HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 74: Meeting Without Recognition

Chapter 74: Meeting Without Recognition

Jiang Ci smiled, and Wei Zhao could hear an indescribable mockery and pity in her laugh. Looking at the fox fur coat again, he gradually understood and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Jiang Ci glared at him, “What are you laughing at?”

“What are you laughing at then?” he countered.

Jiang Ci’s expression became somewhat detached, the smile at the corner of her mouth seeming to mock herself. “I laugh at the past. You blackmailed me, I went to deceive him, and he turned around and deceived me. In the end, he fooled us all. After all, his acting skills were a bit more refined.”

Wei Zhao laughed heartily. He took the fox fur coat in his hand, gently stroking the gray-white fox fur, and said leisurely, “Shao Jun has always been skilled in acting, making it hard to distinguish truth from falsehood. But he went to the trouble of having someone send this fox fur coat, unfortunately with two burnt holes. How can you wear it now?”

Hearing his words, Jiang Ci recalled that humiliating night in the thatched cottage. Her clear eyes became misty, and a flush crept up her snow-white face. Wei Zhao saw it clearly, his smile gradually fading as he sat on the edge of the bed, quietly observing her profile.

After sitting for a while, Jiang Ci calmly asked, “Third Master, don’t you suspect that I might have told him?”

Wei Zhao smiled, “That, I don’t doubt.”


Wei Zhao’s fingers lightly caressed the fox fur coat, but he didn’t answer. After a while, he surprisingly put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes to rest, looking quite relaxed.

Jiang Ci had been very confused these days. Finally unable to resist, she sat on the edge of the bed and gently pushed Wei Zhao. “Third Master.”


“Tell me, when exactly did Pei Yan realize that you were the true leader of the Starry Moon Sect?”

Wei Zhao slightly opened his eyes to look at her, then closed them again, saying in a flat tone, “How would I know?”

Jiang Ci pondered, “By sending this fox fur coat, he’s indicating that he knows I’m in your hands, which means you’re the true leader of the Starry Moon Sect.”

“Indeed. He’s hinting for me to be honest with him and cooperate sincerely. Thanks to this fox fur coat, I now know that he had Ning Jianyu help me earlier.”

Jiang Ci tilted her head slightly, “I just can’t figure out when exactly he knew.”

“He’s entering the capital tomorrow. You can go ask him yourself.”

Jiang Ci lowered her head and said no more.

Wei Zhao looked at her expression and asked softly, “You don’t want to go back anymore?”

Jiang Ci raised her head and saw a flame-like flicker in his eyes, startling her heart. She could only avoid his gaze, “It’s not up to me to decide. I was just thinking of seeing him and clarifying some things before leaving.”

“Leave?” Wei Zhao tilted his head and stared at her for a long time, then said flatly, “Do you think he would let you leave?”

Jiang Ci smiled, “As long as you return me to him, my mission and usefulness will be complete. He won’t have any excuse to imprison me anymore.”

Wei Zhao sneered, “Are you naive or just stupid? He’s a grand minister. If he wants to keep a little girl like you locked up for life, it’s just a matter of saying the word. He doesn’t need any excuse.”

Jiang Ci looked at him calmly. Wei Zhao couldn’t bear to meet her gaze and slowly closed his eyes. Then he heard Jiang Ci say softly, “Third Master, tell me honestly, if I no longer have any use, would you still keep me locked up?”

Wei Zhao remained silent, unable to speak.

He quietly sat up, looked at Jiang Ci once more, and walked towards the door. At the doorway, he paused, hesitated for a moment, and said, “He’ll enter the capital tomorrow and will first see the Emperor in the palace. He’ll probably leave the capital in three to five days. Tomorrow night, I’ll arrange for you to see him.”

Jiang Ci remained silent. Wei Zhao hesitated again, his voice barely audible, “There are many servants in his mansion, and with Physician Cui there, your wounds will heal faster. You… should go back to his side.”

He looked at her once more, his lips twitching slightly, but he said nothing more. He suddenly turned and walked away quickly.

That day, the sky was clear and the spring breeze was gentle.

Pei Yan, wearing a purple gauze dragon robe, looked a bit thin as if recovering from an illness. He entered through the Qianqing Gate. Just as the officials were leaving the palace after the court session, he smiled and greeted each of them, but didn’t say much. The Prince Jing passed by him, nodding slightly.

Looking out from the east pavilion of the Yanhui Hall, there was a pool full of copper coin grass, lush and green. Fragrant grass was also planted to repel insects. As a gentle breeze passed, the pavilion was filled with a fresh fragrance, refreshing the spirit.

Pei Yan entered with a bow, prostrating himself to pay respects. The Emperor had just changed out of his court robes and came over to pat his left shoulder. “Rise quickly, let me have a look at you.”

Pei Yan stood up, his head slightly lowered, seemingly emotional. After a while, he choked out, “Causing Your Majesty to worry is my crime.”

The Emperor took his hand and walked to the window, looking at him closely, and sighed, “You’ve become much thinner.”

Pei Yan’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, unable to respond for a moment. The Emperor turned around, clasping his hands behind his back as he gazed at the lush greenery outside the window. He slowly said, “I don’t have the heart to send you to the battlefield again. Your father has only you as his bloodline. If…”

Pei Yan stood bowing at his side. When the Emperor’s emotions had slightly stabilized, he said, “This useless subject, honored by Your Majesty’s high regard, yet unable to repay even a fraction of your grace, is truly ashamed.”

Seeing his voice trembling with emotion, the Emperor smiled and took his right hand, walking towards the imperial desk. He said, “Since I’ve summoned you here, it’s because I have an important task for you. Don’t speak of being useful or useless anymore.”

Pei Yan cleared his throat and nodded in agreement.

The servant pulled back the curtain, revealing a topographical map hanging on the wall. Pei Yan stood half a step behind the Emperor, carefully examining the map before saying, “It looks quite dangerous.”

“Yes, fortunately, Tian Ce fought to the death to defend Daimei Ridge. Now, Loushan has urgently dispatched thirty thousand troops to support, but we don’t know how long they can hold.”

Pei Yan thought for a moment and said, “I know Tian Ce well. He’s famous in the Changfeng Cavalry for his fearlessness in the face of death. He has a particular trait: the stronger the opponent, the more tenacious he becomes, and he doesn’t act recklessly.”

The Emperor nodded, “Ning Jianyu and Tian Ce, both trained by you, not bad.”

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s praise.”

The Emperor continued, “Wang Lang’s death by falling into a trap was unexpected. Yuwenjing Lun must have sent spies to the court, knowing we had issues with provisions. I’ve ordered the Ministry of Justice to investigate secretly.”

“Your Majesty is wise. On my way here, I also considered that if we are to fight on two fronts against the Huan State and the Bo rebels, the key is to balance reality and deception.”

The Emperor clasped his hands, a look of satisfaction flashing across his face. “Shao Jun’s thoughts align with mine without prior discussion.”

He became somewhat excited, “Quick, tell me, how to balance reality and deception?”

Pei Yan hesitated a bit. The Emperor told Servant Tao, “No one is to remain within a hundred paces of Yanhui Hall.”

After all footsteps had faded away, Pei Yan still hesitated. The Emperor said, “Now it’s just us, emperor and minister. Whatever you have to say, say it. I absolve you of any wrongdoing.”

“Yes.” Pei Yan respectfully said, “Your Majesty, I suspect the Huan army has long been in collusion with the Bo rebels and the Yue clan.”

The Emperor had been thinking about this for days and said coldly, “The three sides attacking together, of course, they must have conspired beforehand.”

“The three sides are in communication, catching us off guard. Moreover, each side has its sources of information. If they coordinate their actions, we’ll be facing a gradually tightening net. If we don’t break this net, I’m afraid we’ll be trapped to death within it.”

“How do we break it?”

Pei Yan replied, “It still comes down to those four words: balancing reality and deception.”

The Emperor gradually understood his intention and nodded, “To the south, the Yue clan still has the Nanzhao Mountains as a barrier, and the young King Qingde has married Tan Xuan’s daughter, so they won’t become a major threat for now. We need to find a way to make the Bo rebels and the Huan army fight each other.”

“Yes, I’ve calculated that our northern and northeastern troops, including the few camps in the capital, total no more than 220,000 men. The Bo rebels have 100,000 troops and have newly recruited some soldiers. The Huan army has 150,000 men. We are at a disadvantage in terms of manpower. If we allow the two sides to join forces and act together, merely defending is not a long-term solution.”

The Emperor frowned slightly, “Continue.”

“Both the Huan army and the Bo rebels have their weaknesses. The Huan army suffers from an overextended battle line, and being of nomadic origin, they are fierce and fond of killing, prone to burning, killing, and looting. As for the Bo rebels, although they claim to have an army of 100,000 and have risen in Longzhou, not all the soldiers in their army are local to Longzhou.”

The Emperor smiled slightly, “So how do you plan to exploit these weaknesses?”

“Your Majesty.” Pei Yan knelt and kowtowed, “I risk my life to request that if I go to the battlefield, please do not believe the military intelligence submitted through the cabinet, nor doubt me.”

The Emperor let out a soft “Oh,” and Pei Yan kowtowed again, “Therefore, I earnestly request Your Majesty to send a trustworthy person to my army as a supervisor, but the memorials submitted by this person must not pass through the hands of the cabinet ministers or court eunuchs.”

The Emperor nodded, “I understand your meaning.”

“The battlefield changes rapidly. I need to engage in battle with both the Huan army and the Bo rebels simultaneously, without full certainty of victory. I may need to feign defeat, set ambushes, use provisions as bait, or sacrifice civilians. Moreover, each strategy needs to be interconnected. I implore Your Majesty to allow me to act at my discretion and coordinate overall.”

The Emperor stood up, gazing at the terrain map for a long time before speaking in a solemn voice, “Very well. I’ll entrust you with the command of 180,000 troops at the front lines, and I’ll also assign the Cloud Riders Camp to you. Minister Dong will personally oversee the provisions. I’ll send a military supervisor to your camp. Your military reports should be officially submitted through the cabinet, but the real situation will be secretly delivered to me by this supervisor.”

Pei Yan prostrated himself and kowtowed, saying, “Your Majesty is wise. I will serve with utmost loyalty to repay your grace.”

The Emperor bent down to help him up, gently patting his hand. After a long moment, he said, “Shao Jun, I know you won’t disappoint me.” He paused before continuing, “Your uncle returned to the capital a few days ago. I’ve already issued a decree to restore his title as Marquis Zhenbei and appoint him to the cabinet. As for your mother, I will issue a separate edict of grace. The Pei clan has been loyal to the throne since the dynasty’s founding. I will order the construction of a shrine and the compilation of your family history to honor your clan’s contributions.”

Pei Yan hurriedly bowed to express his gratitude. The Emperor then asked, “Now that you understand the situation, how many days do you need to prepare?”

“I need to discuss the supply arrangements with Minister Dong and make some preparations for the Cloud Riders Camp. It will take four or five days, Your Majesty.”

“Very well. I’ve already had the Imperial Astronomer select an auspicious date. You’ll depart with the Cloud Riders Camp on the eighth day of this month.”

Pei Yan knelt again and kowtowed, saying, “I obey Your Majesty’s command.”

Pei Yan rode back to the Chancellor’s mansion and went straight to the western garden. He pushed open the door to find Cui Liang marking something on a map. Without looking up, Cui Liang smiled and said, “Chancellor, come take a look.”

Pei Yan walked to the long table and carefully examined the terrain map. After a while, he looked at Cui Liang, and they exchanged smiles. Pei Yan said, “Thank you for your hard work, Zi Ming.”

“You’re too kind, Chancellor.”

Pei Yan looked back at the map and smiled, “As expected of Master Yu’s masterpiece. It’s much more detailed than the one the Emperor has.”

Cui Liang sighed, “Time was limited. I only managed to map the area north of the Xiao River. The southern part will take a few more months to complete.”

“Our current focus is on countering the Huan army and Bao Yun Mountain. This is sufficient for now. We can continue mapping later.”

Cui Liang hesitated, then picked up several copied military reports from the side. Pei Yan took them and read them carefully, saying, “You’ve already shown me these. Is there something wrong?”

After some consideration, Cui Liang slowly said, “Chancellor, there must be someone in the Huan army who is familiar with our Great Hua’s terrain and skilled in engineering.”

“Yes, I thought of that from the reports. This person must be Yu Wen Jinglun’s right-hand man. We need to find a way to identify and eliminate him.”

Cui Liang lowered his head and remained silent.

A flash of insight appeared in Pei Yan’s eyes, and he smiled, “Zi Ming, the situation is critical. I need your help.”

Seeing that Cui Liang didn’t respond, Pei Yan spoke seriously, “Zi Ming, you know better than anyone that whether it’s the Bao army or the Huan army attacking, it’s the common people who will suffer. The Huan army pillages and burns, while the Bao rebels turn a blind eye to their troops’ atrocities. Please, for the sake of the Great Hua’s people, join my army and lend me your strength.” He finished with a deep bow.

Cui Liang hurriedly returned the gesture, saying, “Chancellor, you honor me too much.”

Pei Yan grasped Cui Liang’s hands, his face full of sincerity, “Zi Ming, our nation faces a crisis of survival. I bear the heavy responsibility entrusted by His Majesty and am concerned for the safety of our country. You possess great talent. Please, assist me in this endeavor.”

After a long hesitation, Cui Liang seemed to make up his mind. He looked directly at Pei Yan and said, “Very well, Chancellor. I’ll join the Changfeng Cavalry and fight this battle alongside you.”

Pei Yan was overjoyed, “With your help, Zi Ming, we will surely win this life-and-death struggle. I am fortunate indeed!”

Cui Liang inwardly smiled bitterly, then remembered something, “By the way, Chancellor, where is Xiao Ci?”

Pei Yan smiled faintly, “I rushed to see the Emperor and entered the city on horseback. She’s following in a carriage and should arrive either tonight or tomorrow.”

As Pei Yan left the garden, An Cheng approached with a smile. Pei Yan laughed and scolded, “You seem to be in a good mood. Did you meet an old flame?”

An Cheng grinned, “This servant has no old flames, but the Chancellor’s foresight is truly remarkable. Something has indeed been returned to its rightful owner.” He then produced a fox fur coat from behind his back.

Pei Yan chuckled, “Sent by Third Young Master?”

“Yes, he said to thank the Chancellor for your kind concern. His health has greatly improved, and as the weather is getting warmer, he no longer needs this fox fur coat. He’s returning it to you.”

Pei Yan took the coat, “Tell Pei Yang to inform Madam that I’ll pay my respects to her later.”

He draped the fox fur coat over his arm and made his way back to Shen Garden. Shu Yun was already waiting at the entrance with a group of maids. Pei Yan gave her a cursory glance and went straight to the inner chamber. Shu Yun didn’t dare to enter until she heard him call. She hurried in and curtsied gracefully, “Chancellor.”

She came forward and gently removed Pei Yan’s dragon robe, replacing it with casual clothes. Her fingers brushed against Pei Yan’s chest, and he smiled, wrapping his right arm around her waist. Shu Yun instantly felt weak and leaned against his chest.

Pei Yan whispered, “Did you miss me?”

Shu Yun’s face turned red to her ears, and after a moment, she nodded. Pei Yan smiled and said, “With me away and Mother not managing affairs, you must have been working hard.”

Shu Yun hurriedly replied, “It’s my duty, Chancellor.” She then added in a low voice, “Uncle entered the capital on the 28th. I heard that His Majesty granted him a separate residence in the east of the city, and he hasn’t come to the Chancellor’s mansion. As for Madam, aside from entering the palace to wish His Majesty a happy birthday a few months ago, she only went to the Huguo Temple the day before yesterday.”

Pei Yan made a soft sound of acknowledgment and released Shu Yun. Suddenly, he said, “I remember today is your birthday.”

Shu Yun smiled, “Chancellor, you’re mistaken. My birthday is in May—” Seeing Pei Yan’s sharp gaze, she stopped and lowered her head, softly saying, “Yes, it is.”

Pei Yan smiled slightly, “We haven’t seen each other for half a year. Why don’t I take you to the lake outside the city tonight to enjoy the moon?”

Shu Yun smiled gracefully, “I’ll follow the Chancellor’s arrangements.”

Outside the west gate of the capital, beneath Jing Mountain, lay “Yong’an Lake.” Its peaks were striking, its rocks elegant, and its surface mirror-like. Willows lined the shore, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, creating a captivating scene.

Yong’an Lake was renowned for its beauty. During the day, the mountains were shrouded in a misty green hue. At night, the copper bells of the “Baoli Pagoda” on the small island in the lake would chime melodiously in the night wind, accompanied by the moonlit lake, creating a scene reminiscent of a celestial realm.

In the past, scholars, artists, and young couples from the capital would come to Yong’an Lake for evening outings. Recently, due to the implementation of a curfew in the capital, those who ventured out at night were not allowed to re-enter the city, resulting in fewer pleasure boats on the lake.

On this day, just before darkness fell completely, a procession of fine horses and fragrant carriages grandly exited the west gate of the capital. Curious onlookers inquired and learned that it was Lady Pei’s birthday, and Chancellor Pei, having been separated from her for a long time and just returned to the capital, was taking her to the lake to celebrate.

This led to two different interpretations among the capital’s residents. One praised the deep love and affection between Chancellor Pei and Lady Pei, saying their reunion after a long separation was like a new marriage. The other admired Chancellor Pei’s composure and strategic mind on the eve of a great battle, befitting his reputation as the “Sword and Tripod Marquis” who commanded respect across the land.

Pei Yan wore an elegant, flowing cyan silk robe, a delicate jade pendant at his waist, and black satin boots. His handsome face bore a smile, and his gentle gaze frequently rested on Shu Yun as they boarded the pleasure boat amidst the admiring voices of onlookers. The attendants followed, and the boat slowly moved towards the center of the lake.

As the boat reached the middle of the lake, Shu Yun leaned against the carved railing by the painted window, watching Pei Yan as he closed his eyes to rest. She sighed softly to herself before turning to look outside again.

Pei Yan calmly said, “Lower the curtains.”

Shu Yun responded quietly, closing the doors and windows and lowering all the curtains.

The boat glided over the emerald waves, soon approaching the small island in the center of the lake. Shu Yun pulled back the curtain and opened the window, turning to smile at Pei Yan, “Chancellor, the wind is strong tonight. We can hear the copper bells very clearly.” A gust of lake wind blew in, carrying her handkerchief away to land on a willow tree by the island’s edge.

Shu Yun let out a small cry, and the attendants quickly steered the boat to shore. Someone went to retrieve the silk handkerchief.

The sound of strings and bamboo flutes continued as the pleasure boat slowly cruised on the lake.

Inside the boat, only Shu Yun remained, sitting in silence.

As night deepened, Pei Yan stood beneath the “Baoli Pagoda” on the small island in the center of the lake. He clasped his hands behind his back, gazing at the faint ripples on the lake’s surface, then turned to look at the seven-story high tower.

The late spring night wind, carrying a rich scent of grass, blew past the tall pagoda. The copper bells at the corners of the tower chimed gently in the breeze. Pei Yan listened quietly, smiled slightly, and stepped into the tower.

The interior of the tower was quiet and dark. Pei Yan ascended the wooden stairs, his footsteps barely audible.

The wooden stairs of the “Baoli Pagoda” faced a viewing window on each floor. Hazy starlight filtered through the windows, illuminating the tower’s interior. Pei Yan climbed the stairs, following this starlight.

As he reached the fifth floor, his pace gradually slowed. The starlight from outside cast a slender silhouette inside the tower. Pei Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, deliberately making his footsteps a bit heavier as he slowly approached Jiang Ci, who was sitting on the window ledge.

The night wind rang the copper bells and also lifted Jiang Ci’s long skirt. She wore a scarlet cape over her shoulders and sat sideways on the wooden platform of the viewing window, resembling a blooming lotus flower.

Seemingly hearing the footsteps, her body trembled slightly.

Pei Yan approached slowly, his gaze fixed on her beautiful profile while noticing from the corner of his eye that her hands were shaking slightly. He stopped, waiting for a moment until Jiang Ci slowly turned her head.

Outside the tower, the night sky was dotted with countless stars. Her almond-shaped eyes were like the cold stars in the sky behind her. Pei Yan’s breath caught for an instant before he smiled and said, “Come down. It’s dangerous to sit up there.”

Jiang Ci turned her head away again, remained silent for a moment, then said softly, “Third Young Master is waiting for you on the top floor.”

In her words, “Third Young Master” was spoken extremely softly, while “Chancellor” was said with notable indifference. Pei Yan paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. He looked up towards the upper floor and said calmly, “Wait for me here.”

However, Jiang Ci suddenly jumped down from the wooden platform. Pei Yan instinctively reached out to steady her, accidentally touching her injured left shoulder. Jiang Ci cried out in pain.

Pei Yan’s expression changed slightly. His right hand reached out and pulled off her cape. Jiang Ci quickly retreated several steps, but Pei Yan moved swiftly, cornering her against the tower wall. He reached out and touched her left shoulder.

Jiang Ci’s left shoulder was still bound with a small wooden board for setting the bone and applying medicine. Pei Yan could tell with a single touch. He asked coldly, “What happened?”

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