Chapter 102

At the break of dawn, the raging winds subsided, allowing the moon’s pale light to pierce through the dark clouds, casting an eerie glow upon the scarlet palace walls. Startled by the sudden footsteps, a lone crow took flight as the palace gates slowly creaked open, ushering in the Emperor’s carriage, escorted by the Imperial Guards, back into the palace.

News of the Emperor’s assassination attempt at the imperial mausoleum had already spread throughout the palace. Due to a bout of scarlet fever, Empress Xia was unable to participate in the mausoleum rites. Fearing for his safety, she anxiously awaited Zhao Yan’s return to the palace. Upon hearing that the Emperor was unharmed, she breathed a sigh of relief, though the details of the attack remained a mystery. An attendant informed her that the Emperor was shaken and needed rest, promising to report to the Empress in two days.

Inside the Jinxiang Palace, Zhao Yan, known for his gentle demeanor, appeared unusually agitated. Even his beloved Consort Su, who had prepared nourishing tonic soup, was met with his loud rebuke. Attendant Fu, who had served two generations of emperors, sensed that Zhao Yan awaited something crucial and urged the eunuchs and palace maids to refrain from disturbing him.

Finally, a report arrived from outside the palace gates: General Xia Qing, commander of the Imperial Guards, had returned and requested an audience with the Emperor. Upon hearing this, Zhao Yan fell into a contemplative silence, leaving Fu puzzled. Despite anxiously awaiting Xia Qing’s return, Zhao Yan seemed hesitant to meet him now that he had arrived.

Fu, well-versed in court etiquette, patiently awaited Zhao Yan’s response. After a long pause, Zhao Yan sighed deeply and instructed, “Summon him.”

Fu quickly rose to announce Xia Qing’s audience. As Xia Qing entered the hall, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed, culminating in a thud as he knelt before the Emperor. Zhao Yan, visibly tense, turned to face Xia Qing but was surprised not to see the severed head of Xiao Du as expected. Reacting swiftly, he hurled a cup towards Xia Qing, demanding, “Where is he? Didn’t I say not to come back without his head?!”

Unfazed by the blow, Xia Qing, blood dripping from his forehead, bowed his head and replied, “Your Majesty’s orders were clear, but I dared not disobey. I tracked Xiao Du to the dense forest, intending to execute him on the spot. However, he claimed to possess crucial military intelligence that he must deliver personally to Your Majesty.”

Zhao Yan scoffed, “General Xia, with your years of military experience, how could you disobey orders based solely on Xiao Du’s words?”

Xia Qing remained composed, “Xiao Du is cunning, Your Majesty. I did not trust him initially. However, he quickly produced evidence that I deemed vital to the security of the state. I could not act unilaterally, so I brought him back, along with the evidence.”

“What evidence?” Zhao Yan inquired urgently, noting Xia Qing’s sincerity.

From his cloak, Xia Qing retrieved a sealed letter and presented it respectfully to Zhao Yan. After a cursory glance, Zhao Yan’s expression turned pale. He read the contents repeatedly before crumpling the paper in his hand and murmuring, “Bring him to me.”

Thus, Xiao Du was brought before Zhao Yan, his tattered clothes and pale complexion belying his calm demeanor. Despite the Emperor’s stern gaze, Xiao Du attempted to kneel before him but winced, clutching his shoulder wound. “Your Majesty, forgive my inability to kneel,” he said.

Though infuriated internally, Zhao Yan maintained a congenial façade, “Chongjiang acted to save me from harm. He is innocent. Bring a seat for the Marquis of Xuan Yuan.”

Xiao Du sat boldly before the Emperor, accepting a cup of tea and draining it in one gulp. Zhao Yan, feeling anxious, inquired, “Where did you obtain this sealed letter, and does Prince Qi truly intend to rebel?”

Xiao Du calmly explained, “The sealed letter was personally delivered by his emissary to General Zheng Long. Its contents are explicit, detailing plans to unite with the Xiao clan’s army and seize control of the realm. Prince Qi, Your Majesty’s uncle, affixed his seal and signature. If Your Majesty doubts its authenticity, it can be verified.”

Zhao Yan’s fingers trembled as he grasped the letter, realizing the gravity of the situation. Despite his efforts to weaken Prince Qi’s power over the years, he never imagined him daring to rebel. Xiao Du’s role in this plot was evident, but without concrete evidence, Zhao Yan could only suppress his anger. After a moment of contemplation, he remarked, “Prince Qi’s domain in Qingzhou is far from Pingdu Pass. Why would he seek to ally with the Xiao clan’s army? There must be more to this.”

Xiao Du appeared surprised, “Does Your Majesty not know? Recently, Woguo pirates infiltrated the western rivers, causing chaos. General Zheng Long pursued them to Zhong County with the Xiao clan’s army, defeating the pirates. Unfortunately, the county magistrate fell gravely ill, and fearing a pirate resurgence, the people pleaded for the Xiao army to remain for their protection. General Zheng Long had no choice but to stay for recuperation.”

As the conversation unfolded, Zhao Yan’s mind raced with the implications. Prince Qi’s ambitions, coupled with Xiao Du’s involvement, threatened the stability of the realm. Unable to confront them directly, Zhao Yan resolved to bide his time, suppressing his frustration. He pondered further, “The distance between Qingzhou and Pingdu Pass is considerable. Prince Qi’s alliance with the Xiao clan’s army seems suspicious. There must be more to this.”

Xiao Du, maintaining his composure, elaborated, “Your Majesty, have you not heard? Recently, Woguo pirates have been wreaking havoc along the western rivers. General Zheng Long, with the aid of the Xiao clan’s army, pursued them to Zhong County and quelled the uprising. However, with the county magistrate falling ill and fears of a pirate resurgence, the locals begged the Xiao army to remain for their protection. General Zheng Long had no choice but to oblige and remain for the time being.”

Zhao Yan felt a chill run down his spine. While the military reports had indeed mentioned Zheng Long leading troops to quell bandits in Hexi, he never imagined that Zheng Long would station heavy troops in Pingjun under the guise of suppressing banditry. Pingjun was the last barrier guarding the Central Plains, and if it fell, the Xiao clan’s army could easily advance and attack the capital.

Furious and trembling with anger, Zhao Yan glared at Xiao Du and gritted his teeth, “I never expected you to have a better understanding of military affairs inside and outside the past than I do.”

To his astonishment, Xiao Du replied calmly, “I am honored to serve and share Your Majesty’s concerns. The Marquis’ Mansion has always been loyal, and though I may not risk my life on the battlefield, I am well-informed about border affairs, eager to alleviate Your Majesty’s worries.”

Zhao Yan seethed with rage, cursing Xiao Du inwardly. However, he realized that the plot to frame Xiao Du had failed since Xia Qing brought him back. Xiao Du must not die, especially not in the palace. His death would give the Xiao clan’s army a reason to rebel, especially with Prince Qi lurking in the background. Moreover, the barbarians and neighboring countries would seize the opportunity to cause chaos. With Xia Qing’s authoritarian tendencies, the realm would plunge into turmoil.

Xiao Du continued, “Today, impostors bearing the Xiao clan’s army insignia attempted to slander me. Your Majesty surely won’t doubt my loyalty due to such baseless accusations.”

Suppressing his hatred, Zhao Yan forced a smile and reassured him, “Chongjiang, you are like a brother to me. I trust you implicitly. Rest assured, I will investigate today’s events thoroughly and clear your name.” He paused before adding, “Your injuries are severe, and the palace gates are closed. Stay the night in the palace, and tomorrow, I will have the imperial physician attend to you before sending you back to your mansion.”

Xiao Du smiled faintly and replied, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. However, I must request that you inform my family so they may rest assured.”

As Fu led Xiao Du away, Xia Qing stole a glance at Zhao Yan’s grim expression and suggested, “Your Majesty, should we summon Prince Qi to the capital and arrest him for treason?”

Zhao Yan sneered, “That would only play into Xiao Du’s hands. Prince Qi won’t be captured so easily. The more chaotic the situation, the more advantageous it is for him. Ignore the matter of the sealed letter. Tomorrow, you will personally escort him back to the Marquis’ Mansion.”

Xia Qing bowed respectfully, prepared to take his leave. As he turned to depart, Zhao Yan approached him and placed a meaningful hand on his shoulder, saying, “You are a wise man. You know where your loyalty lies.”

Xia Qing bowed deeply, “I owe everything to Your Majesty’s benevolence. I swear to remain loyal to Your Majesty and follow your orders, no matter what.”

Zhao Yan nodded wearily and rubbed his brow, signaling, “Very well, you may withdraw.”

The next day, as dawn broke, a carriage slowly emerged from the palace gates. Several soldiers dressed in Feather Forest Guard attire rode ahead, escorting the carriage. Leading them was a man in crimson military attire, a white feather adorning his helmet, his lips red and teeth white, exuding a commanding presence. As the carriage proceeded along the main street, it suddenly came to a halt with a voice from within calling out, “Hold on, stop here.”

Xia Qing quickly halted his horse and turned around, gesturing to stop. Surveying the surroundings, he couldn’t help but wonder why Xiao Du wanted to stop in this area, which was only lined with food stalls. Xiao Du alighted from the carriage, clutching his shoulder, and walked slowly into a nearby shop, returning shortly with several packets of meat dumplings. Passing by Xia Qing, he couldn’t help but comment on the meat dumplings in Xiao Du’s hand, “Marquis, if you need anything, you only need to give an order. Why bother to purchase them yourself?”

Xiao Du smiled faintly, “These meat dumplings from Jade Fragrance Restaurant are renowned. I promised my wife to buy some for her to taste.”

Xia Qing was taken aback. Seeing the tenderness in Xiao Du’s expression when he mentioned his wife, something he had never seen before, he couldn’t help but feel perplexed. He had known that Xiao Du had married the daughter of Xia Xiang. While he had heard rumors of the Marquis’ deep affection for his wife, he had always thought it was part of Xiao Du’s public image. But seeing this ruthless figure, who could navigate through danger and force the emperor’s compliance, display genuine affection for his enemy’s daughter, made Xia Qing wonder if it was all sincere.

As the carriage stopped in front of the Marquis’ Mansion, Xia Qing finally confirmed his thoughts from earlier. He saw Xiao Du tightly embracing the elegant woman in his arms, his demeanor devoid of any hostility, only gentleness as he softly said, “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.”

Yuanxi looked at the wound on his shoulder with concern, but she knew now was not the time to ask about it. Suppressing her tears, she smiled and shook her head, saying, “As long as you’re back, I knew you would return.”

She didn’t tell him how she had bypassed the streets in fear, finally nervously knocking on the door of the only villa she recognized. Nor did she tell him about her feelings during the long night, waiting anxiously by the door until dawn, because everything between them required no words—Xiao Du understood it all.

At that moment, Xiao Zhuoxuan came running over, tears streaming down her face at the sight of Xiao Du’s injuries. Clutching his arm, she choked out, “Big brother, how did you get hurt!”

Xia Qing’s eyes gleamed with light as he leaned against his horse, chin raised in a smile, “Miss Xiao, ever so changeable, we meet again.”

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