HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 71: Yu Wen Jinglun

Chapter 71: Yu Wen Jinglun

At dusk, the twilight hung low, creating a misty haze. A long breeze carrying the damp scent of the river gently brushed against one’s clothes.

Yi Han stood with his hands behind his back on the banks of the Juan River. Behind him, on the high slope of the riverbank, were their camp tents stretching to the sky. Across the river lay the military camp of the Hua Dynasty’s defensive forces. On the river’s surface, high-masted warships from both sides swayed gently in the wind, having been in a standoff for several days.

Hurried footsteps approached, and an attendant of Prince Xuan came over, bowing as he said, “General Yi, the Prince requests your presence.”

Yi Han sighed almost inaudibly and turned to walk up the slope. As soon as he reached the top, he heard thunderous cheers coming from the woods below.

A silver figure leaped through the crowd. With each bound, the scabbard in his hand spread like an eagle’s wings, creating waves of powerful energy that forced the Huan soldiers around him to retreat. When a group of more than ten men formed a unit and thrust their spears at this silver-armored man, he let out a great shout. His body spun rapidly, and the scabbard, following his extraordinary footwork, deflected the long spears in the hands of these ten-odd men.

He burst through to the front of the last man, his right foot kicking forcefully. That Huan soldier fell backward, and the silver-armored man broke through the gap. With another shout, his scabbard shot into the air. He gripped his sword horizontally, and sword energy slammed into the ground, sending yellow mud and grass flying. Another dozen men fell backward.

The silver-armored man let out a long laugh as he sheathed his precious sword into the falling scabbard. His left hand grasped the scabbard, while his right removed the silver helmet on his head. His figure stood as solid as a mountain, appearing even more magnificent and heroic as he laughed heartily, “Is there anyone else who dares to challenge me?”

The Huan soldiers and officers erupted in thunderous cheers. Yi Han walked over with a smile, and when the silver-armored man turned and saw him, he said with a laugh, “Master Yi, you’ve come at the perfect time. Please, give Jinglun some pointers.”

Yi Han smiled slightly, “I wouldn’t dare. Your Highness’s swordsmanship has reached great heights. There’s no need for Yi Han to add anything.”

Prince Xuan Yu Wen Jinglun tossed his precious sword to an attendant and walked side by side with Yi Han toward the main tent. The Huan soldiers and officers watching their figures all showed expressions of admiration.

Yu Wen Jinglun removed his silver armor and turned with a smile, “I was just killing time, exercising with the lads. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself in front of you, Master Yi.”

Yi Han smiled and said, “With the great battle approaching, it’s indeed necessary to maintain the soldiers’ morale and spirit.”

Yu Wen Jinglun laughed heartily, “As always, Master Yi understands me well.”

The two sat cross-legged in front of a small table. Yu Wen Jinglun poured a cup of tea and pushed it towards Yi Han. “The spring in this southern country is too humid. It’s sticky and saps one’s energy. The soldiers are mostly unaccustomed to it. If they don’t move about, I fear they might rust.”

“Indeed,” Yi Han said. “That’s why we need to cross the Juan River before the spring flood. If we can take East Lai, we’ll have a foothold south of the Juan River. Relying on the natural defenses of ‘Yanming Mountain,’ we can advance to attack the West River and Xiao Water Plain, or retreat to defend the Gong’an area.”

A man lifted the tent flap and entered. YuWen Jinglun said in a friendly tone, “Master Teng, please come and join our discussion.”

Military Strategist Teng Rui sat down with a smile. “Most importantly, we must strike before Wang Lang returns from Lou Mountain.”

He took out a secret report from his sleeve and handed it to Yu Wen Jinglun. Yu Wen Jinglun opened it and read carefully, then let out a cold laugh. “Is the Hua Dynasty running out of capable people? They’re calling Wang Lang back again. Is Pei Yan’s injury really that severe?”

Yi Han’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and he said calmly, “If Your Highness wishes to face Pei Yan, as long as we can take East Lai and push to the West River, he’ll crawl over even if he has to.”

Yu Wen Jinglun smiled. “It’s better that he doesn’t come now. I’ll deal with Wang Lang first, then compete with him on the battlefield. That year in Cheng County, I was on the western front and couldn’t cross swords with him. It’s a great regret of mine.”

Teng Rui said seriously, “Your Highness, we shouldn’t underestimate Wang Lang either.”

“Mm, I’m well aware. Wang Lang is also a seasoned general. According to the timing in this secret report, he’ll arrive in East Lai in three days at the earliest. We must cross the Juan River and take East Lai before he arrives.”

Teng Rui took out a terrain map and spread it out. Yu Wen Jinglun had studied it thoroughly over the past few days and mused, “It seems we won’t be able to use the cavalry.”

Yi Han nodded. “Once we cross the Juan River, the terrain becomes mountainous. It’s unlike when we fought in Cheng County and Yu Zhou.”

“Fortunately, with Master Teng’s assistance, our navy and infantry are no worse than the Hua Dynasty’s,” Yu Wen Jinglun sighed. “With Master Yi’s martial prowess and Master Teng’s wisdom, the two of you complement each other in both military and civil matters. To have you both assist me, Jinglun is truly blessed beyond measure!”

Yi Han and Teng Rui hurriedly bowed together, “Your Highness is too kind.”

Yu Wen Jinglun raised his hand to stop them, and the three men’s gazes returned to the terrain map. Teng Rui pointed to a marked location upstream of the Juan River. “Twenty years ago, I passed through this area. If there haven’t been any major changes, we can break through here. The cavalry can still be put to great use.”

Seeing Yu Wen Jinglun raise his head with a questioning look, Teng Rui smiled and said, “Tonight’s moonlight is excellent. Would Your Highness like to play the role of a scout?”

Yu Wen Jinglun stood up, his gaze sharp as he looked outside the tent. “Jinglun’s greatest wish is to set foot on every inch of this Hua Dynasty’s land.”

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The Juan River shimmered in the moonlight, appearing even more beautifully winding.

Yu Wen Jinglun estimated that they had reached the location Military Strategist Teng had mentioned and dismounted. Teng Rui walked over and pointed ahead with his riding crop. “It’s about half a mile further.”

“Let’s walk,” Yu Wen Jinglun said, handing the reins to an attendant and walking forward with his hands behind his back.

An endless silence enveloped both banks of the Juan River. As they walked on the grassy riverbank, a night breeze came, dispersing some of the dampness.

Yu Wen Jinglun suddenly felt refreshed and laughed, “I’ve been cooped up in the capital for the past two years. I was about to fall ill from the confinement.”

Teng Rui, who knew him well, smiled slightly. “It seems Mount Boyun is still Your Highness’s kindred spirit, knowing you were feeling stifled and letting you come to enjoy the spring breeze by the Juan River.”

Yi Han, however, remained silent, walking slowly by the river with his hands behind his back, falling behind the others.

Yu Wen Jinglun stopped and waited for Yi Han to catch up. Noticing a hint of sadness on his face, he said, “Master, if your heart’s knot remains unresolved, it could be dangerous when you truly face Pei Yan.”

Yi Han looked across the Juan River and sighed, “It’s not entirely about the knot in my heart. It’s just that revisiting old places brings up some emotions.”

Yu Wen Jinglun made a gesture, and the three walked side by side, with the attendants leading the horses far behind.

Yu Wen Jinglun looked at Teng Rui. “Master Teng, you came here twenty years ago?”

“Yes, back then I had learned a set of skills but was bound by my master’s orders and had no place to use them. So I traveled the world, walking along the Juan River. I still have some impressions,” Teng Rui’s handsome features showed a hint of melancholy. “It was this season back then too, the spring scenery was beautiful. I played my sword and sang here. Thinking back now, it feels like a lifetime ago.”

Yu Wen Jinglun sighed, “The scenery in this southern country is indeed excellent. If we can conquer the Hua Dynasty, I’d like to invite the Father Emperor to walk and see this land. Ah—”

Yi Han sighed inwardly. He knew that Yu Wen Jinglun had always admired Hua Dynasty culture and had long harbored ambitions to govern the world and unify the realm. He had been dedicated to promoting Confucian classics in his own country, hoping to reform and eliminate the backward customs of the Huan nomadic tribes and prosper the Huan economy. But as merely the second prince, he faced intense opposition from the Crown Prince’s faction. Despite his lofty ambitions, he had no way to implement them. Even though the Emperor favored him somewhat, influenced by the nobility, many of his reform proposals were shelved.

This time, taking advantage of the Eastern Dynasty’s internal strife, Yu Wen Jinglun finally regained military power, leading an army of 150,000 troops southward. If he could win, unifying the north and south, he would have the chance to realize his aspirations. But if he were to be defeated—

Teng Rui smiled and said, “Your Highness has lofty ambitions. The current internal strife in the Hua Dynasty is a rare historical opportunity. It must be heaven’s will for Your Highness to achieve greatness.”

“Indeed,” Yu Wen Jinglun stopped by the river, standing with his hands behind his back, looking up at the vast night sky. “Although the cycles of order and chaos, rise and fall, are determined by heaven. I, Yu Wen Jinglun, am determined to fight in this chaos, to meet the heroes and talents of the Hua Dynasty, to see who is truly the strongest in this world, who can unify the realm and win the hearts of all people!”

Yi Han and Teng Rui exchanged glances, both seeing gratification in each other’s eyes. The young man before them was full of confidence, extraordinary, and heroic, possessing an aura of one who could rule the world, inspiring admiration.

Teng Rui walked towards a dense forest by the riverbank, stepped on the ground, and turned back with a smile. “Heaven favors our army.”

Yu Wen Jinglun stepped forward, crouched down to look closely, and pressed the ground with his hand. Looking at the surface of the Juan River, he asked, “Could it be that this riverbed—”

“That’s right. Along the entire Yu Zhou line of the Juan River, the riverbed is extremely deep mud, impossible to drive piles into. Only at this spot is the riverbed of relatively hard soil, and the riverbed is higher. As long as we drive in wooden piles and build a pontoon bridge, the cavalry can cross the river.”

Yu Wen Jinglun asked, “Why is it like this? Does no one in the Hua Dynasty know about it?”

Knowing that his mind was always meticulous and that he needed to understand the cause before deciding on the next strategy, Teng Rui smiled and explained, “About sixty years ago, the people of Yu Zhou and East Lai decided to build a dam here to store water during droughts and drain during floods. Taking advantage of a winter drought when the water level was low, the two regions sent water engineers to select the site and build the initial soil foundation. However, the project was shelved due to funding issues. The following year, Yu Zhou and East Lai experienced spring floods and a major disaster. The local population was displaced, and few survived. No one ever mentioned it again. After so many years, the soil foundation is buried at the bottom of the river, and no one seems to know about it anymore.”

He continued, “We can tell that the Hua army only guards the Chishi Crossing, with few patrols in this area. They still think we can only cross the river with warships, and that we can’t build bridges and roads in a short time at other river sections.”

Yu Wen Jinglun still had questions, “The riverbed here is harder, but can we drive in wooden piles? And can we build a pontoon bridge in one night?”

Teng Rui replied, “Back then, they only used slightly harder mud mixed with small gravel to reinforce and raise the riverbed. If we put an iron wedge on the outside of the wooden piles, we can drive them into the riverbed. The river is narrow here, which was the main reason for choosing this site to build the dam back then. So if we work quickly and send more soldiers to drive the piles and build the pontoon bridge, we should be able to finish in about half a night.”

Yi Han nodded and said, “We can make a false show of force, pretending to attack from Chishi Crossing to attract all of the Hua army’s main forces. Then we can send some Flying Wolf Camp soldiers with good swimming skills and strong martial arts to sneak across and eliminate any Hua soldiers who might come to patrol. It should work.”

Yu Wen Jinglun clapped his hands together, “Excellent! The Hua army thinks we’re going to launch a naval attack from Chishi Crossing, but we’ll surprise them by crossing with cavalry here, then set fire to their camps, attacking them from both front and rear!”

The Hua Dynasty troops guarding the south of the Juan River consisted of 30,000 Changfeng Cavalry who had retreated from Cheng County, remnants from Yu Zhou, Yu Zhou, and Gong’an areas, and reinforcements that had rushed from East Lai and West River, totaling 80,000 troops.

The Huan iron cavalry had broken through Cheng County and advanced southward. Yu Zhou and other places had also fallen successively. The Hua army had retreated step by step until they reached the south of the Juan River, where they finally got a temporary respite.

As the sun was setting, Tian Ce, the deputy commander of the Changfeng Cavalry, stood on the watchtower. He was of sturdy build and imposing stature, with eyes as sharp as a hawk’s. Seeing the battle flags fluttering on the warships across the river and Huan soldiers boarding the ships, their armor glinting at the prows, he pondered silently.

He descended from the watchtower as Xing Gongqing, the commander of the East Lai garrison, strode over. “General Tian, they’re at it again. We should go and try to mediate.”

Tian Ce, mindful of Ning Jianyu’s instructions, smiled and said, “General Xing, this is not a quarrel we can easily mediate. We might end up inviting trouble. I think the Huan people seem to be up to something. I fear they might launch an attack tonight.”

Xing Gongqing spoke disdainfully, “If the people of Huan Kingdom want to engage in a naval battle with us, they’re playing to their weaknesses. Our Eastern Lai navy isn’t to be trifled with.”

He pulled Tian Ce aside, “The mutual accusations between Yun Prefecture and Gong’an have now turned violent. You hold the highest military rank here, you can’t ignore this.”

Tian Ce silently cursed: You, Xing Baozi, you’re pushing this hot potato to me so you can claim credit with your master, do you think I don’t know?!

He smiled bitterly, “How can I manage this? Vice General Liu’s senior disciple died by the sword of Vice General Xie’s uncle-master. This hatred isn’t something we can easily resolve.” He added, “Even the assembly hall couldn’t mediate successfully. Let’s just watch from the sidelines.”

Xing Gongqing sighed, “But if this continues, I fear we’ll be drowning in our blood before the Huan Kingdom even attacks.”

Tian Ce’s eyes swept across the opposite shore. Struck by inspiration, he pondered, “If that’s the case, I’ll go and mediate. But these two have many subordinates, so I’ll need to bring more troops. I’ll leave this place to Commander Xing. If the Huan Kingdom attacks, Commander Xing, sound the alarm, and I’ll rush back.”

Xing Gongqing was secretly pleased and quickly said, “General Tian, please go and return swiftly.”

As Xing Gongqing watched Tian Ce leave with his troops, he felt somewhat anxious about a potential attack from Huan Kingdom’s warships. He ordered his men to set up strong bows and prepare fire arrows, and after inspecting the catapults at the ship’s bow, he felt slightly relieved.

Hearing the thunderous commotion and clashing of weapons half a mile behind him, Xing Gongqing felt secretly smug. The stationed troops from Yun Prefecture and Yu Prefecture had long been at odds, and the recent vendetta between various sects had further intensified the conflict. His master, Prince Zhuang, had earlier ordered him not to get involved but to find a way to make the Changfeng Cavalry suffer a setback. Tian Ce’s attempt at mediation would surely add fuel to the fire. If something went wrong, he might end up commanding these 80,000 troops himself.

As he was lost in thought, he heard cannons roaring from the opposite shore, horns blaring, and over ten warships sailing towards them under the cover of the misty night. Xing Gongqing, with his naval background, remained calm and ordered his men to prepare for battle.

The Eastern Lai navy was equipped with hard bows of at least 80 stone strength. The soldiers coated their arrowheads with oil, nocked them on their powerful bows, and stood ready with fire. They waited for the Huan Kingdom ships to draw closer before releasing their arrows.

A longhorn sounded over the Juanshui River. As the horn call ended, fire arrows flew, followed by a barrage of stones from the catapults, creating high splashes of water and halting Huan Kingdom’s first wave of attack.

The Huan Kingdom warships retreated slightly, only to attack again shortly after. Seeing the enemy’s determination, Xing Gongqing hurriedly ordered the sounding of emergency horns and the beating of war drums, hoping Tian Ce would return in time with reinforcements.

Tian Ce stood on a small hill, watching the chaos below and glancing towards the riverbank. He smiled and turned, saying, “Order the brothers to rest well in the forest. Listen for our horn signals and be ready to retreat west of the river at any moment.”

Xing Gongqing, seeing no sign of Tian Ce returning with reinforcements and the Huan army pressing hard, began to panic. A subordinate hurriedly reported, “Commander, they’re still fighting over there. Many have died, it’s complete chaos. We can’t find General Tian.”

Xing Gongqing had no choice but to continue directing the defense, hoping to hold out until reinforcements arrived.

The battle raged on for most of the night, with Huan Kingdom ships attacking in waves, but not advancing recklessly. Both sides exchanged arrows, the sky filled with fire, maintaining a stalemate.

Teng Rui had chosen this night of thick clouds and hidden stars and moon to launch the attack, based on his astrological calculations.

Watching the warships sail towards the opposite shore, Yi Han’s face showed doubt. Yu Wen Jinglun smiled and said, “Yi Xiansheng, please speak your mind.”

“Your Highness, forgive my intrusion, but Teng Rui is ultimately not our—”

Yu Wen Jinglun raised his right hand, stopping Yi Han’s words. “Trust those you use, don’t use those you doubt.” He walked forward with his hands behind his back, Yi Han following. Listening to the horns blaring in unison, Yu Wen Jinglun sighed, “Five years ago, I encountered Teng Rui in the capital by chance and brought him into the prince’s mansion, considering him my right-hand man despite his Hua Dynasty background. Do you know why, sir?”

“I’d like to hear the reason.”

“Because he has his ambitions,” Yu Wen Jinglun said slowly. “Although he’s from the Hua Dynasty, he hopes for north-south unification and ethnic integration. More importantly, he wishes to apply his skills. Such a talented individual, as long as he’s allowed to showcase his abilities, will not disappoint me.”

He looked back at Teng Rui, standing tall on the warship. “You and I, sir, still view the north-south confrontation and unification of the world from the perspective of our Huan Kingdom. But Teng Xiansheng has already taken a higher stance, choosing to assist me in realizing his ambition. For him, there’s no longer a distinction between the people of Huan and Hua in his heart.”

Yi Han sighed, “Teng Xiansheng’s aspirations are admirable. But I fear his thinking might be too idealistic.”

“Indeed,” Yu Wen Jinglun also sighed. “Let’s not even discuss whether we can defeat the Hua Dynasty. Even within our own country, there are difficult contradictions to reconcile: whether to wage this war against the Hua Dynasty; whether to remain content with the northern region or unify the south under northern rule; and after moving south, whether to govern with Confucian principles or continue our tribal traditions. The road ahead is fraught with challenges!”

Yi Han nodded, “Not to mention the prince’s subordinates and other generals, most of whom are thinking about conquering cities and plundering. They consider it a victory once they’ve taken over. How to govern and pacify the people afterward is the biggest problem.”

Yu Wen Jinglun, troubled by this matter, frowned slightly. “You’re right, sir. We just received a military report from Cheng County. Our garrison of 10,000 troops there has been somewhat disobedient, burning down a village and inciting public anger. Although we’ve suppressed it, too many people died. This isn’t a sustainable approach.”

Yi Han said, “Your Highness needs to find a way to restrain them. If we conquer Eastern Lai and Hexi, our battle lines will be stretched quite long. We’ll need to supplement some of our provisions locally. If public resentment grows too strong, it could cause significant problems.”

“Mm.” Yu Wen Jinglun turned to a general behind him, “Relay my military order: After taking Eastern Lai, do not harass the civilians, do not plunder, do not engage in indiscriminate killing or arson. Those who violate this order will be executed without mercy!”

At midnight, the distant sound of warship horns could still be faintly heard.

Yu Wen Jinglun wore silver armor with a cloak draped over it, leather boots on his feet, and a jeweled saber at his waist. He stood tall and imposing. Watching the last plank of the pontoon bridge being set in place and the elite warriors of the Flying Wolf Camp taking up defensive positions on the opposite shore, he waved his hand.

Thousands of cavalry on tall steeds, the soldiers wearing armor and carrying swords, maintained a slight distance as they quickly crossed the pontoon bridge.

The Huan Kingdom’s iron cavalry was renowned, particularly skilled in night marches. The Hua army at Chishi Ford was fully engaged in repelling the frontal assault from the warships. The thunderous drums drowned out the approaching sound of iron hooves. By the time the blades flashed like snow and sparks appeared before them, blood was already flowing freely, and bodies lay everywhere.

Yu Wen Jinglun, gripping his saber in reverse, rode through the Hua camp, slashing and killing. Fresh blood splattered onto his purple cloak. The scent of blood in the air excited him further, his precious blade flashing up and down, sending Hua soldiers flying with spurting blood wherever he passed.

Yi Han had already led over a thousand troops, charging straight for the riverbank. Part of the force provided cover while the others poured prepared oil onto the Hua Dynasty ships, quickly following up with fire arrows.

Xing Gongqing was at the bow of the main ship, directing the battle against the Huan naval forces when he heard a great commotion of killing from behind. At first, he thought it was still the infighting between the troops from Yun Prefecture and Gong’an. But as flames erupted and ships were engulfed in fire, he realized the dire situation. The night wind was blowing from the south, fanning the flames. By the time he frantically gave orders, the fire was already out of control.

On the high ground of a small hill, Tian Ce, the Vice General of the Changfeng Cavalry, stood as still as a pine tree, coldly watching the flames on the riverbank reach to the sky. He calmly said, “Sound the horn, retreat to Hexi!”

Yu Wen Jinglun reined in his horse, watching Yi Han lead the cavalry to trample the Hua Dynasty military camp into chaos, and seeing Teng Rui’s warships approach the shore. He felt a surge of pride and vigor. He raised his saber to the sky, his resonant voice carrying far across the battlefield: “Sons of Huan Kingdom, take Eastern Lai and march straight to Hexi!”

“Take Eastern Lai and march straight to Hexi!” The elite soldiers of the Flying Wolf Camp, surrounding him, raised their sabers and shouted in unison.

On the night of the 10th day of the third month in the fifth year of Chengxi of the Hua Dynasty, the Huan Kingdom, employing both navy and cavalry, crossed the Juanshui River, defeated the Eastern Lai navy at Chishi Ford, and captured Eastern Lai City that same night.

Eastern Lai Commander Xing Gongqing perished in battle. The stationed troops from Eastern Lai, Yun Prefecture, and Yu Prefecture were almost entirely wiped out. Tian Ce, Vice General of the Changfeng Cavalry, led the remaining forces of about 30,000 men to retreat north of Hexi City, desperately defending “Huiyan Pass.”

On the 12th day of the third month, General Wang Lang arrived at “Huiyan Pass” with 40,000 elite troops, joining forces with Tian Ce’s remaining troops. They built high fortifications, dug trenches, and faced off against the 120,000-strong army led by Yu Wen Jinglun, the Xuan King of the Huan Kingdom, at “Huiyan Pass.”

Spring rain fell gently.

In the western suburbs of the capital, at Wei Family Village.

In the deep of night, only one or two households still had faint candlelight showing through their windows, creating a hazy glow in the misty rain.

In the east of the village, Wei Wu’s daughter-in-law closed the door, latched it, and turned back, saying, “Mother, you should rest early. We can continue tomorrow.”

Aunt Wei Wu, stitching cloth shoes, didn’t look up. “I’ll work a bit longer. You go to sleep first. The little ones need you to coax them to sleep.”

The daughter-in-law responded softly and was about to turn towards the west room when suddenly her vision blurred. A black figure walked out of the west room, carrying a small boy in each hand. Her scream was only half-formed when the figure struck her acupoint.

Hearing her daughter-in-law’s cry, Aunt Wei Wu looked up abruptly, shaking all over. It took her a moment to remember to call for help, but her throat went numb as the person struck her mute acupoint, leaving her unable to make a sound.

The black figure stared at her coldly, his voice chilling to the bone: “Do you want your daughter-in-law and grandsons to live?”

Aunt Wei Wu, terrified, her eyes wide, instinctively nodded her head like a pecking chicken.

The masked person in black spoke coldly, “You’ll come with me to a place to take care of a sick person. You’re not to leave that garden for even half a step, nor ask a single question. If you serve well, I’ll spare your family’s lives and let your family reunite.”

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