HomeLove of NirvanaSide Story: First Encounter This Year (Part One)

Side Story: First Encounter This Year (Part One)

On the 27th day of the fourth month, in the fourth year of Yanzi, in Hexi Prefecture.

Twenty years had passed since the Battle of Huahuan in the fifth year of Chengxi. Time had flown, and the Hua Dynasty had seen three emperors in these two decades. Except for those who lost loved ones in the Hexi battle, the people of Hexi Prefecture had gradually forgotten the bloody conflict that had brought misery to the entire city and claimed tens of thousands of lives.

However, on this clear morning, the sound of galloping hooves in the streets woke many. Soon, news spread throughout the city: Young Lord Pei Xun of the Loyal and Filial Prince’s Mansion had arrived in Hexi to pay respects at Wild Wolf Valley on behalf of the Loyal and Filial Prince to the fallen soldiers and civilians from twenty years ago.

Twenty years earlier, Emperor Cheng had died due to the rebellion of Prince Zhuang and Wei Zhao. Emperor Ming ascended the throne. Twelve years later, Emperor Ming passed away from illness, and his nine-year-old son became Emperor Xian, only to die of smallpox three years later.

Emperor Ming had no more sons. Prince Jing, demoted to Marquis Haicheng, died of depression, leaving behind two sons and a daughter. After deliberation between Empress Dowager Dong and the cabinet, they had to welcome Xie Yan, the young son of Prince Jing’s consort Qin, to the throne. He became the current Emperor An.

When Emperor An first ascended the throne, he was only seven years old. Empress Dowager Dong of Emperor Ming was honored as Empress Dowager Xiaoren, and his birth mother Lady Qin became Empress Dowager Yiren. At that time, Chief Minister Dong of the cabinet was already elderly, and Emperor An was young, so the two Empress Dowagers had to appoint the Loyal and Filial Prince and Chief Minister Pei Yan as the regent, fully in charge of all military and state affairs.

Pei Yan devoted himself wholeheartedly to assisting the young emperor. For four years, he worked diligently and remained calm in crises, quelling several rebellious plots.

In the second year of Yanzi, Prince Suhai Jiang Yao and Marquis Qingwei Jiang Yuan plotted a rebellion and launched a palace coup. Pei Yan led his troops to defend the imperial palace, protecting Emperor An and the two Empress Dowagers. He killed the Jiang brothers in front of the Qianqing Gate. Only Princess Jingsu and her children were spared; the rest of the Jiang clan was executed to the ninth degree of kinship.

In the third year of Yanzi, Imperial Consort He poisoned Emperor An’s ginseng soup. Simultaneously, Marquis Xuanyuan He Wenwen secretly infiltrated the palace, intending to assassinate Emperor An. The Loyal and Filial Prince Pei Yan shielded the young emperor with his body, saving his life and killing He Wenwen. Imperial Consort He took the poison out of fear of punishment. Subsequent investigation revealed that the He siblings were acting under the instructions of Prince Yujian and his birth mother, Consort Tan. The two Empress Dowagers were furious and issued an edict stripping Prince Yujian of his title. Prince Yujian was escorted to the capital and imprisoned in the imperial mausoleum, where he committed suicide with a white silk cord several months later.

After these palace coups and rebellions, the Hua Dynasty court was in turmoil. Fortunately, with the Loyal and Filial Prince Pei Yan, a pillar of the state and important minister, single-handedly holding up the sky and reversing the desperate situation, the nation’s fate stabilized. In the north, Marquis Zhenbei Ning Jianyu strongly guarded the border, preventing the covetous Emperor Huanwei from daring to send troops southward.

To reward the Loyal and Filial Prince Pei Yan for his achievements, in the second month of the fourth year of Yanzi, Emperor An issued an edict appointing Pei Yan as Prime Minister, allowing him to enter the palace wearing a sword and boots, to exempted from prostrating himself when greeting the emperor, and granting him the Nine Bestowments.

Pei Yan was overwhelmed and firmly declined, intending to resign. Emperor An wept in Hongtai Hall, crying out “Father Minister,” and all the officials followed suit. Pei Yan had no choice but to accept the emperor’s command.

From then on, the Loyal and Filial Prince Pei Yan’s prestige reached its peak, and he took full control of the government. Among the common people of the Hua Dynasty, many didn’t know Emperor An, but few who didn’t know the Loyal and Filial Prince Pei Yan.

Upon hearing that the Loyal and Filial Prince had sent his son to pay respects to the fallen soldiers and civilians from twenty years ago, the people of Hexi Prefecture poured out of the city. The older generation, recalling the bloody battle when the Huan army massacred the city, sighed with emotion.

By early Chen hour, Wild Wolf Valley was packed with people coming to pay their respects. As the centenarian elder’s lament rose, the memorial drums began to beat, and mournful music filled the air. From the east, a group of young men in white mourning clothes and sashes approached on horseback.

At the forefront was a young man about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a jade crown. He had a tall, slender figure and a handsome face, with an expression of seriousness and solemnity that seemed somewhat beyond his years. Behind him followed several youths of sixteen or seventeen, all radiating vigor and vitality, dazzling the eyes of the Hexi Prefecture people.

Seeing the centenarian elder approach, the jade-crowned youth quickly dismounted to support him, saying, “Troubling you, fellow villagers, is truly Pei Xun’s fault!”

Many of the Hexi Prefecture people had seen this Young Lord Pei Xun before. Since Hexi, Hanzhou, and Jingzhou were granted to the Loyal and Filial Prince as his fief twenty years ago, Pei Yan had inspected his territories multiple times, often accompanied by Young Lord Pei Xun.

At this moment, those who had never seen Pei Xun before silently praised him: Indeed worthy of being the Young Lord of the Loyal and Filial Prince’s Mansion, his demeanor not far from that of Marquis Jianding Pei Yan, who once held up the sky with a single sword.

Pei Xun paid his respects according to ritual. After the ceremony, he issued a decree on behalf of his father: exempting Hexi from taxes for three years and continuing to search for and properly settle the orphans of those who died in the Hexi battle twenty years ago.

As the crowd saw Pei Xun off, he did not return to the city but led the group of youths on horseback towards the south.

After galloping for dozens of li, crossing Zhenbo Bridge, and heading west for about half a li, they came upon a grave.

The young men’s faces were solemn and sorrowful as they dismounted and paid their respects together. Pei Xun looked at the tombstone, sighed softly, knelt before the grave to kowtow, and then took the water and wine handed by an attendant, slowly pouring it out.

“Uncle An, Father couldn’t come to Hexi this year. This cup of wine is your favorite from Changfeng Manor. Xun’er kowtows to you.”

The young men behind him also came forward one by one to pour wine and kowtow. A round-faced youth spoke very loudly: “Uncle An, I’m Chen Ben. Before coming, Father told me to kowtow to you several times, saying you would bless me to marry a great beauty like Aunt Tong in the future.”

Ning Siming couldn’t help but laugh, then realizing it was inappropriate, swallowed it back. Seeing that Pei Xun was also holding back a smile, he reached out to tap Chen Ben’s head: “You little rascal, how old are you to be thinking about beauties?”

Chen Ben angrily said, “Little Ning, I’ve told you many times not to hit my head. My old man only spanks me, never hits my head.”

Tong Xiu hurried over to mediate: “Alright, alright, stop quarreling. Quickly kowtow to Uncle An. We still have tasks to do back in Hexi.”

The youths kowtowed before the grave in turn, then crowded around Pei Xun as they mounted their horses and galloped towards the Hexi Canal.

Reaching Zhenbo Bridge, Pei Xun remembered the stories his father had told him and dismounted again.

He slowly walked onto Zhenbo Bridge, looking at the silvery waves and the thousand acres of good fields north and south of the Hexi Canal. Gently patting the stone railing of the bridge, he sighed, “White clouds and blue dogs, how fleeting is the world. Twenty years ago, this was a battlefield of carnage, but today it’s fertile farmland.”

Ning Siming also sighed: “Indeed, back then, my lord father held the line here with a single spear, and the Prince turned defeat into victory here, driving out the Huan rebels. It’s a pity that we younger generation didn’t get to witness the glory of our fathers’ generation!”

Chen Ben, Xu He, Tong Xiu, and the others had all heard their fathers and uncles speak of the battle from that year. They stood silently to the side, imagining the battle scenes of the past, lost in reverie.

Chen Ben let out an “Alas,” his face full of regret, and said, “Why don’t the Huan rebels come to attack again? If they came again, I would definitely—” As he spoke, he drew out the twin blades from his back, the silver blades flashing as they whirled. Ning Siming and the others could only frown and move away.

Chen Ben got more and more excited as he practiced, and Xu He also became interested. The two of them had been fighting since childhood, and both learned blade techniques. When Chen An and Xu Jun taught their sons martial arts, they also harbored a competitive spirit, each wanting their son to surpass the other. Over the past sixteen years, the two boys had their share of victories and defeats.

Seeing Xu He and Chen Ben engaged in an increasingly fierce battle, Ning Siming frowned slightly. He took the long spear from an attendant, let out a shout, and leaped into the air. His right hand wielding the spear like an angry silver dragon, he thrust it into the midst of the two’s blade shadows, using eight-tenths of his true qi.

With a clang, the three of them retreated several steps. Chen Ben looked down to see a chip in the blade of his right hand and angrily pointed at Ning Siming: “Little Ning, you’re helping Xu He again!”

Xu He also angrily said, “Who’s helping whom? You’re just not skilled enough!”

Chen Ben was not convinced and was about to attack again when Tong Xiu grabbed him, saying, “Look quickly!”

Everyone turned their heads to see Pei Xun standing straight, hands behind his back, by the bridge railing, his gaze fixed on a spot in the distance.

They all crowded over and saw that several zhang away, a person in white was lying on the grass by the Hexi Canal, a bamboo hat covering their face.

This person lay face-up towards the sky, hands pillowed behind their head, right foot casually propped on their left knee, rhythmically shaking slightly, their demeanor relaxed and carefree.

Above their head, a large umbrella was open, its handle stuck into the ground, the canopy perfectly shading them from the already harsh sun. Their slender figure, nestled in the umbrella’s shadow, looked somewhat ethereal and hazy.

As Chen Ben was about to speak, Ning Siming shushed him. Upon closer inspection, Chen Ben saw a small bamboo rack beside the person in white, with a green bamboo fishing rod resting on it, its other end’s fishing line cast into the canal.

The group had never seen this method of fishing before, so they all fell silent, wanting to see how this person in white could catch fish while lying on the ground.

The float on the water’s surface sank several times. Chen Ben saw that the person in white was still lazily shaking their foot and was about to shout when Ning Siming covered his mouth.

After a while, the float finally sank into the water again. The person in white seemed to know instinctively, raising their right foot and pressing down hard on the small bamboo rack. The fishing rod rose rapidly, and with a splash, a large fish flew up in an arc of water toward the umbrella. The person in white, still lying on the grass, reached out to grab the fish and then let out an extremely loud whistle.

“Meow—” Several large black wildcats came running from the fields. The voice of the person in white was indescribably languid and smug: “Kids, catch!”

They tossed the large fish behind them, and the wildcats pounced on it like lightning. In no time, the large fish was divided and devoured by the wildcats.

Having finished eating, the wildcats were still not satisfied and gathered around the person in white. They cast the fishing line back into the water and stroked the head of one of the wildcats: “There’s none now, go play for a while and come back later.”

They whistled again, and the wildcats, as if understanding disappeared into the fields once more.

Chen Ben clicked his tongue in amazement and called out, “Hey, kid—”

Pei Xun raised his right hand, and Chen Ben swallowed his words. The person in white showed no reaction, continuing to sleep under the umbrella. After a while, they “stepped” on another fish in the same manner, again calling the wildcats to divide and eat it.

Pei Xun watched with interest, a smile gradually appearing on his lips. He remembered how every autumn, when the sun was warm and gentle, his father would go fishing in the Red Maple Mountain near the capital. No matter how many fish he caught, he would always release them back into the water. But if he caught many, he would show a rare smile and speak to Pei Xun without his usual sternness.

Unfortunately, his father only ever used earthworms dug from the western garden as bait, never allowing servants to throw in any aromatic food, so he never caught too many fish.

As Pei Xun stood on the Zhenbo Bridge, he pondered whether this unique fishing gear might bring a smile to his father’s face, perhaps even elicit a few gentle words. He gestured for the other youths to wait on the bridge, then leisurely made his way down towards the figure in white.

He deliberately made his footsteps heavier, but the white-clad person seemed oblivious, still lying on the ground without removing the bamboo hat covering their face.

Pei Xun smiled slightly, crouching beside the figure to examine the small bamboo contraption. He couldn’t help but exclaim, “Truly ingenious!”

The device had a small pulley on the bamboo frame, with one end of the fishing line threaded through it. He surmised that when a fish took the bait, the line would slide down, turning the pulley’s fan. The white-clad figure would feel the movement and could then step on a mechanism to raise the rod, allowing them to catch fish even while lying down with eyes closed.

Pei Xun, fascinated by the fishing gear, clasped his hands in greeting and said politely, “Esteemed sir—”

Before he could finish, the figure in white turned away, feigning sleep and even letting out a light snore.

Undeterred, Pei Xun continued with a smile, “Sir, your fishing gear is truly ingenious. May I ask which master craftsman created it? Name your price, and I’d be willing to buy it, no matter the cost.”

The snoring grew louder. Pei Xun chuckled, sitting down on the grass beside the figure. He sighed, “It’s a pity the fish in this Xi Canal aren’t particularly plump. If you don’t mind, I know of an excellent fishing spot.”

Still no response. Pei Xun turned his head and noticed the bamboo hat had slipped slightly, revealing half of the person’s face. The skin appeared stiff and pale, clearly a human skin mask.

Slightly taken aback, Pei Xun watched as the white-clad figure, seeming to sense his gaze, pulled the hat down further to conceal their face. They waved their right hand in the air, complaining, “So many mosquitoes, how vexing!”

Pei Xun lightly adjusted his robes and lay down on the grass beside the figure, mimicking their posture with hands behind his head. His gaze fell on the umbrella frame above, noticing it was made of rare, fine iron, which surprised him.

Keeping his tone casual and friendly, he remarked, “Sir, you truly know how to enjoy life. I admire that.”

The white-clad figure stretched lazily, responding coolly, “I’d enjoy it more without this pesky mosquito.”

Pei Xun, accustomed to being the center of attention since childhood and fearing only his father, had never been insulted so subtly. His youthful temperament kindled a spark of anger. Sensing this person was no ordinary individual, he decided to test them.

Noticing the float sinking, Pei Xun’s left foot shot out like a meteor, stepping on the mechanism before the white-clad figure could react. He deftly caught the flying fish, grinning triumphantly, “Thank you, sir!”

The figure in white let out a soft snort, removing their bamboo hat and rising to their feet. They tucked the large umbrella under their arm and cast a cold glance at Pei Xun.

Still lying on the ground, Pei Xun felt his heart skip a beat as that cold gaze fell upon him, finding those eyes even more dazzling than the sun above.

As he lay there, slightly dazed, the white-clad figure had already gathered their fishing rod and bamboo frame, turning to leave. Pei Xun quickly jumped up, blocking their path and placing his right hand on their left arm. “Wait!”

“Move aside!” the figure commanded.

Pei Xun smiled, releasing his grip and clasping his hands in respect. “You misunderstand, sir. I truly wish to purchase your fishing gear. Perhaps we could—”

“Not for sale,” the white-clad figure cut him off coldly.

Pei Xun’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What if I insist on buying it?”

The figure let out a soft laugh, a hint of arrogance in their voice. “That depends on whether you have what it takes, boy!”

Pei Xun also laughed proudly. “Whether I have what it takes, you’ll only know after you’ve tested me!”

As the white-clad figure stepped forward, Pei Xun’s right hand instantly blocked their path. Left with no choice, the figure leaped backward, drawing out the large umbrella. With a whoosh of forceful wind, they attacked Pei Xun.

Pei Xun remained calm, moving in and out of the umbrella’s shadow with ease. After a few exchanges, he realized the white-clad figure’s martial arts were far inferior to his own. Dodging, he playfully pinched the figure’s shoulder, teasing, “Sir, that move is rather outdated.”

The white-clad figure suddenly smiled. “Such a sweet talker, you must be popular with the ladies.”

“You flatter me,” Pei Xun replied with a slight bow, blocking another attack.

The figure twirled the umbrella in the air. As Pei Xun grabbed the handle, they swiftly pulled out what looked like an iron rod from the umbrella’s tip. With a flick of their fingers, the rod extended dramatically.

Startled, Pei Xun instinctively leaned back, thinking it might be a dangerous hidden weapon. But the white-clad figure just laughed, “Enough games, boy!”

In a flash, they thrust the iron rod into the Xi Canal. It bent into an arc before springing back. Using this momentum, the figure soared towards the opposite bank.

Pei Xun, seeing this clearly, was furious. As the white-clad figure was about to reach the other side, Pei Xun channeled his Yuan Power to its limit. His right palm slammed into the ground, kicking up a cloud of dirt as he launched himself into the air. He caught up and grabbed the figure around the waist.

However, the canal was too wide. Having caught the white-clad figure, Pei Xun lacked the strength to leap back to shore. With a loud splash, both plunged into the Xi Canal.

They thrashed about in the water, thoroughly soaked. Before the white-clad figure could break free, Pei Xun’s right hand shot out, forcefully tearing off the human skin mask.

For a moment, the world seemed to darken, then brighten to an alarming degree. Pei Xun froze. Seizing this opportunity, the white-clad figure let out an angry roar. Thread-like strands shot from their sleeve, wrapping around a tree on the bank. By the time Ning Siming and the others reached the canal’s edge, the figure had vanished.

Ning Siming held back Chen Ben and the others, noticing Pei Xun still standing motionless in the water. He jumped in and waded over to Pei Xun’s side. “Young Prince, what’s wrong?”

Pei Xun’s right hand still clutched the human skin mask, his expression dazed. He muttered something, and Ning Siming had to listen carefully to catch his words.

In his voice was extreme surprise, mixed with an inexplicable emotion:

“To think such a youth exists in this world—”

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