury is internal, so it will take some time to recover fully. Otherwise, I risk losing my cultivation progress.”

The Emperor came over and grasped Pei Yan’s right hand. After a moment, he frowned slightly, “For Yi Han to injure Young Lord so severely, he truly deserves his title as the Huan Kingdom’s ‘Sword God’. He would be a formidable opponent if we were to face the Huan Kingdom on the battlefield.”

“Yes, failing to capture Yi Han was due to my incompetence. I request Your Majesty’s punishment,” Pei Yan knelt and kowtowed.

The Emperor smiled and pulled him up, “What crime have you committed? You solved the case and ensured the peace treaty was signed smoothly. I was about to issue an edict praising you and appointing you to the Longtu Cabinet, but your injury delayed it. When the treaty was signed, your injury didn’t seem severe. How did it worsen after being attacked by a maid in your household?”

Pei Yan’s face reddened, seemingly unable to answer. The Emperor saw this clearly and his expression became stern, “That maid dared to wound a high-ranking official of the court, a servant attacking her master. Her crime cannot go unpunished; she must be dealt with.”

Pei Yan hurriedly said, “Your Majesty, it’s not her fault. I—”

The Emperor laughed heartily, looking at his embarrassed expression, “One should enjoy youth while it lasts! But you’re not so young anymore. You should take a proper wife to keep these concubines and maids in your household in check. If there are more such incidents of jealousy and infighting, won’t it make you, a high-ranking official, a laughingstock?”

Pei Yan could only lower his head and agree. The Emperor smiled and said, “I had thought to gift you some Moon Song courtesans, but it seems unnecessary now. By the way, Yue heir has a younger sister, five years your junior, born to the Queen. She was conferred the title of Princess Jingshu last year. Go ask your mother’s opinion, and if she agrees, I’ll issue an edict for your marriage.”

Pei Yan’s heart skipped a beat. He knelt and kowtowed, saying, “Your Majesty’s grace is boundless; I cannot repay it even with death. However, Yue Fief is far in the southwest, and Princess Jingshu is the Queen’s cherished daughter. To have her marry far away to the capital, leaving her family and homeland, I cannot bear it in my heart.”

The Emperor nodded, “Indeed, I hadn’t considered it thoroughly. Let’s put it aside for now.”

Pei Yan felt slightly relieved. He stood up and said, “Your Majesty, since childhood, I’ve used the water from Baoqing Spring behind Changfeng Manor to cleanse my meridians and strengthen my bones during training. So now, to heal this internal injury, I need to use the medicinal properties of Baoqing Spring water again. I humbly request Your Majesty’s permission to resign from my position as Left Prime Minister and return to Changfeng Manor to recuperate.”

The Emperor frowned, “Healing your injury is important, but is it necessary to resign from your position as Left Prime Minister?”

“Your Majesty, the Left Prime Minister oversees the Ministries of War, Rites, and Works. For my internal injury to heal completely, I’ll need at least half a year. These three ministries have complex affairs that cannot be left unattended. Please consider this carefully, Your Majesty.”

The Emperor pondered, “What you say is true. The Ministries of Rites and Works don’t have much to do; the main concern is the Ministry of War. It cannot be left without leadership for even a day. Let’s do this: you don’t need to resign from your position as Left Prime Minister. For the Ministry of War affairs, let Grand Scholar Dong manage them for you temporarily. As for the Ministries of Rites and Works, let their respective ministers make decisions and report directly to me. When you recover and return to court, I’ll make further arrangements.”

Pei Yan quickly kowtowed, “Thank you, Your Majesty. I only hope to heal my internal injury quickly and return to the capital soon to repay Your Majesty’s great kindness!” He added, “Your Majesty, the Changfeng Cavalry used to send military reports directly to me. During my recuperation, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to handle the cavalry’s military affairs.”

The Emperor smiled, “I’ve already appointed Liu Ziyu as an Inner Cabinet official. Let the Changfeng Cavalry’s military intelligence reports be sent to him.”

The Emperor walked over and remained silent for a long while before saying, “The tenth day of the eleventh month is when the martial arts world will elect a new alliance leader at their grand meeting. It’s also being held at your Changfeng Manor.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I requested leave to return to the manor to recuperate, intending to observe this martial arts grand meeting.”

The Emperor nodded, “Young Lord truly understands my mind.”

He fell silent again for a moment, then asked, “What we discussed last time, is it mostly arranged?”

“In response to Your Majesty, I’ve allowed all disciples of various sects at the rank of vice commander and above to take leave to prepare for the martial arts alliance leader selection. For those below the rank of vice commander, I’ve also granted them leave to observe the ceremony.”

“Good, you’ve done well. The adjustment strategy you proposed last time, I’ll have Scholar Dong implement it during this period. As for the martial arts grand meeting, you know what needs to be done?”

Pei Yan bowed and said, “I will spare no effort to ensure this martial arts grand meeting elects a suitable candidate, not disappointing Your Majesty’s expectations.”

The Emperor smiled and patted Pei Yan’s hand, “Take care of yourself too. Your internal injury hasn’t healed yet. If there’s anything to be done, let your subordinates handle it. Don’t act personally. If anything were to happen to you, I couldn’t face your late father. Use your judgment.”

“Yes.” Seeing the Emperor had nothing more to say, Pei Yan bowed and said, “I take my leave.”

The Emperor nodded, “Go. Heal well. After half a year, I want to see a vibrant Young Lord.”

The Emperor watched Pei Yan leave the hall. Hearing a faint sound from the inner chamber, he smiled and turned to enter. Seeing a corner of a white robe exposed on the dragon couch, he said softly, “When did you come in? You didn’t even have someone announce you?”

The person in the white robe, reclining on the purple silk bedding, didn’t rise when the Emperor entered. They merely glanced sideways, a smile playing on their lips.

The Emperor removed his outer robe, sat down on the edge of the couch, and lifted the covers. He reached in to feel around, frowning, “You’re always so willful. Although the ‘Ice Soul Pill’ can increase your inner power, you shouldn’t be so eager for quick results.”

The white-robed person hooked a finger through the black hair falling over their shoulder, saying softly, “Pei Yan’s martial arts are improving day by day. If I don’t train harder, how will I protect Your Majesty if something happens in the future?”

A pleased smile spread across the Emperor’s handsome face. He felt his mouth go dry as desire filled the room, making it hard for him to control himself. He pulled the white-robed person into his arms, gently caressing that exquisitely beautiful face. His voice grew husky, “You’re so good, always thinking of me!”

The white-robed person’s body arched slightly, the plain robe slipping from their shoulders. The Emperor, dazzled by the jade-like radiance, felt a bit dizzy. Unable to resist, he pulled the robe away, pressing that soft, beautiful body against his chest. He murmured, “You’ve grown up too. No matter how reluctant I am, I have to let you go out now.”

An ambiguous, indescribable atmosphere flowed through the hall. The Emperor’s gaze gradually became unfocused, feeling that the yellow chrysanthemums embroidered on the purple silk bedding seemed particularly alluring. He caressed that tight, smooth skin, moving from the neck down, sliding over the back, and gripping that supple waist. He panted, “If only you could never grow up, always staying the same as when you first entered the palace—”

He suddenly lowered his head and bit that delicate earlobe. The person beneath him let out a pained whimper, their body stiffening. They looked down at a pot of “Green Jade Green Silk” chrysanthemums in front of the dragon couch, their gaze like a sharp blade, as if wanting to slice those green chrysanthemums into powder. Their cold fingers clutched tightly at the silk covers during the wave-like undulations, seeming to want to forcefully suppress that erupting hatred and hidden pain deep within their heart—

The Emperor lay back in bed, allowing the person beside him to gently massage his shoulders. He closed his eyes and said softly, “Now that I’ve recalled the Imperial Guard, and there’s nothing urgent in the capital, you should leave the city and keep an eye on Pei Yan for me. I’m a bit uneasy about the martial arts grand meeting.”

He exhaled slowly and deeply, then opened his eyes to look at the face before him, now tinged with a flush. He smiled slightly, “Didn’t you want to go out and play for a while? I’ll let you out for a few more months, but—” His fingers slowly traced over that jade-like skin, “Don’t play too wildly, and don’t let your heart go astray—”

The next day, the weather was beautiful, with warm sunlight everywhere. Jiang Ci woke up early, in high spirits. She knew in her heart that Wei Zhao would no longer come to silence her, so she wanted to go out in her true appearance, wearing a pretty dress. However, Cui Liang was still worried and had her slightly alter her appearance and dress as a young servant boy. Seeing that An Chen had assigned dozens of secret guards to follow them, Cui Liang finally led Jiang Ci out of the Prime Minister’s mansion towards Red Maple Mountain.

As Jiang Ci left the Western Garden, she recalled the earthworms she had dug up and stored in a porcelain jar the previous day. Her fishing itch resurfaced, and upon mentioning it to Cui Liang, he, knowing that there was a tranquil lake among the Red Maple Mountains that was ideal for fishing, also became interested. The two of them gathered their fishing gear and rode to the base of the Red Maple Mountain. They ascended from Wangjing Pavilion and soon arrived at the lakeside.

A gentle breeze brought a refreshing chill, and the sunlight was warm and pleasant. Jiang Ci stood on a large rock by the lake, breathing in the fresh mountain air. She slowly stretched out her arms, her eyes half-closed, feeling that this was the most relaxing and enjoyable moment since she had entered the capital.

Cui Liang watched her joyful expression, cast his fishing bait slowly into the water, and said with a smile, “Didn’t you just say that your fishing skills are among the best in Dengjia Village? How about we have a little contest?”

Jiang Ci turned her head and laughed, “I’m not only good at fishing but also adept at catching shrimp and crabs. There’s a small creek in Dengjia Village with lots of crabs. If you turn over those stones, you’ll catch one or two—” Her gaze shifted to a group of people approaching from afar, and her voice trailed off as her lips pursed slightly, “I shouldn’t have mentioned crabs. Now, we’ve attracted this large one.”

Cui Liang turned around and couldn’t help but laugh, “Lord Xiang, you’re here too?!”

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