HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 56: Turning the Tables

Chapter 56: Turning the Tables

The next morning, the sky cleared, revealing a rare sunny winter day.

Wei Zhao sat motionless on his couch, feeling an emptiness in his chest. He had realized that the previous night, Wuya had secretly used an incense to confuse him and played seductive music on her qin. Although he had managed to extinguish that fire, the combined effects of the drug and the alluring music had still disrupted his Yuan Power.

What troubled him even more was the unfamiliar sensation and the reality he had never faced before. It hit him like a heavy punch, leaving him dazed, and gnawed at his heart like a venomous snake.

He sat there, lost in thought until the dawn light grew strong. Suddenly, he remembered that today was the first Council meeting since the young clan leader’s ascension, which would determine whether he could take control of the military and survive the winter. He forcefully suppressed the churning Yuan Power within him and rose to head towards the Shanhai Hall.

Everyone had already gathered. The new clan leader, Mu Feng, sat in a large sandalwood chair, looking somewhat uneasy and constrained. When the Holy Teacher entered the hall, Mu Feng turned to look at his mother, Wuya.

Wuya wore a gentle smile and nodded slightly. Mu Feng stood up, his young figure rushing down from the high platform. He was about to throw himself into Wei Zhao’s arms when he heard Wuya’s low cough. He quickly halted his steps, putting on an air of maturity, though his eyes still shone with admiration. Looking up, he said, “Holy Teacher, please take your sacred seat.”

Wei Zhao bowed his head slightly: “Clan Leader, I am unworthy of such favor. Please take your seat quickly, the Council meeting is about to begin.”

Mu Feng, who would have preferred to dismiss the meeting immediately and ask the Holy Teacher to teach him martial arts, reluctantly returned to his seat upon hearing Wei Zhao’s words.

He hesitated for a moment, trying to recall all the words his mother had taught him. Feeling the intense gaze of more than ten adults, his voice trembled slightly: “Blessed by the Moon Goddess, our immortal clan leader has returned to the celestial realm. Our clan’s revival is hopeful. I wish for all the Council members to work together, cherish our clansmen, and unite against external enemies, so that the light of the Moon Goddess may shine across the Yueluo lands—”

Wei Zhao raised his head and glanced at Mu Feng, causing the boy to feel a sudden fear, his words faltering.

Grand Council Member Hong Ye quickly said, “The Clan Leader speaks wisely. The most pressing matter now is to prepare for an attack from the Hua Dynasty, as they won’t let the killing of Gu Xiang and eight thousand soldiers go unpunished.”

The Second Council Member was particularly worried about this, as his mountain stronghold was located in the eastern part of the Yueluo mountain range, bordering the Hua Dynasty. If war broke out, they would be the first to face the onslaught. He hurriedly said, “In my opinion, with the Clan Leader having just ascended and our Yueluo forces being insufficient, we should avoid war with the Hua Dynasty. It would be better to send a letter to the imperial court, seeking reconciliation and offering more tributes and slaves. This way, the court might refrain from sending troops to eliminate us. That would be the best strategy.”

The Sixth Council Member, who had always been at odds with the Second Council Member, sneered, “Second Council Member, your words are misguided. Our immortal clan leader’s return to the celestial realm is a sign from heaven that we Yueluo people no longer need to suffer oppression from the Hua people. The Holy Teacher is the ‘Moon Goddess Incarnate.’ Now is the perfect opportunity for us to wash away our shame and revitalize Yueluo. How can we sacrifice our people and humbly seek peace with the Hua Dynasty?”

The Grand Council Member nodded: “The Sixth Council Member speaks reason. Now, let’s not discuss whether we can defeat the Hua Dynasty or not. Given the circumstances of our immortal clan leader returning to the celestial realm and heaven’s will favoring us, if we were to offer more tributes and slaves, kneeling before the Hua Dynasty for peace, I’m afraid our clansmen wouldn’t agree.”

The Second Council Member lowered his head. During last night’s “Sky Burial,” when the former clan leader “ascended to immortality,” he too had been strongly shaken, involuntarily kneeling and cheering with the crowd. But in the quiet of the night, as he pondered carefully, he felt something was amiss and suspected the Star Moon Holy Teacher of foul play, though he lacked evidence. Near dawn, he had donned black clothes and a mask, and quietly crossed the “Ascension Bridge” to the opposite Lonely Star Peak to investigate, but found no traces. Now, hearing the Grand Council Member’s words, he could only remain silent.

Wei Zhao sat calmly in his chair, showing no emotion. Wuya raised her teacup and took a small sip, glancing at Wei Zhao from the corner of her eye. His icy gaze made her shudder inwardly. After careful consideration, she smiled faintly and spoke, “Council Members, although I am the Holy Mother, I know nothing of military and state affairs, nor can I speak much on other matters. I only know that my husband, the father of our current Yueluo Clan Leader, died at the hands of the Hua people. Even ordinary people would not rest until they avenged their father’s death, let alone the supreme leader of our clan?”

The Sixth Council Member angrily said, “The Holy Mother speaks truly. Haven’t our clansmen suffered enough oppression? Now even our Clan Leader has died by their hands, how can we let this go?”

The Second Council Member, realizing the tide couldn’t be turned, smiled mildly, “If that’s the case, I have no objections. Let’s discuss how to resist the invasion.”

The Grand Council Member said, “There’s no other way now. We’ll need the Second Council Member to lend us his stronghold. The other Council Members’ strongholds will dispatch elite troops to be stationed around Liuxia Peak to prepare for the Hua people’s attack.”

“While Liuxia Peak is indeed the necessary route for the official troops from Changle City to attack, what about Feihe Gorge? Wang Lang could simply send troops to circle to the north of Fengtong River, descend through Feihe Gorge, and directly penetrate this Shanhai Valley.”

“We’ll need to station heavy troops at Feihe Gorge as well,” the Grand Council Member pondered. “So now, all Council Members need to cooperate fully. In my opinion, we should mobilize troops from all strongholds to Shanhai Valley, bring the winter provisions here, and donate all our silver to purchase weapons. Under the Clan Leader’s unified command and allocation, this will ensure our clansmen’s sincere unity and prevent us from acting independently when war comes, becoming a scattered—”

“I object!” The Seventh Council Member stood up, his round face showing some agitation. “I have no objections to you waging war against the Hua Dynasty, but to involve my troops and send them to die for you is unacceptable!”

Wei Zhao suddenly raised his eyes, a flash of sharp light in them. The Sixth Council Member understood and mockingly said, “I think the Seventh Council Member isn’t concerned about his subordinates, but rather about his grain and silver! No wonder your mountain stronghold is known for producing ‘Iron Claws’!”

The Shanhai Hall erupted in laughter, as everyone knew the Seventh Council Member loved money like his life, earning him the secret nickname “Iron Claws.” Since his stronghold was located in the west, far from the Hua Dynasty, it had never been affected by war, so he had always remained uninvolved in clan affairs. Now, suddenly being asked to hand over his troops, grain, and silver was truly more painful for him than death.

The Seventh Council Member, embarrassed by the laughter, angrily said, “Your desire for war and revenge is your business, why should I hand over my people and money?! My mother is gravely ill, I need to return to attend to her medicine. I’ll take my leave!” He bowed slightly to Clan Leader Mu Feng on the high seat and turned to leave the hall.

The Eighth Council Member, who was neighbors with him and also his cousin, had always been of one mind with him. Seeing him leave in anger, and already unwilling to contribute troops or silver, he also stood up: “I didn’t know Aunt was so ill, I should go visit her too. Brother, wait for me!”

The Second Council Member was secretly pleased. If the Seventh and Eighth Council Members left, the Council meeting would fall apart, and the clan’s opinions would be divided, making it impossible to wage war against the Hua Dynasty. With the relationship he had secretly built with Wang Lang over the years if he offered more treasures and lowly slaves, they could maintain peace.

Wei Zhao watched the arguing crowd, his rigid face devoid of any expression, but his eyes grew increasingly bright, frighteningly so. His right hand, hanging by the chair, trembled slightly.

As the Seventh and Eighth Council Members approached the Shanhai Hall’s entrance, Wuya nudged Mu Feng. Although Mu Feng was afraid, he couldn’t resist his mother’s pinch on his left arm and called out tremblingly, “Council Members, please stay!”

The Seventh Council Member stopped at the door, seeing his hundreds of subordinates gathering around, his courage swelled. He turned his head and looked askance at Mu Feng: “Clan Leader, I must hurry back to attend to my mother. Pardon my rudeness!”

The Eighth Council Member’s hundreds of subordinates also stood in orderly ranks before the hall. The Seventh and Eighth Council Members exchanged a smile and each took a step.

Wei Zhao’s gaze swept over the Grand Council Member and the masked Su Jun standing to one side, both of whom nodded slightly. Wei Zhao closed his eyes, then suddenly opened them. With a dragon’s roar, the cold sword on his back sprang from its sheath. Before the people in the hall could blink, a white shadow raised a ball of sword energy across the long table in the hall, flying straight out. Dozens of people surrounding the Seventh Council Member tumbled outwards, blood spurting. The Seventh Council Member let out a shrill scream and fell “puff” into the snow.

This scene happened so suddenly that no one had time to react. Wei Zhao had already drawn his long sword, his cold gaze fixed on the Eighth Council Member.

Seeing the killing intent in Wei Zhao’s eyes, the Eighth Council Member was somewhat panicked, but having weathered many storms, he waved his hand: “Attack!”

Hundreds of subordinates charged towards Wei Zhao, while the Eighth Council Member, surrounded by more than ten trusted aides, quickly fled towards the foot of the mountain.

Wei Zhao gave a cold laugh, leaping into the air, his feet as if dancing on a song, treading over dozens of heads. Like a great roc spreading its wings, he landed in front of the rapidly fleeing Eighth Council Member.

The Eighth Council Member nearly crashed into him, hastily stopping and swinging his long spear as he tried to escape sideways. Wei Zhao’s sword moved horizontally, using his power to shatter the long spear. The Eighth Council Member staggered to the side from the great force, and Wei Zhao had already reached out to grab the acupoint on his neck. The Eighth Council Member lost all strength in his body, his hands falling limp.

Chaos erupted in front of Shanhai Hall. Those inside the hall rushed out together, while outside, the people brought by the Seventh and Eighth Council Members, seeing their masters either killed or captured, fell into disarray.

Su Jun had already rushed out of Shanhai Hall. With a wave of his right hand, over a thousand troops suddenly emerged from behind the high walls on both sides of Shanhai Hall, shouting: “Capture the traitors who attempted to harm the Clan Leader and rebel!”

Amidst the commotion, Wei Zhao looked at the struggling Eighth Council Member in his hand, his lips moving slightly. Despite his fear, the Eighth Council Member could hear clearly.

“Eighth Council Member, the Seventh Council Member has two sons, right?”

The Eighth Council Member didn’t understand why the Holy Teacher was asking such an idle question at this moment, but with his life hanging in the balance, he could only nod like a pecking chicken.

Wei Zhao lifted the Eighth Council Member a bit higher and whispered in his ear: “If the Seventh Council Member’s two sons were to suddenly fall ill and die, wouldn’t his stronghold be inherited by his only cousin?”

The Eighth Council Member’s mind was a bit foggy, and it took him a while to understand the meaning of these words. After great shock came great joy, and he nodded repeatedly.

Wei Zhao gave a cold snort and released his grip on the acupoint.

The Eighth Council Member, having just recovered from his shock, struggled to control his racing heart. He turned his head and shouted: “I was coerced! It was the Seventh Council Member who forced me to rebel with him. I fully support the Clan Leader!” As he spoke, he knelt and kept kowtowing.

Seeing that Su Jun had already led his men to capture all of the Seventh Council Member’s people and that the Eighth Council Member’s subordinates were laying down their weapons, Wei Zhao knew the situation was under control. He chuckled and returned to Shanhai Hall.

Wuya was still seated in her chair. Seeing Wei Zhao enter, she felt a chill creep over her skin and lowered her eyes.

With the Seventh Council Member dead and the Eighth Council Member declaring his support for the Clan Leader, the Council meeting proceeded smoothly. It was decided that each Council Member’s stronghold would dispatch their main forces, and donate money and provisions, to be uniformly allocated and commanded by the Clan Leader. The specific war matters were entirely entrusted to the Holy Teacher’s judgment.

Based on earlier received intelligence reports, Wei Zhao estimated that the imperial troops might advance from Liuxia Peak in the west or descend from Feihe Gorge in the south within ten days. He thus ordered the Third and Fourth Council Members to quickly return to their respective mountain strongholds after the meeting concluded. The Third Council Member’s forces were to deploy towards Liuxia Peak, while the Fourth Council Member’s forces were to hold Feihe Gorge at all costs.

With everything decided, the crowd dispersed, and it was already noon. Outside Shanhai Hall, Wei Zhao stood quietly, looking down at the pool of blood where the Seventh Council Member had fallen. Hearing one hurried and one light set of footsteps behind him, he turned and bowed: “Clan Leader!”

Wuya held Mu Feng’s hand, her face still wearing that gentle smile, and said, “The Holy Teacher’s divine might is impressive. My son and I will have to rely heavily on the Holy Teacher in the future.”

Wei Zhao lowered his eyes and said flatly, “This is the duty of this Holy Teacher. Please rest assured, Clan Leader.”

Wuya nodded with a smile: “That’s good. It’s just that Mu Feng has always admired the Holy Teacher and wishes to learn martial arts from you. Would the Holy Teacher be willing to train him on Wuya’s behalf?”

Wei Zhao was silent for a moment, then bent down to pick up Mu Feng and walked towards the back hall.

Wuya gazed at his tall figure, giving a bitter smile, though a trace of unwillingness flashed across her face.

At Changfeng Manor, in the Baoqing Spring Thatched Cottage.

Pei Yan frowned slightly as he looked at the military intelligence transmitted from Ning Jianyu, his right hand tapping a black jade chess piece lightly on the board.

On the chessboard, the black and white pieces of his self-played game had reached a stalemate, locked in a fierce struggle. He put down the intelligence report and was about to call someone when An Chen burst in: “My Lord, the Old Marquis has returned!”

Pei Yan was startled and quickly stood up, walking out. An Chen swiftly grabbed the fox fur cloak from the chair and draped it over him.

“Did anyone else see?” Pei Yan’s expression was somewhat grave.

“No,” An Chen replied. “The Old Marquis entered the ‘Biwu Thatched Cottage’ through the secret passage. I returned to the East Pavilion and saw the secret sign, entered the hidden chamber, and only then learned that the Old Marquis had returned. He asked for you to see him immediately.”

Pei Yan rushed down the mountain path towards the “Biwu Thatched Cottage.” An Chen had already withdrawn all the hidden guards from the vicinity and was personally guarding the entrance of the East Pavilion.

Pei Yan swiftly entered the eastern side’s warm chamber. Placing his right hand on the carved wooden bedpost, he exerted force, twisting it several times with a series of “crackling” noises. The wall behind the bed slowly shifted.

He quickly slipped through the opening, restored the mechanism to its original position, and hurried down the stone steps. Navigating through the passage, he entered the secret chamber and dropped to his knees. “Yan’er pays respects to Uncle!”

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