Chapter 114

“The news spread like wildfire overnight, crossing palace walls and permeating every nook and cranny of the capital city.

The fall of Empress Dowager Xia from her lofty position into the depths of disgrace stunned many. As the news reached the common folk, it stirred up a boiling reaction akin to pouring cold water into hot oil. Though they dared not openly celebrate, those who had harbored resentment towards the Xia family for years spread the word in secret, silently rejoicing for the emperor’s newfound authority. Meanwhile, those with keen political senses quietly pondered: the winds of the court were undoubtedly shifting!

Indeed, after a few days, His Majesty raised Wu Yue, the former Prince’s Tutor and Minister of Personnel, to the position of Prime Minister. Upon assuming office, Wu Yue promptly presented a memorial, denouncing Grand Minister Xia Mingyuan for meddling in imperial affairs, forming cliques, and committing corruption, listing a total of ten crimes. The lengthy and vehement indictment branded Xia Mingyuan as a traitor and called for his execution. Overwhelmed by grief from the imprisonment of his beloved sister, Xia Mingyuan found himself speechless in the face of interrogation. Attempting to refute the accusations, he instead coughed up blood, collapsing to the ground. Chaos erupted in the court, and His Majesty ordered him to be carried back to his residence for medical treatment. Since then, Xia Mingyuan has claimed illness, avoiding any public appearances.

However, while rumors circulated outside suggesting that Xia Mingyuan was feigning illness to escape punishment, he was genuinely unwell. In the main residence of the Xia estate, the heavy scent of medicine masked the fragrance of incense. Beneath the dark silk covers, Xia Mingyuan’s chest heaved violently, emitting coarse breaths. Upon closer inspection, strands of white hair had sprouted amidst his temples. The once powerful figure who had dominated court politics for two generations now faced his impending demise.

Luo Yuan stood solemnly by Xia Mingyuan’s bedside, sighing deeply. “Lord Grand Minister, you must take care of yourself. The current situation in the court is uncertain. If you don’t act soon, we may find ourselves at a disadvantage.”

Xia Mingyuan’s eyes dulled. He was well aware that the Empress Dowager had been detained, and now he bore the fate of the entire Xia family on his shoulders. Yet, he felt his age catching up to him, sensing his strength waning. He sighed heavily, then coughed up a thick phlegm before weakly speaking, “What’s the current situation? Has His Majesty made any moves?”

Luo Yuan replied solemnly, “Numerous memorials have been submitted to the Imperial Censorate, all accusing officials associated with the Xia family. However, His Majesty has chosen to withhold judgment for now, and his intentions remain unclear. However…” His expression darkened, and he took a step forward, continuing in a lowered voice, “It seems that His Majesty intends to draft an edict, summoning General Qin and his men back to the capital for an account of their actions!”

“What?!” Xia Mingyuan’s heart constricted, his body stiffening in sudden fear. Qin Xuan was his son-in-law, stationed with eighty thousand troops in Yanzhou to prevent any rebellions from regional lords. If even Qin Xuan were stripped of his command and summoned back to the capital, the Xia family would be utterly defenseless. It seemed that His Majesty intended to use the strategy of pulling out the burning stick from beneath the cauldron, gradually reclaiming the Xia family’s military power, severing all their retreat options before delivering the final blow.

As Xia Mingyuan pondered, a cold wind seemed to rush into his heart, chilling his limbs. He cursed himself for his complacency, underestimating Zhao Yan all along. He never imagined that the emperor, whom he once believed he could control, would possess such deep schemes.

Sensing Xia Mingyuan’s despair, Luo Yuan hastily offered words of comfort. “It’s not the worst situation yet, Lord Grand Minister. However, in my opinion, you need to devise a plan early. If General Qin truly surrenders his command and returns to the capital, the situation may become irreversible.”

Xia Mingyuan narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing Luo Yuan before him. He had always known this young man harbored ambitions, admiring his diligence and intelligence. That’s why he had entrusted him with some responsibilities over the past year, though he never dared to fully trust him. Who would have thought they would come to this? The Xia family was on the brink of collapse, and all officials connected to them were under scrutiny by the emperor’s spies. And yet, he had no choice but to rely on this seemingly insignificant figure to gather information about the court’s movements. But could he truly trust him?

Sensing the suspicion in Xia Mingyuan’s gaze, Luo Yuan quickly knelt, his arms trembling slightly. “Lord Grand Minister, I’m only a loyal servant. If you don’t trust me, I won’t argue. I’ll leave with grievances.”

Xia Mingyuan gestured for him to rise, then smiled bitterly. “When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. In my current situation, I’ve reached such a point. If you were truly one of those sycophants, you would have avoided me long ago. How could I not trust you? So…what do you think we should do now?”

Luo Yuan stood up, a glint of determination in his eyes, as he approached Xia Mingyuan’s bedside and spoke in a voice only the two of them could hear, “Forgive my bluntness, Lord Grand Minister, but the situation you’re in now is the result of His Majesty’s long-term planning, step by step. Therefore, he will never let the Xia family off easily. The only solution is to break the boat and push ourselves to the brink of death!”

Xia Mingyuan’s body trembled, and he pointed at Luo Yuan angrily. “How dare you! Are you suggesting that I plot to seize the throne?! Do you realize that this is a capital crime punishable by the extermination of nine generations of one’s family?!”

Luo Yuan quickly prostrated himself, his arms shaking, but his voice remained firm. “I dare not, but if Lord Grand Minister wishes to save the Xia family, this is the only way!”

Xia Mingyuan seemed to boil with rage, grabbing a porcelain pillow from beside him and hurling it at Luo Yuan, shouting, “Get out! I’ll overlook what you just said in consideration of your past loyalty to me. Otherwise, your life may be in jeopardy!”

With beads of cold sweat dripping down his forehead, Luo Yuan still managed to stand up, bowing respectfully before turning to leave.

Xia Mingyuan, still feeling the aftermath of his earlier agitation, experienced a sharp pain in his chest. He began to wheeze heavily, clutching his chest. The servant guarding the door noticed something amiss and quickly entered, inquiring whether to call for a doctor. Xia Mingyuan waved weakly, shouting, “Everyone, leave! No one is allowed in without my orders!”

The room fell silent once again, interrupted only by occasional stifled coughs and the dripping of water. Xia Mingyuan leaned back against the embroidered cushion, overwhelmed by a sense of despair. He knew very well that what Luo Yuan had said was their only way out. With the emperor having taken action, there was no possibility of leaving any avenue open for the Xia family; they were undoubtedly facing extermination.

Allowing Qin Mu to return to the capital was just the first step; the next would undoubtedly target him. However, if he were to rebel, he would be risking the lives of his entire clan. How could he dare to make such a decision lightly? Moreover, aside from the eighty thousand troops in Yanzhou, the most crucial factor was the thirty thousand Imperial Guards under Xia Qing’s command.

Yet, Xia Qing’s unpredictable temperament, coupled with his close relationship with the emperor, made him an unpredictable variable. The more he thought about it, the more his head throbbed, and it seemed as if he were staring into a blank void, unable to see the way forward.

As night fell, someone impatiently burst into Xia Mingyuan’s bedroom without waiting for permission.

Seeing Xia Qing still in full military attire, evidently rushing straight from the army camp, Xia Mingyuan didn’t have the chance to reprimand him for his abrupt entrance. He hastily rose and asked, “What’s happened?”

Xia Qing tossed his sword onto the table with a grim expression. “The emperor has summoned me to the palace and demanded that I relinquish command of the Imperial Guards tomorrow, awaiting further reassignment. This is a move to push us to a dead end!”

Xia Mingyuan was startled but quickly composed himself. “The emperor’s move is indeed swift. He hasn’t even recalled Qin Mu yet, but he’s already eyeing your control over the Imperial Guards.”

Xia Qing turned to him, his eyes filled with hostility. “Uncle, we can’t sit idly by any longer. If we continue like this, the Xia family will be gradually eradicated!”

However, Xia Mingyuan remained calm. “What do you suggest we do?”

Approaching Xia Mingyuan’s side, Xia Qing whispered, “Uncle, do you know that Prince Qi has always harbored rebellious intentions?”

Xia Mingyuan raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised by this revelation.

Sitting down at the edge of the bed, Xia Qing recounted how Xiao Du had manipulated Prince Qi’s rebellion to extricate himself from danger, emphasizing that although Prince Qi was incapable of achieving much, he could still be of use to them. “If someone were to inform him that evidence of his planned rebellion with the Xiao family had reached the emperor’s hands, and then falsely proclaim an imperial edict summoning him to the capital, he would have no choice but to rebel to save his own life.”

He smirked slightly and continued, “For Prince Qi to rebel and march into the Central Plains, he must pass through Yanzhou defended by General Qin. At that point, General Qin needs only to feign defeat and allow Prince Qi’s forces to enter the capital. Then, under the pretext of restoring order, he and I can join forces. Once chaos erupts in the palace, we can take advantage of the situation to kill Zhao Yan. With Prince Qi’s limited forces, he won’t stand a chance against our combined might. After eliminating them all, we can release the Empress Dowager from house arrest and install a new emperor. At that point, the entire realm will be in the hands of the Xia family.”

Having listened carefully, Xia Mingyuan’s mind became clearer. Upon reconsideration, he found the plan seamless, with a seventy to eighty percent chance of success. Yet, he still harbored some concerns. “You’re set to relinquish command tomorrow. Will you still be able to mobilize the Imperial Guards then?”

Xia Qing’s face displayed a proud expression. “The troops under my direct command won’t be easily handed over by him. Even if he appoints a successor immediately, I can guarantee that at least several battalion commanders will remain loyal to me. Furthermore, I have this.”

He retrieved a map from his pocket and unfolded it before Xia Mingyuan. As Xia Mingyuan examined the map, a glimmer of astonishment appeared on his face, and he exclaimed, “This is a detailed map of the entire palace and its defenses!”

Xia Qing smiled triumphantly. “Indeed. The emperor has always been wary of the Xia family, so naturally, I had to leave myself an escape route. It took me a year to compile this map. While it may not be flawless, the distribution of troops and defensive positions is meticulously recorded. With this map, General Qin will have no trouble breaching the palace. Uncle, the fate of the Xia family lies in your hands. It’s a matter of life and death for our entire clan. With a single command from you, I will obey without hesitation.”

After a long deliberation, Xia Mingyuan finally showed a decisive expression. However, he remembered one crucial detail. “Although this plan is promising, there’s still a hidden danger. Have you considered that Xiao Du won’t sit idly by as we smoothly ascend to power? The bulk of the Xiao family’s forces are stationed in the northwest. If they take advantage of the chaos and march on the capital, we’ll be caught off guard.”

Xia Qing replied confidently, “That’s easily resolved. We can ally with him first. Uncle, you can send him a letter, urging him to keep his troops in check for now. Once we succeed, we can negotiate a partnership. Xiao Du can gain half the country without expending a single soldier. I refuse to believe he’d reject such an offer.”

“Hmm…” Seeing Xia Mingyuan hesitating, Xia Qing continued, “A small step backward for the sake of a bigger plan. Our greatest threat now is His Majesty. We share a common enemy with Xiao Du. Right now, we must secure his cooperation to ensure this plan’s success. As long as we can hold onto power, we can deal with him later.”

Xia Mingyuan squinted and pondered for a moment before saying, “That’s true. But if I reveal the entire plan to him and he turns around and reports it to His Majesty, won’t we be digging our graves?”

Xia Qing chuckled, “Uncle, how could you be so confused? If Xiao Du reveals our rebellion to His Majesty, he will be sealing his fate. Think about it, if the Xia family falls, who will be next? It’s every man for himself, Uncle!”

With a sigh, Xia Mingyuan gently exhaled, “Fine, let’s go with your plan for now. We’ll discuss it further.”

Throughout the night, as candles burned low and were replaced, the two of them deliberated until dawn, finally settling on a comprehensive plan. Xia Qing handed Xia Mingyuan a cup of hot tea, saying, “Uncle, have you made up your mind on who should convey this message to Xiao Du?”

Xia Mingyuan replied, “There’s someone perfect for the job. She’s of no use here in the mansion anyway, so we might as well put her to work.” Then, as if recalling something, he fell silent for a long time before finally saying to Xia Qing, “Oh, and there’s one more thing you need to take care of,” before leaning in to give Xia Qing specific instructions.

Xia Qing looked surprised and asked, “Why would you think of doing this at such a critical time, Uncle?”

Behind the veil of rising steam from the tea, Xia Mingyuan’s face momentarily revealed a hint of sorrow. After putting down the teacup, he spoke slowly, “It’s something I owe her. I have to repay her sooner or later.”

The next day, after reading the confidential letter in his hand, Xiao Du smirked sarcastically and then proceeded to burn the letter in the lamp’s flame. Turning to Yuan Xi, he said, “He’s finally starting to make his move. Your father would rather die than lose.”

Yuan Xi’s heart skipped a beat, but she didn’t ask for details about the matter. Instead, she simply put down her book and said, “Unfortunately, he can’t see through it. In the end, the essence of ruling lies in winning the hearts of the people. His Majesty has won the people’s hearts, while the Xia family is despised by all. No matter what he does, he’s destined to lose.”

Xiao Du raised an eyebrow but didn’t confirm or deny her words. He walked over and embraced her gently, saying softly, “Auntie Qi is here, in the flower hall. She says she has something for you. Do you want to see her?”

Yuan Xi’s body stiffened. Auntie Qi… Was she cured? Since learning the truth about her infertility, she had deliberately avoided this aunt, whom she had once regarded as a mother. She didn’t want to know if Auntie Qi had reasons for her actions or if her kindness was genuine or born out of guilt. Yet, after all, humans aren’t made of stone. How could she forget the sixteen years of mother-daughter bond and companionship?

In the end, she went to the flower hall. But even though she had prepared herself mentally, when she saw the frail figure sitting there, she couldn’t help but cover her mouth and cry bitterly. This wasn’t the Auntie Qi she remembered. The illness and mental torment had robbed her of all vitality, leaving behind only a skeleton.

When Auntie Qi heard the sound, she turned her head. As she caught sight of Yuan Xi’s face, a spark ignited in her otherwise lifeless eyes. She stood up shakily, wanting to walk towards her, but hesitated halfway, her face contorted with countless painful emotions. She murmured, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” before squatting down and bursting into tears.

The two of them cried facing each other for a long time. Eventually, Yuan Xi walked over and helped Auntie Qi up. Auntie Qi clung to her arm as if holding onto the last straw of hope. She stared at Yuan Xi’s swollen eyes and muttered incoherently, “I didn’t know, I didn’t know. But I couldn’t go against your father. It’s all my fault, I couldn’t protect you, it’s all my fault…”

Yuan Xi held her almost skeletal arm and suddenly hugged her, saying, “It doesn’t matter anymore. None of that matters anymore. You’ll always be Auntie Qi to me.” She could see that Auntie Qi probably didn’t have much time left, and she didn’t want her to spend her final days in guilt.

That night, Xiao Du thought that the two of them probably had a lot to talk about, so he specifically let Auntie Qi stay in Yuan Xi’s room. Under the flickering lamplight, Auntie Qi combed Yuan Xi’s hair just like before, except the reflection in the bronze mirror was that of a tough woman who had weathered many storms.

With a long sigh, Auntie Qi couldn’t help but want to wipe away her tears again, but then finally remembered and took out a household register from her package, handing it to Yuan Xi. Curiously, Yuan Xi opened it and saw detailed records of her birth in a merchant family on the west side of the city. Her original surname was supposed to be Yang.

For a moment, Yuan Xi felt dizzy. She looked up and asked, “Wasn’t I father’s biological daughter?”

Auntie Qi touched her head and sighed, “Of course you were. That year, when the plum blossoms bloomed, I saw you being born with my own eyes, and I saw how happy your father was.” Her gaze flickered, containing endless sighs and vicissitudes of life. She said slowly, “This is the last thing he did for you.”

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