HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 63: Earth-Shattering Drum

Chapter 63: Earth-Shattering Drum

The alluring voice left Jiang Ci’s mind in a daze. After a moment’s pause, she understood Wei Zhao’s question. “Ah,” she uttered, noticing Wei Zhao leaning closer. She quickly waved her hands, saying, “I, I’ve never killed anyone.”

Wei Zhao’s right hand froze, slowly withdrawing from Jiang Ci’s cheek. Observing her flustered expression, he suddenly burst into laughter. Jiang Ci, annoyed, said, “What’s so funny about that?”

Wei Zhao laughed until he was out of breath, coughing a few times before glancing sideways at Jiang Ci, “Then why didn’t you take the chance to escape? Weren’t you always trying to find ways to run away?”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment, feeling mischievous, and smiled, “I did want to escape, but I don’t know the way. I had to wait for you to wake up so I could ask for directions.”

Wei Zhao watched the dimple appear at the corner of her lips as his laughter subsided. He put on his mask and stood up, “Let’s go.”

Jiang Ci followed, turning back to grab the pine branches from the fire pit on the ground. Wei Zhao said, “No need, I can see.”

“But I can’t,” Jiang Ci replied.

Wei Zhao suddenly turned around. Jiang Ci felt a coolness in her left hand as he took it, leading her forward.

The quiet night, the early spring breeze, the birdsong in the mountains, and the cool hand holding hers made Jiang Ci reluctant to pull away. The stone path seemed endless, yet also too short, as they soon saw the candlelight from the buildings and halls.

Neither spoke until Steward Ping appeared before them with a lantern. Wei Zhao then released Jiang Ci’s hand and said coolly, “Why isn’t Steward Ping resting earlier?”

“I wasn’t sure where the young master wanted to arrange for this girl to stay, so I came to ask for instructions.”

“Let her sleep in my outer chamber. It’ll be convenient to have someone serve tea and water at night.”

Steward Ping glanced at Jiang Ci and softly replied, “Yes.”

That night, Jiang Ci couldn’t fall asleep, tossing and turning with a whirlwind of thoughts. It wasn’t until dawn that she finally drifted off, exhausted.

Light footsteps moved from the inner chamber to the outer chamber, stopping by Jiang Ci’s bed for a moment before gradually fading away at the door.

Jiang Ci slept until the sun was high, waking as the morning light filtered through the green window gauze onto her face. She rushed to the inner chamber, saw that Wei Zhao had already left, quickly washed up, and was about to pull open the door when Steward Ping walked in.

Jiang Ci smiled, “Good morning, Steward Ping!”

Steward Ping smiled back, handing Jiang Ci a plate of pastries, “Hungry? The young master had me prepare these for you.”

Feeling quite hungry, Jiang Ci quickly accepted with both hands, “Thank you, Steward Ping.” After eating for a while, she smiled and asked, “Steward Ping, you’re so good to the Third Young Master. Do you have children of your own?”

Steward Ping’s gaze seemed to soften, “In my heart, the young master is my child.”

Jiang Ci nodded and smiled, “That’s good. Your young master isn’t having an easy time either. I think he—” Before she could finish, her vision began to blur, and she collapsed to the ground, supporting herself on the table.

Steward Ping looked down at Jiang Ci’s delicate face, his tone icy, “Little girl, I absolutely cannot let you stay by the young master’s side anymore.” He bent down to pick up Jiang Ci, placed her in a large burlap sack, and with a flicker of movement, hoisted the sack onto his shoulder and headed straight for the back mountain.

Behind Xing Yue Valley’s back mountain stood dozens of stone pillars of varying heights, each engraved with star and moon patterns—the site where the Xing Yue Sect had conducted rituals for over a hundred years.

Steward Ping carried the sack to the shortest stone pillar. After listening carefully to ensure no one was around, he exerted his strength to rotate the pillar left and right several times. Ten paces in front of the pillar, a blue stone slab slowly sank, revealing an underground passage.

Steward Ping leaped into the passage, following the tunnel downward until he entered a vast underground palace. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. He removed Jiang Ci from the sack, placed her on a stone chair, and looking at her sleeping face, said coldly, “Little girl, considering you might still be useful, I won’t take your life. But if I let you stay by the young master’s side, wouldn’t the old sect master’s efforts be in vain? You just stay here quietly; I won’t let you starve to death.”

He chuckled smugly, then exited through the tunnel, moved the stone slab back, dusted himself off, and turned towards Xing Yue Valley.

After just a few steps, his expression changed slightly. He didn’t dare look at Wei Zhao’s cold gaze ahead and lowered his head.

Wei Zhao stood in the wind, his hands behind his back, calmly looking at Steward Ping. His tone was flat, “Steward Ping, you’re about fifty this year, aren’t you? I wonder if you can still endure a caning.”

Steward Ping gritted his teeth and knelt before Wei Zhao, saying in a deep voice, “Ping Wushang has violated sect rules by entering the underground palace without permission. I request the Sect Leader to punish me according to the rules. But that girl absolutely cannot be allowed to stay.”

“She is Pei Yan’s woman. I still need to return her to Pei Yan. How could I harm her life?” Wei Zhao spoke with difficulty after a moment of silence.

“This servant didn’t intend to harm her life, only to temporarily confine her in the underground palace. When Pei Yan acts according to our plan, I will naturally return this girl to him.”

A gentle breeze silently ruffled Wei Zhao’s black hair. He calmly picked up a leaf that had fallen on his long hair, slowly rubbing it until the green juice stained his fingers. Then he said softly, “Steward Ping, I finally understood why Pei Yan would fall for this girl. I was just about to find a few women of similar nature to send to Pei Yan’s side—”

Steward Ping suddenly raised his head, “Young Master, the old sect master had your best interests at heart, and the Young Miss is watching you from heaven. Please, young master, cut off all emotional entanglements in your heart and focus on our great cause of establishing the Yue Luo nation!”

Wei Zhao trembled slightly, feeling his fingers uncomfortably cold. He said in a low voice, “Steward Ping, you’re mistaken. I didn’t—”

“Young Master, this servant only fears that in the future, you won’t be able to bear returning her to Pei Yan, and worse, you might keep her by your side. If a young master develops feelings, how can you face that old scoundrel calmly?! She and us, we’re not of the same world. She will hinder young master’s great cause.”

Wei Zhao was silent for a moment, then smiled faintly, “Steward Ping, in my heart, who do you think is more important, you or her?”

Steward Ping hesitated before saying softly, “For now, it should still be me, but in the future, it’s hard to say.”

Wei Zhao’s expression remained impassive as he looked up at the sky, his hands behind his back, “You entered the underground palace without permission, so you should be punished according to sect rules. I won’t show you any leniency, and I will even increase your punishment. Go to Protector Xiao and receive forty strokes of the cane, and that left arm of yours, you won’t be using it anymore.”

Steward Ping was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. He kowtowed, saying, “Yes, young master.” He channeled his strength into his left arm and slammed it against a nearby stone pillar with a “thud,” letting out a muffled groan of pain. His left arm hung limp, but he stood up smiling.

Wei Zhao turned around, “Bring that girl out. I still need to return her to Pei Yan. When the time is right, I should reveal my true face and negotiate with him directly.”

Steward Ping, sweating profusely from the pain on his forehead, smiled with extreme pleasure. Letting his left arm hang by his side, he activated the mechanism, jumped into the underground palace, and brought Jiang Ci out, handing her to Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao didn’t look at Jiang Ci, walking ahead with his hands behind his back, “Hand her to me when I set out.”

Steward Ping followed behind Wei Zhao, carrying Jiang Ci with his left arm hanging limp, his tone tinged with worry, “Young Master, do we need to return there now?”

“Yes,” Wei Zhao said calmly. “We’ve only taken the first step. We’ve pacified the clan, but it’s not time to establish the nation yet. Before we have absolute certainty, I still need to play along with that old scoundrel. If we don’t thoroughly muddy these waters, even if we establish our nation, we won’t be able to survive between the two great powers.”

He looked towards the distant mountains and slowly said, “No matter the cost, I must make them tear each other apart and fragment!”

Su Jun and Su Yan were waiting in the sacred hall. When Wei Zhao entered, they both bowed in greeting.

Wei Zhao sat down in the purple sandalwood chair and said flatly, “Speak.”

Su Jun bowed and said, “After the Sect Leader passed Lei Shan Stronghold yesterday, I rode that horse back to Shan Hai Valley. No one noticed anything amiss during the afternoon military training or the evening political meeting.”

Then his voice suddenly changed, sounding exactly like Wei Zhao’s usual voice: “That’s all for today’s meeting, everyone is dismissed.”

Su Yan couldn’t help but laugh, “Big Brother’s ventriloquism skills have truly surpassed the master after so many years of practice.”

Wei Zhao nodded, “Very good. I’ll be setting out in the next few days. Everything depends on Su Jun now.”

He looked toward Su Yan, who quickly said, “Wu Ya hasn’t made any moves recently, just staying quietly in Shan Hai Courtyard.”

“Prevention is better than cure. Have Yun Sha continue giving her some medicine to keep her docile,” Wei Zhao said.

“Yes,” Su Yan replied calmly. “Then regarding the Clan Leader—”

“Leave him be for now. He’s still young. We’ll see about his temperament in a couple of years,” Wei Zhao said. “Su Jun, stay behind.”

Su Yan quickly bowed and left.

Wei Zhao stared at Su Jun for a while, making Su Jun feel uneasy, though he dared not speak. Suddenly, Wei Zhao gave a cold smile and his right hand swiftly struck the scabbard hanging beside the purple sandalwood chair. The cold sword leaped from its sheath with a dragon’s cry. Wei Zhao sprang into the air, grasping the long sword mid-flight like an eagle striking the sky. Before Su Jun could react, the sword’s aura had already sliced through the front of his robe.

Wei Zhao held his sword stance, staring at Su Jun. Su Jun felt suffocated under that stern gaze and lowered his head, saying, “Sect Leader!”

“This is the sword technique ‘Starry Sky.’ Did you see it?!” Wei Zhao said slowly.

Su Jun suddenly raised his head: “Sect Leader!”

Wei Zhao shouted, “Draw your sword!”

Su Jun’s spirits lifted. He channeled his inner strength, flicked the scabbard on his back, and simultaneously flipped backward. As he landed, he was already gripping his long sword, meeting Wei Zhao’s swift and fierce sword techniques that came like a raging storm.

The two fought with increasing speed. In the great hall, two white figures intertwined and whirled. At times they soared like cranes to the heavens, at others they swooped like wild geese to flat sands. The pearl curtains on the sides of the hall chimed from the sword aura, creating a melody with the clashing of swords and the rustling of robes—like a passionate frontier battle song.

The long sword in Wei Zhao’s hand flashed with a jade-like glow, illuminating his bright eyes and reflecting the reverence and admiration in Su Jun’s gaze.

Suddenly, Wei Zhao withdrew his sword. His white robe billowed gently as his true qi returned to his body. His icy gaze fell upon Su Jun, “I’ll teach you the qi circulation method for the first ten forms of the ‘Star Moon Sword Technique’ later. These were the sword moves. Did you memorize them?”

Su Jun knelt on one knee, his sword tip touching the ground, “Sect Leader!”

“Su Jun, Master took in you and your brother for this very day.”

“The old Sect Leader’s kindness is as deep as the sea. Su Jun and Su Yan dare not forget it for a moment,” Su Jun said, his voice choked with emotion.

“Listen,” Wei Zhao said calmly. “Great upheaval is about to sweep across the world. Whether Yue Luo can seize the opportunity to establish a nation, and whether we can find a place between the two great powers of Huan and Hua, depends on the situation this spring. I need to leave Yue Luo for some time, and you must impersonate me. If all goes well and the time is right, I will return to oversee the establishment of our nation. If the situation is unfavorable, then the Yue Luo clan will be in your hands.”

As Su Jun listened, he grew increasingly alarmed. He looked up and said, “Sect Leader, you—”

“I will leave Steward Ping by your side, firstly to assist you, and secondly to prevent suspicion. What you need to do is continue training the army, strengthen war preparations, defend Liu Xia Peak and Fei He Gorge, stabilize the clan’s morale, and reform internal affairs according to my original plan. If necessary, use the ‘Star Moon Sword Technique’ I taught you to intimidate troublemakers.” Wei Zhao stepped in front of Su Jun as if trying to see into his heart, “Remember this: as long as I haven’t returned, you are always Xiao Wu Xia!”

Spring came a bit early in Hua Dynasty this year. It was still the end of the first lunar month, but wildflowers along the road were already eagerly budding. The fields had begun to turn green, and the sunlight seemed a bit brighter than in previous years.

Past Cang Ping Town, more than eighty li north lay Long Zhou—the garrison of “Great General of Pacifying the Distant” Bo Yunshan.

Although this was the northeastern border, signs of spring were gradually appearing. At noon that day, more than ten fine horses galloped swiftly from the south. Hanging from their necks were bright yellow talisman bags, clearly marking them as imperial envoys coming to deliver an edict.

The horses came to a whinnying stop in front of the post station north of Cang Ping Town. Everyone dismounted, and the lead imperial envoy, the third-rank eunuch Zhou Zhiqi, wiped the sweat from his brow and said, “We’ve been riding all morning. Everyone’s worked hard. Let’s rest a bit. We just need to reach Long Zhou by the end of the afternoon watch.”

The station master came to welcome them in, knowing these eunuchs were heading to Long Zhou to deliver an edict to Duke Bo. He hurriedly served them good tea and food, smiling as he said, “You’ve all worked hard, my lords. I suppose you set out before the Lantern Festival?”

Zhou Zhiqi, with the typical haughty air of a palace eunuch, glanced sidelong at the station master and said, “Of course. If it weren’t for the imperial order, who would bother coming to this godforsaken place during the New Year?”

The station master bowed and nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes, our Cang Ping Town is quite lacking, but once you enter Long Zhou, Duke Bo’s place is quite prosperous. You lords are sent by the Son of Heaven to deliver the edict. Duke Bo will surely treat you well.”

After eating and drinking his fill, Zhou Zhiqi shouldered the yellow silk-wrapped package, “Let’s go. Once we reach Long Zhou and complete the imperial mission, we can all rest.”

After the group rode off, the station master returned inside. Someone approached and whispered, “We’ve already sent A Su and the others back to report.”

The station master nodded, “Mm, let’s prepare as well.”

Zhou Zhiqi led the group of more than ten riders at full gallop along the official road. By early afternoon, they could see the towering walls of Long Zhou.

From a distance, they saw the city gates tightly closed and banners fluttering on the walls. Behind the walls stood a row of soldiers in black, their armor glinting coldly in the sunlight. Zhou Zhiqi couldn’t help but laugh, “Duke Bo is truly Duke Bo. He’s made Long Zhou so austere as if preparing for a great battle.”

Someone beside him chuckled, “Duke Bo comes from a military background. I hear that when his temper flares, even the Emperor can’t handle him. Back in the day, the Emperor gave him a nickname—’ Bo the Mule’.”

The group burst into laughter. Zhou Zhiqi scolded with a smile, “That’s enough of that talk. Once we enter the city, watch your mouths!”

“Of course, of course!” everyone agreed. The sound of hoofbeats continued, kicking up a line of dust. Soon, they arrived outside Long Zhou City.

The world-renowned “Great General of Pacifying the Distant” Bo Yunshan stood on the city wall in full armor. He narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the dozen or so black dots approach from afar, and said slowly, “Open the gates. Receive the imperial edict!”

Zhou Zhiqi rode into the city first. Seeing a general wearing a helmet with purple feathers standing in the middle of the main road, he knew this must be the “Great General of Pacifying the Distant” Bo Yunshan. He quickly dismounted and smiled, “Third-rank eunuch Zhou Zhiqi greets Duke Bo!”

Bo Yunshan’s face remained expressionless as he gestured, “Please, imperial envoy, enter the general’s mansion to deliver the edict!”

Zhou Zhiqi inwardly cursed this man for living up to the Emperor’s nickname of “Bo the Mule.” He led the group into the “Mansion of the Great General of Pacifying the Distant,” put on a serious face, and announced loudly, “Imperial edict arrives! Great General of Pacifying the Distant Bo Yunshan, receive the edict!”

Bo Yunshan glanced around, then knelt on one knee, “This subject Bo Yunshan receives the edict!”

Seeing him kneel on only one knee, Zhou Zhiqi felt somewhat displeased. However, considering Bo Yunshan was in military dress and not violating protocol, he merely let out a light snort. He took out the imperial edict from the yellow silk bag at his side and read in a high, thin voice: “By the mandate of heaven, the Emperor decrees: Great General of Pacifying the Distant Bo Yunshan is summoned to the capital immediately. This is the imperial will!”

Zhou Zhiqi’s voice grew lower and lower, a look of surprise appearing on his face. This edict was truly baffling. Duke Bo had guarded the northeast for twenty years, only returning to the capital once five years ago when the late Empress passed away. He had never been summoned back since. Today’s edict gave no reason for summoning him back to the capital, which was quite strange. However, the Emperor’s seal on the yellow silk was clear, so he had no choice but to read it as written.

Bo Yunshan, however, did not say “I receive the edict.” He merely gave a cold laugh and slowly stood up. Zhou Zhiqi began to sense something was amiss and forced himself to say, “Duke Bo, please receive the edict.”

Bo Yunshan’s dark face grew cold. With a wave of his hand, several deputy generals behind him rushed forward and pinned Zhou Zhiqi to the ground.

Before Zhou Zhiqi could cry out, a deputy general’s blade fell, and blood gushed forth, splattering onto the yellow silk edict that had fallen to the side. The eunuch Zhou Zhiqi had cried out in alarm. Before they could even draw their weapons, they were surrounded and attacked by Bo Yunshan’s subordinates. Soon, they all lay on the ground, their blood spilling across the hall.

Bo Yunshan coldly looked at the yellow silk edict on the ground. The strategist Chun Yu Li approached and said softly, “My lord, everything is prepared.”

Seeing Bo Yunshan’s furrowed brow, Chun Yu Li continued, “My lord, given the current situation, there is no way to avoid this. This is the only path to survival. Generals Zhang and Yi should have reached Zheng Jun and Xin Jun by now.”

Bo Yunshan’s face was as cold as ice. He turned swiftly, his black feather banner swishing, and said in a voice devoid of emotion, “Begin the uprising. Issue the declaration!”

On the city walls, the war drums of the three armies thundered like spring thunder, echoing over Long Zhou and reaching toward the distant capital.

A fine drizzle began to fall across the land. Cui Liang left Fang Shu’s office as night fell. Seeing wildflowers blooming like stars along the palace walls, a bright smile flashed in his mind. He smiled, lifted his robe, and stepped into the rain.

After just a few steps, the thunderous sound of hoofbeats arose from the eastern palace road, like war drums beating and pipa strings plucking urgently, galloping past Cui Liang. Cui Liang saw the purple tally staff in the rider’s hand and his expression changed. He quickly turned back and slipped into Fang Shu’s office.

At this time, only one minor clerk remained on duty in Fang Shu’s office. He looked up, “Lord Cui, did you forget something?”

Cui Liang smiled, “No, I forgot that I haven’t finished organizing some memorials that Lord Cheng asked me to arrange.”

The clerk smiled and went back to his copying.

Cui Liang walked to his long desk. His seat was by the west-facing window, which overlooked the bluestone road of the inner palace.

He slowly ground ink, his gaze frequently drifting to the window. After about a quarter-hour, more than ten eunuchs rushed out from the inner palace, shouting urgently, “Quickly, quickly, open the palace gates!”

Another quarter-hour passed, and high officials poured in through the palace gates one after another, each ashen-faced. The Minister of War, Shao Zihe, even stumbled, nearly falling.

Cui Liang’s heart sank: Could it be—

As the morning sun rose, Pei Yan withdrew his sword and descended Bao Lin Mountain along the mountain path.

The melodious birdsong in the forest sounded especially clear in the morning breeze. Pei Yan looked towards the wisps of smoke rising from Chang Feng Manor at the foot of the mountain, then towards the distant layers of mountains and fields. He smiled and said, “An Chen, between the scenery of Jiangnan and the northern regions, which do you prefer?”

An Chen thought for a moment and replied, “This subordinate still misses the days in Cheng Prefecture. Although the spring scenery in Nan’an Prefecture is beautiful, it always feels like something is missing.”

Pei Yan stopped in his tracks and gazed towards the distant horizon. The vast landscape before him lifted his spirits, and he smiled, “The scenery of Jiangnan and the northern regions each have their charm. It all depends on the mood in which you appreciate them.”

An Chen felt that the Prime Minister was in high spirits today. His words carried some of the air from the days when he commanded battlefields and led the Chang Feng cavalry. He said happily, “Prime Minister, I fear it’s almost time, isn’t it?”

Pei Yan nodded, “I reckon it’s about right.”

As they talked, they had nearly reached Chang Feng Manor. There was a fluttering sound in the air. An Chen whistled sharply, and a carrier pigeon cooed as it descended. An Chen caught it with his hand.

Pei Yan unfolded the secret message. After a moment of silence, he channeled his strength, and the message crumbled to dust. He watched the dust scatter in the spring breeze, the smile in his eyes deepening. Finally, he laughed, “Ah, Duke Bo, you truly live up to expectations!”

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