HomeLove of NirvanaChapter 95: Meeting at the Bridge

Chapter 95: Meeting at the Bridge

Jiang Ci could hardly believe her ears, but she didn’t ask, only looking at Pei Yan with a questioning gaze.

Pei Yan smiled slightly and said, “Your senior sister disciple is in the Huan army. Tomorrow at Chen time (7-9 am), she will accompany her father to Zhen Bo Bridge to meet with you.”

Seeing that Pei Yan’s expression and tone didn’t seem to be false, Jiang Ci beamed with joy, “Really?!”

Pei Yan’s gaze lingered on her face for a long while before he softly said, “Xiao Ci.”

Jiang Ci sensed something strange about him and unconsciously took a small step back. Pei Yan hesitated for a moment but still recounted the events of that day when he had forcibly taken Yan Shuang Qiao to coerce Yi Han.

Jiang Ci listened silently to Pei Yan’s account, feeling a twinge of sorrow. So her senior sister was actually—

The tent fell silent. Pei Yan looked at Jiang Ci with a faint smile. Jiang Ci opened her mouth but didn’t know what to say. After a moment, she looked directly at Pei Yan and calmly said, “Thank you, Lord Pei, for allowing me to meet with my senior sister.”

Pei Yan tapped lightly on the desk and said, “Tomorrow, try to persuade your senior sister to return with Ming Fei.” He added in a gentle voice, “Tell your senior sister that as long as Ming Fei is willing to return, I’ll let bygones be bygones. Both you and your senior sister can stay in my army.”

Jiang Ci didn’t respond. She bowed to him and left the main tent.

Pei Yan watched her leave, his smile slowly fading as he sank into deep thought. After a long while, he called out, “An Chen!”

The Chang Feng Guard outside the tent hesitated for a moment before responding, “—Marquis.”

Pei Yan was startled for a moment. “Oh, it’s An Lu. Come in for a moment.”

An Lu entered the tent, and Pei Yan asked, “I had An Chen investigate Ming Fei’s background, but he never reported back. Do you know anything about this?”

An Lu quickly replied, “I do, my lord. Brother An assigned Zhu Ding to investigate. Zhu Ding reported that he couldn’t find anything, so Brother An told him to continue the investigation. He intended to report to you once he found something.”

Pei Yan nodded. “An Chen is gone now. From now on, you’ll be in charge of the secret guard. For now, manage the rest, and later hand it over to Tong Min.”

An Lu immediately knelt on one knee. “I obey, my lord!”

Jiang Ci returned to the medical tent with a troubled mind, busy until nightfall before returning to her tent.

“Xiao Ci,” Cui Liang called from outside the tent.

Jiang Ci quickly ran out. “Brother Cui.”

The fields beside the camp emitted waves of grassy fragrance, with frog croaks echoing back and forth. If not for the endless tents and bright lights of the camp behind her, Jiang Ci might have thought she was back in the distant Deng Family Village.

Cui Liang turned to face Jiang Ci. “Xiao Ci.”


“Tomorrow, you should leave with your senior sister.”

Jiang Ci smiled and shook her head.

Cui Liang sighed softly and reached out to adjust her military cap. “Xiao Ci, I know you want to learn medicine and save people, but this is not the place for you.” He paused before continuing, “Xiao Ci, I think of you as my little sister. I want you to be safe and marry an honest, kind man, not—”

Jiang Ci’s cheeks flushed slightly. “Brother Cui, I—”

The night wind caused the grass to sway gently. Jiang Ci plucked a blade of grass and twirled it between her fingers. Cui Liang looked at her profile and spoke tenderly, “Xiao Ci, is there someone in your heart?”

Jiang Ci was startled, and the grass blade suddenly snapped between her fingers. She didn’t dare look at Cui Liang and lowered her head.

“Xiao Ci,” Cui Liang’s voice was low and serious. “I don’t care who this person in your heart is, but none of them are suitable for you. No matter who you end up with, you’ll face many hardships and even danger. You mustn’t get trapped in this quagmire. Tomorrow, you should leave the battlefield with your senior sister. After some time, you’ll naturally forget him and find an honest, simple man to live a peaceful life with.”

Jiang Ci shook her head slightly, her cheeks reddening further.

“Xiao Ci, please listen to Brother Cui’s advice this time.”

In the distance, the signal fire flashed three times. Cui Liang stood up. “I need to go to the bridge. Xiao Ci, think about it carefully tonight.”

The sky was dotted with stars, and a gentle night breeze blew.

Jiang Ci walked silently through the fields. In the darkness, she could faintly see clusters of wildflowers blooming on the plain. White flowers swayed in the wind, their delicate stems seeming about to break, yet stubbornly standing tall again and again, releasing a rich fragrance in the wind.

Jiang Ci bent down and gently touched the delicate petals, whispering, “What should I do?”

A gust of wind blew, causing the wildflowers to tremble. Jiang Ci straightened up, stood silently for a long while, then turned and walked back towards the military camp.

In Wei Zhao’s tent, a dim yellow candlelight still flickered, and Zong Sheng was still on duty outside. Jiang Ci stood in the darkness, gazing at the vague figure inside the tent until the light went out. Only then did she turn and leave.

The summer sun broke through the clouds early. At the beginning of Chen’s time, the sunlight dazzled on the Hexi Plain, with rising heat.

Although both armies had agreed to a ceasefire at Chen time and withdrew their main forces from Zhen Bo Bridge, Pei Yan, after consulting with Cui Liang, still made preparations in case of a surprise attack by the Huan army. If anything were to happen on the bridge, the Chang Feng cavalry could quickly respond and prevent the Huan army from crossing the Hexi Canal.

With all arrangements in place, Cui Liang bowed to Pei Yan. Pei Yan nodded, then exchanged a smile with Wei Zhao. His gaze swept over Jiang Ci beside them, lingering on her face for a moment. He nodded slightly to her, his eyes carrying a hint of a smile.

The three turned to leave. Pei Yan stood with his hands behind his back in front of the central military tent, watching the three walk towards Zhen Bo Bridge, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Ning Jian Yu glanced at his expression and couldn’t help saying, “Marquis, are you not worried—”

Pei Yan smiled. “Trust those you use, don’t use those you don’t trust. Jian Yu, you’ve spent some time with Zi Ming and should understand his character. At this critical moment for our country, with the people suffering, he would never abandon us.”

Ning Jian Yu nodded, the sunlight falling on him, his smile brighter than the sun. “The Marquis is excellent at judging people. If Zi Ming can persuade that person to leave, our battle will be much easier. Even if he can’t persuade him to leave, at least it will put a thorn in Yu Wen Jinglun’s heart!”

Pei Yan laughed heartily and patted Ning Jian Yu’s shoulder. “That boy is also a thorn in our hearts. This time, we must pull it out thoroughly!”

Ning Jian Yu asked excitedly, “When does the Marquis plan to counterattack?”

Jiang Ci followed behind Cui Liang, occasionally glancing at Wei Zhao before quickly looking away.

Wei Zhao walked slowly, his lips suddenly moving slightly: “You should leave.”

Jiang Ci heard clearly, and seeing that Cui Liang did not react, she knew Wei Zhao was using “Sound Binding” to speak to her. Her heart trembled, and she turned her head away.

Wei Zhao’s cool voice still reached her ears: “Go with your senior sister. Don’t stay here anymore. This is not a place for you.”

Jiang Ci turned to look at him, her mouth opening and closing, her eyes misting over. Wei Zhao glanced at her, a hint of sadness seeming to flash in his eyes. Finally, he looked straight ahead, walking at a relaxed pace, saying nothing more.

Cui Liang, dressed in blue robes, smiled casually and turned to Wei Zhao, saying, “Thank you for your trouble, Lord Wei.”

“You’re too kind, Top Scholar Cui,” Wei Zhao replied with a faint smile.

“Please, Lord Wei, call me Zi Ming,” Cui Liang said with a smile. “As the commander-in-chief, the Marquis can’t appear in person, and only you, Lord Wei, can match Yi Han. I feel ashamed to trouble you with protecting me for my sect’s affairs.”

“Zi Ming is a rare talent of our time, bearing the weight of the world’s safety. I must do my best,” Wei Zhao replied.

Cui Liang and Wei Zhao exchanged smiles, then both looked at Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci looked at the two of them and smiled brightly. Under the beautiful sun, the three walked side by side towards Zhen Bo Bridge.

Zhen Bo Bridge was a stone bridge, with clear blue water flowing beneath it and green trees shading its approaches. However, faint traces of blood could be seen in the stone crevices and on the blue stones, testifying that this place had once been a battlefield. The flowing water beneath the bridge moved slowly as if trying to quietly wash away the bloody and murderous atmosphere.

Both banks of the Hexi Canal were so quiet that it was hard to believe they housed an army of over a hundred thousand. Under the bright sunlight, Zhen Bo Bridge also gleamed, unlike a place of slaughter. The character “Zhen Bo” carved on the bridge body was upright and solemn, silently watching the three approaches.

Cui Liang stopped leisurely at the bridgehead, slowly raising his eyes to look toward the opposite bank.

On the north side of the bridge, three figures approached steadily. Jiang Ci watched the graceful figure draw nearer, tears welling up in her eyes as she rushed onto the bridge.

“Xiao Ci!” Yan Shuang Qiao, unable to control her excitement, ran onto the bridge and tightly embraced the rushing Jiang Ci. Jiang Ci wanted to call out “Senior Sister,” but couldn’t make a sound. She just hugged her, tears flowing freely.

Yan Shuang Qiao’s tears fell in strings onto Jiang Ci’s shoulder. Jiang Ci finally choked out, “Senior Sister, I’m sorry.”

Yan Shuang Qiao was also too choked up to speak, only gently patting Jiang Ci’s back. Jiang Ci knew this wasn’t the time for detailed explanations. She slowly calmed her emotions, heard footsteps approaching, wiped away her tears, held Yan Shuang Qiao’s hand, and moved to the side.

Yi Han approached, his figure as steady as a mountain, stopping three steps from the center of the bridge.

Wei Zhao wore a faint smile, his hands behind his back, also stopping three steps from the center. His gaze swept over Yi Han’s side, causing Yi Han’s pupils to contract slightly before quickly returning to normal.

After the two had taken their positions, Cui Liang, with a calm expression, slowly walked onto the bridge. His gaze met that of Teng Rui, who was wearing a light gray robe. Cui Liang bowed deeply, “Cui Liang pays his respects to Uncle Master!”

Teng Rui smiled and stepped forward to help Cui Liang up. His gaze fixed on a jade pendant at Cui Liang’s waist, a hint of sadness flashing in his eyes. His expression gradually turned somber as he stepped back and bowed deeply, “Teng Yi greets the Sect Leader!”

Cui Liang calmly accepted his bow. After Teng Rui straightened up, Cui Liang smiled and said, “Uncle Master’s demeanor is as impressive as ever. Cui Liang has long admired you.”

Teng Rui was slightly taken aback. Cui Liang sighed and said, “After Uncle Master left the mountain, Master missed you day and night. He even painted several portraits of you during your training days. Cui Liang entered Tian Xuan Pavilion at the age of three, and for over ten years, I saw Master gazing at those paintings, thinking of you. It was truly—”

Teng Rui’s expression darkened. Cui Liang took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Teng Rui with both hands. “Cui Liang painted this from memory. It can’t compare to Master’s skill.”

Teng Rui glanced at Cui Liang and slowly unrolled the scroll. In the painting, amidst green mountains and under an ancient pine tree, a young man in blue robes sat playing a flute. A youth in purple robes, holding a book, seemed captivated by the flute’s melody, gazing at the blue-robed young man with admiration.

Teng Rui’s hand holding the scroll trembled slightly. He looked up at Cui Liang again. “Your Master, he—”

Sorrow welled up in Cui Liang’s brow as he clasped his hands and replied, “Master passed away on the winter solstice four years ago.”

Teng Rui’s breath caught for a moment. He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they glistened with tears. Suddenly, he recited in a low voice:

“Treading the path, catching the scent, I ride my horse home,

Singing one song, drinking one cup of wine.

The mountain road I came from, swallows fly in pairs.

Riding the wind through the night,

The flute’s melody was slow, all traces of sound gone.

Rain beats on fallen petals, waking from drunkenness only to be intoxicated again,

Past events are all forgotten.

Looking back, I see only the tears of those left behind.

At parting, we regret how short our time together was,

Who will share with me the moon over a thousand mountains?”

Cui Liang took out a jade flute from his sleeve. The flute’s melody, winding and turning, accompanied Teng Rui’s “Jiang Cheng Zi” poem, like a distant reminiscence, full of long-held loneliness.

Teng Rui’s gaze turned towards the southern horizon, where the sky was clear and brilliantly blue. Once as close as brothers, now separated by life and death. His heart stirred with emotion as his chanting gradually grew more impassioned. Cui Liang’s flute melody also rose, turning thrice at the high notes, as delicate as gossamer, yet perfectly complementing Teng Rui’s chant. As Teng Rui finished, the flute’s ethereal notes lingered, gently fading away with the last wisp of sound.

Teng Rui praised thrice: “Excellent, excellent, excellent!”

“Uncle Master overpraises me,” Cui Liang bowed slightly.

“It seems your master has passed on all his exceptional skills to you,” Teng Rui said warmly.

“Cui Liang is dull-witted and has only learned the superficial aspects. However, I often heard my master speak of Uncle Master’s extraordinary talent, able to fully comprehend and integrate all the sect’s supreme skills,” Cui Liang replied respectfully.

Teng Rui smiled faintly: “You’re as modest as your master. The ‘Sun-Shooting Bow’ is your masterpiece, isn’t it? Your master never liked researching such dangerous weapons.”

Cui Liang smiled at Teng Rui, but his eyes held an unyielding sharpness: “Dangerous weapons, when used appropriately, can also be instruments of salvation for the masses.”

A hint of a smile played on Teng Rui’s lips as he walked to the bridge railing. Cui Liang approached, standing beside him.

Teng Rui’s gaze slowly swept across both banks of the Hexi Canal, and he asked gently, “May I ask how the Sect Leader prefers to be addressed?”

“I wouldn’t dare. Uncle Master can call me Ziming.”

“Ziming,” Teng Rui sighed softly. “You’re a sensible person. Since I’ve already entered the Huan Kingdom, I naturally won’t abide by Tianxuan Sect’s rules anymore. Today, let’s just reminisce and not discuss sect regulations.”

Cui Liang clasped his hands behind his back and smiled, “Cui Liang didn’t come today to constrain Uncle Master with sect rules. I only wish to ask Uncle Master to remember his original aspiration when joining Tianxuan Sect, to consider the common people, and to leave Yu Wen Jinglun.”

Teng Rui chuckled, “I’ve never forgotten my aspiration when joining Tianxuan Sect, not even for a moment. As for assisting the Prince, it’s precisely out of concern for the common people that I made this well-considered choice.” He slowly rolled up the portrait in his hand and returned it to Cui Liang.

Cui Liang’s eyes dimmed slightly as he took the portrait and unrolled it again. He sighed, “Master often said that Uncle Master had great ambitions since childhood, wanting to use Tianxuan’s supreme skills to benefit the people. He never imagined Uncle Master would join the Huan Kingdom.”

“Ziming,” Teng Rui said, “Although your master is aloof from worldly affairs, he’s certainly not a pedantic person. That’s why I believe you won’t blindly adhere to conventions either.”

“Uncle Master is right. Rigid rules constrain people and go against their instincts. Just like Yu Wen Jinglun, who tries to forcibly change the world’s trends, bringing heavy disasters to the people, and is bound to fail,” Cui Liang said, tucking the portrait back into his sleeve and looking directly at Teng Rui.

“On the contrary. The long-standing conflict between North and South, moving from prolonged division towards unification, is the inevitable trend,” Teng Rui calmly replied. “Ziming, your Uncle Master has traveled the world these years, observing worldly affairs, and sees things more clearly than you. The Hua Dynasty’s national power is waning daily, and its court customs are corrupt. Emperor Cheng is sinister, and only skilled in power games. Noble families control the court, abusing their power for personal gain. Scholars from humble backgrounds have no way to serve the country, and the common people suffer unbearably. It’s truly time for reform.

“In contrast, the Huan Kingdom, with the hardy and valiant folk customs of the northern nomads, has also absorbed the essence of southern Confucian learning. In recent years, they’ve been diligently governing and strengthening the nation, forming a stark contrast to the Southern decay and extravagance. Unifying the world is truly the will of Heaven.”

Cui Liang shook his head slightly: “Uncle Master, regarding the world’s situation, Master analyzed it in detail before his death and instructed me to convey his thoughts to you if I ever had the chance to meet you.”

“Oh?” Teng Rui turned his head towards Cui Liang. “What were your master’s views?”

Cui Liang replied respectfully, “Master said that throughout history, the rise and fall of dynasties depends on following the trends. Heaven’s will cannot be defied, and the people’s hearts cannot be violated. The common people desire peaceful and stable lives. If war is rashly launched to end the North-South standoff, the result might be counterproductive.”

Teng Rui smiled, “Your master stayed in the mountains too long and doesn’t understand the world’s situation. It’s not surprising he would say such things.”

“No, Uncle Master,” Cui Liang’s face showed a hint of sadness. “After you left the mountain, Master traveled the world for years searching for you. It was on this journey that he took me as his disciple. Over these past ten years and more, Master came down from the mountain several times, seeking you.”

Teng Rui was stunned, a trace of guilt creeping into his brow.

Cui Liang continued, “Master said that your view of ethnic integration leading to world unification and prosperity for all wasn’t wrong. He held no ethnic prejudices either, but he believed that given the current situation, ethnic integration and world unification could only happen naturally, not hastily.”

Teng Rui smiled, “Times have changed. Now, with the Hua Dynasty in turmoil, Yue Fan declaring independence, and Yue Luo showing signs of rebellion, it’s the perfect opportunity for the Huan Kingdom to unify the North and South, ending the world’s division.”

“Wrong, Uncle Master,” Cui Liang’s tone grew stern. “For the past two years, I’ve been serving in various court departments and have a good understanding of the Hua Dynasty’s situation. Although there’s unrest, it’s not chaos. The Bo Yun Army’s rebellion has been quelled, and Yue Fan is blocked by Nanzhao Mountain. As for Yue Luo, this tribe has long been oppressed, so their rebellious intentions are natural, but they only seek to escape enslavement, not invade the East. For the Huan army to try to take advantage of this unrest and annex the Hua Dynasty is a pipe dream!” Cui Liang’s words grew harsher, and Jiang Ci, listening nearby, noticed an unusual edge in his voice, even becoming somewhat confrontational.

Teng Rui remained unperturbed, smiling slightly, “Ziming says we’re dreaming, but currently, our army has advanced to this Hexi Canal, and many northern prefectures of the Hua Dynasty have fallen into our hands. Pei Yan’s newly defeated army is hardly worth mentioning in terms of bravery! I believe taking down the Changfeng Cavalry and capturing the capital is just a matter of time.”

Cui Liang laughed loudly, “Uncle Master, you underestimate the Hua Dynasty too much. Even if Pei Yan suffered a minor defeat, or even if the Changfeng Cavalry were to be utterly defeated, the Hua Dynasty still could fight. After you took Hexi Prefecture, you must have seen the resistance from the Gao clan. The deeper you penetrate, the more fierce resistance you’ll encounter. Do you intend for Yu Wen Jinglun to slaughter all the Hua Dynasty’s people?”

His gaze intense, he stepped forward, pointing to the fields on both sides of the Hexi Canal: “Uncle Master, look. If not for the Huan army’s invasion, these thousands of miles of fertile land would have yielded a bountiful harvest this year, and the people would have been prosperous. But because of the Huan army’s attack, the people are now homeless. These people have worked hard for years just to make a living, and the one who destroyed their modest hopes is none other than you, Uncle Master!”

Teng Rui’s breath caught slightly, and he turned away, gazing at the vast fields. He slowly said, “Your compassion for the people is just like your master’s.”

Cui Liang stared intently at Teng Rui’s profile, speaking with utmost sincerity: “Uncle Master, when Master mentioned you, he always said you were a righteous person. So why, Uncle Master, do you personally cause such bloodshed? Why do you help Yu Wen Jinglun start this earth-shattering war?!”

The wind lifted Teng Rui’s headdress and hair ties. Cui Liang suddenly recalled the purple-robed youth in the painting and his master’s words from the past. His heart filled with melancholy, and his pain was evident in his expression.

Sunlight spread across the Hexi Canal, creating a shimmering surface. Wei Zhao stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze fixed thoughtfully on Cui Liang’s face.

Teng Rui lowered his head, looking at the clear green canal water. After a long while, he said, “Ziming, you’re wrong. It’s not that I want to cause such bloodshed. Even if I don’t help the Prince, this war is inevitable. Only by helping the Prince take over the Hua Dynasty quickly can we bring about stability sooner. The great peace after great chaos can come earlier.

“The Prince is both literary and martial, a heaven-sent talent with great ambitions to govern the world and benefit the people since childhood. I chose to assist him, hoping to first unify the North and South, end the world’s division, and then promote benevolent governance to allow people to live and work in peace and contentment.

“I have never forgotten my original aspiration when I joined Tianxuan Hall to learn skills, and I’ve always hoped to help the Prince create a golden age. My mind is made up, Ziming. There’s no need to try to persuade me further.”

An osprey flew by, seemingly unaware that the Hexi Canal was a battlefield. It hopped along the shore, then plunged into the water, creating a splash of white foam as it emerged with a large fish in its beak.

Cui Liang watched the osprey silently for a long time, then suddenly said, “Uncle Master, look.”

Teng Rui, puzzled, followed his gaze to the osprey.

Cui Liang’s voice grew clearer, “The osprey feeds on fish, but ultimately is used by fishermen as a tool for catching fish. This shows the cycle of nature. Sometimes we think our wishes can be fulfilled, but in the end, we’re just unknowingly working for others’ benefit.”

Teng Rui pondered for a moment, understanding his meaning. He spoke calmly, “The world doesn’t belong to one person alone; only the capable can rule it. Currently, the Hua Dynasty’s government is corrupt, and the people’s resentment runs deep. The Huan Kingdom replacing it is merely following the will of Heaven. At present, no force capable of rivaling the Huan Kingdom is in sight.”

“No, Uncle Master,” Cui Liang replied. “Although the Hua Dynasty’s internal affairs are not clean, its foundation still exists. The various internal factions may struggle for power, but it’s precisely these forces that maintain a delicate balance, keeping the world stable. Once this balance is broken, without a strong enough force to resolve the conflicts, the consequences are unimaginable. Currently, it seems no faction has such strength.

“Looking at the Huan Kingdom, although militarily strong, its nobles abuse their power recklessly. The emperor wishes to promote Confucian learning but faces great resistance. Yu Wen Jinglun is indeed a heaven-sent talent but has always been restricted by his status as the second prince, unable to fully display his abilities. If he doesn’t seize power, he’ll just remain a prince, eventually dying in the internal power struggles. If he does seize power, he’ll struggle to appease all factions, leaving endless troubles. With internal strife unresolved, how can they hope to replace the South and unify the world?!

“Master said that all things in the world follow natural laws; people can only act by Heaven’s will. The unification of the world is the same, and ethnic integration needs to happen gradually. If human force is used to stir up conflict in the world, it will only lead to widespread suffering and intensified contradictions. Then, with continuous warfare and disasters, chaos will arise, and various forces will join in. The situation may become uncontrollable even for you, Uncle Master, and might even continue for hundreds of years, leaving troubles for future generations.”

Teng Rui smiled lightly, seemingly unconvinced. “Is it as serious as Zi Ming says?”

Cui Liang let out a cold laugh. “Has the Master Uncle forgotten the ‘Chaos of the Seven Kingdoms’ from five hundred years ago?!”

Teng Rui furrowed his brows slightly, momentarily at a loss for words. After a long pause, he sighed softly and said, “But without great chaos, how can there be great order?”

Cui Liang slapped his right hand on the stone bridge railing and sighed. “Master Uncle, I fear that heaven does not align with human wishes. If the Huachao Dynasty falls into great chaos now, the Huan army will be unable to control this intricate situation. Moreover, although the Gao clan has been destroyed, there are still the Pei, He, and Jiang clans among the noble families. The Huan Kingdom is ultimately an alien race; how can they make these clans willingly submit? Are they to resort to mass slaughter?”

“Master Uncle knows better than anyone that the Huan army is stretched thin from their long expedition, and their supplies are running low. Although they have captured Hexi, they are now like a strong crossbow at its end. If they were to call for reinforcements from within the country, they would not be the direct troops of Yu Wen Jing Lun. Whether it’s the Huan Crown Prince’s faction or the Wei Ping Wang and Ning Ping Wang, they are all focused on their interests. They are wild and unruly, and they harbor deep dissatisfaction with the Second Prince’s admiration for Huachao culture. After years of warfare, they are accustomed to bloodshed. If they come to aid, it will surely unleash a storm of blood and slaughter. I dare to ask, Master Uncle, is this the scene you wish to see, with rivers running red and chaos reigning?”

“At that time, if Yu Wen Jing Lun fails in his grand ambitions, the world will instead fall into prolonged turmoil. How will Master Uncle face the ancestors of past generations, and how can he speak of saving the common people?!”

Cui Liang spoke passionately, lightly patting the stone railing of the bridge. Wei Zhao couldn’t help but turn his head, just in time to see the sunlight spilling across his features.

His expression held a sense of vastness and openness, yet also a hint of ethereal detachment. As the sunlight illuminated him, his usual warmth and humility quietly faded, replaced by an air of elegance akin to a suspended star. Wei Zhao felt a stir in his heart, falling into deep thought.

Jiang Ci had never seen such a side of Cui Liang, and what he said was something she had never heard before. She listened silently, recalling the humiliation of the Yue Luo clan, the tragic scenes of the Niu Bi Mountain battlefield, and the countless arrow wounds on An Cheng’s body, letting out a quiet sigh.

Yan Shuangqiao noticed that Jiang Ci’s hand felt somewhat cold and instinctively held it tighter.

Jiang Ci came to her senses and smiled at Yan Shuangqiao. Yan Shuangqiao gazed at her slightly gaunt face and suddenly realized that she seemed to have grown a few inches taller, no longer the little junior sister who only knew how to act spoiled and mischievous.

Wild grass stretched endlessly, swaying in the summer breeze, and the air was thick with the sharp scent of grass, mingled with the restless energy of countless warhorses.

The white clouds drifted lazily like dogs in the sky. Teng Rui remained silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled. “And you? Since you have such insights, why do you disregard the Master’s orders and join Pei Yan’s army? Is Pei Yan not ambitious, seeking power and profit? Does he not also use the banner of saving the world to pursue his own and his clan’s interests?”

Cui Liang withdrew his hand from the stone railing and sighed lightly. “Indeed. Pei Yan is ambitious and exceptionally clever. There’s no denying that if he were in a prosperous era, he would have the ability to bring peace to the four seas and win the hearts of the people. But unfortunately, he is full of grand aspirations yet lacks strength, just like Yu Wen Jing Lun. Thus, he is pleased to see this chaos unfold.”

“Every tyrant in the world speaks with lofty ideals and righteous words, but in reality, who does not pursue their desires at the expense of the common people? Regardless of rise or fall, it is the common people who suffer. He and Yu Wen Jing Lun are no different.”

“Then why do you still assist him?!” Teng Rui fixed his gaze on Cui Liang.

Cui Liang shook his head slightly, his eyes burning as he stared at Teng Rui. “Master Uncle, a man of honor knows what to do and what not to do. My current assistance to him is not to help him realize his ambitions; I am helping him resist the Huan army and quell the flames of war. What Cui Liang wishes to protect is the life and safety of the common people, not the state of one man or one clan. Pei Yan and his Changfeng Cavalry are now the guardians of the land, fighting bloodily on the battlefield. I would rather shatter my bones than not do my utmost to assist them!”

He gazed toward the distant sky, his tone calm yet powerful. “I, Cui Liang, fear neither praise nor blame but only seek to be true to my heart. If Pei Yan is truly devoted to the people and seeks to end the chaos, I will give my life to him; but if he plays with schemes and power, disregarding the masses, I, Cui Liang, will surely depart!”

On Zhenbo Bridge, there was a profound silence, only the occasional whinny of warhorses from the distant camp could be heard.

Teng Rui stood with his hands clasped behind his back, silently gazing at the drifting clouds.

Wei Zhao squinted at Cui Liang, his gaze deep and contemplative.

Yi Han glanced at Teng Rui, then at Cui Liang, shifting slightly. Wei Zhao’s white robe billowed, and Yi Han smiled faintly, freezing in place. The two sharp gazes met, and they both took a small step back.

Cui Liang’s expression gradually turned solemn. He took two steps back, bowed deeply to Teng Rui, and sincerely said, “Cui Liang earnestly requests Master Uncle to consider the common people and leave Yu Wen Jing Lun. Let the flames of war subside and the world find peace!”

Teng Rui silently looked at Cui Liang’s headscarf, and after a long moment, he also took two steps back and bowed. “The courtesy of the Sect Leader is too much for me. But everyone has their aspirations, and the prince has shown me great kindness. I have also made a heavy vow to assist the prince in unifying the world. I have my ambitions, so I hope the Sect Leader can understand!”

Cui Liang bowed again. “Master Uncle, please think it over!”

Teng Rui stepped aside, avoiding Cui Liang’s deep bow. Cui Liang sighed inwardly and straightened up.

He and Teng Rui exchanged silent glances for a long time before taking out the jade flute he had previously played and presenting it to Teng Rui. “This is a relic of the Master. It once accompanied you to the Tianxuan Pavilion to learn the arts. The Master’s last wish was for me to find you and present this flute. Today, I fulfill the Master’s wish and hope Master Uncle will return to the Tianxuan Sect. I wish to request you to take on the position of Sect Leader.”

Teng Rui did not take it, looking at the flute with a smile. “Learning the arts of literature and martial arts is for the benefit of the emperor’s family. Zi Ming, are you truly willing to grow old in the mountains, letting your vast knowledge go to waste?”

Cui Liang raised his head and replied calmly, “Cui Liang is willing to inherit the supreme skills of the Tianxuan Sect, allowing them to be passed down through generations. Even if I cannot sit high in the court and serve the dynasty, I can still walk the rivers and lakes, healing the sick and saving lives. In the court, I can be a good minister; in the world, I can be a good doctor. A good doctor is not necessarily inferior to a good minister.”

Teng Rui was speechless, silently taking the jade flute. Cui Liang showed a hint of joy, but Teng Rui suddenly played a note on the flute. The sound was filled with a sense of determination and a touch of helplessness. As Cui Liang listened to the tune of “Farewell to Jiangnan,” his eyes gradually dimmed, and he sighed inwardly.

The flute’s sound pierced through the air, and Teng Rui’s gaze turned sharp. As the sound reached a pitch beyond hearing, he suddenly threw his head back and laughed, striking the jade flute against the stone railing, shattering it into several pieces that fell to the ground.

Cui Liang looked at the broken flute on the ground, and after a moment, he raised his head to meet Teng Rui’s gaze, declaring loudly, “If that’s the case, Master Uncle, let’s rely on our abilities. You assist Yu Wen Jing Lun, and I assist Pei Yan. Let’s see who the true victor is!”

He suddenly stepped back two paces, tearing a strip from his left sleeve with force. Cui Liang released his grip, and the sleeve fluttered in the air, falling into the flowing water below the bridge.

Cui Liang then cupped his fists toward Teng Rui. “Teng Xiansheng, please!”

Teng Rui’s face showed a hint of sadness, which quickly vanished. He spoke in a deep voice, “Cui Gongzi, please!” He lifted his robe and turned, drifting away.

Cui Liang watched Teng Rui’s departing figure and instinctively stepped forward. Yi Han’s eyes flashed with sharpness as he shifted like a ghost, the sword light instantly reaching Cui Liang’s chest.

Wei Zhao lunged forward like lightning, merging with his sword, and transforming into a cold radiance aimed at Yi Han. Yi Han’s mind raced, realizing that even if this sword could take Cui Liang’s life, he would likely die under this white-clad man’s sword before he could withdraw.

He channeled his strength in his right wrist, countering Wei Zhao’s sword strike. The sounds of clashing echoed as Wei Zhao spun and tumbled in the air, each strike aimed to kill, his attacks terrifying. Yi Han parried each one, both of them pushing their true energy to the peak, a fierce wind rising, forcing Cui Liang, Yan Shuangqiao, and Jiang Ci to retreat together.

After exchanging over ten moves, Yi Han laughed heartily, a domineering and fierce sword energy emanating from his blade, which shimmered with countless lights under the bright sun. Wei Zhao suddenly changed his stance, his figure remaining steady, his white robe billowing as he swiftly thrust his long sword into Yi Han’s sword light.

With a loud “peng,” Yi Han staggered back several steps, while Wei Zhao swayed, struggling to suppress the blood surging in his throat, coldly staring at Yi Han.

Yi Han coughed lightly, staring at Wei Zhao for a moment before chuckling, “Are you Wei Zhao, Wei Sanlang? That move, the Xie family’s ultimate technique ‘Eagle Strikes the Sky,’ was quite well executed.”

Wei Zhao pointed his sword at Yi Han, smiling indifferently. “Thank you for the praise, Hall Master Yi.”

Yan Shuangqiao and Jiang Ci rushed over, with Yan Shuangqiao supporting Yi Han. “Father, are you alright?” Yi Han shook his head slightly and smiled. “I’m fine.”

Jiang Ci rushed to Wei Zhao’s side but then halted her steps.

Cui Liang realized that in his moment of excitement, he had nearly allowed Yi Han to launch a sneak attack. He came over to support Wei Zhao’s left arm, just as he was about to check his pulse, Wei Zhao lightly shook his sleeve, brushing his hand away.

Cui Liang smiled at Wei Zhao, then turned to Jiang Ci, speaking gently, “Little Ci, the matter here is settled. You should go with your Senior Sister.”

Yan Shuangqiao joyfully said, “Thank you, Cui Gongzi.” She pulled Jiang Ci and was about to turn.

Jiang Ci remained still. Cui Liang looked at her and gently waved his hand. “Go on.”

Jiang Ci still did not move, the sunlight casting a slight blush on her cheeks. She remained silent, slowly gazing at Wei Zhao beside Cui Liang.

Wei Zhao silently looked at her, the imprint in his heart burning, making it hard for him to breathe. Her delicate features and gentle gaze made it impossible for him to look directly at her, and the metallic taste of blood in his throat grew stronger. He slightly turned away, his voice low. “You should go.”

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