HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 52: The Fall of the Moon and the Changing Winds

Chapter 52: The Fall of the Moon and the Changing Winds

In the Star Moon Valley, the air was frigid, and snow lay heavy on the ground.

Inside the sacred hall, candles blazed brightly, illuminating the entire chamber as if it were day. Hundreds of disciples filed in, each wondering about the purpose of this grand assembly called by their long-elusive Sect Master.

The Star Moon Sect was known for its strict rules. Despite the hundreds gathered, the hall remained solemn and dignified, with no hint of chaos. The Left and Right Guardians stood at the front of the ranks. As the bronze bell tolled, they led the disciples in a deep bow, exclaiming, “We respectfully welcome the Sect Master!”

The curtain lifted slightly, and Ping Wushang, the former Sect Master’s attendant, stepped out first. The disciples’ faces showed a mix of respect and fear. Everyone had heard of Ping Wushang, knowing his martial arts were second only to the former Sect Masters within the sect. The older disciples vividly remembered his god-of-death-like battles against the people of the Huan Kingdom.

Ping Wushang bowed to the side, announcing, “Please enter, Sect Master!”

A tall figure in white emerged from behind the curtain. The hall fell silent, everyone holding their breath. No footsteps could be heard, leading many to think, “The Sect Master’s lightness skill is so profound. Perhaps our sect truly has hope for revival.”

The white figure settled into the rosewood chair, and a cold, stern voice echoed throughout the great hall: “Raise your heads. It’s rare to have everyone gathered like this. Let me see all of your faces.”

Left Guardian Huo Xuan lifted his head, his eyes falling upon a face covered by a human skin mask—the same intricate mask often used by the former Sect Master.

Noticing his bewilderment, Su Jun, disguised as the Sect Master, pulled out a jade seal from his sleeve. Ping Wushang bent to receive it, then presented it to the Left and Right Guardians. Right Guardian Xiao Sun hurriedly kowtowed, exclaiming, “The divine seal reappears! We swear to follow you unto death!”

Huo Xuan, now certain, made a subtle hand gesture behind his back. At the end of the ranks, one person quietly slipped out of the hall.

Su Jun struggled to make his voice sound cold and authoritative: “I’ve gathered everyone here to discuss the matter of establishing a nation for our Moon Fall clan. After years of planning, the time is ripe. I’ve communicated with the Clan Leader multiple times, and he’s inclined to establish the nation. However, we need to discuss how to do it, how to face the squeeze between the powerful Hua Dynasty and the Huan Kingdom once established, and what position our Star Moon Sect will hold in the future Moon Fall nation. I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions.”

Right Guardian Xiao Sun, visibly excited, kowtowed and said, “The Sect Master is wise. The former Sect Master’s lifelong wish is within reach, and the revival of the Moon Fall clan is near. We will brave fire and water, sparing no effort in this cause.”

Most people in the hall followed suit and kowtowed, but Left Guardian Huo Xuan remained silent.

Su Jun turned to Huo Xuan: “Does the Left Guardian have any opinions?”

Huo Xuan raised his head, looking directly at Su Jun: “Sect Master, this subordinate believes that the time is not yet ripe for our Moon Fall clan to establish a nation. Our sect should not forcefully intervene and expose our strength. Moreover, this subordinate has several questions for the Sect Master.”

“Left Guardian, if you have any questions, please ask.”

Hearing several bird calls from outside the hall, Huo Xuan’s confidence grew, and his tone became more aggressive: “This subordinate has some doubts about the former Sect Master’s death. I request the Sect Master to clarify.”

His words caused an immediate stir in the hall. Years ago, the former Sect Master had convened a grand assembly to announce that his disciple, Xiao Wuxia, would be the new Sect Master, bearing the jade seal as proof and taking charge of sect affairs. He had also ordered Ping Wushang to assist, left behind several command tokens, and then secluded himself in a secret chamber. Days later, Ping Wushang brought out the Sect Master’s body, saying that the new Sect Master was in seclusion elsewhere, and all sect affairs would be managed by him using the command tokens. This prevented chaos within the sect.

For years, Ping Wushang had been relaying orders from Sect Master Xiao, with the Left and Right Guardians leading the disciples in following these commands. Sect Master Xiao remained elusive, never showing his true face. The disciples had their doubts, but as the Star Moon Sect’s power had been growing in recent years, seemingly under the Sect Master’s capable leadership, no one dared to raise objections. Now, with Huo Xuan bringing it up, people began to whisper, and a low murmur filled the hall.

Su Jun spoke coldly: “Is the Left Guardian questioning the former Sect Master’s death, or doubting this Sect Master’s identity?”

Huo Xuan chuckled: “The Sect Master is quite direct. We dare not speculate about the former Sect Master’s death, but as for you, Sect Master Xiao, never showing your true face has left this subordinate confused. Ping Wushang has always relayed your orders, but the disciples have never seen the Sect Master’s true face. This naturally breeds discontent.”

Ping Wushang stepped forward: “The former Sect Master’s last command was for me to assist the Sect Master. What is there to be discontented about?”

“This subordinate once heard the former Sect Master speak of taking on a disciple of exceptional talent and unparalleled beauty to inherit his great work. But for all these years, the Sect Master has never shown his true face. Could it be that you fear people will discover your ordinary appearance, and that you’re just an imposter found by Ping Wushang?”

Ping Wushang angrily retorted: “Left Guardian, are you accusing me, Ping Wushang, of overthrowing the rightful heir and usurping control of sect affairs?!”

Huo Xuan spoke brazenly: “I wouldn’t dare. But I request the Sect Master to give the disciples an explanation, to put everyone’s minds at ease.”

Su Jun stood up, his gaze sweeping across the hall: “Does anyone else want this Sect Master to explain? If so, stand behind the Left Guardian.”

The people in the hall looked at each other, and as they moved, over two hundred gathered behind Huo Xuan, while the rest stood behind Right Guardian Xiao Sun.

Huo Xuan said: “If the Sect Master doesn’t dare to show his true face, then please demonstrate a few moves of the ‘Star Moon Sword Technique’ or the ‘Chasing Stars and Pursuing Moon’ lightness skill. That would convince us.”

Ping Wushang stood before the steps, his tone severe: “How dare you! How can you challenge the Sect Master’s authority like this!”

Huo Xuan slowly backed away, drawing the long sword from his back: “If the Sect Master neither dares to show his true face nor can demonstrate the unique skills known only to successive Sect Masters, then forgive this subordinate for doubting and refusing to follow orders!”

Su Jun laughed coldly: “What do you intend to do?!”

Huo Xuan turned to face the disciples and shouted: “Everyone, this person is impersonating the Sect Master, manipulated by Ping Wushang. Please listen to me and don’t be fooled by Ping Wushang. Let’s restore justice for the real Sect Master Xiao!” With that, he let out a mighty roar. Following his voice, over a thousand people suddenly poured into the hall, shouting: “Ping Wushang is plotting rebellion, surrender now!” “Capture the fake Sect Master!”

Before those in the hall could react, more and more people flooded in. Ping Wushang’s face changed dramatically as he flashed in front of Su Jun: “Huo Xuan, are you staging a rebellion?!”

Huo Xuan sneered: “Aren’t you the one rebelling, Ping Wushang?”

During this exchange, chaos erupted in the hall. The thousands who had rushed in, along with those behind Huo Xuan, brandished weapons and engaged in fierce combat with the few hundred behind Right Guardian Xiao Sun.

Ping Wushang turned back: “Sect Master, the situation is dire. We must retreat first.”

Su Jun quickly descended the stone steps and fled towards the back of the hall with Ping Wushang. Huo Xuan shouted: “Where do you think you’re going, traitors?!” His sword qi flashed, forcing Right Guardian Xiao Sun and others to retreat step by step. Thousands of people pursued, shouting as they chased towards the back of the hall.

Su Jun and Uncle Ping ran out of the back hall of the sacred temple. Right Guardian Xiao Sun caught up: “Sect Master, you go first. We’ll hold them off. I fear Huo Xuan has colluded with government troops. As long as the green hills remain, we need not worry about firewood.”

As Su Jun was about to speak, Huo Xuan led thousands in pursuit. Su Jun pulled Xiao Sun: “Let’s go together!” The three quickly vanished into the vast night.

On the cold winter night, the icy air chilled to the bone.

Wei Zhao, wearing a human skin mask, closed his eyes in silence. As he calmed his mind, a pair of eyes appeared in the depths of his heart, so clear and gentle.

He silently recited in his heart: Sister, please bless Wuxia to purge the internal traitors, stabilize the situation, take control of the clan’s power, and when chaos engulfs the world next year, may our clan seize the opportunity to establish a nation, forever freeing ourselves from our humiliating fate, no longer being lowly slaves or barbarians!

Su Yan stood beside him, not daring to breathe. The man before him seemed like a ghost stepped out of hell, exuding a chilling murderous aura that made one want to prostrate at his feet, willingly enslaved and driven by him.

Wei Zhao opened his eyes: “They’re here!”

Su Yan listened intently for a moment before hearing faint footsteps. As he marveled, Cheng Yingying led several people into the forest, bowing and saying, “Sect Master, the people from the Grand Commandery have arrived.”

Wei Zhao looked towards the Tongfeng River: “Once Su Jun arrives, proceed according to the plan.”


Under the cover of night, Su Jun, Uncle Ping, and Xiao Sun were sprinting desperately through the wilderness.

Huo Xuan led the pursuit, and as they ran, someone beside him asked, “Guardian Huo, are you certain this person is the real Xiao Wuxia?”

Huo Xuan nodded: “The sacred seal is genuine. This seal is always carried by the Sect Master. Moreover, this person has appeared a few times before. Although he always wore a mask, his build and voice are unmistakable. General Gu, please rest assured.”

Vice General Gu Xiang, under Wang Lang’s command, smiled: “That’s good. If we can capture the real Xiao Wuxia this time, Guardian Huo can ascend to the Sect Master’s position and no longer be at odds with the court. My general can also give a satisfactory report to the Emperor.”

“Everything still depends on General Gu’s assistance.”

As they spoke, their pace didn’t slow. They led thousands of government troops, closely pursuing the three fleeing figures ahead.

In the snowy night, the shouts and pursuit of these thousands shattered the night sky. Wei Zhao’s lips curled into a slight smile: “The Clan Leader must be arriving soon too, right?”

As Su Yan was about to reply, Su Jun and his two companions had already reached the stone monument at Lanshi Crossing. Under the moonlight, the Tongfeng River was not yet completely frozen. Chunks of ice moved slowly on the surface, like black holes with bloody mouths, ready to devour lives at any moment.

The three leaned against the stone monument, drew their weapons, and coldly watched the thousands of troops gradually surrounding them.

Huo Xuan laughed: “Sect Master Xiao, I advise you to end your own life. It will spare you from physical torment!”

Su Jun’s sword flashed, and sword qi stirred up a blizzard of snow. Huo Xuan and Gu Xiang could barely keep their eyes open and retreated several steps. Su Jun, Ping Wushang, and Xiao Sun sprinted along the Tongfeng River.

As they ran several hundred paces, over a thousand people emerged from the forest by the river, surrounding and protecting Su Jun and his two companions. Battle cries erupted, and the fighting intensified.

Huo Xuan recognized the reinforcements as troops from their own clan’s Grand Commandery. He exchanged a glance with Gu Xiang, both feeling something was amiss. Before they could think further, a serpentine line of fire approached from the riverbank, seemingly numbering in the thousands. The leaders at the front shouted, “Where is the Young Clan Leader? Traitors, don’t you dare harm the Young Clan Leader!”

A man in his early fifties ran at the forefront, his face etched with anxiety: “Wind, where are you? Father has come to save you!”

Huo Xuan recognized this man as Mu Li, the Moon Fall Clan Leader. As he stood dumbfounded, he heard someone shout from the midst of the battle, “Clan Leader, come quickly to save the Young Clan Leader! We can’t hold on much longer!”

Mu Li was shocked. His line had been sparse, and it wasn’t until he was past forty that he had this precious son, whom he cherished beyond measure. A few days ago, his son’s birth mother, Wuya, had wanted to take him home to visit his maternal grandmother, so he had sent hundreds of men to protect them. Unexpectedly, today brought terrible news that the court had sent a large force to capture his precious son, intending to use him as leverage to eliminate the Star Moon Sect. In his anger and haste, he had hurriedly brought over three thousand men to Lanshi Crossing.

Now, hearing that his son was in imminent danger, and faintly hearing his beloved concubine Wuya’s cries of alarm, his mind was in chaos. He led his troops to attack the thousands of government soldiers by the river.

Left Guardian Huo Xuan sensed the situation was unfavorable, but Gu Xiang had other plans. He had originally intended to use Huo Xuan’s rebellion as an opportunity to gain merit by eliminating the Star Moon Sect. Now, seeing that the Moon Fall Clan Leader had also arrived, he thought of fishing in troubled waters and using others to do his dirty work. He knew that if the Moon Fall Clan Leader died and the young heir was still a child, the Star Moon Sect would collapse, plunging everything into chaos—exactly what the court desired.

He chuckled, “Clan Leader Mu if you interfere with our purge of these traitors, don’t blame me for being impolite!” With a wave of his hand, the more than two thousand government troops who had been observing also pressed forward.

Mu Li charged back and forth through the battlefield, shouting, “Wind! Wuya! Where are you?!”

In the firelight, the sound of clashing swords and blades filled the air. Mu Li grew increasingly anxious. A familiar face flashed before his eyes, and he hurriedly said, “Brother Ping, why are you here too? Have you seen my son?”

Ping Wushang’s toes touched the snowy ground, and he landed like a light cloud beside Mu Li, shouting, “I haven’t seen him! I was just passing by and saw that the Young Clan Leader was in danger, so I came to help, but I couldn’t find him!”

In his anger and haste, Mu Li swung his long sword, cutting down several government soldiers. Ping Wushang stayed close to his side. Seeing dozens of soldiers charging at them with spears, he knew the time had come. With a roar, he moved like a shadow, kicking up a ball of snow. As everyone squinted their eyes, he silently struck Mu Li’s waist. Mu Li stumbled forward several steps, falling onto a soldier’s long spear. The spear tip pierced his chest, and Mu Li fell to the ground, convulsing.

The Moon Fall clan members witnessed this scene and cried out in unison, “The Clan Leader is dead! The Clan Leader was killed by the government troops!” Many lost their composure and were forced to retreat step by step by the government troops, with quite a few falling into the icy river.

Amidst the chaos, a voice came from the opposite bank of the Tongfeng River: “Who dares to kill our Clan Leader? I, Xiao Wuxia, will make them pay blood for blood!”

This voice was calm and unhurried, instantly overpowering the thunderous battle cries. Everyone stopped their weapons and turned to look across the river.

Under the cold moon, a white figure floated like a cloud across the river’s surface. His white clothes were immaculate, like a white cloud emerging from a mountain, with moonlight overhead.

As his figure rose, even the moonlight seemed to dim, making his silhouette appear like a moon god descending to earth. As he descended, his toes lightly touched the ice blocks in the river, again like flowing clouds and scattered starlight.

The murderous aura he exuded made thousands of people tremble in unison. Before they could react, he was upon them like a mountain pressing down. His sword flashed like thunder and lightning, striking from the air with unstoppable force. Screams of agony arose as dozens of government soldiers fell to the snowy ground.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then dozens of voices cheered in unison: “The Sect Master is here! The Sect Master has come to save us!”

The three thousand Moon Fall clan members Mu Li had brought were overjoyed. They had long heard of the Star Moon Sect Master’s reputation, and now, at this critical moment, seeing him appear like a moon god, their morale soared. They launched a counterattack against the government troops.

Left Guardian Huo Xuan knew the situation was dire and turned to flee. Wei Zhao gave a cold laugh, his form is ghostly and elusive. Overwhelming sword qi burst from his hand, flashing three times in the air. Huo Xuan let out a miserable howl and fell to the snowy ground.

By the Tongfeng River, everyone was awed by this dazzling display of sword qi, standing dumbfounded. After a while, someone finally cried out with tears streaming down their face: “The Three Gods Reflect the Moon! The Moon God has descended, our clan is saved!” This cry seemed to have a magical effect, and the Moon Fall clan members put down their weapons and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Wei Zhao turned to face Gu Xiang and said in a chilling voice: “Gu Xiang, you killed our Moon Fall Clan Leader. I will make your Hua Dynasty pay blood for blood!”

Gu Xiang, from the Qishan School, had always prided himself on his martial arts skills and was quite arrogant. Although he saw that this legendary Star Moon Sect Master’s swordsmanship was extraordinary, he wasn’t panicked. The tip of his spear flashed with cold light as he attacked.

A killing intent appeared on Wei Zhao’s face as his sword moved with his body, suddenly entering Gu Xiang’s spear shadow. Gu Xiang was shocked, not expecting this Sect Master Xiao to start with such a life-risking move, and his resolve weakened slightly. Wei Zhao let out a fierce roar, his sword blade meeting the spear shaft as his true qi flowed. Gu Xiang retreated step by step. Suddenly, Wei Zhao withdrew his attack, his sword tip touching the spear tip as he leaped into the air. Gu Xiang couldn’t change his move in time. Wei Zhao descended from the air, his cold sword plunging from above into Gu Xiang’s “Baihui” acupoint on the top of his head.

Gu Xiang’s eyes widened, blood gushing from the corners of his mouth as he slowly fell to his knees.

The Hua Dynasty soldiers were stunned by this scene. Gu Xiang had been known as the “God of Killing,” yet he had been slain in just a few moves by this Star Moon Sect Master. Everyone’s spirits were shattered. Someone took the lead in fleeing, and soon all several thousand were scattering, the army completely routed.

Wei Zhao quickly pulled his sword from the top of Gu Xiang’s head. His white figure moved like a ghost, entering the fray. His sword flashed horizontally and vertically, and in an instant, dozens more fell to his blade. As he killed, people heard his cold, clear voice: “Kill everyone here, leave no one alive!”

Cheng Yingying and the others understood his meaning and led the pursuit with all their might. Under the cold moon, by Lanshi Crossing, the snow gradually turned red with blood as Hua Dynasty soldiers fell one after another. Seeing their Sect Master leading from the front, the Star Moon clan members’ spirits soared, and they fought more fiercely. Everyone disregarded life and death as if they wanted to vent all the humiliation and resentment of the past hundred years in this one battle, erasing it forever.

As the last few Hua Dynasty soldiers fell into pools of blood, Wei Zhao stood holding his sword, looking at this hellish scene of carnage, a smile gradually appearing in his eyes.

Uncle Ping approached, his tone joyful: “Young Master, we’ve succeeded!”

Su Jun had already quietly slipped into the forest and high-fived Su Yan. Su Yan emerged from the forest carrying a child about ten years old, shouting: “The Young Clan Leader is safe! We’ve found the Young Clan Leader!”

Wei Zhao flicked his long sword and sheathed it, walking forward slowly and bowing slightly: “Xiao Wuxia pays his respects to the Young Clan Leader!”

Young Clan Leader Mu Feng had no idea what had happened. In his panic, he saw his birth mother Wuya approach and quickly ran to clutch her clothes. Wuya bowed to Wei Zhao: “My son and I encountered great danger. Thanks to Sect Master Xiao’s rescue, Wuya is extremely grateful!”

Wei Zhao returned the bow: “I don’t deserve such thanks! I arrived too late, and the Clan Leader unfortunately died at the hands of the Hua people. I request that the Young Clan Leader quickly ascend to the position to stabilize the situation!”

Wuya’s eyes were seductive as she glanced at Wei Zhao, but her face showed a sorrowful expression: “We are now a widow and orphan, and will have to rely heavily on Sect Master Xiao in the future!”

As the sounds of killing subsided, Grand Commander Hong Ye led several thousand Moon Fall clan members to prostrate themselves on the ground, their voices shaking the snowy wilderness: “We respectfully welcome the Young Clan Leader’s ascension!”

Wei Zhao stood with his white clothes fluttering, looking up at the sky and silently reciting in his heart: Master, the pieces you laid down years ago have all played their roles today. If your spirit is in heaven, watch as your disciple leads our people to establish a nation, prosper, and achieve great deeds!

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