HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 78: Iron Cavalry with Jade Scepter

Chapter 78: Iron Cavalry with Jade Scepter

The window rattled softly in the wind, snapping Cui Liang back to reality. He extended his right hand, and Jiang Ci offered her right wrist. Cui Liang felt her pulse and examined Jiang Ci closely, then pondered, “It’s healed quite a bit. It seems the medicine you used before was effective. Xiao Ci, do you remember the prescription?”

Jiang Ci shook her head, “I don’t know the prescription.”

Cui Liang turned to look at Pei Yan, who smiled and said, “Steward Cen called a doctor for her. I don’t know the prescription either.”

Cui Liang turned back, staring at Jiang Ci, “Judging from your pulse, the medicine you took before seems to have contained ingredients for soothing tendons and cooling blood. When you took it, did you feel a numbness on the tip of your tongue?”


Cui Liang nodded, “Then I’ll prescribe a similar medicine. Xiao Ci, don’t use your left arm carelessly. It will heal soon.”

Jiang Ci’s gaze brushed over Pei Yan’s face, then back to Cui Liang. She calmly said, “Thank you, Brother Cui. I’m tired and want to rest.”

Cui Liang hurriedly said, “You rest first. I’ll prepare the prescription, and tomorrow An Hua can brew the medicine and change your dressing.” He then turned and left the room.

Pei Yan stood at the doorway, his face gloomy. Hearing Cui Liang’s footsteps fade away, he laughed coldly, “He hurt you like this, yet you still believe he won’t kill you?”

Jiang Ci slowly walked over to close the door, but Pei Yan didn’t move. Ignoring him, she sat back down under the lamp and picked up a book to read.

After waiting for a while and seeing that she wouldn’t look up, Pei Yan laughed coldly, “It seems I’ll have to take you to the battlefield.”

Jiang Ci was startled and suddenly looked up, “To the battlefield?”

Pei Yan looked at her pale face, hesitated for a moment, and softened his tone a bit, “I’m leading troops into battle. If I leave you in this mansion, who knows what might happen? For safety’s sake, you’ll have to come with me to the battlefield.”

Jiang Ci was silent for a moment, then smiled faintly, “As the Minister pleases.” She lowered her head and continued reading.

Pei Yan’s eyelid twitched slightly. After a moment, he finally left the West Garden.

Jiang Ci slowly put down her book. Cui Liang knocked and entered again, smiling, “Xiao Ci, I need to check your pulse again.”

Jiang Ci smiled lightly and extended her right wrist. Cui Liang placed three fingers on her wrist and said gently, “Why has Xiao Ci lost so much weight? Are you not used to the environment at Changfeng Manor?”

“Mm.” Jiang Ci lowered her head and said softly, “There’s nothing much fun at Changfeng Manor.”

“I’ve heard that Nan’an Prefecture is rich in products and beautiful scenery. Especially in the third month, there’s a kind of flower that blooms on Baolin Mountain. It looks like a bronze bell, and each plant can bloom in three different colors. It’s called the ‘Colored Bell Flower’. Doesn’t Xiao Ci like it?” Cui Liang said casually while checking her pulse.

Jiang Ci hurriedly said, “I like it. That flower is very beautiful. I like it very much.”

Cui Liang released her wrist and was silent for a moment before saying, “Xiao Ci, the Minister is leading the Cloud Cavalry to battle against the Huan army and Bo rebels on the eighth. I’m going with the army too. You… come with me.”

“Alright.” Jiang Ci responded softly, turning her head away.

After another moment of silence, Cui Liang added, “Xiao Ci, the battlefield is dangerous. Remember, no matter what happens, don’t leave my side.”

The next day, an imperial edict was issued, appointing Wei Zhao, the Commander of the Illumination Bureau, as the military supervisor. The court’s reaction was quite calm. Prince Zhuang’s faction breathed a sigh of relief, Prince Jing’s faction remained unruffled, and the Crown Prince’s faction, with Scholar Dong in charge of provisions and thus controlling the lifeline of the frontline soldiers, didn’t express any dissatisfaction.

Pei Yan and Cui Liang rode to the Cloud Cavalry camp. The hundreds of craftsmen urgently recruited by the court had also arrived. Cui Liang explained the crossbow designs and distributed the “celestial silkworm silk” and hemp fibers. Seeing the craftsmen quickly start making the crossbows, Pei Yan relaxed a bit and went to train the Cloud Cavalry personally.

The Cloud Cavalry was originally one of the six guards of the capital, its predecessor being the Illumination Cavalry created by the Emperor when he was the Prince of Ye. For this expedition, with Pei Yan leading the northern troops, the Emperor had also assigned the Cloud Cavalry to him.

Pei Yan knew that the Cloud Cavalry had always considered themselves the Emperor’s trusted force and were somewhat unruly. On his first day in the camp, he gave the officers a show of force. He single-handedly defeated six major commanders and then, during training, singled out a thousand soldiers and, after an hour of training, defeated the main formation of over four thousand men, thus intimidating the Cloud Cavalry.

Cui Liang explained the “Eight Extremes Formation” in detail to the Cloud Cavalry officers, personally demonstrating with command flags. By sunset, they had made considerable progress. Over ten thousand soldiers strictly followed the flag commands, as still as crouching tigers and as swift as running dragons when in motion, further boosting Pei Yan’s confidence.

It was the first watch of the night when they returned to the minister’s mansion. Pei Yan was still heading towards the West Garden when Cui Liang stopped at the garden gate. “Minister.”

Pei Yan heard the unusual tone in his voice and turned back with a smile, “If Ziming has something to say, please speak freely.”

Cui Liang hesitated, then after a moment said, “Minister, Xiao Ci’s shoulder injury requires me to apply acupuncture daily for it to heal properly. Otherwise, there might be lasting effects, and her left arm might not function well in the future. Since I’m going on the expedition with you, could I request your permission to keep Xiao Ci with me? Once she’s fully recovered, I’ll send her home.”

Pei Yan pondered, “That’s difficult. You know we can’t have women in the army, Ziming.”

Cui Liang lowered his head and said, “Minister, you know that I originally agreed to stay for Xiao Ci’s sake. Now that she’s injured, I can’t possibly leave her behind. She can disguise herself as a small soldier and stay by my side. I won’t let her interact with other soldiers.”

Pei Yan’s smile gradually faded. When Cui Liang looked up, he smiled again and said gently, “If that’s the case, we can only do it this way. Let her go with you. Once her injury is healed, I’ll send someone to take her home.”

“Thank you, Minister.”

Daimei Ridge was located at the northern foot of the Yanming Mountain Range, north of Hexi Prefecture. Named for its winding, verdant appearance resembling a woman’s eyebrows, it was a crucial pass for the Huan army’s southern advance into Hexi and the Xiao River Plain. Thus, after Tian Ce retreated from Huiyan Pass with over 30,000 troops, he used this natural stronghold to engage in a prolonged defensive battle against the Huan army.

After many days, the Changfeng Cavalry suffered heavy casualties but managed to hold the Huan army north of Daimei Ridge. When the 30,000 troops urgently dispatched from Loushan arrived, and the Gao clan of Hexi Prefecture mobilized the masses to come and help defend the pass, along with a steady supply of provisions, Tian Ce finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Huan army, unable to break through after prolonged attacks, became somewhat demoralized and rested for a few days. Tian Ce, however, adhering to Pei Yan’s usual combat style, did the opposite of what the Huan army expected. Instead of using this respite to rest and recuperate, he sent the raid camp soldiers to launch night attacks on the Huan camp. These soldiers, skilled in martial arts and familiar with the terrain, would set fires, kill some Huan soldiers in the chaos, and then disappear into the steep mountains of Daimei Ridge. This continued for several nights, greatly disturbing the Huan army and keeping them constantly on alert.

The wildflowers bloomed across Daimei Ridge, painting it in lush green. However, at the entrances of valleys and mountain passes, reddish-brown bloodstains splattered across rocks and yellow earth, a chilling sight to behold.

As dusk fell, Yu Wen Jinglun stood at the western edge of the military camp, gazing at the sunset-filled sky. Hearing footsteps, he didn’t turn around, “Mr. Teng, the phrase ‘A single hue of fading sun like blood, emerald mountains spread with gold’ – doesn’t it perfectly describe the scene before us?”

Teng Rui smiled as he approached, “Does Your Highness find the sunset here different from those in the great deserts of the Huan Kingdom?”

Yu Wen Jinglun laughed, “I’d rather see the Jiangnan scenery you once described – ‘Willows by the peach stream, small buildings connected to gardens, flowing water encircling a lonely village, light clouds in the blue sky.'”

A hint of melancholy crossed Teng Rui’s brow, “It’s been a long time since I’ve returned home. If I could go back now, I wonder if I’d still see familiar faces.”

“Do you still have family in your hometown?” Yu Wen Jinglun turned to face him.

Teng Rui gazed at the southern sky in silence for a long while before sighing, “Now, I only have my daughter to rely on. If you speak of family, she’s the only one.”

Yu Wen Jinglun’s gaze fell on Teng Rui’s faded blue robe, and he couldn’t help but smile, “All these years you’ve followed me in campaigns across the land, with no one to look after you. No wonder you’re still so frugal.”

Teng Rui smiled faintly, “I’m naturally careless about such things. My daughter usually takes care of these matters. She often complains about my unkempt appearance, but I’m used to it and can’t change.”

Yu Wen Jinglun chuckled, “You’re too careless, sir. I remember both my father the Emperor and I have gifted you embroideries from Yue Luo. I’ve never seen you use them – did you give them all to your daughter?”

Teng Rui replied calmly, “Not at all. My daughter doesn’t care for such things. She’s stored away all the Yue embroideries gifted by His Majesty and Your Highness, not allowing anyone to use them.”

“Oh? Why is that?” Yu Wen Jinglun’s casual inquiry suddenly piqued his interest.

Teng Rui hesitated before explaining, “My daughter says these items are too extravagant. Common people with meager fortune using them would not only fail to bring good luck but might even shorten their lives. Moreover, the Yue Luo tribe has blinded countless embroiderers for these works, which goes against heaven’s will. They might not be auspicious items. Therefore, all my clothes are made by my daughter alone, and she never uses those things.”

Yu Wen Jinglun made a thoughtful sound and remained silent for a long time, seemingly lost in thought.

Teng Rui hurriedly bowed deeply, “My daughter is young and ignorant, speaking nonsense. She meant no offense to His Majesty or Your Highness. Please forgive her.”

Yu Wen Jinglun laughed heartily, “Not at all, sir. You’re overthinking. I regard you as my teacher. How could I blame you for such a small matter?”

Yi Han approached quickly, handing a confidential report to Yu Wen Jinglun. As he read it, his expression grew increasingly excited. Finally, he folded the report and smiled, “We’ve finally drawn out Pei Yan!”

Seeing his excitement, Teng Rui smiled, “Your Highness seems more thrilled about having a worthy opponent than about capturing Hexi Prefecture. However, with Pei Yan’s arrival, the outcome of this battle becomes unpredictable.”

Yu Wen Jinglun nodded, “You’re right, sir. But wouldn’t life be too lonely without a worthy opponent? Regardless of who wins this war, I must face Pei Yan on the battlefield to test our skills. It would be a waste of all these years of martial training and military leadership otherwise.”

Yi Han pondered, “This report was sent by our people when Prince Zhuang left the capital to invite Pei Yan out of retirement. Calculating the time, it will take Pei Yan a few more days to reach the front lines. We don’t know if he’ll first engage Bao Yun Mountain at Lou Mountain or come directly to face us.”

Yu Wen Jinglun gradually calmed down, “Indeed. Pei Yan’s actions are always meticulous, and he’s skilled in strategy. We need to think carefully about how he might proceed.”

On the eighth day of the fourth month in the fifth year of Chengxi, Great Hua Dynasty, at the beginning of the Chen hour (7-9 AM), the Emperor personally arrived at Jinshi Pass to see off Pei Yan and the Cloud Riders Camp on their northern expedition.

The sun shone brightly that day, reflecting off the armor of tens of thousands of soldiers. The Emperor rode his imperial steed, escorted by thousands of imperial guards from the south. He wore a bright yellow arrow-sleeved outfit, his figure agile as he dismounted and walked steadily up to the review platform. Officials and soldiers alike knelt and shouted “Long live the Emperor!” The parade ground echoed with the clinking of armor and the cold glint of blades.

The Emperor stood straight, his hand on the sword at his waist, beneath the bright yellow dragon banner. After nine ceremonial cannon shots, he raised the coiled dragon sword high. Tens of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, “Long live our Emperor, ten thousand years!”

As the wind blew and dragon flags unfurled, the Emperor stood firm amidst the thunderous cheers, his expression solemn. At that moment, some older officials vaguely remembered how, over twenty years ago, the current Emperor Chengzong, then Prince of Ye, had stood here at Jinshi Pass, full of vigor and awe-inspiring presence, receiving the military tally from the previous emperor before heading to the northern front to engage in over a hundred battles with the Huan army. A year later, he had ridden south in iron armor, covering thousands of li with the Guangming Cavalry to return to the capital and ascend to the throne as per the late emperor’s edict. Later, he averted a crisis, and with the assistance of his ministers, quelled the “Rebel Prince Uprising,” securing the realm as solid as an iron bucket.

Time had passed, and the once handsome and martial Prince of Ye had gradually retreated into the depths of the palace, becoming the current Emperor Chengzong, as deep and unfathomable as the sea. Only at this moment, with tens of thousands of troops shouting in unison, did that awe-inspiring edge that could make the realm bow reappear between his brows.

After three more ceremonial cannon shots, Pei Yan, dressed in silver armor with a purple war cloak and a purple-plumed helmet, knelt on one knee before the Emperor. He received the commander’s seal and military tally with both hands, raising them high above his head as the soldiers shouted “Long live the Emperor!” three times like thunder. The Emperor then bestowed the coiled dragon sword to Wei Zhao, the military supervisor accompanying the army and commander of the Guangming Department, with just a slight nod and no further words.

As war drums thundered, Pei Yan mounted his warhorse and saluted the Emperor on the platform once more. He turned his horse, and the Cloud Riders Camp, in perfect formation, stepped back over a hundred paces before mounting their horses. They followed the purple commander’s flag as the “Sword and Tripod Marquis” Pei Yan officially led the Cloud Riders Camp on their northern expedition.

Amidst the yellow dust filling the sky and the thunderous war drums, the Emperor watched from the platform as the white figure on horseback at the rear of the formation seemed to look back once before disappearing into the rolling dust.

They traveled swiftly. Departing at the end of the Chen hour (around 9 AM), they only rested for less than half an hour at noon for water and provisions before resuming their urgent march. By nightfall, they reached Dulong Ridge.

Pei Yan ordered the camp to be set up and fires lit at the foot of Dulong Ridge then summoned the military supervisor.

Wei Zhao arrived gracefully. As he passed, soldiers turned their heads, glanced sideways, or stole peeks at him, but he remained oblivious, smiling as he bowed slightly to Pei Yan. The two walked into the main tent together, with An Cheng personally guarding the entrance.

Cui Liang spread out the terrain map on the ground, nodding in greeting to Wei Zhao. The three sat cross-legged, carefully examining the map.

A young soldier entered the tent carrying a copper kettle, took out tea cups and other utensils, and poured tea for the three, serving each in turn. Wei Zhao didn’t look up, but his hand trembled slightly as he accepted the cup.

After serving the tea, the young soldier silently withdrew.

Pei Yan, focusing on the terrain map, took a sip of tea and said, “The Xiaojing River will soon enter its summer flood season. Holding this line won’t be a problem, and we can even divert some troops to support Lou Mountain. The key is whether we can hold Hexi.”

Cui Liang nodded, “We can move at least 30,000 troops westward from Lou Mountain. Add that to Tian Ce’s existing 60,000 men and the Cloud Riders Camp, and we can still put up a fight against the Huan army.”

Wei Zhao calmly added, “There are tens of thousands of garrison troops in Changle and Qingzhou. If we can move them east and have the Gao clan widely recruit troops in the Hexi area, our chances of victory will increase.”

After a moment of silence, Pei Yan chuckled, “That’s our ideal plan. But if we can think of it, so can Bao Yun Mountain and Yu Wen Jinglun.”

Cui Liang smiled, “Then they’ll surely deduce that we won’t use such an obvious strategy.”

“So should we devise another plan, or choose this simplest, most easily anticipated strategy?” Pei Yan looked up at Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao smiled faintly, “Before we left, His Majesty strictly ordered that the military supervisor should not interfere with the commander’s military operations. Shao Jun, please make your own decision.”

Pei Yan smiled, then lowered his head, concentrating on the terrain map. Cui Liang, having analyzed the situation in detail with him over the past few days, knew there was no foolproof plan. He said, “Chancellor, we should wait for intelligence from both sides before judging their exact troop distributions and movements. Then we can decide how to proceed.”

As Pei Yan pondered in silence, the young soldier entered again. Seeing her carrying food with one hand, Cui Liang quickly rose to take it, placing it on the table. He then adjusted her military cap, saying softly, “Your shoulder injury hasn’t healed. You shouldn’t be doing these tasks.”

Pei Yan and Wei Zhao both stiffened simultaneously. Cui Liang turned with a smile, “Chancellor, Commander Wei, let’s fill our stomachs first before discussing further plans.”

Jiang Ci, disguised as the young soldier, smiled and said, “I still need to fetch bowls and chopsticks.” She turned to leave the tent.

Cui Liang quickly held her back, “I’ll go. How can you carry them with just one hand?”

“Let’s go together.”


Pei Yan looked up, his gaze meeting Wei Zhao’s. Wei Zhao said calmly, “I was a bit heavy-handed. My apologies, Shao Jun.”

Pei Yan chuckled, “It’s fine. Let her suffer a bit. It’ll teach her to be more careful.”

They fell silent, both turning their attention back to the terrain map. Soon, Cui Liang and Jiang Ci returned with the utensils. As there were no Changfeng Guard soldiers in the tent, Cui Liang had to serve the rice himself. Jiang Ci placed the chopsticks on the low table as Pei Yan and Wei Zhao rose and sat down opposite each other at the table.

Jiang Ci took the rice bowl Cui Liang handed her with her right hand, hesitated for a moment, and then placed it an arm’s length away from Pei Yan. She took another bowl and gently set it before Wei Zhao, saying softly, “Third Young Master, please.”

Pei Yan’s grip on his bamboo chopsticks tightened, his sharp gaze fixed on Jiang Ci as he slowly reached for the bowl placed an arm’s length away from him.

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