HomeThe Best ThingChapter 26 - Red Bean

Chapter 26 – Red Bean

Her apartment wasn’t large, but it was meticulously tidy.

Shen Xifan dropped her backpack and explained, “My roommate went to the host family’s house for dinner. There’s chicken soup in the rice cooker, and there might be some vegetables in the fridge. If not, we can always go to the student cafeteria, though I’m not sure which one is open.”

He Su Ye smiled without saying a word, a sight that made her uneasy. Just as she was about to ask, her face was gently pinched. He teased, “Have you gained weight, little one?”

She tried to pull away in annoyance but found herself once again falling into a warm embrace. She wanted to struggle out of it, but the low, weary voice of a man sounded in her ear, “Be good, don’t move. Let me hold you for a while; I’m very tired.”

His body carried a faint scent of lemon but exuded an air of helplessness. She couldn’t help but raise her head to carefully examine his face. He appeared even thinner than six months ago, with faint dark circles around his eyes.

With a soft sigh, she involuntarily wrapped her arms tighter around his waist and finally voiced her question, “What are you doing here?”

He chuckled lightly, “I came to see you. I’m currently at the Penn CVI Research Institute.”

“When did you come over? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I arrived in August. I wanted to see you immediately, but I got involved in a project and couldn’t find the time. So, it got postponed until now.”

She murmured, “Doesn’t this count as ‘the wife follows the husband’?”

His hand gently stroked her hair, and He Su Ye chuckled softly, “I guess so, it does.”

They cooked dinner together. When the oil sizzled in the pan, Shen Xifan began to worry. “Oh no! I forgot that I lent the apron to the neighbor next door. Oh well, I’ll cook instead!”

He Su Ye stopped her hand. “It’s okay, I’ll do it. It’s been a while since I last cooked. I wonder if my skills have deteriorated.” As he spoke, he cracked eggs into the pan, immediately causing oil to splatter, dotting his white shirt.

Shen Xifan gasped, “Oil! Your shirt!”

“Why are you always so easily startled?” He picked up the chopped tomatoes and smiled, “It’s just a few drops of oil. Who doesn’t get a little dirty while cooking? Go check if the soup in the rice cooker is ready.”

Following his advice, Shen Xifan scooped half a bowl of chicken soup and added a pinch of salt. She handed it to him. “Taste it first to see if it’s salty enough.”

With his left hand holding the spatula and his right hand adding soy sauce, she tiptoed and carefully offered the spoon to his lips. He tasted a spoonful, “Hmm, it’s almost there. We can start serving.”

She suddenly smiled, hurriedly bit her lip, and turned her head away. He Su Ye hadn’t noticed yet and asked curiously, “What’s wrong?”

Shaking her head without answering, she just felt warm in her heart, her eyes a little moist. She took a sip of chicken soup, perfectly seasoned, bursting with freshness on her tongue, leaving a lingering aftertaste. This man in front of her truly loved her, willing to cook for her, not even letting her do any of the rough work.

Just now, the phrase “old married couple” flashed in her mind, making her smile involuntarily.

Indeed, that’s how it felt. When she was with Yan Heng before, it was like two naive youths, just wanting each day to be romantic and exciting. That kind of love was like fireworks in the sky, drawing beautiful trajectories when they fell like rain, dazzling for a moment, but dissipating with the wind.

But life is life; romance and passion can never sustain a relationship forever.

Perhaps being in love ordinarily suited her better, like this warm-hearted man, who was probably her cup of tea.

They made three dishes: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, oyster sauce lettuce, and green pepper beef.

As Shen Xifan tasted the dishes, she sighed, “This is probably the most authentic Chinese meal I’ve had since coming to the U.S. I’m too lazy to cook for myself, so I always go to the student cafeteria. Before I knew it, I gained weight.”

He Su Ye served her a piece of beef, “Eat more. You haven’t changed at all. Where have you gained weight? Your complexion doesn’t look good, all sallow. You must be staying up late every day!”

“You just said I gained weight!” She retorted without patience, then turned to ladle a bowl of soup for him, “He Su Ye, I think your complexion is worse. Panda eyes. How can a doctor set an example like this?”

He tasted a spoonful of the soup and then chuckled, “I wondered why the taste was so familiar. Turns out you added Codonopsis.”

Shen Xifan pursed her lips, “I brought Codonopsis from home. Mom said it nourishes qi, produces fluid, and nourishes blood. After each course, I make a big pot of chicken soup to reward myself.”

“Is it tough here?”

“Of course, it’s tough. Although my advisor is nice, he’s very strict. I also have the CareerTrack coming up. Work experience is fine, but I always lag behind those who have a formal education in theory. How about you?”

“I’m okay, not too difficult. The project is going smoothly.”

“I don’t believe that. Studying medicine in the U.S. is tough. Look at how much weight you’ve lost.” Shen Xifan felt a pang in her heart, unable to muster the courage to look at his thin face. She ladled another bowl of chicken soup for him, forcing a smile as she teased, “Drink more; once this opportunity is gone, it won’t come back!”

The warmth of the bowl lingered on her fingertips. Suddenly, Shen Xifan felt an urge to cry. There was only one thought in her mind: to let this long year-end quickly, and then, no matter what, she wouldn’t leave him again.

After dinner, Shen Xifan’s craving arose again. She grinned and said, “Eating at your place is the best. After dinner, there’s dessert. How perfect!”

He Su Ye examined the cupboard carefully and said, “We still have some red beans. I’ll make red bean soup with rock sugar.”

She jumped with joy. “Let me help you. The rock sugar is in the small box in the corner. I’ll find it.”

After stewing the red bean soup and washing the dishes, Shen Xifan called her family while He Su Ye chatted with Qiu Tian online. However, Qiu Tian’s typing speed suddenly became extremely slow, taking forever to produce a sentence, and even then, it was only a few words.

He Su Ye lost patience with his slow responses and absentmindedly clicked on a bookmarked website. To his surprise, it was a blog, and upon closer inspection—aha!—it was Shen Xifan’s little corner of the internet.

He silently memorized the URL and glanced at the time. The blog had been active for a long time. He clicked on the latest post.

“Later, I slowly learned to be tolerant and understanding, to treat others kindly and compromise.

There are only two kinds of romantic feelings in the world: one is mutual support, and the other is forgetting each other; what we should strive for is mutual support with our loved ones, and forgetting each other with those we don’t love.

Mutual support is such a beautiful phrase. Endless tolerance and patience, boundless care and protection, infinite forgiveness and indulgence, and the support of long years, are needed to write it properly—mutual support.”

Mutual support—such a happy and beautiful phrase, He Su Ye silently repeated in his mind, staring at the screen lost in thought until there was a noise behind him. He quickly closed the webpage and found Shen Xifan standing by the window, smiling at him.

Suddenly, he felt joyful, and impulsive, wanting the whole world to know that he had her and that he was happy now.

He Su Ye stood up and walked over to her, asking seriously, “Would you like to meet my friends? I want to introduce you to them.”

Shen Xifan smiled, “Wow, you have classmates at this school too. He Su Ye, you have friends all over!”

“I have a good high school friend at the College of Agriculture, also known as the Cow College. Two university classmates are at the Will Medical College, and one is at the Veterinary College. They’re all impressive people.”

Nodding solemnly, she replied mischievously, “The school cafeteria’s meat and dairy supplies all come from the Cow College. I have to go and pay my respects to these powerful individuals!”

The night in Ithaca became even quieter. There were hardly any people on the vast campus, and the colleges were isolated from each other, with only streetlights adding some vitality. Shen Xifan walked ahead of him, bouncing and humming a song.

He Su Ye watched her with sweetness in his heart. Her long hair fluttered in the wind, emitting a fragrance that seemed to entwine the surroundings, giving a surreal beauty. This beauty was so wonderful, worth cherishing properly.

He gently called her name, and Shen Xifan slowed her pace, turning around. In the shadow of the light, He Su Ye stood tall and strong, his face still wearing the same gentle smile. However, it felt unreal to her, as if she were dreaming, with all the lights dancing before her.

This encounter felt like a dream, so perfect that it made her want to cry.

She beamed a radiant smile, the light piercing into his heart. Both of them gazed into each other’s eyes, and the atmosphere had subtly changed.

Suddenly, something shiny slipped from her eyes. It was her scarf clasp. Shen Xifan bent down to pick it up, but a gust of wind blew, causing the scarf to float from her neck to He Su Ye’s face in an instant. She burst into laughter.

She ran to him to retrieve the scarf, but he held it tightly, not letting go. Suddenly, she felt the familiar and elegant aura of He Su Ye lingering around her, feather-like touches grazing the corner of her eyes.

The next moment, warm fingers brushed against her lips, eyes shining with burning affection. The sudden kiss caught her off guard like a storm, the rich and smooth taste mingling on intertwined tongues. Her mind went blank, only obediently closing her eyes as if everything was natural.

She forgot to think and didn’t want to think, just instinctively wanting to hold him tighter, tighter.

But there was a thought in her mind that distracted her—He Su Ye is a reserved man.

But she liked him.

She had read a post before that said if a man takes his girlfriend to meet his friends, it’s publicly acknowledging their relationship, and of course, it’s a great affirmation to oneself.

When she finally met his group of friends, she was taken aback. A group of men were playing mahjong, and the atmosphere was lively. What’s even stranger was that there were Americans present, occasionally saying things like “dealer change,” “pure same suit,” and “full win!”

One man was shuffling the cards, looking strikingly similar to the description of “sorting out four cents” in Lu Xun’s novels. He was particularly excited when he saw He Su Ye. “Xiao He, come here quickly! My luck has been especially bad today. Help me turn it around!”

The others chuckled. “Hey! Play your hand; no asking for help!”

He Su Ye whispered to her, “That’s my roommate, a really good guy.”

Someone with sharp eyesight noticed Shen Xifan and whistled. “Beauty! Hey, Xiao He, is she your wife?”

She was amused instantly, feeling warm toward seeing so many Chinese people in a foreign land. These people were mostly carefree, much like Li Jie and Qiu Tian’s group. She couldn’t help but retort, “No, we’re not official yet!”

He Su Ye looked at her indulgently. “You don’t seem like you’re studying hotel management; more like socializing and eloquence!”

Shen Xifan smirked slyly. “You’re quite humorous too, sometimes!”

Immediately, someone shouted, more than one actually, “Xiao He, you’re not being fair at all! If I had such a girlfriend, I’d have married her long ago and hidden her away. How dare you leave her here and go study at Penn!”

He Su Ye was at a loss for words, only able to reply, “I wish I could, but I don’t know if she’d agree.”

A chorus of voices rose, “Beauty, Xiao He’s proposal in disguise. Would you consider it?”

Shen Xifan felt embarrassed and turned her face away. Someone quickly interjected, “Silence means consent. We’re all witnesses here. We’ll be expecting a wedding invitation!”

Seeking help from He Su Ye with her eyes, but to her surprise, he didn’t defend himself. Instead, he just held her hand and smiled, introducing each friend to her, “These two are from the Will Medical College, my university classmates, Ah Ben and Chris.” After a round of introductions, he added, “I forgot to mention, this is my girlfriend, Shen Xifan, currently studying MMH. Please take care of her!”

Laughter filled the room, and someone immediately pledged, “We’re all from the same place. If you need anything, just ask. Normally, if someone needs help carrying something or moving furniture, just ask, and everyone will pitch in. Don’t be shy!”

Even louder laughter followed. “Lao Song, last time you couldn’t even be bothered to carry a box of juice upstairs. Why are you so diligent this time?”

That person hurriedly replied, “Because Xiao He’s wife is here. How can I not be attentive? I’m counting on him to help me turn the tide today!”

They played cards until late, and as they prepared to leave, a group of people walked them a long way. They walked side by side at the back. Shen Xifan was curious, “He Su Ye, I noticed you’re good at almost everything, even playing cards.”

He chuckled. “The best gamblers are mathematicians. My math skills are decent, so playing with them is still within my capability. But if I play against professionals, that’s a different story.”

Shen Xifan shrugged. “I don’t know how to play, and I probably wouldn’t learn. My hobbies are ‘sleeping until I wake up naturally and counting money until my hand cramps.’ I used to learn art and calligraphy when I was young, but I’ve forgotten most of it now.”

“My grandpa loves calligraphy. He often practices at home. Would you like to meet him sometime?”

“Don’t let me embarrass myself. My handwriting is terrible!”

“Well, actually, I meant about what they said tonight…” He Su Ye hesitated for a moment.

Shen Xifan paused for a moment, then quickly caught on, still feigning confusion as she chuckled. “What are you talking about? Be clear. If you don’t say it, how would I know?”

He Su Ye was taken aback by the direct question, unsure how to express himself. Uncharacteristically flustered, he blurted out, “I meant about getting married. Have you thought about it?”

Shen Xifan blushed at his straightforward response, unable to find any words. He held her hand slightly sweaty, still smiling faintly. “I know it’s sudden, but I’ve thought about it myself, so I took the chance to ask you today.”

Her heart raced, and she stuttered for a moment. “Um, I’ll consider it, okay?”

Before she could finish, their roommate called out from ahead, “Xiao He, we’re leaving. Keep it short; we can talk more on the phone later!”

Everyone chuckled, urging him, “Come over whenever you’re free. If you miss your wife, just say so. If you need to kiss someone else, just ignore us!” With these words, the group dispersed discreetly.

Feeling embarrassed, Shen Xifan’s face turned red. He Su Ye gently brushed away her stray hair, whispering, “I have to go. Take your time to think about it. Give me an answer by March at the latest. And, take care of yourself, don’t overwork.”

She nodded solemnly, replying, “I understand.” Then added, “Remember to call me when you get home. There’s no need to hide now!”

He Su Ye smiled his furrowed brow easing, showing more of his heroic charm. “I didn’t mean to. Okay, I’m leaving!”

Releasing her tightly held hand, Shen Xifan smiled as she watched him get into the car. As the car drove out of the campus, disappearing in an instant, she remained standing there, still smiling. She thought, her smile when saying goodbye to him must be carefree and happy.

The unspoken “goodbye,” maybe it’s better not to say it at all.

She went to the library to look up some information, and by the time she snapped out of it, more than an hour had passed. Remembering her phone appointment with him, she hurried back.

As she walked back along the path, her heart was filled with a sweet feeling, and her steps became lighter.

Suddenly, a clear and loud voice sounded behind her, startling in the quiet campus. She quickly turned around, only to see a man covering his face standing still, while the woman he was with ran away.

Originally, she intended to ignore it and walk away, but when she saw the man’s face up close, she couldn’t bring herself to smile anymore. The bright red handprint on his face was alarming. She hurriedly asked, “Lin Yishen, what happened?”

Lin Yishen sighed, “I look so pathetic like this, and you saw it too. Forget it. Do you have any ice cubes? Otherwise, I won’t be able to go out and face people tomorrow.”

Shen Xifan sighed, “I do, but I can’t just take you in for no reason. You have to tell me what happened!”

Back in the dorm, as Shen Xifan handed him the ice pack, she asked, “What happened?”

Lin Yishen waved his hand. “It’s a small incident, a small story. It’s really simple. My family arranged a marriage for me without my consent.” Taking the cold towel handed by Shen Xifan, he winced as he applied it to his face, “Then I refused, and got slapped by a certain young lady, who said she wanted to sever ties. Forget it. If it’s severed, I’ll get back the capital for this slap.”

Shen Xifan laughed, “Who knows if it was caused by your family or if you brought it upon yourself? You can’t trust men’s words!”

Lin Yishen glared at her. “Every word I say is true. If there’s half a lie, I’ll be condemned by the heavens and the earth.”

Shen Xifan shook her head, looking skeptical. “There’s no such thing as half a lie in this world. It’s all just deceiving people!”

Suddenly, the phone rang. She jumped up, shouting, “I’ll get it, it’s my phone.”

Lin Yishen joked, “Take it easy, the phone isn’t going anywhere. Is it your boyfriend calling, so eager!”

Shen Xifan chuckled at his words as she answered the phone. A familiar voice came through, “I’m back in the dorm. Did I wake you up?”

“No, I just got back to the dorm too!” she replied, but she felt something was off in the atmosphere and hurriedly explained, “I ran into an old senior on the way back and chatted for a bit, so I just got back.”

The voice on the other end just laughed softly, “Don’t be so nervous. I’m not saying anything. I’m just worried about your safety. Go to bed early, little girl. Goodnight then.”

She murmured a vague “goodnight” and hung up the phone, suddenly feeling a bit annoyed. She wanted to talk to him a bit more but didn’t know where to start. Sighing lightly, she pondered the notion that intelligence might decrease when one is in love.

Behind her, Lin Yishen’s voice sounded softly, “Junior sister, you only see the new and forget the old. Now that you have a boyfriend, you’re leaving your senior brother behind. That’s not fair.”

Shen Xifan raised an eyebrow, “How did you know? It’s not like I rejected you so directly.”

“I saw it in the supermarket, holding hands all lovey-dovey,” Lin Yishen said with a smirk, but his expression was resigned. “I knew it then, and I saw it today too. The whole world knows, except you who doesn’t know that we know.”

She remained silent, handing him the towel. “Do you need another one?”

Lin Yishen stood up, affectionately ruffling her hair. “Junior sister, take care of yourself. You’re not young anymore. If you don’t consider important matters soon, you’ll be labeled an old spinster.”

Shen Xifan turned away, “Not a serious word from you!”

He laughed, “I’m not joking. By the way, what’s cooking in the kitchen? It smells so good.”

She suddenly realized, “Oh, it’s red bean soup. Do you want a bowl?”

As the fragrant red bean soup was served, Lin Yishen took a deep breath and exclaimed, “To be able to drink such authentic soup in a foreign land is a blessing.”

Shen Xifan sighed softly, lost in her thoughts as she spoke to herself, “Sometimes I feel like everything is too good to be true, unreal. But I still desperately want to hold onto it, even though I keep reminding myself to let things happen naturally. Whether I get it, I’m lucky; if I don’t, it’s fate. Maybe, as many people say, love is like sand, the tighter you hold onto it, the faster it slips away.”

“Nonsense!” Lin Yishen patted her head, “It’s red beans, held tightly, won’t leak out. Although it’s a bit rough, it keeps reminding you all the time. When the time is right, when the water boils, throw them in, and it becomes red bean soup, a soup made from lovesickness. Then the love between two people will bear fruit.”

Shen Xifan smiled faintly. Suddenly, she felt that many things were just meant to be, whether it’s love or marriage, when the time comes, it should happen, and everything should be attributed to fate.

Even though she encountered him at the tail end of her youth, she didn’t feel it was too late. Because when the time is ripe, what is cultivated will bear fruit.

As for that response, she quietly formed an idea in her heart.

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