HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 77: Flattery and Deception

Chapter 77: Flattery and Deception

On this day, it was the birthday of the esteemed Noble Consort Gao, the mother of King Zhuang. As the head of the six palaces, she was celebrated despite the ongoing tensions at the front lines, which necessitated a simplified approach to the palace’s ceremonial festivities. Nevertheless, the Emperor graciously permitted a birthday banquet to be held in the Yufang Palace, where all the consorts and concubines came to pay their respects. Even though the Emperor was busy with state affairs, he entered Yufang Palace at noon.

Noble Consort Gao, burdened with worries, still smiled as she knelt to welcome the Emperor to his seat. The Emperor scrutinized her expression, just about to speak when a eunuch reported, “The King Zhuang has arrived.”

The concubines hurriedly retreated to the inner chambers. King Zhuang entered with a bow, greeting the Emperor before wishing his mother a happy birthday. Noble Consort Gao looked at him with endless tenderness and joy. “Yu’er, come here quickly.”

King Zhuang stepped forward, and Noble Consort Gao took his hand, gently adjusting his sash. Remembering the pressing matters at hand, she noticed the Emperor was engrossed in his tea and discreetly signaled her son. However, King Zhuang hesitated and returned a glance.

The Emperor caught sight of their exchange from the corner of his eye, waved his sleeve, and stood up without saying much, leaving Yufang Palace. This startled both Noble Consort Gao and King Zhuang, who quickly knelt to see him off.

King Zhuang whispered, “Mother, Father is still upset with Cousin for letting Young Master Yue escape. It’s not the right time to mention the relocation of the Gao clan.”

Noble Consort Gao sighed, “I know, but with the Huan bandits about to invade Hexi, can we let your uncle and the others sit idly by?”

The Emperor returned to the Yan Hui Hall, his expression dark. Eunuch Tao served him lunch with trepidation. Afterward, the Emperor ordered the Crown Prince to be summoned.

After inquiring about the marriage between Prince Qingde and the daughter of Tan Xuan, the Emperor felt somewhat relieved. “In the coming days, follow Scholar Dong and learn how to manage grain supplies and logistics. Don’t underestimate these trivial matters. Before the army moves, the grain must be prepared. The success of our campaign hinges on whether we can supply the troops adequately.”

The Crown Prince nodded obediently, responding respectfully, “Pei Yan is currently discussing grain allocation with Scholar Dong in the Hongtai Hall. From what I see, Pei Yan seems quite confident.”

The Emperor nodded, “You should learn from him. At your age, he is already far more capable than you in this regard.”

The Crown Prince dared not speak further. A eunuch entered, announcing, “Your Majesty, Lord Wei requests an audience.”

The Emperor waved his hand, and the Crown Prince quickly exited the hall. Wei Zhao slightly bowed, waiting for the Crown Prince to pass before stepping into the hall.

The Emperor did not look up. “Didn’t I tell you to recover from your injuries before coming to the palace?”

Wei Zhao stepped forward, saying, “My injuries have healed significantly. I recall that on the eighth day, Pei Yan will lead the Yunqi Camp into battle, and Your Majesty intends to personally see them off at Jinshikou. I have come to ask whether the defense will be managed by the Guangming Division or handed over to Jiang Yuan?”

The Emperor raised his head and noticed that Wei Zhao was wearing the dark red uniform of a commander today, which accentuated his icy features. With a jade belt around his waist, he appeared even more gallant. The Emperor couldn’t help but smile, “It seems you are indeed much better.”

Wei Zhao smiled slightly, “Staying in the residence every day without seeing Your Majesty is quite stifling.”

The Emperor beckoned him closer, examining his complexion. Suddenly, he reached for Wei Zhao’s right wrist, but Wei Zhao merely smiled. After a moment, the Emperor released him, saying, “Now I can rest easy.”

After pondering for a moment, the Emperor said, “The defense at Jinshikou will be entrusted to Jiang Yuan.”

Wei Zhao’s expression darkened, and his smile faded. The Emperor noticed this and said with a smile, “You’ve just recovered from a serious injury; it’s best not to overexert yourself.”

Wei Zhao hesitated, and the Emperor urged, “If you have something to say, just say it.”

Wei Zhao lowered his gaze and spoke softly, “Your Majesty, it’s not that I intend to speak ill of Lord Jiang. While he is experienced, he still possesses some bad habits typical of a noble family’s son. During my absence from the palace, the Guangming Division has been under his command, and it has not been managed well.”

The Emperor chuckled, “You can say that here, but if you say it outside, you’ll offend many people.”

Wei Zhao’s eyes glinted with a cold smile as he replied, “Sanlang is also impatient with those noble sons. If it offends them, so be it. Your Majesty protects Sanlang, and he is naturally grateful.”

The Emperor smiled, “By your reasoning, are all noble sons incompetent?” He picked up a memorial, seemingly indifferent. “Pei Yan is also a noble son; tell me, what bad habits does he have?”

Wei Zhao thought for a moment and smiled, “Your Majesty is deliberately trying to put Sanlang in a difficult position by asking about Pei Yan. Even if Sanlang wanted to speak ill of him, he wouldn’t find the right words.”

The Emperor laughed heartily, “Haven’t you always found him displeasing? Why can’t you find any faults with him now?”

Wei Zhao replied seriously, “While Sanlang does not like Pei Yan, to be fair, Pei Yan is meticulous in his work, mature for his age, and unmatched in military affairs. He truly does not possess the bad habits typical of other noble sons. If I had to point out one flaw, it would be that he is too calculating, and Your Majesty should be cautious.”

The Emperor lightly hummed, no longer speaking, and continued reviewing the memorials.

Wei Zhao did not take his leave but walked directly into the cabinet.

As spring turned to early summer, the afternoon sun grew more intense, and the sound of insects could be faintly heard outside the cabinet. After reviewing several memorials, the Emperor began to feel drowsy. He stood up, stretched his arms, and walked toward the cabinet. Eunuch Tao, knowing he intended to take a nap, hurriedly followed him in. Just as he was about to help him remove his outer robe, the Emperor’s gaze fell on the couch, and he waved his hand, prompting Eunuch Tao to retreat.

The Emperor walked slowly to the side of the couch. There, Wei Zhao was reclining against the brocade quilt, eyes closed, breathing softly, and had already fallen asleep.

His crown had fallen to one side, and his black hair spilled down, covering half of his face. Perhaps he was feeling a bit hot while sleeping, as the collar of his official robe had loosened, yet he still glistened with fine beads of sweat, his originally snow-white skin now tinged with a faint blush.

The Emperor shook his head and walked to the window, pushing it open slightly. A cool breeze flowed in, startling Wei Zhao awake, who immediately sat up.

The Emperor stepped over and pressed him back down. Wei Zhao smiled softly, “Sanlang is reminded of the time when he first entered the palace.”

The Emperor loosened his outer robe and laughed, “What are you thinking about?”

Wei Zhao smiled without speaking, gesturing slightly. The Emperor realized and felt his lips dry. Sitting at the edge of the couch, he reached out to open Wei Zhao’s robe. “Let me see if your wounds have healed completely.”

His skin, as white as jade, glimmered with a hint of redness. The Emperor’s fingers brushed over the scar on Wei Zhao’s shoulder as he leaned down.

Wei Zhao’s body stiffened slightly. The Emperor raised his head, “Does it still hurt?”

Wei Zhao shook his head with a smile, slowly helping the Emperor remove his inner robe.

The Emperor had not slept for even an hour before waking up, and Wei Zhao also stirred awake. He glanced at the hourglass and realized it was already the hour of Shen. He hurried to get off the couch, but the Emperor pressed him down again. Wei Zhao smiled and said softly, “Your Majesty, today is the fifth day, and the end of the hour of Shen is when the royal children are tested on their studies.”

The Emperor sighed lightly and fell silent. Wei Zhao called for a eunuch to come in. The Emperor dressed in his robes, hesitated for a moment, waved his hand to dismiss the eunuch, and slowly walked to Wei Zhao’s side, saying lightly, “Do you want to go to the battlefield and have some fun?”

Wei Zhao was taken aback, then smiled, “Your Majesty, please don’t assign the military supervision task to Sanlang. The battlefield may be exciting, but just the thought of being with Pei Yan all day makes me uneasy.”

The Emperor laughed, “You’re just jealous of him, but it’s good that you still know the bigger picture.”

Seeing Wei Zhao’s unwilling expression, the Emperor said, “Help me think, are there any other suitable candidates?”

Wei Zhao pondered for a moment, remaining silent, but his expression still showed some reluctance. The Emperor smiled, “You’ve just recovered from a serious injury; I wouldn’t want to send you back to the battlefield. But this military supervision position is of great importance, and only you can put my mind at ease.”

Wei Zhao smiled, “Your Majesty doesn’t need to flatter Sanlang like this; I can’t bear it.”

The Emperor laughed heartily, pulling Wei Zhao’s right hand. “Come, let me tell you what to pay attention to—”

As the moon rose above the willow treetops, Wei Zhao finally returned to his residence.

Seeing his face as cold as ice, the servants dared not breathe. Wei Zhao coldly ordered, “Prepare a bath.” The steward hurriedly instructed someone to fill the white jade tub with hot water.

The white jade tub in the Wei residence was built under the window of the main hall, with several hanging ferns cascading above the water’s surface. Wei Zhao immersed himself in the tub for a long time, only surfacing when his breath was nearly exhausted.

Water splashed, and the ferns swayed. Wei Zhao slowly reached out, plucking a flower, his expression devoid of emotion. Only when the flower turned to juice between his fingers, dripping into the tub, did he submerge himself again.

In the garden of the Wei residence, the flowers and trees were lush, and at midnight, it was exceptionally quiet. Wei Zhao, dressed in white, wandered through the residence for a long time, lost in thought until he found himself standing before the peach orchard.

He stood silently at the entrance for a long time before leaping over the wall and walking slowly to the peach grove. Gazing at the sparse shadows of the peach branches under the night sky, his gaze grew distant, and he stepped into a small wooden house.

Inside the wooden house, on the poplar table, a bronze mirror remained, with a wooden comb placed askew beside it. Soft moonlight filtered in through the window, casting a faint yellow glow from the bronze mirror.

Wei Zhao picked up a strand of black hair from the comb, gently wrapping it around his fingers, and slowly walked out of the wooden house.

Yi Wu was crossing the main courtyard, heading to his residence in the east when he suddenly saw a white figure coming from the direction of the back garden. He hurriedly approached, “Third Master!”

Wei Zhao glanced at him, “You’re not on duty tonight. Where are you going?”

Yi Wu’s right hand stealthily moved behind him, concealing something in his sleeve. His expression was somewhat awkward, but knowing his master’s methods, he dared not lie and stammered, “I didn’t go anywhere, just had a couple of drinks at the Hongxiu Pavilion.”

Wei Zhao frowned slightly, “You’ve just recovered from your injuries, and you’re lingering in a brothel drinking? You’ve made progress.”

Yi Wu hurriedly replied, “It’s not just for drinking. My master instructed me to keep an eye on An Cheng. An Cheng has a romantic interest at the Hongxiu Pavilion named Jiang Zhu. I went to check on him and tried to arrange for someone to be near Jiang Zhu.”

Wei Zhao nodded slightly, and suddenly, he flicked his right sleeve. Yi Wu gasped, his body leaning back. Wei Zhao kicked out with his right foot, and Yi Wu quickly performed a somersault to evade the kick. Wei Zhao laughed, “Not bad, your skills have recovered to eighty percent. You haven’t been slacking off. There will be a big task for you soon.”

Yi Wu broke out in a cold sweat, hurriedly nodding, “Yes, Master.”

“Go rest,” Wei Zhao said lightly.

Yi Wu quickly bowed and left.

Wei Zhao watched his figure disappear at the end of the corridor, then slowly bent down to pick up a book from the ground.

The lanterns hanging in the corridor swayed gently in the night breeze. Wei Zhao slowly opened the book, his gaze fixed on the illustrations within. His eyelids twitched, and with a snap, he closed the book.

He didn’t know how long it had been before he moved his feet, returning to the main hall. He lay down on the bed fully clothed, tossing and turning several times before finally taking the book out from his bosom and slowly opening it again.

Outside the wall, a light knock sounded.

Old Yu, who was on night watch at the Wei residence, was patrolling with a lantern when he saw a figure in the corridor and shouted, “Who goes there?!”

Yi Wu quickly stood up, “It’s me.”

Old Yu shone the light and smiled, “Oh, it’s Young Master Yi. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”

Yi Wu was puzzled, scratching his head, “Strange, what did I drop?”

“Are you looking for something, Young Master Yi?”

Yi Wu looked regretful, “Yes, it’s gone. What a pity.” He bent down to search.

Old Yu followed behind, laughing, “What treasure is so important?”

Yi Wu smiled ambiguously, whispering, “The latest spring illustrations from the Hongxiu Pavilion, one hundred and eight styles. Don’t you think that’s a treasure?”

Old Yu immediately perked up, bending down to search as well, “That’s a treasure! How did Young Master Yi lose it? It’s rare for you to misplace something.”

Just as Yi Wu was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, muttering, “No way—”

Jiang Ci woke up in the morning, and Cui Liang was already gone from the Western Garden. Instead, An Hua had been sent over to attend to her.

After half a year apart, An Hua had grown taller, and standing next to Jiang Ci, they were nearly the same height. She smiled and chatted with Jiang Ci, but Jiang Ci remained indifferent, responding lightly. When An Hua spoke too much, Jiang Ci closed the door and did not come out again.

Pei Yan was busy all day, and only after discussing grain allocation with Scholar Dong during the hour of Shen did he ride out with Cui Liang to the Yunqi Camp outside the city. The night was deep when he finally returned to the Xiang residence.

He was still preoccupied with the powerful crossbow that Cui Liang was about to make. Upon entering the Western Garden, Cui Liang understood his intention and took the “Tian Can Silk” he had brought from the palace’s armory, carefully wrapping it around the crossbow. After making some adjustments, they stepped out of the main house together.

He placed a bamboo arrow on the crossbow, and with a light twang, the bamboo arrow flashed through the air, striking the trunk of a tree several dozen steps away with a “thud.” Pei Yan was overjoyed, unable to contain himself as he exchanged a high-five with Cui Liang. He then took the crossbow and tried it several more times, laughing, “Ziming, with your help, I’m not worried about defeating the Huan army and the bandits!”

Cui Liang smiled, “Unfortunately, there isn’t much ‘Tian Can Silk,’ so we can only equip about a thousand archers. The rest of the soldiers will have to use the less durable hemp silk, but that should suffice.”

Pei Yan laughed, “These thousand men will be the elite of my Changfeng Cavalry. Let’s see what Yu Wen Jinglun can use to contend with our elite force!”

An Hua stepped out of the western room, gently closing the door behind her, and approached Pei Yan to pay her respects. Pei Yan glanced at the western room, “Has she gone to sleep?”

“No, she’s reading. I advised her to rest early, but she wouldn’t listen.”

Pei Yan waved his hand, and An Hua exited the Western Garden.

Pei Yan turned to Cui Liang, calmly saying, “Xiao Ci has an injury on her shoulder. I’ll trouble you to help her heal.”

Cui Liang was startled. Since Jiang Ci returned last night, she had been hiding in her room. He had left the garden early today and hadn’t realized she had an injury. He hurried into the western room.

Jiang Ci was reading under the lamp. Upon seeing Cui Liang enter, she stood up, “Brother Cui.”

Cui Liang looked at her gaunt face and sighed inwardly, speaking gently, “Xiao Ci, let me see your shoulder injury.”

Jiang Ci’s face flushed. Cui Liang quickly realized and said, “No need to look. Just tell me how you got hurt and how bad it is, so I can prescribe medicine.”

Jiang Ci was about to mention that the medicine she had been taking was prescribed by him, but Pei Yan had already stood at the door. She swallowed her words and replied lightly, “I was accidentally injured by someone. That person used internal power to crack my shoulder blade. I’ve taken medicine, and it’s much better now.”

Pei Yan and Cui Liang’s expressions changed slightly at the same time, and the room fell into silence, only the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves outside could be heard.

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