HomeLove of NirvanaSide Story: The First Encounter This Year (Part Two)

Side Story: The First Encounter This Year (Part Two)

“We’ve dispatched six groups of men to search, but there’s no trace of this person, nor any clues. It seems they might have left Hexi Prefecture,” Tong Xiu reported softly with maturity beyond his years, his explanation clear and orderly.

Pei Xun, dressed in casual attire, furrowed his brow slightly. He listened while walking towards the exit of the prefectural office. After a moment of thought, he said, “Continue the search. Check every good fishing spot in the area, don’t miss a single one.”

He mounted his horse, and Tong Xiu hurriedly grabbed the reins. “Young Prince, it’s already dark. Where are you going?”

“I’m going for a walk somewhere.”

“Then let An Si and the others accompany you—”

Pei Xun waved his hand. “No need.”

Tong Xiu was about to speak again, but seeing Pei Xun’s slightly stern gaze, he swallowed his words.

In front of Huiyan Pass, lush grass grew, and trees reached toward the sky. No trace remained of the former military camp; waist-high wild grass covered the entire area.

The waning crescent moon hung like a silver hook in the night sky, surrounded by clusters of stars. The night breeze carried the essence of summer. Pei Xun dismounted and walked slowly, searching for fragments of memory.

Twenty years ago, during the Hua-Huan War, although his father only mentioned it briefly, his expression always carried an indescribable melancholy, even a hint of sadness.

Over the years, his father had brought him to Hexi Prefecture and Huiyan Pass many times. He would always walk silently in front of Huiyan Pass, sometimes standing still for a long time in one spot, or sighing while touching a tree.

Only at these times did Pei Xun feel a rare gentleness in his father’s eyes, or perhaps it wasn’t gentleness, but rather—

West of the old campsite, a winding mountain path led to a large tree on the mountainside. His father had once sat here for half a night. Pei Xun touched the large rock under the tree and slowly sat down.

The night wind rustled through the mountain pines, intertwined with a faint, ethereal flute melody. Pei Xun stood up abruptly, listening carefully, and followed the sound westward.

The flute’s melody floated gently, like the sea after a storm. The tune carried a hint of melancholy, yet also the calmness that comes after weathering a tempest.

Ahead was a small hill. Under a large tree stood a figure, bathed in the faint starlight and moonlight, wearing a white robe that seemed to shimmer in the cool night air.

Pei Xun hardly dared to step forward, fearing that this figure enveloped by the night was just an illusion, afraid that at the slightest sound, he would disappear along with the flute’s melody.

As the flute music paused briefly, Pei Xun gently took out the bamboo flute from his waist. The melody seemed familiar, yet not entirely so. He could only play along with a simple tune, following the rhythm, though he faltered in several places.

The white-robed man listened quietly. Whenever Pei Xun hesitated, he would resume playing, guiding Pei Xun through the song. Pei Xun’s playing became increasingly fluid, like flowing water cascading down from a high mountain, joyfully surging forward regardless of boulders or ravines, stirring up white waves before finally flowing into a calm lake, returning to tranquility.

The white-robed man slowly turned around a flash of surprise in his star-like eyes. Fearing he might leave again, Pei Xun hurriedly bowed formally. “Yesterday, I was rude and spoiled your fishing mood. I’m here to apologize, please don’t be offended.”

The white-robed man’s voice was cool yet elegant: “Who are you?”

Pei Xun hesitated slightly but still raised his head with a smile. “My surname is Pei, and my courtesy name is Shicheng.”

The white-robed man’s face remained expressionless, but something flickered in his eyes. After a long while, he finally spoke slowly: “How do you know this song?”

Pei Xun thought carefully and said, “I heard my father play it when I was young. I have some impression of it, but I can’t remember it completely.”

The corners of the white-robed man’s mouth slowly curved upward, a breathtakingly beautiful smile blooming in the night. Pei Xun couldn’t help but hold his breath, almost doubting whether the person standing before him was a celestial being from the stars and moon rather than a mortal.

However, the white-robed man suddenly tucked his bamboo flute into his waist and climbed the large tree in front of him. Soon, he was sitting in the tree, looking down at Pei Xun with a smile. “Come up.”

Pei Xun was secretly delighted. With two light steps on the trunk, he sat beside the white-robed man.

The mountain night was so quiet, with mist rolling like gentle waves. Pei Xun, who had grown up under the strict guidance of Pei Yan and Dong Juan, busy with studies and martial arts training daily, always surrounded by the Long Feng Guards, had never traveled alone like this or sat in a tree with a stranger, quietly enjoying the night scenery.

He wanted to know this person’s name and origin but dared not speak, fearing to break this tranquility.

Suddenly, as if performing a magic trick, the white-robed man reached behind him and produced a wine flask. He looked at Pei Xun with a smile. “Can you drink?”

Pei Xun smiled, took the flask, removed the stopper, and the wine shot down his throat like a silver arrow. He took a large gulp, about to speak, when the strong alcohol choked him into a fit of coughing, feeling as if blades were churning in his throat and stomach.

The white-robed man laughed heartily, lazily took back the flask, took a slow sip, and then glanced at the somewhat disheveled Pei Xun with a smile. “You’re not yet eighteen.”

Pei Xun didn’t understand how he knew he was still a month shy of eighteen. The white-robed man’s smile deepened. “This wine is called ‘Eighteen Springs.’ Only men who have reached eighteen can drink it. Young man, you won’t have the pleasure tonight.”

Pei Xun didn’t believe him and reached out to grab the flask. The white-robed man dodged a few times, realized his martial arts were inferior, and let Pei Xun take the flask. This time, Pei Xun had learned his lesson and drank slowly in small sips.

But the white-robed man, as if performing another magic trick, took out something from behind him. He unwrapped the lotus leaf, releasing a fragrant aroma—it was a “Beggar’s Chicken.”

Pei Xun tore off a piece and put it in his mouth, praising, “What excellent skill! It’s even better than the one made at my Wang—Uncle Wang’s house.”

Remembering that his father loved eating Beggar’s Chicken, and thinking of yesterday’s fishing gear, he put down the wine flask, looked directly at the white-robed man, and said sincerely, “Brother, would you be willing to give me that fishing gear?”

The white-robed man leaned against the tree trunk, smiling faintly. “Yesterday you were willing to pay a high price to buy it. Why are you asking me to give it to you today?”

“Such an exquisitely crafted item cannot be bought with mere money. I underestimated its value yesterday. I imagine you would only be willing to give this cherished item to someone you connect with. I may be unworthy, but I wish to befriend you.”

The white-robed man looked at the sincere expression on Pei Xun’s face. A smile like sunshine slowly spread from his eyes. After a long while, he tilted his head back for a sip of wine and said, “My surname is Xiao, given name Yao.”

Pei Xun was overjoyed and cupped his hands in greeting. “Brother Xiao.”

The white-robed man slightly bowed in return. “Shicheng.”

Pei Xun, in high spirits, drank several sips and repeated, “Xiao Yao?” Remembering his carefree manner while fishing and feeding cats by the Hexi Canal yesterday, he sighed, “Brother, you truly live up to these two characters.”

Xiao Yao leaned against the tree trunk, glancing at Pei Xun. “Your father, does he often play this tune?”

“Not often. Father is in the capital and only plays it occasionally when he comes to Hexi. I’ve heard it two or three times while attending to him.”

Xiao Yao smiled. “You have a good memory. It took my mother two days to teach me this tune.”

Hearing him say “Mother,” Pei Xun asked, “Brother Xiao, are you from Hua Dynasty?”

Xiao Yao gazed at the vast night sky for a long while before answering, “My father is from Yueluo, and my mother is from Hua Dynasty.”

“No wonder,” Pei Xun couldn’t help but sigh. Men from Yueluo were known for their outstanding appearance, unmatched in the world. Over the years, envoys sent by the Yueluo vassal king Mu Feng had come to the capital several times, and he had seen them a few times. But even those envoys, however handsome, couldn’t match three-tenths of the man before him.

Xiao Yao turned his head to look at him. “Are people from Yueluo all that beautiful?”


“Although I’m from Yueluo, I’ve never been there.”

Pei Xun realized then that he had grown up in Hua Dynasty and nodded. “Yes, Yueluo has beautiful mountains and clear waters. The men are handsome, and the women are lovely, and famous throughout the world. Alas, that’s why they’ve faced many hardships, why—”

He swallowed the rest of his words, but Xiao Yao smiled slightly. “That’s in the past. From now on, the Yueluo people will never be bullied again.”

“That’s true. Under the rule of Vassal King Mu Feng, Yueluo is becoming increasingly powerful. Although the court wants to reclaim control, it’s not an easy task.”

“Not easy? It’s impossible,” Xiao Yao sneered. “In my opinion, Pei Yan doesn’t dare to touch a single hair on Yueluo’s head now.”

Pei Xun’s heart skipped a beat, but he casually asked, “Duke Zhongxiao is currently at the height of his power. Why wouldn’t he dare to subdue a mere Yueluo?”

Xiao Yao held up three fingers. “Three reasons.”

“Three reasons.”

Pei Xun’s heart raced.

In the study of Shen Garden, his father had looked serious, gazing south out the window, and said softly, “Three reasons.”

He slowly asked, “What three reasons? Please enlighten me, Brother Xiao.”

Xiao Yao smiled lightly, speaking unhurriedly: “First, Yueluo has been diligently building its strength these years. Its military power is growing, and the terrain of Yueluo is complex. If Pei Yan wanted to use force to subdue it, it would be even harder than fighting the Huan Kingdom back then.

“Secondly, in Huan State, Emperor Wei has Teng Rui as his advisor and their national strength is not weaker than Hua Dynasty. Before Pei Yan fully stabilizes the south, he wouldn’t dare to engage in a life-or-death battle with Huan State. If he tries to subjugate Yue Luo, Huan State will surely take advantage of the situation. If Huan State and Yue Luo join forces, Pei Yan would undoubtedly be defeated.”

Pei Xun slowed his breathing and asked casually, “What’s the third reason?”

Xiao Yao leisurely sipped his wine. Seeing Pei Xun still gazing at him intently, he smiled and pointed towards the south.

Pei Xun lowered his head to tear at the chicken meat, hiding the surprise in his eyes. When he looked up again, he smiled and said, “Let’s not talk about current affairs anymore. It’s a waste of this fine wine.”

Xiao Yao laughed heartily, “Indeed, discussing such matters is truly disappointing. Let’s just drink!”

Night, stars, moon, fine wine, and beggar’s chicken.

One spoke of the prosperity and romantic tales of the capital, while the other shared his experiences traveling northward from the south. Before long, they were like old friends who hadn’t seen each other in years.

Pei Xun leaned against a nearby tree branch and smiled, “Brother Xiao—”

Suddenly, Xiao Yao raised his finger and made a “shh” sound, and Pei Xun quickly stopped speaking. Xiao Yao listened for a moment, then sighed, seemingly troubled. After a while, “meows” became clearer, and several wild cats leaped onto the big tree, circling them. One even jumped into Xiao Yao’s arms, nuzzling him.

Xiao Yao held the big black cat and shook his head, “There’s no fish to eat today. Why do you always cling to me?”

Pei Xun was dumbfounded and after a while asked, “Are they yours?”

“No,” Xiao Yao said lazily. “I just fed them fish for a few days, and they’ve all started following me. Ah, no wonder Mother often says I’m born in the year of the cat, naturally getting along with cats. The wild cats near my home all became domesticated later. I wonder if I was a big lazy cat in my previous life.”

Pei Xun tried to imitate him and went to hug a nearby wild cat, but the cat jumped away, meowing angrily several times.

Pei Xun felt a bit embarrassed, and Xiao Yao laughed loudly, “It seems you must have had a grudge against cats in your previous life, so they don’t like you, haha!”

Pei Xun clenched his right fist and rubbed his nose, feeling a bit drunk and unable to speak.

After laughing, Xiao Yao patted the head of the wild cat in his arms, “Go play now, find something to eat on your own. What will you do if I leave?”

Pei Xun’s heart skipped a beat, and he asked, “Where are you heading, Brother?”

Xiao Yao released the wild cat and said lazily, “Yue Luo.”

“Oh, does Brother Xiao have relatives in Yue Luo?”

Xiao Yao smiled and said, “Yes, this time I’m going back to pay respects to my grand-uncle, uncle, and aunt.”

Pei Xun hesitated for a moment but still asked, “Brother Xiao, will you return to Hexi Prefecture?”

Xiao Yao tilted his head slightly, as if talking to himself, “I still need to go to the capital of Huan State, and maybe even visit Yue Rong.”

“Traveling?” Pei Xun’s words carried a hint of envy. In his mother’s chambers, there were many landscape notes, and he had loved reading these books since childhood. But he knew that with his status, imagining traveling the world like Xiao Yao, especially going to Huan State, was a distant and unattainable dream for him.

“You could call it traveling. I’m also visiting relatives. My aunt is in Yue Rong, and I need to visit her on behalf of my mother. I also have a grand-uncle in the capital, and I need to persuade him not to do something.”

Pei Xun smiled, “You have so many grand-uncles, spread all over the world.”

Xiao Yao also laughed, “Yes, there’s even a grand-uncle in the capital. After I return from Huan State, it should be close to the end of the year, perfect timing to pay New Year’s respects to this grand-uncle.”

Pei Xun was overjoyed and quickly said, “Then Brother Xiao must come find me. I want to be a good host and show you around the capital properly.”

However, Xiao Yao held out his hand, and Pei Xun was slightly stunned, having to take out the human skin mask from his bosom. Xiao Yao took it and smiled, “Since you returned the item, next time I’m in the capital, I’ll find you for a drink.”

Pei Xun nodded repeatedly, “Good, my residence has plenty of fine wine, I just hope Brother Xiao will come.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll come.”

The wine jug was empty, the delicacies were gone, and the crescent moon was gradually moving westward.

Pei Xun finally felt he was about to get drunk. He had never had such strong alcohol before. In his hazy state, he saw Xiao Yao take out a bamboo flute and faintly heard him play that melody again, deep and melancholic. He closed his eyes, leaned against the tree trunk, and fell into a distant dream.

In the dream, his father, King Xiang, smiled at him as gently as he did to Sister Nian Ci; his father and mother were no longer so distant and polite—

But dreams, after all, must end.

In the faint morning mist, Pei Xun jumped down from the big tree, rubbing his aching temples from the hangover, looking at the vast wilderness, no longer seeing that white figure.

Under the tree, only the small bamboo stool and fishing rod used for fishing remained, silently reminding him that last night was not a dream.

“He’ll come!”

Pei Xun stared at the first winter snow outside the window, muttering resentfully.

Tong Xiu found it strange that since the beginning of winter, this young master had secretly dispatched the Changfeng Guard’s men to watch all the roads leading into the capital and various places that people from Yue Luo frequented in the city, saying he was looking for a handsome man in white.

Every day when they reported not finding him, a flash of disappointment would cross Pei Xun’s face, followed by annoyance as if he had been tricked.

An Si came in and bowed, saying, “Young Prince, the King said he has important matters tomorrow and can’t make it. He wants you to represent him at this year’s Winter Solstice Ceremony at the Imperial Mausoleum.”

Pei Xun was extremely annoyed by these ceremonies but had no choice. The next morning, he dressed in his formal attire and rode towards the Imperial Mausoleum, surrounded by the Changfeng Guard.

Emperor An was young and resided in the deep palace. With the royal family declining, Pei Yan had presided over the grand ceremony at the Imperial Mausoleum for years. This year, Pei Yan didn’t attend, so the young Prince Pei Xun had to preside over the grand ceremony.

Although young, Pei Xun presided over the ceremony without any confusion, his expression solemn and his demeanor dignified. As the officials knelt before the Imperial Mausoleum, they all privately praised Pei Xun for having his father’s bearing. Some who thought further could only secretly worry for the Xie clan ancestors before them.

After the ceremony, the officials returned to the city, but Pei Xun took another turn around the Imperial Mausoleum before mounting his horse. Just as he left the Zheng Hong Gate of the Imperial Mausoleum, he suddenly reined in his mount with a “whoa.”

The Changfeng Guards also reined in their horses. Pei Xun seemed to have heard something and ordered everyone to stay put. With a spirited shout tinged with joy, he galloped towards the west side of the Imperial Mausoleum.

The sound of the flute gradually became clearer. Pei Xun grew increasingly joyful, leaped off his horse, and strode up the hill.

Under the green pines, Xiao Yao was still in his white robe, gazing towards the Imperial Mausoleum, playing that slightly melancholic tune. Seeing the faint sorrow on his face, Pei Xun’s heart stirred, and he held back the call that was about to leave his lips, standing silently several steps behind him.

As the melody ended, Xiao Yao slowly lowered his bamboo flute and prostrated himself on the ground.

He remained prostrate for a long time until Pei Xun finally couldn’t help but cough lightly. Only then did he rise. He looked at the Imperial Mausoleum once more, sighed deeply, turned around, stared at Pei Xun for a moment, and smiled, “Has Shi Cheng been well?”

Pei Xun looked at his royal robes, seeing that he understood his identity but didn’t call him “Young Prince,” his heart was even more delighted. He cupped his hands in salute, “Brother Xiao.”

Xiao Yao twirled his bamboo flute in his hand several times, his phoenix eyes slightly narrowed, carrying a warm, sun-like smile, “I’ve come to claim that drink.”

“Fine wine has long been prepared, just waiting for Brother Xiao to come.”

Xiao Yao strode over, took Pei Xun’s hand, and walked down the mountain, saying, “That’s good, today I’m going to get drunk.”

“Since Brother Xiao is in such a mood, Pei Xun will certainly keep you company.”

Wood Feng, the feudal prince of Yue Luo, came to the capital. The regent and prime minister Pei Yan was busy for several days. On this day, he finally had some free time and, remembering he hadn’t seen his eldest son Pei Xun for several days, called for Tong Min.

Tong Min quickly summoned his son Tong Xiu. Tong Xiu didn’t dare lie in front of the King and had to tell everything about Pei Xun accompanying a friend, indulging in music, wine, and pleasure in the capital for several days.

A flash of displeasure crossed Pei Yan’s eyes, and he asked, “Do you know this person’s background?”

“In response to Your Majesty, we don’t know. We only know that his surname is Xiao, and the Young Prince calls him Brother Xiao. They drink in the room and don’t allow us to enter. When they come out, this Xiao wears a human skin mask, so we can’t see his true face.”

“Where are they now?”

Tong Xiu hesitated, and Tong Min glared at him. He could only honestly answer, “The Young Prince took him to visit ‘Lan Yue Lou.'”

Pei Yan snorted, and Tong Min and Tong Xiu both lowered their heads, secretly alarmed. Pei Yan said coldly, “When he returns, tell him to bring that person to see me in the West Garden.”

The West Garden was still the same as it was twenty years ago. Pei Yan sat under the lamp in the west wing room, reviewing memorials. Thinking of Wood Feng’s veiled words earlier in the day, he felt a headache and sighed.

On the table was a jade paperweight that Cui Liang had used when drawing the “Map of the World” years ago. Pei Yan slowly picked up the jade paperweight, gently caressing it, his gaze turned towards the deep night outside the window.

Zi Ming, today’s Yue Luo is no longer the weak Yue Luo of the past. Wood Feng moves freely between Hua and Huan, and even without those things in your hands, I can no longer move against Yue Luo. You should understand this better than anyone, so why are you unwilling to come see me?

I no longer ask for the edict or the Map of the World. All I ask for is to have one more drink with you.

The cold winter night wind made the window rattle lightly. Pei Yan stood up, walked to the window, and saw the courtyard gate open. Pei Xun seemed to hesitate as he walked in, so Pei Yan returned to sit at the table.

Pei Xun entered the room quietly, saw his father lowering his head to review memorials, and could only stand with his hands at his sides, not daring to make a sound.

After Pei Yan finished reviewing all the memorials, he finally said flatly, “You’re becoming more and more accomplished as you grow older.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” Pei Xun calmed himself and answered, “I’ve made a new friend, who can be called a rare talent of our time. I thought about recruiting him, so I put some effort into befriending him.”

“A rare talent of our time?” Pei Yan smiled, “At your young age, do you know what kind of person deserves those four words? Only the former master of this West Garden, only he was truly a rare talent of our time!”

Although Pei Xun had heard of the famous Military Advisor Cui, he still felt somewhat unconvinced and said, “Father, if you meet Brother Xiao, you’ll know that what I say is not false.”

“Oh?” Pei Yan slowly drank some tea and said calmly, “If that’s the case, let me see how good your eye for talent is. Invite your Brother Xiao in.”

Pei Xun was secretly delighted, responded, and turned to leave quickly. Pei Yan shook his head and lowered his head to drink tea again. After just a moment, footsteps were heard, and Pei Xun entered with a smile, his words carrying a hint of pride: “Father, this is my new close friend!”

Pei Yan slowly raised his head and saw a man in white robes enter the room with light steps in the lamplight.

Just as he was feeling a bit dazed, thinking this white figure seemed somewhat familiar, the man in white gently tore off the human skin mask on his face, smiled slightly at him, and bowed deeply.

“Nephew Xiao Yao pays his respects to Uncle Pei!”

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