HomeThe Best ThingChapter 8 - Agarwood

Chapter 8 – Agarwood

When Shen Xifan returned home, her mother was exuberantly telling her father about the results of the matchmaking meeting.

She immediately called a halt to it. Her mother looked at her suspiciously, “You spent so much time talking and laughing with him, was it just for a free meal?”

“Does a matchmaking meeting have to lead to a romantic relationship? Can’t we just be friends?”

Her mother chuckled dryly, “Hey, that’s a novel idea! Matchmaking is about finding a partner, not making friends. If it works out, you develop a relationship; if not, you pass!”

Shen Xifan was confused. What did “pass” mean? Her father poked his head out and kindly reminded her, “She means ‘pass’!”

Her mother slammed her copy of the Metropolitan Daily on the table. “No interruptions, no alliances, listen to me!”

Her father’s head immediately disappeared, while Shen Xifan felt helpless and frustrated. What kind of ineffective medicine did He Suye prescribe that did not affect her mother?

He Suye, He Suye, such a strange name. Who would name someone using traditional Chinese medicine?

Shen Xifan lay on the table with a vocabulary book spread out before her, but her mind started to wander uncontrollably. Soon, her draft paper was covered with his name. Annoyed and embarrassed, she crossed out his name one by one, took a deep breath, and walked to the window.

The night was beautiful, the moon was bright, and the city was full of lights. Everyone had their things to do, time would slowly pass, and everything would happen and end in due course, becoming memories. But how could one know what would happen next? For example, what would happen between herself and Yan Heng?

Thinking about him was pointless, but how could she forget those memories? The intense love, the searing pain, the overwhelming tears, and the hopeful expectations were ultimately dashed.

Was she still hoping he would come back?

Foolish, she had been foolish three years ago. Would she still be a fool that even she would despise three years later?

The next day, as soon as Shen Xifan entered the office, she saw a bouquet of tulips on her desk. She was slightly surprised and picked up the card, recognizing the familiar handwriting: “Dai Heng.” Unaccountably, she felt annoyed and pushed the bouquet aside, staring blankly.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiangya saw it, her eyes lighting up as she picked up the bouquet and smelled it, entranced. “How much did this bouquet of tulips cost? Quite extravagant!”

Shen Xifan stood up to make tea, not turning her head. “If you like them, you can have them.”

Xu Xiangya didn’t respond immediately. “Who is Dai Heng? Where did you hook such a rich man?”

Shen Xifan smirked, deliberately changing the topic. “A rich man? What kind? A green turtle? The kind with a green shell that belongs in a museum or an aquarium? How much per pound?”

Xu Xiangya gasped, “Did I hit a sore spot? President Cheng is looking for you. He wants your opinion on the cocktail party plan. You better go. Are you sure you don’t want the flowers?”

Shen Xifan pulled out a purple bud. “They’re all yours. You know I don’t like flowers.”

Xu Xiangya shook her head. “Nonsense, you love tulips. I bet you have some unresolved issues with this person, and you’re taking it out on these beautiful flowers. What a waste!”

Shen Xifan was speechless. It wasn’t that she hated Yan Heng, but she was put off by his actions. What was he trying to do? Apologize or show lingering feelings? Yet, deep down, there was a sliver of joy in her heart.

She suddenly felt very confused, like a tangled mess needing a sharp knife.

But one thing was certain: she wouldn’t be a fool again.

Yan Heng sent flowers for five consecutive days, each day a different color of tulips. Shen Xifan knew that these flowers were flown in during winter, and not typically found in local flower markets. Yan Heng’s lavish gestures left her puzzled about his intentions.

The Christmas cocktail party was a success. Dongke Software spared no expense, booking the largest venue at Gu Nan Hua Court and reserving three villas and a golf course as raffle prizes for the guests.

However, the employees of Gu Nan Hua Court could only watch others enjoy themselves on this sweet holiday.

The grand crystal chandeliers illuminated every corner of the venue. Most of the men present had brought female companions. In this glamorous setting, women in elegant dresses and elaborate makeup mingled around. As both a staff member and a guest, Shen Xifan wore simple makeup and attire, feeling out of place.

Dongke had invited several prominent figures from the electronics and software industries. She recognized a few CEOs from IT summits, and Gu Nan Hua Court’s senior management was also in attendance.

In contrast to others, she maintained an unusual quietness. Positioned in a corner, the dazzling lights left her feeling somewhat dazed. A phrase crossed her mind: “Their happiness, my emptiness.” Noisy surroundings were never her preference; they caused her to lose herself.

The hotel atmosphere often made her feel out of sync. Lacking Xu Xiangya’s social finesse, Ding Wei’s sharpness, or Lin Yishen’s decisiveness, she relied on her persistence and wit.

She wanted to go home, make a cup of jasmine tea, chat with her parents, or go out for a walk. Maybe she would run into He Suye. Her restless feelings were all reflected in her bright, expressive eyes, making them sparkle.

The crystal chandelier scattered light like golden dust falling on her dark hair, resembling golden embroidery on black brocade. The woman in the white dress stood quietly in a corner as if she had just stepped out of an old, yellowing book, blending poorly with the lively background.

Some men glanced back at her from time to time, but she didn’t notice.

Ling Yufan, holding a crystal glass, was bantering with a beautiful woman and sipping French cognac. His gaze casually fell on Shen Xifan. He found her intriguing. Sometimes she was serious and businesslike, cold like a hotel machine. Other times, she was childish, her eyes full of dissatisfaction when he deliberately picked on her. Yet, beneath it all, there was a quiet strength. She seemed to prefer calm and solitude, making her solitary figure seem out of place in the bustling scene.

Moreover, perhaps she meddled a bit too much.

When he was ill, she sent him herbal tea for colds. Though he appreciated it, his guarded nature made him question her intentions, wondering if her kindness had an ulterior motive.

He had been observing her for a long time and suddenly felt an urge to tease her.

There was a commotion at the entrance. Shen Xifan saw President Cheng and other executives immediately move forward to greet the newcomers. In the middle of the group stood Yan Heng, shaking hands, greeting, and chatting with them.

Had anyone told her Yan Heng was coming? If so, she would rather have fallen ill.

President Cheng waved her over, and she reluctantly approached. “Mr. Yan, hello!”

Yan Heng was dressed in a suit without a tie, and wearing glasses. He looked refined but with a touch of nonchalance. He extended his hand. “Manager Shen, thank you for your hard work these past days. I’ll be relying on you for a while longer.”

His fingers were slightly cold, as she remembered them—long and strong. Once, this hand had led her through the prime of her life, full of blossoms. She never thought they would shake hands like this.

She felt a bit of sweat in her palm but maintained a calm expression. “Mr. Yan, it’s my pleasure to assist you.” She tried to pull her hand back, but Yan Heng held it firmly, determined not to let go.

Shen Xifan met his gaze gracefully, her eyes stern. Yan Heng smiled slyly and suddenly released her hand. She retreated with composure, but inside, something began to crumble. Any longer, and she would have completely broken down.

Yan Heng had never been a match for him.

Suddenly, a woman shouted, “Hey, watch where you’re going! You spilled wine all over me!”

All eyes turned to Ling Yufan, who had wine spilled on his chest by a nervous bartender. His white shirt was soaked, and the bartender kept apologizing, looking anxious. “Manager Shen, please handle this.”

What could she do? She nodded reluctantly. “I’m sorry, please come with me.”

Ling Yufan raised an eyebrow. “I need to change. Manager Shen, please take my clothes to the laundry.”

Agreeing with a nod, she trailed behind him as they exited the venue. Sensing Yan Heng’s gaze on her back, she braced herself for potential criticism. Yet, paradoxically, this situation offered her a chance to evade further scrutiny.

Ling Yufan’s room was a bit messy, with clothes strewn casually on the sofa, and newspapers scattered on the table. Shen Xifan thought Ling Yufan must be someone who valued his privacy, otherwise, why wouldn’t he allow housekeeping to clean on time?

In the spacious room, just the two of them, Ling Yufan didn’t speak, and she fell into a long silence. The atmosphere became tense for a moment, then unexpectedly, a bit ambiguous.

He started changing clothes right in front of her. Shen Xifan was surprised, but she quickly regained her composure. If she saw him in an embarrassing situation, it would only be awkward for her. She lowered her eyes, staring at the carpet, counting how many flowers were on it.

Suddenly, Ling Yufan spoke up. “Shen Xifan, don’t you like attending parties?”

She was surprised by his question and chuckled lightly. “That’s work. I can’t say whether I like it or not.”

There was a probing look on his face. “You can’t say whether you like this kind of work. Why?” His expression softened, and under the light, there was a kind of incredible sincerity in his eyes, making it impossible for Shen Xifan not to respond.

“Perhaps I don’t like this kind of work, but I can do it well. So, it’s a balance. At least I can make a living from it.”

He smiled, then changed the subject back to a lighter tone. “Shen Xifan, can work in a hotel help you marry a rich man?”

Shen Xifan knew that in many people’s eyes, working in a hotel was seen as an illegitimate profession for women. Many girls either ended up being kept or married to one of the guests. So, this kind of job was often seen as opportunistic.

But she had never had such thoughts. All she wanted was to become a competent hotel manager, nothing more.

Now, she was misunderstood by others.

Oh well, people like him grew up in suspicion, always afraid of being cheated out of a single penny. They took pleasure in suspecting and undermining others. They were twisted from a young age, lacking love and proper care. The more she explained, the more confused it became. It was better to keep silent. She felt a bit annoyed with herself for feeling some inexplicable fondness for him just now.

Picking up his clothes, she looked fearlessly at him, her gaze now tinged with disdain. “Mr. Ling, I don’t think it’s appropriate to discuss such deep issues between guests and staff. Your clothes are here. I’ll leave now, and they’ll be brought back to you tomorrow. Good night, and Merry Christmas!”

Ling Yufan was momentarily stunned, and then he smiled. He found Shen Xifan’s expression when she got angry just now cute. If he had pushed her into a corner at that moment or made some move, how would she have reacted? Maybe she would have bitten him, slapped him, and then scolded him.

It was better than her always being so cold.

After dropping off the clothes at the laundry, she left the hotel, walking alone on the way home.

In the bustling city on Christmas Eve, lights illuminated the streets, everyone’s faces beaming with smiles. Girls leaned on their boyfriends, parents carried their children, and kids clamored for candy from Santa Claus. Flower girls weaved through the crowd.

Suddenly, her phone rang, an unfamiliar number, but the voice was familiar. “Shen Xifan, guess who this is?”

She was curious. “Li Jie, how did you get my number?”

He sighed. “No fun. You guessed it too quickly. By the way, what are you doing now?”

“On my way home.”

Li Jie sighed again. “That’s so boring. There’s no event tonight. How about coming over? My senior brother and I are at a tea and wine bar on Guangyuan Road, ‘Er Ya.'”

Was He Suye there too? Shen Xifan thought for a moment, but before she could respond, Li Jie continued, “There are others too, but it’s nothing. I’ll introduce you to them later. Everyone is easy to get along with. Don’t hesitate. Senior Brother will be surprised to see you!”

She was moved by these words and agreed, but soon after, she began to feel a bit hesitant. Would it be too impulsive to go so abruptly? Yet deep down, she wanted to go.

“Er Ya” was the kind of refreshing bar favored by white-collar workers and those with a taste for the finer things.

As soon as she entered, she spotted a group of people sitting by the intricately carved wooden table in the innermost corner, enthusiastically chatting away. With just one glance, she recognized He Suye—graceful and handsome, his smile resembling a crescent moon, with deep dimples that made him stand out in the crowd.

Li Jie waved to her as she approached. “Over here!”

She walked over, and Li Jie introduced each one. “These are all Big Brother He’s disciples, and this is our little junior sister.”

Shen Xifan noticed among the many boys there was only one girl, stunning and exuding confidence. The beauty stood up. “I’m Fang Kexin, the only junior sister here. I study cinematography and I’m currently an intern doctor.”

Shen Xifan sat beside Li Jie. Being outgoing and accustomed to working in the hospitality industry, she naturally conversed with wit and politeness. Before long, everyone became acquainted.

He Suye watched her with a gentle smile, not initiating conversation, but his gaze never left her.

A petite boy suggested, “Let’s play something. How about charades?”

Another one chimed in, “Sounds good! Let’s do herbal prescriptions. The loser has to drink whiskey, a twelve-year-old Chivas Regal—fair enough!”

Shen Xifan immediately felt lost at the mention of “herbal prescriptions,” something she had never heard of before. She looked to He Suye for help.

He Suye stood up, gesturing for Li Jie to move over, then sat beside Shen Xifan, comforting her in a low voice, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

Li Jie watched them with a sly smile, while Fang Kexin’s expression shifted slightly, lost in thought.

“Starting with four strokes, Big Brother He, you go first!”

“Five Ling Powder—Cinnamon Twig, Bai Atractylodes, Poria, Poria Cocos, Alisma Orientale. Zhang Ming, you’re up next with six strokes.”

“Mudan Licorice Decoction—Bai Mudan, Prepared Licorice Root. Seven strokes, Shen Xifan.”

Everyone looked curiously at Shen Xifan, who hesitated before saying, “Good Companion Pill—Kaoliang Ginger, Amomum Villosum.”

Immediately, someone burst into laughter. “Big Brother He, you’re helping her cheat! No way, you have to drink! “

Li Jie waved his hand. “Let Big Brother He assist her. He’ll name two and then Shen Xifan, you must remember them. Let’s go all out and try to defeat Big Brother He!”

She hadn’t expected so many herbal medicines, and some of the names were quite strange and difficult to pronounce. She could only stammer, “Sinking Sandalwood Qi-Reducing Powder—Sandalwood, Licorice, Amomum, Atractylodes… and… I can’t remember the rest…”

Helplessly, she blinked at He Suye, who remained unfazed, still smiling at her.

Everyone burst into laughter. Li Jie pushed a small glass of wine towards her. Shen Xifan frowned, but someone beside her quickly grabbed it and downed it in one go. She exclaimed, “He Suye, I lost!”

Everyone caught on, urging He Suye, “Big Brother He, have some mercy!”

Only Fang Kexin looked somewhat uncomfortable, deliberately turning her head to drink water.

Shen Xifan felt embarrassed, secretly grateful, while He Suye nonchalantly reminded her, “Looks like I need to choose simpler names. You can’t remember the long and complicated ones.”

She could only smile sheepishly.

The night stretched past eleven before it concluded, and Shen Xifan hadn’t expected to find such ease and joy with this group of people. Perhaps it was the nature of doctors—meticulous and conscientious—especially those studying traditional Chinese medicine, who tended to be sensitive and considerate of others. Talking and spending time with them made her feel cared for.

The previous discomfort at the reception vanished instantly. Now, everything seemed beautiful.

Shen Xifan walked ahead, occasionally turning back to chat with He Suye. “He Suye, it seems like all the herbal prescriptions you mentioned tonight contained agarwood. Why is that?”

He Suye smiled. “Because you resemble this medicine!”

Curious, she waited for him and then gently tugged at his sleeve. “Why?”

“Agarwood, also known as aloeswood, is not only a superior type of wood but also a medicinal herb. Its aroma is fragrant and its properties are spicy, dispersing and opening up. It enters the kidney, spleen, and stomach meridians, making it the finest among qi-moving herbs. The mysterious and unique fragrance of agarwood gathers the essence of the heavens and earth over thousands of years, exuding richness, elegance, and warmth. I feel you are quite similar to it—both your character and essence are things that become more appreciated and enjoyable with time and exploration.”

As he spoke, Suye’s face blushed slightly, perhaps due to the alcohol. His words were bold, more direct than usual.

Yet he hadn’t consumed much; he remained quite sober. It was just that upon seeing Shen Xifan for the first time today, his heart had inexplicably skipped a beat. And now, watching her radiant smile, witnessing her cunning during the cheating, her helplessness and mischief when losing the game, his mood soared, like an inflated balloon filled with happiness.

The streetlamp cast a halo around Shen Xifan, clad in white attire with a long coat draped over her. She seemed afraid of the cold, constantly jumping and swaying her jet-black hair.

Suddenly, He Suye had a strange thought—being with her brought him immense joy. Whether it was her shrewd and capable side or her helpless demeanor, he found it intriguing. The deeper he delved, the more there was to discover, and the more surprises he encountered.

Christmas Eve was indeed sentimental.

Shen Xifan hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up, “He Suye, I’ve noticed that I’m particularly happy when I’m with you, for no apparent reason.”

He smiled as if expecting it. Did he not know where her darting eyes always landed, how she liked to sneak glances at him and then casually look away? They had only spent a few times together, yet she had already shown signs of affection towards him, and he surprisingly didn’t reject it. Sometimes, he even secretly hoped for it to be more evident.

Tonight, it was unmistakable.

At times, while heading downstairs for errands, he pondered if he’d bump into Shen Xifan at the supermarket, urging her to opt for fruits over biscuits. Midway through his thesis, he’d gaze out the window, contemplating her whereabouts in the sprawling residential area. Would she wrestle with insomnia again or grumble about another ailment, seeking treatment?

Initially surprised, he soon found solace in acknowledging his feelings for her. No need to debate; he already harbored them.

The nature of his emotions puzzled him. With Zhang Yiling, he sensed dependency, gratitude for her support during tough times. Their dynamic revolved around mutual kindness, despite her lack of romantic affection.

But with Shen Xifan, he felt a newfound sense of duty. Perhaps due to their age difference?

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