HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 89: Where Is Home?

Chapter 89: Where Is Home?

His hand was as cold as snow, his long fingers hard as jade. Jiang Ci gently held those slightly trembling fingers, looking up at him.

Wei Zhao lowered his head slightly. In her eyes, his reflection danced like two small flames. The tenderness at the corners of her mouth made him dizzy. Summoning all his strength, he slowly withdrew his hand.

But Jiang Ci held on tighter, her gaze never leaving him. Wei Zhao’s heart suddenly clenched, his breathing quickened, and a misty gray color crept over his face. A sweet taste rose in his throat, growing stronger. He abruptly pushed Jiang Ci away, staggering back against the stone wall, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Ci rushed to support him, seeing symptoms similar to his previous qi deviation at the tomb. She cried out urgently, “Third Young Master!”

Wei Zhao tried to push her away again, but his right hand froze upon touching her left shoulder.

Seeing he hadn’t fainted like last time, Jiang Ci felt slightly relieved. Noticing his dazed expression fixed on her left shoulder, she felt momentarily bewildered before turning to him and saying softly, “It’s completely healed, with no aftereffects.”

Wei Zhao slowly withdrew his right hand, striving to keep his voice casual: “Top Scholar Cui’s medical skills are indeed impressive.”

Concern filled Jiang Ci’s voice: “Third Young Master, please let Brother Cui examine you later. Your body—”

Wei Zhao smiled faintly. “That won’t be necessary.”

As Jiang Ci was about to speak again, Wei Zhao looked away and strode out of the cave. Turning, Jiang Ci saw A Liu lying beside Bo Yunshan, covered in wounds and blood. Her heart ached as she bent to lift his increasingly cold body.

Chunyu Li was waiting behind the bushes at the cave entrance. Seeing Wei Zhao emerge, he stepped forward, “Sect—” He noticed Wei Zhao wasn’t wearing his mask, revealing a face of extraordinary beauty with a vaguely familiar air. He opened his mouth but couldn’t speak.

A moment later, he suddenly recalled that on the battlefield days ago, when he “rescued” Bo Yunshan, it was this face that had flown in with a sword to block them. Doubt began to rise in his mind.

Wei Zhao gazed at the drifting clouds, silent for a long while before taking out a small gold seal from his robe.

Chunyu Li accepted it with both hands. The words “Imperially Appointed Supervisor” leaped out at him from the bottom of the seal. He raised his head abruptly, disbelieving.

The summer afternoon in the mountains was terrifyingly quiet. In this silence, Chunyu Li pieced everything together. Even after witnessing forty years of worldly affairs and human vicissitudes, he couldn’t suppress his emotions. He knelt before Wei Zhao, choking up.

Wei Zhao didn’t help him up, speaking calmly: “Fourth Uncle, please rise. I have something to tell you.”

“Yes.” Chunyu Li slowly stood, suddenly feeling a surge of hatred for his Third Senior Brother. Remembering the joyful times following the Eldest Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister, he no longer dared to look at the person beside him.

Wei Zhao’s expression was solemn: “Fourth Uncle, when matters here are settled, I order you to return to Yueluo, assist the Sect Leader and Clan Leader, and revitalize Yueluo.”

“Sect Leader?!”

“It’s Su Jun,” Wei Zhao said. “The one wearing a mask and leading our people in Mount Yueluo now is Su Jun.”

Chunyu Li vaguely remembered the two brothers he and his senior had rescued from the fire years ago. He nodded, “Only this way could you operate freely here, Sect Leader.”

Wei Zhao continued: “Fourth Uncle, though Su Jun is clever, he’s somewhat impetuous. Uncle Ping is loyal but lacks great talent. He can only keep Su Jun from making mistakes, but can’t govern effectively. Only you, Fourth Uncle, have the talent to govern. Yueluo’s revival rests entirely on your shoulders.” He bowed deeply to Chunyu Li.

Chunyu Li hurriedly supported him, kneeling again: “Sect Leader, you are Yueluo’s—”

“No, Fourth Uncle,” Wei Zhao helped him up. “I… cannot leave here.”

Chunyu Li, full of questions, couldn’t help but ask: “Sect Leader, there’s one thing I don’t understand.”


“Why is the Sect Leader helping Pei Yan?”

Wei Zhao was silent for a moment before replying: “It’s not that I want to help him, but circumstances compel me. It’s a choice made after careful consideration.”

“Please enlighten me, Sect Leader.”

“Back then, Pei Yan, seeking to check the Huan Kingdom and allow Young Master Pei to expand his influence in Dingyou, signed an agreement with Huan to divide our Yueluo in two. I was forced to prematurely push Bo Yunshan into rebellion, throwing the realm into chaos. Originally, I hoped to plunge Hua and Huan into turmoil, giving Yueluo a chance to establish its state, free from oppression and enslavement. But now, I see I thought too simply.”

Chunyu Li was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: “Yes, our Yueluo has been weak for many years, poor in resources, lacking in military strength, and our people are not united. In the current chaos, no matter who emerges victorious, Yueluo would struggle to contend with them.”

“Indeed.” Wei Zhao nodded slightly, his eyes showing faint weariness. “At the Battle of Luofeng Shoal, I watched thousands of our people die before my eyes. Sixth Uncle fell on the battlefield. I realized that if we insisted on establishing our state, how many more ghosts would haunt Mount Yueluo?”

Chunyu Li felt a pang of sorrow, turning to gaze at the drifting clouds, his brow darkening.

“Since we cannot establish our state, we can only seek protection from a powerful force to maintain peace temporarily. During this period of peace, we can strengthen our nation and enrich our people. When we’re strong enough, we can talk about independence again.”

“So, the Sect Leader chose Pei Yan?”

“Pei Yan is cunning. He guessed my true identity from the Yao Dingbang affair and has grasped our pieces distributed among various forces, including you, Fourth Uncle. If I don’t cooperate with him, our years of careful planning would be uprooted, and our people would suffer. After careful consideration, among all forces, he’s the most suitable. Pei Yan has the ambition to bring peace and prosperity to the realm. Only he won’t force our Yueluo to offer male concubines. Moreover, his methods are firm, his talents exceptional, and his character resolute. He can achieve great things. So, I can only cooperate with him to resist our enemies by extorting him to write a decree allowing Yueluo to become an independent vassal state, free from enslavement.”

“But Pei Yan is crafty and treacherous. He may not be trustworthy.”

Wei Zhao laughed coldly: “That’s why I must stay in Hua Dynasty to watch him. If he seizes power, I’ll help him. The further he goes down this path, the deeper he sinks, and the more leverage I’ll have over him. Besides, he needs my help to control the northern half of the Hua Dynasty. While he openly seizes power, I’ll be plotting in the shadows. There will always be ways to coerce him.”

Chunyu Li hesitated repeatedly, finally suppressing his last question. He looked at Wei Zhao, his gaze full of tenderness. Seeing Wei Zhao’s white robe slightly wrinkled, he reached out to smooth it gently, calling softly, “Wuxia.”

Wei Zhao turned away, gazing motionlessly at the lush green mountains.

Chunyu Li felt uneasy, hesitantly saying, “Wuxia, if… please come back soon.”

A faint smile appeared on Wei Zhao’s face as he calmly said, “Xiao Li.”

“At your service.” Chunyu Li’s expression turned solemn as he knelt on one knee.

Wei Zhao’s voice was unwavering: “When you return, kill Wuya.”


“Though the Clan Leader is young, he’s very intelligent. Have Su Jun take him as a disciple, with you overseeing the government. I hope that in a dozen years or so, Yueluo will produce a talent capable of contending with Pei Yan and Yu Wenjinglun!”

“I will faithfully follow the Sect Leader’s orders, ready to brave fire and water without hesitation!”

Wei Zhao looked down at Chunyu Li, emphasizing each word: “Also, as long as I don’t return to Yueluo, Su Jun remains the Sect Leader. Your task is to assist him and the Clan Leader. Do. You. Understand?”

Chunyu Li felt a dull pain in his heart and remained silent.

Wei Zhao squinted at him. Though Chunyu Li didn’t raise his head, he felt the immense pressure of that gaze, so heavy it left him breathless. Finally, he prostrated himself: “Yes, Sect Leader.”

Wei Zhao bent to help him up. Chunyu Li grasped his cold hands, his emotions turbulent. Suppressing them, he took out a small booklet from his robe and presented it to Wei Zhao: “Sect Leader, this contains the list of people I’ve planted throughout the Northwest over the years, as well as records of Bo the traitor’s bribes to court officials.”

They turned to enter the cave and both froze.

Before the stone niche, Jiang Ci knelt on the ground, holding A Liu’s body to her chest, using a cloth dampened with spring water to wipe the blood and wounds from his body.

Her movements were extremely gentle. Wei Zhao and Chunyu Li stood silently, watching as Jiang Ci cleaned A Liu’s upper body and dressed him in his upper garment.

Jiang Ci wanted to tie A Liu’s disheveled hair, but his body was nearly stiff. She could only lay him flat on the ground, which was inconvenient. Wei Zhao strode over, cradling A Liu to his chest. Jiang Ci tore off a strip of her clothes and, using her fingers as a comb, gently smoothed and tied A Liu’s black hair.

She lightly stroked A Liu’s cold forehead, then looked up at Wei Zhao, her eyes full of pleading. Wei Zhao shook his head slightly, but Jiang Ci continued to gaze at him imploringly.

They looked at each other for a long time before Wei Zhao’s expression finally softened slightly. He lifted A Liu and handed him to Chunyu Li. After a moment’s hesitation, he said, “Take A Yuan with you. Bring A Liu’s ashes back and enshrine them in the Starlight Moon Cave. But don’t tell his family the truth. Just say the Sect Leader assigned him a task and he can’t return for now.”

By now, the sun was setting. Golden twilight streamed into the cave, casting Wei Zhao’s figure at the entrance in a layer of brilliant color.

Jiang Ci slowly walked over, standing shoulder to shoulder-with Wei Zhao. They watched Chunyu Li carry A Liu away, disappearing into the sunset. Jiang Ci said softly, “He was so foolish.”

Wei Zhao remained silent. Jiang Ci sighed gently: “His loved ones would revere and protect him if they could, how could they possibly—”

The wind rustled the shrubs in front of them, and a ray of sunset light illuminated Wei Zhao’s face with a golden glow. He suddenly stepped forward, heading towards the mountain peak.

Jiang Ci hurriedly followed. In the wild, thorny mountain, Wei Zhao’s white robe shimmered with a pale golden light in the setting sun. His tall figure moved further away through the shrubs, and Jiang Ci had to muster all her strength to barely keep up.

In the last gleam of twilight, Wei Zhao stood atop a giant rock on the mountain peak. With his hands behind his back, he gazed towards the western horizon, silently watching the sun slowly sink behind distant mountains, and the night quietly envelop the wilderness.

Jiang Ci stood beside the rock, quietly watching as the dusk surrounded Wei Zhao’s silhouette, seeing the last ray of light gently outline his handsome profile before swiftly fading, allowing darkness to dominate the vast land.

The mountain wind blew fiercely as the night deepened.

Wei Zhao remained motionless, his white robe rustling in the wind. Jiang Ci could no longer see his face clearly, but she could sense the coldness emanating from his body.

She silently took out a fire starter, gathered some dry branches, and lit a small campfire behind the large rock.

Wei Zhao took one last look at the western night sky, slowly closed his eyes, turned around, and jumped down. He leaned against the large rock and sat down by the campfire.

Jiang Ci untied the water pouch from her waist and handed it to Wei Zhao. He looked up at her, the firelight dancing in his eyes. He took the pouch, drank a sip, and then closed his eyes again, concealing the light in his gaze.

Jiang Ci continued to gather dry branches, while Wei Zhao just rested against the rock, never speaking a word.

As the night wind grew stronger, Jiang Ci tended to the campfire. Lowering her head, she noticed a long tear in Wei Zhao’s white robe caused by thorns. She reached into the side pouch at her waist belt and found a needle and thread.

She moved closer, sitting beside Wei Zhao, and gently lifted the hem of his white robe, quietly mending it.

Wei Zhao remained motionless. After a while, he opened his eyes, his phoenix-like eyes narrowing slightly as he gazed at Jiang Ci’s side profile. Her round and delicate features made his thoughts wander, yet he couldn’t look away.

Jiang Ci lowered her head, bit off the thread, and smiled, “Third Young Master, I’ve washed that robe of yours. You can change when we go down the mountain. This will have to do for tonight.”

She looked up, her eyes meeting Wei Zhao’s. Time seemed to stand still. The mountain night was so quiet that one could hear the intense heartbeats and breaths. The campfire was so dim that she couldn’t see Wei Zhao’s face clearly for a moment, only noticing his lips move slightly, though he didn’t utter a word.

They gazed at each other for a long time as the campfire slowly died out.

Jiang Ci came to her senses and hurriedly turned to rekindle the fire. Wei Zhao suddenly spoke, “No need.”

Jiang Ci turned back, but Wei Zhao said no more. He took out a bamboo flute from his bosom, held it in his palm for a moment, closed his eyes, and began to play.

In the night, the flute’s sorrowful melody intertwined with the howling mountain wind, wrapping around Jiang Ci’s heart. She stared blankly as the campfire completely died out, watching the embers turn from golden-red to gray.

After an unknown time, the flute’s melody suddenly turned mournful. The familiar tune gradually moistened Jiang Ci’s eyes, and she softly sang along with the flute.

“The sun sets in the west, the moon rises in the east,

Long winds blow fiercely, the moon like a hook;

The Phoenix is drawn to the parasol tree, the moon half-bright,

Dark clouds cover the sky, the moon half-dim;

In jade halls and jasper towers, the heavenly moon is full,

Ripples rise on clear waters, and the earthly moon wanes;

The bright moon shines upon my shadow,

Facing my lonely shadow, I sigh with sorrow;

The round moon reflects in my heart,

Drifting with white clouds, hard to return;

The crescent moon illuminates ten thousand miles,

Thousands weep, longing for their homeland.”

Her voice gradually choked up. When she sang “Drifting with white clouds, hard to return,” she thought of Deng Village, which she could never return to, and of the man before her who could only stand on the rock and gaze at his distant homeland. Tears streamed down her face, and she sobbed uncontrollably. The flute paused for a moment, waiting for her to start again before softly accompanying her.

The flute played intermittently throughout the night until the crescent moon disappeared into the western sky and the morning star appeared. Only then did Wei Zhao put down his flute and slowly stand up.

Jiang Ci looked up at him. He turned his head and slowly extended his right hand. Jiang Ci gazed at his bright eyes, seeing them filled with gentleness. After a moment of silence, she finally reached out her left hand and gently placed it in his palm.

Wei Zhao’s long fingers closed softly, holding her hand, and led her down the mountain. As dawn broke, the two walked southward, neither uttering a word.

The thunderous sound of hooves shattered the dawn’s tranquility. The Changfeng Cavalry guarding Niubi Mountain were startled out of their tents by the sound. Soon, someone cheered, “The Marquis has returned!”

The military camp instantly erupted in excitement. The soldiers lined up in formation, their admiring gazes fixed on the figure in a purple robe and silver armor riding a black stallion, approaching gradually. Seeing the figure in a white robe and silver armor riding alongside him, with the Changfeng Cavalry following behind, the soldiers erupted in cheers.

Pei Yan reined in his stallion and laughed heartily, “Well done, brothers!”

“Welcome back, Marquis!” the Changfeng Cavalry shouted in unison. The unified voices of over ten thousand men shook even the green pines at the edge of the camp.

The morning breeze caressed his face, and Pei Yan felt invigorated. He leaped off his horse, tossed the riding crop to a Changfeng Guard, and walked towards the central command tent, saying with a smile, “We’ve finally taken that tough nut Boyu Mountain. With Tong Min in Longzhou, Boyu Mountain’s son being a pushover, and the false emperor not worth worrying about, Boyu Mountain’s escape alone won’t amount to much. If we press on and drive Yu Wen Jinglun back to the Huan Kingdom, we’ll soon have the world under our control.”

Ning Jianyu, infected by Pei Yan’s satisfaction, laughed, “It’s laughable that Boyu Mountain schemed for years, only to be defeated by the Marquis in a single battle. Though the Huan army is fierce, they’re no match for our Changfeng Cavalry.”

“Indeed, the Huan army may be strong, but their strength lies only in their cavalry. These barbarians are known for their reckless bravery. With Ziming on our side, we’ll surely outwit Yu Wen Jinglun with clever strategies,” Pei Yan said, turning to Cui Liang with a smile.

Cui Liang smiled slightly but didn’t respond.

“Pass down the order: rest for one hour, then the army will set out to reinforce Qingmao Valley!” Pei Yan said after a moment’s thought.

Chen An hurried to relay the military order. Zhou Mi of the Changfeng Guard approached and whispered a few words in Pei Yan’s ear. Pei Yan’s expression changed slightly, his smile gradually fading. After a while, he asked, “Wei Daren hasn’t returned either?”

“No. When Guangming Bureau’s Song Daren was carried back, he only said he was ambushed and couldn’t see the attacker.”

Pei Yan clasped his hands, his brows furrowing slightly. After another moment of silence, he said, “Come, take me there to have a look.” He then turned to Ning Jianyu: “Prepare for the camp to move out. I’ll be back shortly.”

Zhou Mi led Pei Yan northward. Just as they passed through a grove, they saw two figures leisurely descending from the northern mountains, drawing closer.

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