HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 8: The Glorious Imperial Capital

Chapter 8: The Glorious Imperial Capital

Jiang Ci perched on a tree branch, surveying the vast expanse of the Prime Minister’s residence. The compound stretched endlessly, with countless buildings and courtyards nestled within. She couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment at the sight.

Since regaining consciousness after her injury, Jiang Ci had overheard conversations among the household members. She realized that Pei Yan’s act of saving her life was not out of pure benevolence. He harbored suspicions about her and intended to use her to track down the whereabouts of the Masked Person.

Though naive and carefree by nature, Jiang Ci was not entirely oblivious to the ways of the world. While she didn’t know the exact nature of the grudge between Pei Yan and the Masked Person, she had no desire to be entangled in their affairs. Moreover, she was reluctant to reveal her origins to Pei Yan, fearing that if he were to find her Uncle-Master and Senior Sister, it would spell trouble. Having just managed to slip away from the Deng Family Village, she was thoroughly enjoying her freedom. The last thing she wanted was to be caught and dragged back by her Uncle-Master or Senior Sister. Though her Senior Sister had a gentle disposition, when truly angered, she could be even more terrifying than their late Master.

Furthermore, Pei Yan was shrewd and wielded considerable power. Jiang Ci worried that her involvement might bring unnecessary trouble to her Uncle-Master and Senior Sister. That would be a catastrophe she couldn’t bear.

So, upon regaining consciousness, Jiang Ci had feigned confusion. She deflected An Hua’s probing questions with subtlety and completely concealed her previous encounter with the Masked Person.

As her health improved over the past few days, thoughts of escape began to form in her mind. Suspecting that people were monitoring the courtyard, she had taken the opportunity to climb the tree, hoping to scout the layout of the residence. To her dismay, the compound proved to be vast beyond imagination, making the prospect of sneaking out seem as difficult as ascending to heaven. It was clear she would need to devise another plan.

Cui Liang, noticing Jiang Ci’s prolonged stillness, called out, “Miss Ji!”

Snapping back to reality, Jiang Ci smiled and waved at Cui Liang before continuing her ascent. The bird’s nest she sought was perched on a slender branch that couldn’t support her weight. She stood on a slightly thicker branch, steadying herself with her Yuan Power as she inched closer to the nest. Just as her fingertips were about to touch it, a faint “crack” echoed, and the branch beneath her feet snapped. Jiang Ci plummeted straight down.

Realizing the danger, Jiang Ci frantically kicked her feet, hoping to land on the branches below. Unfortunately, these branches were equally fragile, breaking under her weight. As the wind whistled past her ears, she fell rapidly towards the ground.

In that instant of despair, an absurd thought flashed through her mind: she ought to ask her uncle master to divine her fortune, wondering why she seemed to be at odds with trees this year, repeatedly suffering misfortune because of them. As she fell, she instinctively closed her eyes, only to feel the rush of wind cease abruptly as she sank into a pair of strong arms.

Jiang Ci let out a long sigh of relief, patting her chest as she said, “Thank you, Young Master Cui.”

However, it was Cui Liang’s laughter that rang out, seemingly not from beside her. Jiang Ci’s eyes flew open, and she let out a startled “Ah!” Her cry startled both Pei Yan, who was holding her with an amused smile, and Cui Liang, who stood a few steps away.

Wriggling out of Pei Yan’s embrace, Jiang Ci exclaimed, “This is wonderful, truly wonderful!”

Pei Yan smoothed out his ice-blue silk robe, which had been wrinkled by Jiang Ci’s sudden movement. He exchanged a glance with Cui Liang before asking with a smile, “This is the first time I’ve seen someone so elated after falling from a tree. Miss Ji, may I ask what have you so delighted?”

Jiang Ci drew close to Pei Yan and whispered, “You’ve been feeling guilty about injuring me by mistake, right? Now that you’ve saved my life, we’re even. Prime Minister, can I ask you for a favor?”

Pei Yan looked at her mischievous grin and the slightly mocking gaze that kept darting to his chest. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, “Does Miss Ji perhaps want to eat some hairy crabs from Lake Pingyang?”

Jiang Ci clapped her hands together, laughing, “As expected of the Prime Minister! You can deduce the end from just the beginning. No wonder you’ve achieved such high office at a young age, becoming the Left Prime Minister and earning the title of Marquis. It’s impossible not to admire you!”

Cui Liang’s mouth twitched slightly. Suddenly remembering the bird’s nest in the tree, Jiang Ci immediately forgot about the hairy crabs and turned to climb the tree again.

Cui Liang hurriedly stepped forward, saying, “Miss Ji, let it be. That branch is too thin. Although your lightness skill is impressive—”

Jiang Ci’s eyes widened, about to retort, when a blue blur flashed by. Pei Yan had already leaped onto the ginkgo tree. With his profound inner power, he pushed off the trunk and floated to the uppermost branches. Seeing that the bird’s nest was indeed built on the thinnest twigs at the treetop, making it impossible to stand, he broke off a branch and, with a flick of his wrist, sent it flying towards the nest.

From below, Jiang Ci saw this clearly and let out a loud “Ah!” As she cried out, several small birds fell from the nest, chirping pitifully. Jiang Ci couldn’t bear to watch and closed her eyes, inwardly cursing.

As she was mentally berating the “hairy crab,” she heard Pei Yan’s melodious voice: “Miss Ji.”

The weak chirping of the small birds reached her ears. Jiang Ci’s eyes flew open in delight to see Pei Yan cradling several small birds in the folds of his outer robe. He had leaped to catch them as they fell from the nest.

Jiang Ci’s face lit up with joy as she received the small birds. An Hua had already brought over a bamboo basket, into which Jiang Ci gently placed the birds before happily running back into the house.

Pei Yan and Cui Liang exchanged amused glances. Pei Yan said, “Ziming, I was thinking of inviting Miss Ji to the Lan Yue Tower to enjoy a performance. The hairy crabs from Lake Pingyang at Master Ye’s place are even fresher than those in my residence. Why don’t you join us? Madam Su still remembers the lyrics and music you promised her last time. You can’t avoid it forever.”

Jiang Ci, overhearing this from inside the house, darted out in a flash. “Prime Minister, you truly are a man of your word. You’re such a good person!”

Pei Yan smiled faintly and led the way toward the courtyard gate. Jiang Ci followed Pei Yan and Cui Liang for a few steps before suddenly exclaiming “Ah!” and crouching down. Cui Liang turned back and asked, “Miss Ji, what’s wrong?”

Jiang Ci looked up with a smile and said, “It’s nothing. You go ahead, I just need to adjust my shoe.”

Cui Liang shook his head slightly and walked out of the courtyard with Pei Yan.

Jiang Ci pretended to adjust her loosened embroidered shoe while discreetly glancing at the scattered tree branches she had broken during her fall. Her gaze lingered on the broken ends of the branches, and she couldn’t help but mutter under her breath, “Damn hairy crab!”

The capital city was a place of prosperity and grandeur.

The vast territory of the Hua Dynasty stretched for thousands of miles. To the south of the capital lay the winding Luo Xiao mountain range, while to the north stood the layered peaks of the Qi Mountain system, forming natural barriers on both sides of the city.

Between the Luo Xiao and Qi Mountain ranges stretched a vast fertile plain, through which the Xiao River meandered for a thousand miles. The capital was situated on this fertile plain beside the Xiao River, commanding both water and land transportation routes. It had been a strategic location sought after by military leaders throughout history. After founding the Hua Dynasty, Emperor Sheng Wu established the capital here and continuously expanded and enhanced it, making it increasingly majestic and grand.

The capital consisted of three parts: the Imperial City, the Inner City, and the Outer City. The Inner City and Imperial City were located in the northern part of the capital, backed by the natural barrier of Li Mountain. The Outer City enveloped the Inner City and Imperial City from the east, west, and south.

The Imperial City housed the imperial palace and the residences of various princes. The Inner City was where officials and nobles dwelt, while the Outer City was home to the common people, with a diverse layout. Throughout the city, buildings stood shoulder to shoulder, interspersed with pavilions, towers, and ancient temples, each telling tales of a thousand years of history.

In the hundred-plus years since the founding of the Hua Dynasty, successive emperors had governed with relative clarity and lived in harmony with the people. The capital, in particular, was strictly managed and well-ordered. Along the main streets, wine shops and restaurants lined both sides. The streets teemed with carriages and pedestrians, presenting a scene of prosperity and a flourishing age.

Jiang Ci sat in an exquisitely decorated carriage, lifting the brocade curtain to gaze in wonder at this renowned ancient capital she had long yearned to visit.

She had always harbored the grand ambition of touring the capital if only to boast about it to her Senior Sister upon her return. So after slipping away from the Deng Family Village, she headed north. When she reached Nan’an Prefecture and learned of the martial arts gathering, she made a detour to Long Feng Mountain Villa on the outskirts to witness the spectacle. She had planned to continue to the capital after enjoying the excitement, but unexpectedly found herself brought to the capital while unconscious and severely injured by the current Left Prime Minister.

Having been cooped up in the Prime Minister’s residence for over a month, she was thrilled to finally venture out and explore the capital. Half of her body leaned out of the carriage window, intently observing the outside world. The streets of the capital were broad, lined with connected residences and vermilion towers. Glazed tiles adorned the roofs, and purple lacquer coated the walls. Trees and flowers were planted along the roadsides, and even in late autumn, they exuded an elegant charm.

Jiang Ci watched with excitement, occasionally tapping Cui Liang beside her when she saw something novel. Cui Liang patiently explained and introduced each sight to her.

Pei Yan reclined on an intricately carved chaise lounge opposite them. Two maidservants knelt beside the lounge, one holding a plate of crystal grapes, rare for the late autumn season, while the other gently massaged Pei Yan’s legs.

When Jiang Ci turned back, she saw Pei Yan opening his mouth to accept a peeled grape from the maidservant, the epitome of languid charm. She couldn’t help but pursed her lips in disapproval.

During her previous wanderings in the jianghu, she had heard that the young nobles of the capital were mostly extravagant and luxurious. Confined to that small courtyard for the past few days, she hadn’t fully realized it. But now, on this outing, she saw that the rumors were not exaggerated.

Aside from the pearl and jade curtains, gold-threaded brocade cushions, and beautiful maidservants inside the ornate carriage, there were dozens of attendants escorting them, each tall and imposing, dressed in bright clothes and riding angry steeds. The four snow-white famous horses pulling the carriage, and the commoners hastily making way on the roadside, all testified to the presence of the current Left Prime Minister on his way to indulge in music and nighttime revelry.

Jiang Ci noticed Pei Yan squinting at her with a smile and mentally rolled her eyes before turning back to look out the window. She couldn’t help but wonder: Why did the current emperor favor this man so much, allowing him to be so flamboyant and unrestrained?

She then recalled how he had used a hidden weapon to break the tree branch earlier, causing her to fall and test her lightness skill, only to pretend to be kind by catching her. She cursed “hairy crab” several times in her heart.

However, her thoughts quickly moved on. Suddenly spotting a candy seller by the roadside, she became excited again, wishing she could immediately get off the carriage and buy a few candies. Cui Liang hurriedly persuaded her that they would explore the night market in detail after returning from Lan Yue Tower, and only then did she relent.

Just as she was watching with great excitement, the carriage suddenly came to a halt. Caught off guard, Jiang Ci lurched forward, but Cui Liang, quick-eyed and deft-handed, caught her.

Seeing the carriage stop, Pei Yan showed a hint of displeasure. An attendant appeared at the carriage window and reported solemnly, “Prime Minister, it’s the people from the Guangming Department. They say they’re on urgent official business outside the city, by order of Director Wei.”

Pei Yan frowned, then after a moment said, “Let them pass first.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jiang Ci was extremely curious. She had vaguely heard of the Guangming Department, which seemed to be a guard organization directly under the current emperor. But the officials of the department weren’t of high rank. It was surprising that they could make even the mighty Prime Minister give way. Just how powerful must this Director Wei be?

She poked her head out of the carriage window to look. She saw the Prime Minister’s attendants pulling the carriage to the side of the road. Ahead, several dozen riders on tall horses approached. They were all dressed in brocade clothes and sturdy attire, wearing black satin boots and carrying swords at their waists. The leader bowed slightly to the Prime Minister’s attendants without saying much, then led his men past on horseback. The sound of hoofbeats was as rapid as rain, disappearing in an instant at the end of the long street.

The carriage returned to the center of the street and continued forward. Jiang Ci turned back to see Pei Yan supporting his forehead with his right hand, his long, fair fingers lightly massaging his temples. A bitter smile played on his lips as he murmured to himself, “Third Brother, ah Third Brother, you… alas—”

The carriage came to a stop, and Jiang Ci eagerly jumped out. Gazing at the emerald lake under the lantern light, she couldn’t help but exclaim in awe.

Cui Liang stood beside her and smiled, “Surprised? To think there’s such a wondrous scene in the capital.”

Dazzling lanterns surrounded them, illuminating everything as bright as day. The light danced on the emerald lake, shimmering like countless stars in the sky. Flower trees lined the lakeshore, and a winding bridge led to a small island in the center of the lake. The island was brightly lit, with a high-eaved pavilion built on its highest point. As the lake breeze blew, the faint sound of string instruments could be heard. Shadows moved within the pavilion, making it seem like a heavenly realm on earth or a place to embrace the moon.

Escorted by attendants, the three of them stepped onto the winding bridge. Halfway across, several beautifully dressed women came to greet them, their voices soft and alluring: “The Prime Minister has arrived! The Tower Master has been thinking of you!”

Seeing these women, each charming and beautiful in elaborate attire, quickly attaching themselves to Pei Yan and Cui Liang, Jiang Ci realized that this ‘Lan Yue Tower’ was not just an ordinary theater, but also a place where romantic young men sought pleasure.

However, being naturally carefree and eager to broaden her horizons—and harboring her plans—Jiang Ci didn’t consider that as an unmarried young woman, she should avoid such a place of romance. She followed Pei Yan across the bridge and up the steps, sauntering confidently into the famous “Lan Yue Tower” of the capital and indeed the entire Hua Dynasty.

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