HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 79: Lanterns and Campfires

Chapter 79: Lanterns and Campfires

Jiang Ci turned away from him, standing to the side. Cui Liang approached with two bowls of rice, smiling, “Xiao Ci, sit down and eat with us.”

Jiang Ci remained still, while Pei Yan lowered his head to eat, not saying a word. Cui Liang pulled Jiang Ci to the table, placing a bowl in front of her. He then took a spoon and said gently, “You can’t use chopsticks with one hand; use this instead.”

Jiang Ci accepted the spoon, smiling, “Thank you, Brother Cui.”

Cui Liang thought for a moment, then sat beside her, adding several pieces of vegetables to her bowl. “What do you want to eat? I’ll serve you.”

Jiang Ci smiled at him, using her right hand to scoop food into her mouth. After a few bites, she frowned, “The cooks in the army aren’t very skilled.”

Cui Liang laughed, “Of course, they can’t compare to your cooking, Xiao Ci.”

Pei Yan and Wei Zhao both paused with their chopsticks in mid-air, then slowly reached for the dishes. Jiang Ci smiled at Cui Liang, saying, “Once my injury heals, I’ll cook for you.”

Cui Liang added more food to her bowl, smiling, “Good, you focus on healing first, and then we can enjoy a feast together.” He turned to Pei Yan and added, “Lord, since you’ve taken Xiao Ci away, I haven’t tasted her cooking in half a year. I miss it dearly.”

Pei Yan glanced at Wei Zhao, who was quietly eating across from him, his movements slow and refined. Pei Yan withdrew his gaze and smiled at Jiang Ci, “Then we’ll wait for Xiao Ci to recover, and we can feast together.”

Jiang Ci, however, did not look at him. Seemingly recalling something, she turned to Cui Liang and said, “Brother Cui, I didn’t quite understand the ‘Suwen’ you gave me yesterday.”

“Hmm, you’re just starting, so it’s normal to find some parts confusing. I’ll explain it to you in detail later. Don’t rush; learning medicine takes time.”

Jiang Ci smiled, “But I want to learn quickly. If I could be as capable as Brother Cui, I wouldn’t have to keep being bullied.”

Seeing a strand of hair fall to her mouth, Cui Liang gently tucked it behind her ear, his voice filled with affection. “Whatever you want to learn, I’ll teach you. Just don’t be too hasty; you can’t become an expert overnight.”

Jiang Ci nodded, smiling at Cui Liang before focusing on her meal again.

Wei Zhao set down his bowl and chopsticks, standing up. “Young Master, I’m full. I’ll go out for a bit. Please excuse me.” With that, he gracefully exited the tent.

Pei Yan put down his chopsticks after only two bowls, while Cui Liang continued to eat and chat softly with Jiang Ci.

Pei Yan observed the two of them, his expression slightly cold. He picked up his empty teacup, and when Jiang Ci glanced at him, she did not rise. Pei Yan had no choice but to pour himself some water from the copper kettle and return to the map.

Cui Liang finished his meal slowly, taking the teacup Jiang Ci offered him, and sat down with a smile. “Lord, should we wait for Lord Wei to return to discuss, or shall we plan first?”

Pei Yan pointed to a specific area on the map, a smile appearing on his face. “Ziming, tell me about the terrain here.”

Seeing the table full of bowls and chopsticks, Jiang Ci thought for a moment and went to the cook’s tent to fetch a bamboo basket. She placed all the bowls, chopsticks, and leftover food into the basket and carried it outside the tent.

By this time, it was completely dark. The Yunqi Camp was well-trained; aside from the night watch soldiers, everyone else was resting in their tents, making the camp very quiet.

As Jiang Ci walked towards the cook’s tent with the bamboo basket, she spotted a white figure coming down the hillside. Hesitating for a moment, she stopped in her tracks.

Wei Zhao approached slowly, brushing past her. Jiang Ci turned and called out, “Third Master.”

Wei Zhao paused but did not turn back, giving a barely audible “Hmm” in response.

“Um—” Jiang Ci hesitated for a long time, summoning her courage to ask, “Third Master, have you returned Fifth Aunt?”

Wei Zhao replied with another light “Hmm” and continued walking.

Not hearing a definite answer, Jiang Ci felt uneasy and hurried after him. Wei Zhao quickened his pace, and Jiang Ci, carrying the basket of bowls and chopsticks in her left arm, struggled to keep her balance. She stumbled two or three steps, nearly falling to the ground when Wei Zhao suddenly turned around, wrapping his right arm around her waist and lifting her into his embrace.

In the night, his gem-like eyes gazed quietly at her. Behind him was the half-moon in the night sky. His arm trembled slightly, but a faint, elegant fragrance wafted from his robes.

Jiang Ci felt a bit dazed, her heart fluttering. She loosened her grip, and the bamboo basket fell to the ground.

The bowls and chopsticks clattered, and Wei Zhao released her, gently pushing her back two steps before turning away. “I’ve returned her. You don’t need to worry.” Like a ghost under the moonlight, his white figure quickly disappeared into the distant tent.

Jiang Ci stood in place, watching Wei Zhao’s figure vanish into the tent. She suddenly felt warmth in her heart, bent down to pick up the bamboo basket, and smiled as she walked toward the cook’s tent.

Under the Dulong Ridge, campfires flickered in several places. The half-moon hung high in the night sky, with stars twinkling faintly.

Jiang Ci sat on the grass behind the main tent, gazing at the dim yellow light and the indistinct figures inside, her thoughts in turmoil.

A patrol of soldiers approached, causing her to feel a bit frightened. After all, she was a woman in a military camp surrounded by men. She quickly stood up and darted into the main tent.

Inside, the three were still discussing quietly. Jiang Ci was unsure where to rest, so she took out the “Suwen” from her bag and sat in a corner of the tent under the light, reading.

Upon closer inspection, she found many parts unclear, and it wasn’t convenient to ask Cui Liang about them one by one. So, she decided to start from the beginning and memorize it diligently. She had a good memory and could remember the content after silently reciting it two or three times.

After memorizing the first half of the “Suwen,” the three inside shared a light laugh, seemingly having reached a consensus, and stood up.

Cui Liang stretched his arms and turned to see Jiang Ci still reading under the light. He hurried over, saying, “Xiao Ci, it’s late. You should go to sleep.”

Jiang Ci put the book away, “Where should I sleep?”

“You can sleep in my tent. I had them set up an inner tent for you; you can sleep inside.” Cui Liang smiled.

Pei Yan walked over, smiling, “Ziming, you still need to explain that formation to me tonight. We must discuss it thoroughly.”

Cui Liang hesitated, “Lord, let’s talk about it while we travel tomorrow. I’m a bit worried about Xiao Ci being alone in a tent. These soldiers in the Yunqi Camp are fierce, and I still need to help her with her arm—”

Pei Yan looked at Jiang Ci with a smile, “If Xiao Ci doesn’t mind, she can sleep in my main tent. I’ll have them set up an inner tent for her, and she can sleep in the outer area. I can also help with her acupuncture here.”

Cui Liang thought for a moment and nodded, “That works.”

Wei Zhao’s gaze swept over Jiang Ci, pausing for a moment before he floated out of the tent. The tent flap lifted slightly, and a gust of early summer night wind rushed in, carrying a hint of heaviness.

Cui Liang washed his hands, took out the needle pouch, and gently rolled up Jiang Ci’s left sleeve, locating the acupoints to insert the needles. Just as Jiang Ci was about to express her gratitude, she looked up and saw Pei Yan standing nearby with his hands clasped behind his back. Remembering the humiliation from the night in the thatched cottage, she slowly turned away.

Pei Yan noticed, stepping into the inner tent, taking a military book, and sitting on the mat. He listened to the quiet conversation between Cui Liang and Jiang Ci outside, hearing her occasional soft laughter. He gripped the book tightly, causing it to warp slightly.

Outside, Cui Liang finished putting away the silver needles and smiled, “You don’t need to read anymore. Get some rest. In a few days, you’ll be able to move your left arm. Then I’ll teach you acupuncture and how to recognize herbs.”

Jiang Ci’s words of gratitude caught in her throat. Cui Liang seemed to sense her thoughts and patted her head. Jiang Ci lay down on the mat, fully clothed, and closed her eyes.

Cui Liang extinguished the candlelight outside and entered the inner tent, seeing Pei Yan holding the military book. He couldn’t help but smile, “Lord, you seem quite spirited.”

Pei Yan looked up and smiled, “Thinking about facing Yu Wen Jinglun makes me a bit excited.”

“Have you never fought him directly before?”

“During the Battle of Chengjun, I fought against the Huan Dynasty general Bu Daoyuan. After I killed him, Yu Wen Jinglun took control of the Huan Kingdom’s military power. In a way, I helped him out. Now that I’m going to face him, I should collect some interest.”

Cui Liang laughed heartily, “I wonder if the Xuan King of the Huan Kingdom is stingy. If he owes you a favor and refuses to repay it, what will you do?”

Pei Yan smiled, “If he doesn’t repay, I’ll beat him until he does!”

As the night deepened, the dew grew heavier. Even sleeping on the mat in early summer felt a bit chilly. The wind blew in through the tent flap, and Jiang Ci found it impossible to sleep. She listened as the voices of the two in the inner tent gradually lowered until they disappeared, realizing they had fallen asleep. She quietly sat up.

In the darkness, Jiang Ci sat silently, the wind swirling in, bringing with it the faint sound of a flute. She was startled, and suddenly standing up, but the flute sound vanished. After listening for a moment, she slowly lay back down on the mat.

At the hour of the rooster, Pei Yan quietly exited the tent. The Longfeng Guards on duty approached, and he waved his hand, stepping into the grass.

A moment later, he returned to the tent entrance, where Longfeng Guard Tong Min came close and whispered, “He stood in the woods for half an hour without any contact, returning to the tent at the hour of Zi.”

Pei Yan nodded and turned to enter the tent. Outside, Jiang Ci lay on her right side, breathing softly, still dressed. Pei Yan stood in front of her, listening to her even breathing. Even without candlelight in the tent, he could see her delicate brows slightly furrowed. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly extended his right hand.

Behind the curtain, Cui Liang seemed to shift in his sleep. Pei Yan quickly withdrew his right hand and entered the inner tent.

At dawn, the military horn sounded, and the soldiers of the Yunqi Camp quickly packed up their tents. In less than a quarter of an hour, everything was ready, and the army continued northward.

Jiang Ci held the reins with her right hand, riding alongside Cui Liang. She recalled the first half of the “Suwen,” silently reciting it several times, then asked Cui Liang about the parts she didn’t understand. Thus, they traveled in the morning and continued to rest outside Pei Yan’s main tent at night. Unbeknownst to them, three days had quietly passed.

That night, they set up camp in a valley with a stream running through it. The weather was particularly oppressive, and the leaders of the Yunqi Camp came to report to Pei Yan. Seeing the eager expressions on the soldiers’ faces, Pei Yan nodded.

The soldiers cheered, and some of the more impatient ones jumped into the stream. Many simply stripped off their clothes and soaked in the water, washing away the day’s dust and fatigue. Others shouted excitedly as they caught large fish to present to the cook.

Jiang Ci had never seen such a scene. She bent down and darted into the tent, not daring to go out again. Cui Liang entered the tent and saw her holding the “Suwen.” He smiled, “I see you’re learning quickly. You’re not much worse than I was back then.”

Jiang Ci’s face turned slightly red, and she shyly replied, “How can I compare to Brother Cui? I just hope my shoulder heals quickly. Now that we’re approaching the front lines, I can’t keep being a burden. I suppose I can only be a medicine assistant, helping the military doctor.”

Cui Liang thought for a moment and said, “That’s fine. I’ve heard there are several experienced military doctors in the Changfeng Cavalry, and they always accompany the commander. You can learn from them how to treat the wounded. In the evenings, I’ll explain things to you. That way, you’ll learn much faster.”

Pei Yan lifted the tent flap and entered. Cui Liang turned and said, “Lord, Xiao Ci will be joining us tonight.”

Pei Yan nodded, “Of course.”

Jiang Ci felt puzzled but didn’t ask further, sitting at a distance with her book.

By the hour of Hai, rain the size of soybeans began to fall, growing heavier as if the heavens had opened a floodgate, pouring down in torrents.

Cui Liang came over to drape a rain cloak over Jiang Ci. She said nothing more and followed him and Pei Yan quietly out of the tent. After walking a short distance in the darkness, An Cheng had already brought several hundred Longfeng Guards, holding their steeds at the foot of the slope.

Pei Yan took the reins and asked, “Where is Lord Wei?”

An Cheng pointed ahead. In the pouring rain, a tall figure sat firmly in the saddle, rain splattering against his rain cloak. He remained motionless as if he had been in that position since time immemorial.

Pei Yan smiled and turned to An Cheng, “You know what to do, right?”


“Good, the Yunqi Camp is in your hands now.”

An Cheng was somewhat excited, smiling, “Lord, don’t worry. I’ve been itching to get started. I need to win back the bet I made with General Tian two years ago.”

Pei Yan laughed and scolded him lightly, then said seriously, “Don’t be careless. Once we reach Hexi, after passing down my orders, you still need to follow Tian Ce’s command and act in unison.”

An Cheng quickly saluted, “Yes!”

Cui Liang led the horses, and Jiang Ci mounted her steed. The two followed behind Pei Yan, leading several hundred Longfeng Guards as they galloped forward. Wei Zhao had only a few people with him, moving at a steady pace behind them.

The rain fell harder and harder. Even with the ten or so people in front holding wind lanterns, Jiang Ci still couldn’t see the path clearly, relying solely on instinct to guide her horse. A gust of wind blew, lifting her rain cloak high, and causing her to lean back. She gripped the reins tightly with her right hand to avoid falling off.

Cui Liang noticed and called out loudly, “Can you hold on?!”

Jiang Ci felt a bit flustered, the rain hitting her face, making it hard to open her eyes, but she shouted back, “I’m fine! Don’t worry about me!”

With a rustling sound, Pei Yan turned his horse around, stopping beside Jiang Ci. He looked at her and suddenly reached out, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off her horse, placing her in front of him. He shouted again, and the steed broke through the rain curtain, galloping forward.

Even though Jiang Ci felt uncomfortable all over, she knew it was pointless to say more, so she shifted her body slightly forward. Pei Yan’s left hand around her waist gradually tightened. Jiang Ci struggled a bit, but Pei Yan’s grip was firm, preventing her from moving.

The heavy rain poured down, and the sound of hooves was as fierce as the rain. His voice was very soft but reached her ears: “If you move again, I’ll throw you off the horse!”

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