HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 37: Pretense Becomes Reality

Chapter 37: Pretense Becomes Reality

As Jiang Ci bent down to pick up a porcelain plate from the table, Pei Yan suddenly pulled her with great force. She fell onto his lap, but a sharp pain shot through her right arm – she had been cut by a dagger.

The girl’s expression changed. She exerted force with her right wrist, stabbing down at Jiang Ci again. Pei Yan hugged Jiang Ci and leaned backward, his right foot kicking out swiftly. The girl’s dagger changed direction in mid-air, flying toward Jiang Ci’s back.

Pei Yan’s right foot continued to kick toward the girl’s wrist while his right hand deflected the airborne dagger. The weapon flew like a shooting star towards the ceiling beam, embedding itself deep into the wood, still vibrating from the force.

The girl twisted her body, avoiding Pei Yan’s right foot. Seeing that she could no longer take Jiang Ci’s life, she quickly leaped towards the exit. An Cheng and others rushed in from outside, surrounding the girl.

The girl let out a chuckle, her voice suddenly changing to that of an adult. She drew another short blade from behind her waist. Her movements were as swift as the wind, attacking the Chang Feng Guards so fiercely that their formation became somewhat scattered. An Cheng shouted angrily, his blade flashing like lightning as he struck at the girl. She moved sideways, raising her blade to block. As their weapons clashed with a resounding clang, blood trickled from the corner of the girl’s mouth. She retreated several steps and sat on the ground.

Pei Yan was tearing open the sleeve of Jiang Ci’s right arm. He glanced to the side and said coldly, “Keep her alive!”

An Cheng held his blade across his chest, slowly approaching with several Chang Feng Guards. The girl, however, still appeared fearless, throwing her head back in laughter. An Cheng, seasoned in battle, sensed something amiss. As he saw a faint glimmer, he quickly flipped backward. A shower of silver needles exploded from the girl’s mouth, spraying across the pavilion. Several Chang Feng Guards who couldn’t dodge in time were hit and fell to the ground. The girl’s movements were quick and agile; she slipped past the guards like a loach and darted towards the exit. An Cheng landed and pursued rapidly. Outside, the middle-aged man laughed loudly as he threw a soft rope. The girl caught it, and with a pull and swing, the two of them flew up into the weeping willows by the lake. After a few leaps, they vanished into the vast night.

This turn of events happened so suddenly – from the girl’s attempt to assassinate Jiang Ci to her escape – it took only a matter of moments. Everyone in the pavilion was left dumbfounded, taking a while to regain their senses. Prefect Yang, witnessing this incident, was so frightened his legs trembled. Trying to maintain his composure, he ordered his subordinates to fetch a physician and urgently summoned soldiers to surround Liu Xia Pavilion, locking up all the street performers.

Pei Yan pushed Jiang Ci away and stood up. Jiang Ci clutched her right arm, her face contorted with pain. Pei Yan, ignoring Prefect Yang’s apologies, strode out of the pavilion with An Cheng and others hurriedly following.

Without turning back, Pei Yan commanded, “Thoroughly investigate everyone present.” He then leaped onto his carriage. Seeing Jiang Ci grimacing in pain beside the vehicle, he frowned slightly, reached out to grab her collar, and lifted her into the carriage. The driver shouted, and they sped away.

By the shore of Cui Guang Lake, a small wooden boat was moored. A figure in black lay reclined on the boat’s canopy, watching everything unfold at the pavilion from afar. As Pei Yan’s carriage disappeared into the night, the figure chuckled softly, “Interesting.”

Back at Wen Yi Garden, upon entering the room, Pei Yan turned to see Jiang Ci’s face full of pain, blood still dripping from her right arm. He went back to the cabinet to fetch some medicine, then roughly pulled Jiang Ci’s arm, sat her down on the bed, and applied the medicine, ignoring her cries of pain. He tore off a piece of her clothing to bandage the wound.

Jiang Ci was in extreme pain, but seeing Pei Yan’s cold smile, her cries gradually subsided. Yet, tears still fell from her eyes. Just as she was about to speak, her stomach growled audibly, causing her face to redden slightly.

Pei Yan shook his head with a look of disdain and left the room. Soon after, several maids entered carrying dishes. Jiang Ci, knowing it was the crab dish ordered earlier, felt somewhat embarrassed and was about to get off the bed.

One of the maids approached, bowed, and said, “Miss Jiang, the Lord has instructed that you are not to leave the bed. Allow this servant to assist you with your meal.” She picked up a pair of silver chopsticks and lifted some stir-fried shredded vegetables to Jiang Ci’s mouth.

Jiang Ci was mortified and quickly said, “Sister, I can do it myself.” She instinctively reached out with her right hand but winced as the movement pulled at her wound.

The maid hurriedly knelt on the ground. “Miss Jiang, the Lord has given strict orders. This servant dares not disobey. Please have mercy on this servant to avoid punishment.”

Jiang Ci had no choice but to allow the maid to feed her. Inwardly, she cursed Pei Yan for his strict rules and lack of compassion.

In the outer room, Pei Yan sat in a chair, listening to An Cheng’s detailed report after his hasty return.

“We’ve set up checkpoints throughout the city, but near Cui Guang Lake, there are many hills. Once past Xiao You Mountain, they can reach Xiao Shui River. The assassins have likely escaped by water. We’ve also questioned the street performance troupe. This master and disciple pair approached them a few days ago, offering their services. The troupe leader, seeing their exceptional skills, took them in.”

Pei Yan took a sip of tea and asked, “An Cheng, have you heard of the names ‘Soft-boned Concubine’ and ‘River-blocking Guest’?”

“I had the same suspicion, my Lord. Though the girl appeared childlike, that waist skill can’t be mastered in just a few years. She must be an adult dwarf in disguise. The man’s rope technique is unparalleled in the jianghu. These two are likely the assassins ‘Soft-boned Concubine’ and ‘River-blocking Guest’ from the ‘Hate Heaven Hall’. However, the ‘Hate Heaven Hall’ has always maintained a neutral stance with our Chang Feng Mountain Villa. For years, they’ve carried out assassinations but never dared to touch anyone associated with us. Strangely, they targeted Miss Jiang this time. Moreover, I don’t understand why the ‘Soft-boned Concubine’ didn’t make her move on stage but waited until we were in the pavilion.”

Pei Yan smiled slightly. “No matter how fast she moved on stage, she couldn’t have been quicker than my chopsticks.”

“So, my Lord had already noticed something was amiss. It seems she only found an opportunity to strike when Miss Jiang walked behind you. As expected of the ‘Hate Heaven Hall’s’ top assassin, to be able to wound someone under your watchful eye, my Lord.”

Pei Yan raised his eyes to look at An Cheng, who felt a chill run down his spine and lowered his head, not daring to say more.

Pei Yan continued, “Send someone to contact the ‘Hate Heaven Hall’. Find out if the Left Hall Master wants money or something else. Investigate thoroughly who hired these two to kill the girl.”

“I suspect it must be related to that Xiao Wuxia. No one else has any reason to kill Miss Jiang.”

“It’s undoubtedly Xiao Wuxia, but who is the real Xiao Wuxia? See if the ‘Hate Heaven Hall’ has any leads. The Martial Arts Assembly is approaching. If Xiao Wuxia intends to interfere and disrupt our plans, I’ll have a hard time explaining to His Majesty.” Pei Yan paused, then added, “Also, send someone to investigate Prefect Yang. Although we spread rumors to lure He Qingling here, how did ‘Soft-boned Concubine’ and ‘River-blocking Guest’ know Prefect Yang would invite me to watch the performance? There must be some clues left behind.”

An Cheng acknowledged the orders. Just as he was about to turn away, a sudden cry of surprise came from Jiang Ci inside the room.

Pei Yan leaped up from his chair and rushed into the inner chamber, only to see Jiang Ci hurriedly getting off the bed. Seeing Pei Yan’s cold face as he burst in, the few maids were frightened and knelt, kowtowing.

Pei Yan waved his hand, and everyone retreated from the room. He smiled and walked towards Jiang Ci with his hands behind his back, step by step. Jiang Ci was forced back to the edge of the bed and giggled nervously, “My Lord, um, can I ask you for a favor?”

Pei Yan drawled, “You’re injured yet still so restless. Go on, what new trick does the little girl want to play now?”

While eating, Jiang Ci remembered what the maid of Young Lady Yang had told her and the favor she had asked. This made her cry out in surprise. Hearing Pei Yan’s words now, she recalled the earlier scene and forgot about the pain in her arm. She burst out laughing and fell back onto the bed.

After laughing for a moment, she remembered that since she had taken someone’s money, she should fulfill her promise. She quickly tried to sit up, but just as she raised her head, she saw Pei Yan leaning down toward her. Her waist softened, and she fell back onto the bed.

Pei Yan placed his hands on the bed, encircling Jiang Ci, smiling with handsome, bright eyes and a gentle, elegant demeanor. As she watched that smile draw closer, Jiang Ci suddenly heard her own heart pounding furiously, and her cheeks inexplicably began to burn. In her daze, Pei Yan chuckled and slipped his hand into the front of her robe.

Jiang Ci’s mind went blank, her whole body going limp. As she hazily debated whether to punch or kick this “crab”, Pei Yan had already pulled out an embroidered pouch from her chest. He weighed it in his hand and smiled, “You used my name to accept a bribe privately. Tell me, how should you be punished?”

When Jiang Ci didn’t answer for a while, Pei Yan looked down to see her face completely flushed, staring blankly.

Pei Yan had never seen Jiang Ci like this before. He patted her cheek with his hand. “Weren’t you entrusted to persuade me to take a trip to Bi’ou Pavilion on Xiao You Mountain? What’s the matter? You took someone’s silver but won’t do the job?”

Jiang Ci’s face reddened even more as she mumbled, “So, my Lord heard everything.”

Pei Yan laughed, “Not only did you privately accept a bribe, but you also flirted with someone’s maid. This truly damages the reputation of my manor. According to the rules, your pants should be removed and you should receive twenty strokes of the rod.” He raised his voice, “Someone come!”

Jiang Ci panicked, “The young lady admires you and merely used this servant’s mouth to create an opportunity for a chance encounter. It’s not like she’s asking for an official position or wealth. How can you call it a bribe?!” She suddenly pushed Pei Yan away, forgetting about the wound on her right arm, and cried out in pain.

Pei Yan rolled over onto the bed, laughing heartily. Jiang Ci was furious and kicked at him hard with her right foot. Pei Yan dodged with a laugh, and Jiang Ci swung her left foot. Pei Yan pinned down both her legs with his left hand and propped his head up with his right, gazing at Jiang Ci languidly. “If you don’t want twenty strokes of the rod, you have to agree to one condition for me.”

“What condition?”

Pei Yan caressed Jiang Ci’s cheek with his left hand and smiled, “Your injury has not only ruined Young Lady Yang’s plans but also spoiled a romantic opportunity for me. You should make it up to me with yourself.”

Jiang Ci was both embarrassed and angry. She suddenly leaped up and began punching and kicking at Pei Yan, who effortlessly blocked with one hand while still teasing her. Jiang Ci was burning with rage, lashing out wildly. Seeing that blood was starting to seep through the bandage on her right arm, Pei Yan’s laughter gradually subsided. He gently tapped out, causing Jiang Ci to fall backward. Pei Yan caught her and placed her back on the bed. Seeing her face full of hatred, he smiled and said, “I was just joking with you, and you took it seriously. You really can’t take a little teasing.”

Jiang Ci snorted coldly and turned her head away, her chest heaving violently, clearly still upset. Pei Yan pulled up the brocade quilt to cover her, but couldn’t resist touching her face once more. “Even if you wanted to make it up to me with yourself, this country bumpkin of a girl isn’t up to my standards as the Prime Minister.” With that, he laughed loudly and left the room.

Jiang Ci’s mind was in chaos, a mix of shame, anger, embarrassment, and fury clogging her chest. It took her a long time to calm down. She heard Pei Yan moving about in the outer room, giving some instructions to An Cheng, and then pushing open the door to come in. She quickly turned her head towards the inner side of the bed.

Pei Yan sat down on the edge of the bed with a smile, reaching out to undo her acupoint, and then lay down beside her, his hands behind his head, saying nothing. Jiang Ci felt him very close and hurriedly moved toward the inner side of the bed.

After lying there for a while, Pei Yan suddenly said, “Little girl, let me ask you something.”

Jiang Ci shrank further inward, letting out a light snort.

Pei Yan turned his head to look at her, smiling, “Didn’t you notice that the girl was deliberately performing poorly to lure you into helping her?”

Jiang Ci grumbled, “She acted so convincingly, how could I have seen through it?” She backed into the corner of the bed, seeing the mocking look in Pei Yan’s eyes, and retorted defiantly, “If my Lord had seen through it earlier, why did you still let me get hurt?”

Pei Yan didn’t answer. After a moment, he chuckled softly, “Let’s see if you dare to meddle in others’ affairs and play the good Samaritan next time.”

Jiang Ci smiled faintly, “If there’s such a trivial matter next time, I’ll still manage it.”

“Oh?” Pei Yan looked at her with interest.

Jiang Ci relaxed a bit and said, “My Lord, after all, assassins aren’t everywhere all the time. If I weren’t involved with you, I probably wouldn’t encounter such people in my entire life. If it were a seven or eight-year-old girl being bullied like that, I would have to intervene.”

“Is that so?”

“My Lord, you’re used to killing and bloodshed, so you see everyone as an assassin and everything as a conspiracy. But for us common people, we just need to live our own lives well. We don’t have so many twists and turns.”

“You’re truly obstinate. It seems you won’t learn your lesson even if you lose your little life.” Pei Yan’s expression was rather disapproving. “You show kindness, but Xiao Wuxia won’t show you any kindness in return.”

Jiang Ci was startled, “My Lord, are you saying that Xiao… Xiao Wuxia sent someone to do this?”

Pei Yan turned his head to look at her, “Sometimes you’re clever, and sometimes you’re so foolish! Besides him, who else would want to take your little life?!”

Jiang Ci stood frozen, stunned by the unexpected attack. Could it be that Wei Zhao had sent someone to kill her? After all, Wei Zhao had reached an agreement with her and had spared her life several times, seemingly to mislead Pei Yan. How could he send someone to kill her now? If not Wei Zhao, she had not offended anyone else, let alone such an assassin. Who would want her dead?

Seeing Jiang Ci’s dazed expression, Pei Yan reached out and flicked her forehead. Jiang Ci snapped out of her stupor, clutching her pained forehead and glaring at him angrily. “Lord Xiang, even though you’re highly skilled, there’s no need to always bully a little girl like me! I might not be able to fight you, but even a cornered rabbit will bite.”

Pei Yan chuckled and said, “I’m not bullying you. Just count how many times I’ve saved you.”

Jiang Ci lowered her head in silence. Although the large crab was bothersome, it had indeed saved her life several times. Without him, she might have met her end long ago. When she was severely injured at Changfeng Mountain Manor, it was Wei Zhao’s fault, not his. Even though he had poisoned her afterward, it seemed he intended to provide an antidote. Considering this, he wasn’t entirely unreasonable in his treatment of her.

Her mind swirled with these thoughts, but the pain from her arm wound persisted, making her frown and softly groan.

Pei Yan smirked. “Pathetic! Such a minor injury, and you’re groaning like this.”

Jiang Ci retorted, “It hurts a lot, and I’m allowed to groan, aren’t I? I don’t need to put on a show like you, nor do I care if others laugh at me. If you don’t like hearing me groan, just leave and don’t stay here.”

Pei Yan slowly closed his eyes and said softly, “Sleep. On another day, we’ll return to Changfeng Mountain Manor, and I’ll take you to Baoqing Spring to treat your wound.”

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