HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 34: Knowing the Joy of Fish

Chapter 34: Knowing the Joy of Fish

Pei Yan, dressed in a light cyan gauze robe, approached with a smile on his handsome face, leading a large group of followers. He said, “I’m returning to Changfeng Mountain Villa tomorrow. Having no plans today and hearing from An Chen that Zi Ming came out fishing, I thought I’d join the fun.”

He glanced at Jiang Ci without further comment. His attendants brought over rattan chairs, laid soft cushions, served fragrant tea, and baited Pei Yan’s hook. Pei Yan waved his hand, dismissing the followers into the forest. He then sat down casually in the chair and cast his line into the water.

Noticing how close Pei Yan was sitting, Jiang Ci picked up her fishing rod and moved to sit on the other side of Cui Liang. She cast her line into the water, focusing intently on the lake’s surface.

Soon, small bubbles appeared on the water’s surface, and Cui Liang’s line sank. Jiang Ci saw it clearly and patted Cui Liang’s shoulder excitedly, “There’s one, there’s one!” Cui Liang smiled slightly, waited for the line to sink a bit more, then suddenly pulled up, hooking a small crucian carp about three inches long.

Jiang Ci beamed with joy as she removed the small fish from the hook and placed it in the bamboo basket. As she turned back, she glanced at Pei Yan. He appeared relaxed, leaning back in the rattan chair with his fishing rod tilted to one side and his eyes half-closed. He looked less like he was fishing and more like he was sunbathing in the countryside. She let out a small huff and sat back down.

As noon approached, Jiang Ci and Cui Liang had caught quite a few fish. Seeing the bamboo basket almost full, Jiang Ci smiled and said, “Brother Cui, shall we grill some fish for lunch here on the mountain?”

“That sounds good. It’s past lunchtime to return to the city anyway, and I haven’t had grilled fish in a long time. I’m quite hungry for it,” Cui Liang replied. He then turned and said, “Lord Pei, if you’re not busy, why don’t you join us?”

Pei Yan slowly reeled in his fishing rod and removed a small fish. “That depends on Miss Jiang’s cooking skills,” he said.

Slightly annoyed, Jiang Ci said to Cui Liang, “I’ll go gather some firewood.” She put down her fishing rod and ran towards the forest.

Watching her figure disappear into the woods, Cui Liang finally turned his gaze away. He noticed Pei Yan looking in the same direction and said softly, “Lord Pei, why don’t you let Xiao Ci go? I will—”

Pei Yan withdrew his gaze and smiled, “It’s not that I don’t want to release her now. The truth is, as long as the Star Moon Sect Master is not eliminated, her life remains in danger. I can cure the poison for her and won’t make her serve you anymore, but I can’t let her go.”

Cui Liang sighed lightly and said no more. Pei Yan cast his line back into the lake and said, “I should thank you, Zi Ming. The ‘Sinking Pulse Grass’ you mentioned indeed works wonders. It can make my Yuan Power recede for an hour, allowing the Emperor to believe I’ve suffered severe internal injuries.”

“Has the Emperor approved your resignation, Lord Pei?”

“He wanted to, but he was afraid there would be no one to keep Prince Zhuang in check. So he gave me a half-year leave instead. It’s fine, I’m quite tired and want to recuperate at Changfeng Mountain Villa for a while. However, I’ll have to trouble you with many matters, Zi Ming.”

Cui Liang was silent for a moment, then said softly, “Rest assured, Lord Pei. I’ll keep an eye on the various memorials.”

As they were talking, a song drifted over from the forest on the opposite side of the lake. They looked up and saw Jiang Ci climbing a large tree, reaching out to pick fruits. Her clear, melodious voice carried across the lake, echoing in the wilderness:

“Sky meets water, water touches sky;

Mist locks mountains, mountains wear mist;

Snow-white hair was once a rosy face, beauty can’t withstand age;

Whiteheads were once young, youth is destined for white hair;

Recognize life as a play, years as a dream;

Better to ride the wind and return, watch the faint blue mountains,

The distant flowing waters, spend the rest of life by rivers and seas.”

Pei Yan and Cui Liang watched the nimble figure among the trees, listening to the song as pure as mountain spring water, both falling silent. After a long while, Pei Yan said, “I’m returning to Changfeng Mountain Villa tomorrow. Miss Jiang will have to come with me.”

Cui Liang turned his head sharply, looking at Pei Yan.

Pei Yan smiled, “First, I’ve received news that the Star Moon Sect Master might attend the Martial Arts Assembly. We need to quickly have Miss Jiang identify him by his voice to resolve this matter and remove the threat to her life. Second, the antidote for her poison needs to be taken with the precious clear spring water behind Changfeng Mountain Villa to be effective.”

Cui Liang had heard of the potency of Changfeng Mountain Villa’s unique poisons, so he knew Pei Yan wasn’t making this up. He said softly, “I thank Lord Pei on Xiao Ci’s behalf.”

“In this matter, I was wrong to force her to serve you. Don’t worry, Zi Ming. After she’s cured and identifies the person, if she wants to return to the capital, I’ll bring her back. If she wants to return to Deng Family Village, I’ll let her go.”

As they spoke, Jiang Ci returned along the lakeside, carrying an armful of dry branches and some wild fruits in her shirt.

Pei Yan watched her approaching figure and smiled, “I didn’t expect Zi Ming to come back for Miss Jiang this time. It’s quite surprising.”

Cui Liang stared at Jiang Ci for a long time before saying softly, “I’ve wronged her. I claim to be a man of honor, but in terms of character, dealing with the world, and breadth of mind, I’m no match for her.”

Pei Yan nodded, “I didn’t expect her to keep silent in front of you, making me truly believe Zi Ming was heartless, leaving secretly without regard for her life.”

“That day, I took the opportunity to check your pulse and knew you weren’t injured. I thought she was just an insignificant country girl, and you wouldn’t take her life. I thought after I left, you would release her,” Cui Liang’s gaze fixed on the approaching Jiang Ci. “Not only did she not reveal anything, but she also lives so freely and openly. Her heart is kind, pure, and clean, surpassing us men in many ways.”

He put away his fishing rod, removed a crucian carp, and let it go. They watched as the fish flipped and jumped back into the lake. He slowly said, “Lord Pei, I hope you keep your word. You see, some fish, even when hooked, can leap back into the water if they struggle hard enough.”

Jiang Ci approached, singing and walking. She reached Cui Liang’s side, dropped the dry branches, and selected a few of the better fruits from her shirt to offer to Cui Liang. “Brother Cui, have some green fruits first to fill your stomach.”

Cui Liang smiled as he accepted them, taking a bite. “Mmm, so sweet!” he exclaimed.

Jiang Ci then chose a redder fruit and was about to put it in her mouth when she noticed Pei Yan smiling very amiably at her. She hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked to Pei Yan and offered him the fruit in her hand.

Pei Yan looked at her for a moment without reaching out. Jiang Ci, slightly annoyed, said, “I know Lord Pei’s body is precious and you think my fruits are dirty. If you don’t want to eat them, forget it.”

As she was about to withdraw her hand, Pei Yan’s right arm lightly extended, taking all the wild fruits from her shirt. He picked one up and put it in his mouth. The sweet, crisp flavor made his eyes narrow slightly. After a moment, he smiled at Jiang Ci, “Thank you!”

That night, the weather changed dramatically. A bitter north wind blew, bringing the heaviest rain of the winter so far.

The cold wind carried rain that pattered noisily against the windows and eaves. Cui Liang couldn’t sleep all night. At the third quarter of the zi hour (1:45 AM), he finally got up, put on his clothes, and went out. Standing in the corridor, he gazed long at the side room where Jiang Ci was staying, listening to the all-encompassing sound of rain until his feet became numb. Only then did he return to his room.

Jiang Ci was woken before dawn, and in a daze, Cui Liang escorted her to the carriage under an oil-paper umbrella. The slanting rain wet the hem of her skirt, making her feel cold. She climbed into the carriage to see Pei Yan lightly wrapped in a fox fur, holding a book, reclining on a soft couch, looking at her with a faint smile.

She was about to turn back and call Cui Liang into the carriage when the driver shouted, and the wheels began to roll. She hurriedly steadied herself and said urgently, “Brother Cui hasn’t gotten in yet.”

The carriage was exquisitely furnished and even had a small charcoal stove. Pei Yan, leaning on the soft cushions, said lazily, “Zi Ming isn’t coming with us. Go, make me a cup of tea.”

Jiang Ci couldn’t help but glare at him, but still put the small copper kettle on the charcoal stove. When the water boiled, she poured a cup of tea and handed it to Pei Yan.

Pei Yan looked up from his book and said, “Don’t you know to heat the cup first, pour the tea once, and then serve the second pour to your master?”

Jiang Ci had no choice but to do as he said. Pei Yan reached out to take the cup, glanced at Jiang Ci, and saw that her clothes seemed thin, her skirt hem was wet from the rain, and she was kneeling by the charcoal stove, her body shivering slightly, her lips somewhat pale. He frowned slightly and patted the soft couch beside him. “Come here.”

Jiang Ci shook her head and couldn’t help but ask, “Lord Pei, where are we going?”

“Sit here, and I’ll tell you.”

Curiosity piqued, Jiang Ci crawled up to sit beside him. Pei Yan suddenly sat up and leaned forward to tear off her rain-soaked skirt hem. Jiang Ci was greatly alarmed and hurriedly covered her exposed calves, angrily saying, “What are you doing?!”

Pei Yan smiled and struck her forehead with his right hand. Jiang Ci quickly raised her hands to block, but he deflected her defense, causing her to fall back onto the couch. As she was dizzy and confused, there was a “whoosh,” and something covered her body, blocking her vision. She hurriedly pushed away what was covering her face and looked carefully, only to find it was the fox fur Pei Yan had been wearing earlier.

Seeing Pei Yan’s lips curled in a teasing smile, and realizing her skirt hem had been torn off, exposing part of her calves, Jiang Ci leaped off the soft couch and threw the fox fur heavily at Pei Yan, turning to open the carriage door.

Pei Yan grabbed the tea cup beside him and lightly tossed it, hitting Jiang Ci’s right knee. Her leg weakened, and she knelt on the carpet, feeling a mix of shame and anger. She bit her lower lip hard and glared sideways at Pei Yan.

The smile gradually faded from Pei Yan’s lips, and he said coldly, “What an ungrateful girl!”

Seeing Jiang Ci still kneeling, he threw down the book in his hand, leaned forward, and dragged her up. Jiang Ci tried to struggle, but he pressed an acupoint on her waist and carried her to the couch.

Pei Yan pulled a brocade quilt over Jiang Ci and wrapped her in the fox fur. Seeing her still looking at him with a face full of shame and anger, he smiled coldly, “If you fall ill, who will help me identify the person?!”

Jiang Ci’s heart jolted: Could it be that Wei Zhao had already set up the plan, and this big crab was now taking her to see Yao Dingbang? But he hadn’t given her any signal, how would she know who Yao Dingbang was? As she thought about this, her expression became somewhat dazed. Pei Yan stopped paying attention to her and returned to reading his book.

Jiang Ci felt her body gradually warming up. Having been woken from sleep, she started to feel drowsy as the carriage swayed. She couldn’t help but yawn, and soon fell into a hazy sleep.

Pei Yan slowly put down his book and looked at Jiang Ci’s cheeks, which were gradually turning rosy. He smiled and pulled up the fox fur that had slipped down, tucking it around her shoulders. He then knocked on the carriage wall, and an attendant lifted the curtain. Pei Yan said softly, “Go, have someone bring over a few sets of women’s clothes.”

Jiang Ci slept until the end of the Chen hour (about 8 AM) before waking up. Opening her eyes, she saw Pei Yan still reading, and several sets of clothes placed beside her. Understanding his intention, but not wanting to change in front of him, she simply closed her eyes, pretending to still be asleep.

After a while, she heard Pei Yan knock on the carriage wall. The carriage stopped, and he seemed to jump out, closing the door tightly behind him. As the voices outside faded, she hurriedly changed into one of the new dresses and leaped down from the couch. Just as she sat down on the soft bench on the other side of the carriage, Pei Yan got back in, glanced at her, and the carriage started moving again.

Pei Yan lay back on the couch, looked at the fox fur at his feet, then at Jiang Ci. His face darkened as he picked up the fox fur, about to throw it out of the carriage window.

Jiang Ci hurriedly pounced over and snatched the fox fur from his hand. “Why throw away such a good fox fur?” she asked.

“It’s dirty,” he replied.

Jiang Ci choked back her anger and, with a smile on her face, said, “Lord Pei, since you don’t want it anymore, can you give it to me?”

Pei Yan didn’t look up and just grunted softly in agreement.

Jiang Ci sat down, smiling and gently stroking the fox fur. She muttered, “It would be such a waste to throw away such a fine fox fur. Aunt Huang’s big black dog is about to have puppies. I’ll take this fox fur back and line the dog’s bed with it to keep the puppies warm. That would be perfect.”

Pei Yan’s hand trembled, and he could no longer focus on his book. He said coldly, “Pour me a cup of tea.”

Jiang Ci, having thought of a way to deal with this big crab, tossed her head and said, “I’m not your servant, why do you keep ordering me around? Let your maids do it.”

“Can’t you see there’s no one else in this carriage? Besides, I didn’t bring any maids this time.”

Jiang Ci pretended to be very annoyed, “That doesn’t mean I have to serve you. I don’t need your antidote. My life is cheap anyway, and I’ve had enough of your bullying. Don’t expect me to help you identify anyone by their voice. Let’s just part ways.”

Pei Yan put down his book, sat down beside Jiang Ci, and said with a half-smile, “You’ve become quite bold. So, what do you want?”

Jiang Ci slowly moved backward, saying, “I can serve you, but you can’t bully me or treat me like a servant.”

Pei Yan moved closer to her, saying leisurely, “What counts as serving, and what counts as bullying? I don’t quite understand. Perhaps Miss Jiang can teach me.”

Jiang Ci found herself with no retreat, and as that insidious smile drew nearer, she channeled her strength to push against Pei Yan’s chest. Pei Yan, however, slipped his right hand between her arms and lightly tapped the inner parts of her wrists. Instantly, Jiang Ci lost her strength; her arms fell limp, and her body was thrown off balance. With a gasp, she toppled forward, landing right into Pei Yan’s embrace.

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