Chapter 118

The conflict persisted until July. Seeing the onset of the rainy season and the swollen protective moat making it difficult for the Black Cavalry to breach the city, His Highness chose to keep the main army inside, focusing on concocting new poisons and discussing strategies with other generals to break the enemy’s defenses. The continuous rain washed away the spattered blood from the city walls, turning the mountain roads into muddy tracks. On this particular day, Xiao Du emerged from the military camp, gazing at the streams formed by the rain cascading down from high places. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He hastily sent for Luo Yuan to discuss the plan at the general’s residence.

Upon hearing Xiao Du’s proposal, Luo Yuan found it quite feasible. They consulted meteorological books and studied topographic maps throughout the night, finally settling on a comprehensive strategy.

Five days later, the Black Cavalry, impatiently waiting outside the city and eager for a showdown with the Xiao family army, received news that Marquis Xuan Yuan was about to personally lead the troops into battle. The entire army went on high alert, anticipating the clash with the Xiao army. General Dian Liang, leading fifty thousand elite soldiers of the Black Cavalry, camped at Yun Ning Mountain, attempting to gain an advantage with the rugged terrain.

Before the city gates, twenty thousand soldiers of the Xiao family army, clad in iron armor and warm clothing, stood in formation, awaiting the command to unleash their fury upon the enemy and reclaim their lost territory. Xiao Du stood atop the city tower, his purple war cloak billowing in the wind. Luo Yuan, still in his plain blue clothing, smiled and bowed, saying, “I wish His Highness a great victory in this battle. If we can truly deal a heavy blow to the main forces of the Black Cavalry with the least cost, we’ll be one step closer to ultimate victory.”

Xiao Du, looking down at the soldiers outside the city gates, their shiny armor reflecting the sunlight, felt his blood boil with anticipation. “One day,” he thought, “I will reclaim every inch of land trampled by foreign invaders.”

Watching Xiao Du’s determination, Luo Yuan couldn’t help but admire him. Stepping forward, he spoke softly, “Your Highness, if victorious in this battle, on your return journey, you should pass through Yun Zhong Mountain. I’ve inquired about the divine doctor you mentioned before. He indeed resides in Yun Zhong Mountain.”

Xiao Du’s interest was piqued. Despite his declining health over the past year, he understood his wife’s longing for a child. If the legendary divine doctor could cure her illness, it would be a blessing. He nodded, making a mental note of the matter.

The drums of war resounded, signaling the imminent departure for battle. Xiao Du was about to descend from the city tower when he noticed Luo Yuan’s blue clothing turning white, draped loosely over his increasingly frail body. Recalling Luo Yuan’s tireless efforts in Ping Du Pass, Xiao Du pondered for a moment before speaking, “Wen Qian, I’ve asked you before, but you never answered. Why do you help me? If you stayed in the court, you’d have a bright future ahead. Yet you’re willing to risk your life, coming to this remote and harsh borderland to serve me, a man without stable footing.”

Luo Yuan gazed into the distance, his expression somewhat distant. “I hail from Jing Nan, a small border town that has seen its share of turmoil.”

As the drums below grew louder, Xiao Du waited for Luo Yuan to continue. Luo Yuan continued, “When I was eight, Jia Tong Pass fell. The Southern Yue people stormed the city, killing and pillaging. I witnessed my parents being killed by two Southern Yue soldiers.” He closed his eyes, clenching his fists. For the first time, his refined face showed a deep resentment. Opening his eyes, he seemed to break free from the distant memories of war. “At that moment, a general arrived in time to save me and led a large army to fight the Southern Yue people. I was carried on his horse, and amidst the chaos, I saw a banner with the character ‘Xiao.'”

Understanding dawned upon Xiao Du. “What was the name of the general who saved you? Did you ever see him again?” he inquired. Luo Yuan shook his head with a bitter smile. “He placed me in a safe place and returned to lead the army. I didn’t have time to ask his name, and I never saw him again.”

Decades had passed, and perhaps the white-robed general had long retired or fallen in battle. But the banner with the character “Xiao” remained deeply engraved in the child’s heart. He remembered how those soldiers bearing the “Xiao” banner risked their lives to drive out the enemy, saving the city’s people. Since then, he had studied diligently, traveled extensively, and achieved success in the imperial examinations, all to stand among those soldiers and protect more children from the ravages of war. That had become his life’s aspiration.

Looking at Luo Yuan’s determined expression, Xiao Du placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “Wen Qian, truly a noble gentleman. With your assistance, the Xiao family army will surely return victorious.” They exchanged smiles, gratitude, and promises evident in their eyes. Xiao Du mounted his horse at the forefront, leading the twenty thousand soldiers towards the city gates amidst the stirring war drums.

In the sixth year of Jian Ping, July, Xiao Du led only twenty thousand soldiers to face the fifty thousand elite Black Cavalry troops. After several days of battle near Yun Ning Mountain, Xiao Du pretended to be in retreat, luring the Black Cavalry’s main forces to Huang Long Valley. He then dispatched a light cavalry to breach the upper reaches of the Bai Peak River, causing a flood to rush into Huang Long Valley, trapping the Black Cavalry in the deluge. Xiao Du, armed with crossbowmen wielding doubled-range repeating crossbows, pursued from the mountains. In what came to be known as the “Victory at Huang Long,” the main forces of the Black Cavalry were nearly annihilated, with only five thousand escaping in panic, while the casualties of the Xiao family army numbered just over a thousand.

Following the battle at Huang Long Valley, the morale of the Xiao family army soared. Seeing the severely weakened state of the Black Cavalry, Xiao Du knew they wouldn’t recover anytime soon. He ordered his soldiers to camp at the foot of Yun Zhong Mountain, temporarily entrusting command to a deputy with ample combat experience. He instructed him to wait for a day and be prepared to adapt to any emergencies without waiting for his orders.

Then, he ascended Yun Zhong Mountain alone, leaving behind any personal guards. The mountain was steep and desolate, with few inhabitants. As Xiao Du hacked through the vines while climbing, he suddenly heard a young girl’s cry. Hastening forward, he pushed aside the foliage and saw a rough-looking man pressing down on a young woman dressed in white.

Xiao Du frowned, almost instinctively stepping forward and brandishing his sword to drive the man away. The young woman, still shaken, lifted her head, her large eyes reflecting uncertainty, her disheveled hair and mud-covered face failing to hide her breathtaking beauty. She hurriedly adjusted her rumpled clothes and was about to kneel before Xiao Du, expressing her gratitude profusely. Xiao Du quickly waved his hand to stop her and asked, “Excuse me, is there a divine doctor living on this mountain? Do you know where he resides?”

The girl widened her eyes in surprise, then lowered her head, twisting her clothes nervously as she softly responded, “Are you… looking for my master?”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Du was overjoyed. Upon further inquiry, he learned that the divine doctor was named Cui Yuan and resided in a small courtyard on the mountain. The girl, named A Yue, was a servant girl in the divine doctor’s household, often tasked with gathering herbs in the mountains. Little did she expect to encounter malicious bandits today, fortunately rescued by Xiao Du.

Xiao Du followed the girl to the outskirts of Cui Yuan’s residence. The small courtyard was surrounded by running water, with lush vegetation and unfamiliar herbs interspersed throughout, giving it an air of seclusion. A Yue asked him to wait outside while she went in to announce his arrival. After a while, she came out with a joyful expression, saying, “Master says thank you for saving me and allows you to come in for a conversation.”

Xiao Du followed her inside. Sitting in the hall was an elderly man, dressed in a long white robe, with a long beard, giving off an ethereal and dignified aura. A Yue led Xiao Du in and placed her medicine basket aside before Cui Yuan, who stared straight at Xiao Du and asked, “Are you the one who saved A Yue?”

Xiao Du nodded respectfully and bowed to Cui Yuan, introducing himself, “I am Xiao Du. I’ve long heard of the renowned divine doctor. My wife is seriously ill, so I’ve come today to ask the divine doctor to come down from the mountain to treat her.”

Cui Yuan stroked his beard and said, “I’ve retired for many years and no longer see patients. However, considering your sincerity and for saving A Yue, let’s sit down and talk first.”

Xiao Du complied and sat down as instructed. Cui Yuan instructed A Yue to bring them tea. After they both had tea in hand, Cui Yuan took a sip and said, “Over the years, many people have come up the mountain seeking treatment, but I’ve turned them all away. Tell me, what reason do you have to make me come down the mountain?”

Xiao Du smiled faintly and lifted the teacup to his nose, saying, “This tea has a unique aroma that I’ve never smelled before. It must be specially made by the divine doctor.”

A hint of pride appeared on Cui Yuan’s face as he said, “You have a discerning eye. This tea is called ‘A Strand of Fragrance.’ I grow it in the courtyard. Even if someone requests it, I wouldn’t give it to them.”

Xiao Du chuckled and said, “It seems I’m privileged today.” He then raised the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

At that moment, Cui Yuan’s eyes flashed, and he visibly relaxed only after seeing Xiao Du finishing the tea. Beside him, A Yue nervously rubbed her hands, showing signs of wanting to speak but hesitating.

Xiao Du calmly placed the teacup down and looked at Cui Yuan. “How is it? Has the divine doctor considered it? When will he come down the mountain to treat my wife?”

Cui Yuan’s face showed a hint of disdain as his demeanor began to ease. “I’ve said it. I won’t treat patients anymore. You shouldn’t waste your words either. It’s time for you to leave the mountain.”

A meaningful expression appeared on Xiao Du’s face as he stared at Cui Yuan. “Seems like the divine doctor’s act can’t go on much longer, huh?”

Cui Yuan’s face changed drastically. When he looked up again, Xiao Du was already standing beside him, his short knife drawn, its cold light shining, making his heart shrink. However, Xiao Du didn’t move closer, just continued to toy with the handle of his knife, saying, “You indeed played the part quite well, but unfortunately, you made three mistakes as soon as I entered.”

Cui Yuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, unable to meet the intimidating gaze, but still forced out, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about?”

Xiao Du, unperturbed, pointed to the herbs on the ground and continued, “First, a dedicated healer wouldn’t ignore the herbs just gathered, yet you didn’t even glance at them after A Yue returned. Second,” he glanced at Cui Yuan’s hands, continuing, “Your hands weren’t steady. I saw you spill some tea when you picked up the cup. How could a doctor administer acupuncture like that? Thirdly, you placed three fingers on the table before pouring the tea. Although it was a quick gesture, I saw it. It’s a custom of the Wu people to thank the gods before eating or drinking. Habits are hard to fake, so you must be a Wu person, right!”

Cui Yuan was horrified, only now realizing that this man hadn’t fallen for his act as he had expected. He stumbled back a few steps, exclaiming, “How… how did you…?”

Before he could finish, a flying dart pierced through his throat. Xiao Du’s brow furrowed. He had been cautious since entering, suspecting that the enemy wouldn’t dare to set an ambush outside the house, fearing he might become suspicious. Did they arrive so quickly?

At that moment, he noticed A Yue cowering on the ground, trembling, her eyes filled with fear. She stammered, “Gunpowder… there’s gunpowder!”

Xiao Du’s heart sank. Before he could react, a deafening roar erupted from outside the house: someone had planted gunpowder on the mountain, and a landslide was imminent. Xiao Du broke out in a cold sweat. This was perhaps the most dangerous moment of his life. Without hesitation, he was about to run outside when A Yue grabbed his sleeve, crying, “Please, save me and take me with you…”

Meanwhile, at Pingdu Pass, a staff officer glanced at the faint blue smoke rising in the distance, smirking as he entered a tent. Several hours later, several generals and deputy generals who had been left behind by the Xiao family army were summoned to the main tent of Yue Ke Wei, who had been assigned as the deputy commander to guard Pingdu Pass. He had always been prudent and never interfered, so the sudden change surprised the gathered generals.

All the generals and deputy generals who came were those who had followed Xiao Du for many years. Yue Ke Wei glanced at them and suddenly shouted, “Guards, seize them all!” The men were shocked. Right General Zheng Long stepped forward arrogantly, saying, “Who are you to arrest us? Except for the Marquis, no one dares to touch us!”

Yue Ke Wei snorted, taking out a yellow silk cloth and unfolding it. “This is the imperial decree. Do you still dare to defy it?”

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