Chapter 120

The thunderous sound of iron hooves, the changing hues of the mountains and rivers, and countless rockets darkened the sky, bringing the infernal flames of hell to earth.

In less than a moment, the densely packed Black Cavalry broke through the border and stormed into the city, causing the earth to tremble beneath their feet. The Xiao family troops and the Yanzhou army were in a standoff when they were caught off guard by rockets raining down from above, leaving them stunned and their formations in disarray. Amidst the flying sand and the blaze, the well-organized Black Cavalry suddenly charged in, catching several groups off guard, and immediately dispersing them into chaos. Nearby, Luo Yuan, Zheng Long, and others heard the news of the Black Cavalry’s entry into the city, their faces drained of color. Zheng Long tightened the reins of his steed, ready to lead the troops into battle, but Luo Yuan hurriedly followed behind, shouting, “Pingdu Pass has fallen. We are doomed in this battle! General, please quickly withdraw the Xiao family troops to Qingzhou City. Otherwise, no one can stop the Black Cavalry!”

Though anxious, Zheng Long understood that Luo Yuan’s plan was the best course of action. With the thought of his soldiers facing slaughter ahead, he gritted his teeth in frustration and spurred his horse, leading several other generals desperately forward.

By now, the flames near the campsite soared into the sky, the ground littered with heaps of corpses, and the stench of blood and viscera filled the air, dimming the moonlight. Like ferocious wolves, the Black Cavalry brandished shining long knives, cutting down everything in their path. Limbs and bodies littered the ground, blood mingling with entrails. Despite the Xiao family troops being thrown into disarray, they did not falter, fighting the enemy with all their might. However, they were no match for the preparedness of the Black Cavalry, falling one by one under their ruthless blades.

In the depths of despair, familiar horns and drums suddenly sounded, and not far away, the “Xiao” banner rose high. Zheng Long and others, holding the banner, charged into the battlefield, swiftly dispatching several vanguards of the Black Cavalry. The morale of the Xiao family troops soared as they rallied to the drums, forming ranks and shields in hand, charging into the Black Cavalry to protect the archers behind them. Finally, the onslaught of the Black Cavalry momentarily halted.

At this moment, the drums suddenly changed rhythm, signaling a retreat. Though reluctant, the soldiers understood that continuing the battle would only result in their annihilation. They swiftly shifted from offense to defense, retreating towards the outskirts of the city under the relentless pressure of the Black Cavalry.

However, with the Black Cavalry relentlessly pursuing them, the retreat became increasingly difficult. It wasn’t until dawn approached that Zheng Long and the others, with only forty thousand Xiao family troops and twenty thousand Yanzhou troops left, engaged in a desperate battle along the Wei River. With unwavering determination, they utilized the terrain around the Wei River to hold off the onslaught of the Black Cavalry, safeguarding Qingzhou City as the last line of defense.

Seeing that Pingdu Pass, the most difficult to capture, was now in their hands, and faced with the stubborn resistance of the remaining troops, the Black Cavalry lost interest in prolonged combat. In their eyes, Qingzhou City was indefensible and would eventually fall into their hands. Without the Marquis of Xuanyuan leading a mere sixty thousand remnants against their elite troops, they saw no real threat. Thus, under the command of their leader, they withdrew their forces and rested in preparation for the opportune moment to seize Qingzhou.

Outside Qingzhou city, Luo Yuan and Yuanxi anxiously waited for news, which eventually arrived bearing the grim toll of casualties and the loss of Pingdu Pass. Overnight, the Great Mu army lost many comrades-in-arms and the crucial fortress, casting a heavy pall over the troops. Soldiers numbly wiped away bloodstains from their faces, staring blankly into the unfathomable darkness before them. When the army finally retreated into Qingzhou City, Yuanxi settled Xiaoyun and the others before plunging into the medical tent. Inside, the wounded lay with bloodied bodies, some missing limbs or hands, crying out in pain. Yuanxi, though initially shaken by the gruesome scenes, quickly became adept at assisting the medics with bandaging wounds, thanks to her training in the capital. Many medics in the tent didn’t recognize her as the Marquis of Xuanyuan’s wife, assuming her to be a civilian offering help, too preoccupied to offer thanks. Yuanxi worked tirelessly until noon, her body exhausted, before returning to the main tent.

Inside the main tent, Xiaoyun and Zheng Long, along with others, were discussing the next plan. With Pingdu Pass captured by the enemy, and the Black Cavalry’s continued advance towards the Central Plains, the situation was extremely unfavorable for the Great Mu. What’s more dangerous was that Xiaodu, leading thirty thousand Xiao family troops, had yet to return to the city. If they clashed with the Black Cavalry inside the city, it was highly likely they would be annihilated. Currently, separated by Pingdu Pass, they were unable to reunite with Xiaodu’s forces.

The more they discussed, the more they realized the gravity of the situation, unable to devise a strategy. At this moment, Luo Yuan furrowed his brow and pondered, “Who could have let the Black Cavalry in?”

Zheng Long slammed his fist on the table, cursing, “Some traitorous bastard must have colluded with the enemy, otherwise how could this happen? Just as the Xiao family troops and the Yanzhou army were in internal strife, the Black Cavalry stormed into the city. Someone must have opened the gates for them. If I find out who it is, I won’t let them off!”

However, Luo Yuan continued to contemplate and suddenly asked, “Did any of you see General Yue Can?”

Zheng Long harbored a deep hatred for Yue Kewei, sneering, “He didn’t leave the city with us. Who knows if he ran away or was captured.”

Luo Yuan said, “I always felt there was something suspicious about Yue Kewei’s sudden aggression. Even if the Emperor issued a secret decree for him to deal with us, the Black Cavalry is still outside the city, so why the rush? And why did the Black Cavalry enter the city right after he captured you?”

His words hinted at suspicion, but Xiaoyun waved her hand dismissively, saying, “Yue Kewei, as a general of two provinces, though a bit dull, has always been loyal to Great Mu. He can’t commit treason.”

Luo Yuan tapped his fist lightly on his palm, saying, “If not him, then he was likely manipulated by someone else. But who could that be?”

Meanwhile, the raging fire at Pingdu Pass finally subsided temporarily, leaving behind a burnt odor and billowing black smoke. The walls were piled with blackened corpses, and blood oozed from the cracks in the walls. The citizens, facing such a calamity, remained indoors, but what awaited them was another disaster.

The commander of the Black Cavalry quickly occupied the prefectural office in the city. The leader of the Wuguo army was the second prince, Dian Yun, who, together with the leader of the Murong tribe, Ashina Heli, commanded the entire Black Cavalry. At this moment, the two sat high in the office, with a man bound before them, the former general of two provinces, Yue Kewei. His body was already in tatters, almost completely devoid of intact flesh, yet he still stood tall, glaring fiercely at Zou Wu, who stood beside the two, almost as if he wanted to devour him alive with his gaze.

Zou Wu felt a bit uncomfortable and turned his head, saying, “General Yue, those who recognize the situation are wise. As long as you’re willing to surrender to the King, when the time comes, with half of the kingdom in our hands, you’ll be appointed as a high-ranking military officer. Isn’t that better than guarding a small province?”

Yue Kewei spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed, “Bah! It’s all my fault for being blind! I believed the slander of a petty man like you! You’re enjoying the salary of Great Mu, yet you disregard the lives of the people and brothers in the city, letting barbarians into the pass. I will never be associated with scum like you, even if I become a ghost today, I won’t let you off!”

Zou Wu snorted coldly, flicking his sleeve, “Since General Yue is so stubborn, I can’t save you. Your Majesty, how should we deal with him?”

He turned to Ashina Heli, who was extremely impatient, and waved his hand, speaking in blunt Chinese to Yue Kewei, “Will you surrender or not?”

Yue Kewei snorted coldly, standing tall and saying, “A Great Mu military officer may die, but will never surrender!”

Ashina Heli’s eyebrows flickered with coldness, “Good! Then I’ll fulfill your wish. Bring him, skin him, and hang him on the city tower, so that everyone in the city can see how tough this General Yue’s bones are!”

Yue Kewei’s face was full of hatred, but he then closed his eyes tightly, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I am sorry, Great Mu, I am sorry for the thousands of dead soldiers. I am not worth mourning!” Several Black Cavalry soldiers rushed in and dragged him away. Yue Kewei suddenly tilted his head and fiercely bit into the hand holding his shoulder, tearing off a piece of flesh. The person beside him screamed in pain, kicking him in the already bare back, repeatedly striking him with a scabbard. Yue Kewei’s mouth was full of blood, but he laughed heartily, cursing, “Barbarians, you will pay for your blood debt at Pingdu Pass. Just wait and see! Hahaha…” His voice faded further and further away until there was only a scream left.

Ashina Heli stared at the pool of blood on the ground, feeling somewhat stunned. He had long heard that the people of the Central Plains were hard to tame, but witnessing it today still felt shocking. At this moment, Zou Wu walked to the front and knelt, saying, “Congratulations to Your Majesty and the Second Prince for the great victory today. With Pingdu Pass fallen, half of Great Mu’s territory is within reach!”

Dian Yun, who had been silent all along, glanced disdainfully at the man on the ground, saying lightly, “You have contributed greatly to this battle, and you will surely not be overlooked in the future.”

Zou Wu rose joyfully and thanked them. This time, he secretly communicated with the Black Cavalry, deceiving Xiao Du’s 50,000 miscellaneous soldiers into impersonating elite troops. He sacrificed the loyal general Xiao Du to lure him out of the pass and instigated the capture of Xiao’s army officers. Then, he opened the city gates. For this, Ashina Heli rewarded him with some gifts before sending him away. Ashina Heli watched Zou Wu’s departing figure with suspicion and asked Dian Yun, “Do you think we can trust this man?”

Dian Yun smirked contemptuously, “Where there are loyal subjects in Great Mu, there are also people like him, who forget loyalty for profit. Why worry, Your Majesty?” He stood up and walked to the door, looking at the densely packed Black Cavalry camps inside the pass, and said with a smile, “Now it’s time to reward these brothers. Spread the word: loot the city for three days. Whatever the brothers want, let them take it.”

As this order spread, cheers echoed from the camps, startling the vultures feasting on corpses inside and outside the city walls. They screeched sharply, flying across the Wei River and landing in the city of Qingzhou.

Luo Yuan stood with his hands behind his back on the city wall, looking worriedly at the lingering black smoke over Pingdu Pass, lost in thought. Zheng Long, having arranged the soldiers, walked wearily to Luo Yuan’s side and said, “Mr. Luo, why don’t you go back and rest? We can’t figure out a solution for now. I’ve sent scouts to inform the Marquis. Once he returns, he’ll surely find a way to retake Pingdu Pass.”

But Luo Yuan still shook his head and sighed, “Even if Pingdu Pass can be recaptured, it won’t be a matter of days. I’m worried about whether the people in the city can survive.”

Zheng Long thought of the unarmed civilians in the city and couldn’t help but feel distressed. They had promised the Marquis to defend Pingdu Pass to the death. How could they willingly abandon the city if the situation weren’t so dire? Thinking of the fate awaiting those familiar faces, this tough man, who had endured the day, couldn’t help but feel his eyes moisten. He rubbed his face vigorously with his hand.

After much contemplation, Luo Yuan finally seemed to make a decision and said to Zheng Long, “General Zheng, can you gather a squad of short-blade soldiers for me? There’s something I want them to do.”

Luo Yuan stood at the city gate, looking at the soldiers in front of him. The brisk wind lifted the white robe on his body. He unsheathed a curved knife and pointed in the direction of Pingdu Pass, loudly declaring, “The barbarian invaders have taken our land and oppressed our people. I, Luo, want to lead a squad of soldiers to infiltrate the city, risking our lives to rescue the people trapped inside. Is anyone willing to join me?”

The soldiers looked at this seemingly weak scholar, his eyes determined and his voice resolute. His silhouette cast a long shadow like the remnants of a bloody sunset as if a sharp sword guarding the direction of Pingdu Pass. Many were inspired by him and stepped forward, shouting, “I’m willing! I’m willing!”

Luo Yuan looked at the young and determined faces before him, his eyes slightly red. They all understood that they would be a group of warriors with no return. He forcefully plunged the tip of his knife into the ground, declaring loudly, “Good! Men of Great Mu fear neither life nor death. Let’s enter the city together for the sake of the people!”

“Wait… I want to go too!” a soft voice came. Luo Yuan turned back in surprise and saw Yuan Xi wearing coarse clothes, holding a hastily packed bundle in her hands, rushing forward eagerly, “You can rest assured; I won’t drag you down. I know a place where some people can hide. I’ll stay there and won’t interfere with your affairs. I’ve also brought medical supplies to help treat the wounded soldiers.”

“But…” Luo Yuan frowned tightly, almost instinctively wanting to refuse. At this moment, Yuan Xi showed a pleading expression, her eyes shining brightly, saying, “Let me go with you, please. Pingdu Pass was guarded by the scholar all his life. In his absence, let me guard it for him! This is my responsibility!”

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