HomeMarquis MansionChapter 24 - Dream Scattered

Chapter 24 – Dream Scattered

Within the flower hall of the Clear Fragrance Courtyard, the lush vines twined around, and the incense burner emitted a fragrant aroma. Two freshly brewed cups of Longjing tea sat undisturbed on the table, adding a touch of solemnity to the room. Yuanxi stepped into the hall and saw a familiar figure. Before she could react, the person had already approached her, grasping her shoulder with urgency and asking, “Yuanxi, are you alright?”

Yuanxi was suddenly faced with her father standing before her, his face carrying a concern that she wasn’t familiar with. She felt somewhat bewildered and couldn’t summon the warmth and joy of a family reunion in her heart. Instead, she stood there blankly, feeling a vague sense of unease. In the next moment, Xiamingyuan turned to Xiao Du, who stood behind her, and said coldly, “I entrusted my daughter to you, and this is how you treat her!”

Yuanxi was about to speak up in his defense, but Xiamingyuan gently pulled her aside, still speaking in a soft tone, “Don’t worry, Dad will help you seek justice. Just sit quietly.” He then gently pressed her into a chair, indicating for her not to speak further.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Du’s lips curled into a cold smile as he spoke leisurely, “I had intended to come and apologize to you after the matter was completely resolved. But I didn’t expect Your Excellency to be so well-informed, coming to demand answers early this morning. It’s truly unsettling for me.” Yuanxi felt a pang in her heart as she lifted her head to meet Xiao Du’s gaze, seeing the indifference in his eyes.

Xiamingyuan snorted lightly and continued to question, “In such a large Marquis’ Mansion, even the new Madam was kidnapped. It seems like you’ve become complacent at home, lacking the demeanor of the Marquis of Xuan Yuan.”

Xiao Du made a slight bow, “Your Excellency’s teachings are correct. I have indeed become accustomed to a life of ease in the past two years, unable to compare to your tireless efforts day and night, with just a flick of your finger determining life and death.”

Xiamingyuan understood the implication behind Xiao Du’s words but pretended not to, returning to his seat and saying, “You don’t need to talk about these idle matters. You must account for this matter today.”

Xiao Du raised his head, meeting Xiamingyuan’s sharp gaze with a smile, “I wonder what Your Excellency wants me to account for?”

Xiamingyuan, no longer in a hurry, picked up a teacup and took a sip before asking, “Have you captured the culprit who kidnapped Yuanxi?”

Xiao Du glanced at Yuanxi, who sat quietly beside him, and replied, “The culprit has been found, but unfortunately, she’s already dead.”

Xiamingyuan slammed his hand on the table, “Dead? Does death mean the end of it all? Let’s do this then. Zhang Zhitong, the Prefect of Shuntian, was once my student. I’ll have him investigate this case to ensure that the culprit who harmed my daughter doesn’t escape justice.”

Xiao Du’s gaze narrowed, immediately responding, “Your Excellency, you’re very kind, but this matter is an internal affair of the Marquis’ Mansion. There’s no need to involve outsiders.”

Xiamingyuan stared at him coldly, “Even if someone dies, is it still an internal affair? Yuanxi is my daughter. Since you can’t protect her, then as her father, I’ll take matters into my own hands.”

“Dad!” Yuanxi finally spoke timidly from the side, “Can I say something? Xiao Du is my husband and the person I trust to entrust my life to. I believe he can take care of me. Please, Dad, don’t pressure him anymore.”

Her voice was soft but resolute. Xiamingyuan couldn’t help but glare at her angrily. He didn’t expect his usually shy and obedient daughter to speak up like this. He turned to Xiao Du with a cold expression, “So you trust him more than you trust me?”

Xiao Du smiled contentedly, stepping forward to take Yuanxi’s hand. With a sincere expression, he said to Xiamingyuan, “Since Yuanxi married me, her safety has been the most important matter in the Marquis’ Mansion. Your Excellency is busy with official duties, and you need not worry about the affairs between husband and wife.”

Xiamingyuan’s expression darkened as he realized he was being excluded. He said, “Fine, I’ll give you two days. After two days, I’ll come to you for an answer. If you still can’t find the real culprit by then, don’t blame me for using the power of the officials.” He walked to Yuanxi’s side and softened his tone, “Take care of yourself. Dad will come to see you again.” Yuanxi opened her mouth to say something, but before she could ask about Aunt Seven’s condition, Xiamingyuan walked away without looking back. She sighed and turned to glance at Xiao Du, only to find his face gradually turning cold.

Xiao Du straightened his posture, mulling over in his mind: Two days later coincided with the day Wang Yiniang would be promoted to the status of a concubine. Why did Xiamingyuan choose this timing? Wang Yiniang’s promotion was orchestrated by Wang Shoucheng. If anything went wrong in between, the Marquis’ Mansion would lose a crucial leverage in court, allowing the Xia family to reap the benefits. Moreover, why did Xiamingyuan arrive so timely the day after the incident? Who was feeding him information so accurately, coordinating the timing so perfectly? Xiao Du’s thoughts wandered, and he couldn’t help but glance at Yuanxi, remembering the warning from the dark guard: “She’s the daughter of Xiaming, we must be cautious.” Doubt lingered in his mind.

Yuanxi sensed the suspicion hidden in his gaze, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. She stood up abruptly, saying, “Lord Hou must have important matters to attend to. I won’t disturb you any longer.” With that, she hurriedly walked out. Xiao Du wanted to stop her and say something more, but his hand only touched the cold fabric of her skirt as she left, leaving a void in his heart.

Outside, the sun shone brightly, scorching the ground. The servants of the mansion sought refuge under the shade of trees, cursing the oppressive heat. Across the lush bamboo forest, Old Marquis Xiaoyunjing, dressed in silk robes, practiced calligraphy in a pool of clear water. Seeing Xiao Du enter the house, he raised his head and set aside his brush, asking, “Xiamingyuan has left?”

Xiao Du nodded and recounted the conversation from the flower hall. Old Marquis sighed deeply, “Let’s not worry about his intentions for now. Who do you think is behind this?”

Xiao Du understood he was referring to the repeated attacks on Yuanxi. After a moment of hesitation, he replied, “Ever since Yuanxi married into the family, the mansion has been in turmoil. I do have my suspicions about someone, but…”

Old Marquis saw through his thoughts and interjected, “You think it’s Shuyao?”

Xiao Du nodded, “Shuyao has always been close to Wang Yiniang’s quarters, and the incident at the farm is also related to her. Now that Shuyao is dead without evidence, she’s likely been silenced. In that case, Wang Yiniang is the prime suspect. But…” He furrowed his brows in confusion, “I can’t understand why Wang Yiniang would do this. Setting up such a scheme requires someone extremely cunning and ruthless. I’ve never thought Wang Yiniang to be that type of person.”

Old Marquis sighed again, “Though Shuyao may have had some selfish motives, she’s not inherently wicked. Over these years, I have wronged her…” He paused and continued, “You just focus on investigating. Since Xiamingyuan has intervened, there’s more to this than meets the eye. Regardless of who it is, they cannot remain in the mansion. If it truly is Shuyao…” He rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

Xiao Du quickly reassured him, “Father, don’t worry too much. Even if it’s her, whatever consequences she faces will be of her own making. Wang Shilang has no reason to blame us.”

Old Marquis looked at him and said, “At this point, you should understand the implications. Your decisions affect the safety of the mansion and the Xia family’s army. There’s no room for error.”

Xiao Du nodded solemnly, exchanged a few more words, then bowed and left. The ripples on the water under the corridor were soothing, but Xiao Du’s mind couldn’t find a moment of peace: Shuyao’s death, the true culprit behind it, Yuanxi’s identity, Xiamingyuan’s intentions… Everything seemed shrouded in a mist before him, unfathomable. And he had a growing feeling that someone was lurking in the shadows, watching his every move: the day Lao Yuan reminded him of the possibility of Wang Yiniang’s involvement, Yuanxi encountered trouble. Was it merely a coincidence? He looked up at the glaring sunlight, gathering his scattered thoughts, deciding to start with Shuyao’s body. Only by understanding her death could he uncover the truth behind it all.

He started walking towards the secret chamber where Shuyao’s body was placed. Just as he reached the corridor, he saw Yuanxi standing at the door, speaking to the gatekeeper. He approached her and asked, “What’s the matter?”

The gatekeeper, relieved to see him, said, “Madam insists on entering, but Lord Hou ordered that no one is allowed inside. I’m in a difficult position.” Yuanxi, still feeling unsettled, noticed his discomfort and was about to leave. However, Xiao Du stopped her, saying softly, “Let’s go in together.”

Yuanxi felt a hint of joy in her heart but didn’t want to show any weakness to him. She just lowered her head, pouted, and muttered softly, “Do you no longer need to guard against me?” Unexpectedly, Xiao Du’s hearing was excellent. He listened intently to her every word and couldn’t help but be amused by her playful expression. He gently took her hand and whispered in her ear, “Someone said this morning that I am the one you entrust your life to. Have you changed your mind so soon?” Yuanxi blushed and pushed him away gently, but the anger in her heart slowly dissipated.

The gatekeeper stood dumbfounded on the side, not sure whether to look or not. He thought to himself, “Lord and Madam have unique tastes. They flirt and tease even in such a place. Why couldn’t they pick a better spot instead of coming to this place where corpses are kept?” Just then, Xiao Du glanced at him askew and said, “You don’t need to guard here anymore. Wait outside until I call for you.” The gatekeeper quickly ran outside, closing the door behind him thoughtfully. Yuanxi, unaware of the odd thoughts running through his mind, was immediately drawn to the body lying on the long table.

Due to the scorching weather, many blocks of ice were placed under the long table to prevent the body from decomposing. The cold air permeated the surroundings, seeping into their bones, starkly contrasting with the heat and noise outside, separating the realms of life and death. Yuanxi saw the lifeless eyes of Rongqiao staring blankly above as if there were countless grievances to be voiced. Her heart ached with sorrow and anger, and she suddenly reached out and pinched Rongqiao’s cheek.

Xiao Du widened his eyes, too late to stop her, as he watched Yuanxi open Rongqiao’s mouth, revealing her bruised tongue. He couldn’t help but admire his wife’s bravery. Yuanxi, however, didn’t notice his admiration. She just stared at Rongqiao’s throat and asked, “Why didn’t she call for help when she was in trouble?”

Xiao Du furrowed his brows and asked, “Do you think she was silenced with poison?”

Yuanxi nodded and proceeded to examine Rongqiao’s clothes carefully. She said, “There are marks of binding on her wrists and signs of strangulation on her forehead. I believe she was imprisoned somewhere before, unable to move and silenced in some way.”

Xiao Du added, “If the culprit had already captured her, why take the risk of bringing her to Yunnian’s courtyard to kill her? Aren’t they afraid of being caught?”

Yuanxi pondered for a moment and replied, “Perhaps the culprit didn’t want us to know where Rongqiao had been imprisoned. Besides, I have a feeling that the place must be close to Yunnian’s residence.” She paused and continued, “On that day, everyone in the mansion was busy searching for me. When I returned, I thought everything was fine, so I didn’t expect another incident to happen immediately.” Xiao Du’s expression darkened, and he said, “Are you suggesting that Rongqiao was kept imprisoned in the mansion all along, and the culprit deliberately waited until everyone lowered their guard before releasing her to kill her?” If that were the case, then this incident might have been a setup from the moment Yuanxi was kidnapped. The mastermind behind it all had a clear purpose, but what exactly was it?

Yuanxi didn’t respond but kept thinking. Then she asked, “What do you think was the murder weapon used to kill Rongqiao?” Xiao Du also pondered: the human neck is very strong, and to cut it without resistance, one would need a sharp sword and considerable strength. Moreover, how could there be such a person in the mansion, and how could they conceal such a weapon?

The two looked at each other, unable to come up with an answer. The room fell into silence. After a while, Xiao Du spoke up, “In the past, when I led troops if the enemy’s formation was difficult to break through, we would simulate the situation on the sand table in the camp to find the key. Why don’t we do the same this time?”

Yuanxi nodded, feeling that it was a feasible method. So, they began to speculate from the moment Rongqiao was captured: when Xiao Du led the rescue team to save Yuanxi, chaos ensued in the mansion, and the culprit took the opportunity to hide Rongqiao in a secluded and secret place within the mansion. Until late at night, for some unknown reason, the culprit released Rongqiao. Suddenly, Yuanxi whispered, “I think Rongqiao ran into Yunnian’s courtyard herself.” Hearing this, Xiao Du’s mind connected many key points, forming a clear picture. If Rongqiao had been blindfolded and kept in the dark until the moment she was released, she would naturally run towards the light without considering anything else, desperate to find help.

Yuanxi glanced at him immediately, feeling that this speculation was very reasonable. Xiao Du was flattered by her look and couldn’t help but raise his chin proudly. However, Yuanxi’s expression became somewhat solemn again as she said, “If that’s the case, then the murderer must be someone very familiar with Yunniang’s habits. How many people in the Marquis’ Mansion know Yunniang?” Xiao Du also calmed down. Yunniang had been involved in an incident five years ago and had since rarely appeared in public. Only those who had always been in the mansion would be familiar with her like this. So, it seemed even more likely that Wang’s Aunt’s suspicion was greater.

He thought for a moment and still didn’t understand, “If she ran into Yunniang’s yard by herself, how did the murderer kill her?” Even if it was a sharp sword, it would be impossible to kill someone desperately without making any noise.

Yuanxi also frowned and carefully examined the cut on her neck. Suddenly, she exclaimed, “It’s not a knife, it’s iron wire!” She raised her head, her eyes lit up, “Rong Qiao was desperately seeking survival at the time and would definitely ignore everything and run forward. It was also late at night, and the murderer only needed to tie a very thin iron wire at the appropriate height in her path, which would not be noticed at all. As long as she quickly hit that iron wire while running, her neck would be cut off. Then the murderer just needed to cut off the wire and leave without being noticed.”

Xiao Du imagined the scene of Rong Qiao’s head flying off while running, feeling a chill down his spine, and said, “But can her neck be cut off with just a piece of iron wire?” Yuanxi nodded and said, “I have read a book before, and the power generated by extremely thin iron wire is no less than any precious sword. It only requires speed and ruthlessness.”

The two immediately went to Yunniang’s yard to verify their speculation. The fresh blood from that night had long since dried up, but deep marks were found on the nearby tree trunk. They confirmed their speculation and smiled at each other. Xiao Du looked outside again and said, “The house where Rong Qiao was imprisoned must be nearby. Since the murderer came up with this trick, they must have chosen a place in advance, so that she could see the lights in Yunniang’s yard not far away, and the distance she ran should not be too far, otherwise, she might be discovered.”

Yuanxi nodded and suddenly pointed to a stain on the tree, “What is this?” Xiao Du saw the black powder on the tree and couldn’t be sure. Just then, Xiqiao helped Yunniang out and he called her over to ask. Xiqiao touched it with her hand and looked closely, “This is ash.” Xiao Du suddenly realized and immediately asked the servants to thoroughly search the nearby abandoned houses where stoves had been used. Yuanxi was relieved and joyful to see the real culprit had been identified, but when she turned around, she saw Xiao Du with a hesitant expression, so she looked back at him inquisitively.

Xiao Du cleared his throat and whispered to the side, and then Xiqiao quickly helped Yunniang walk away. He stared at Yuanxi for a long time and finally spoke, “The matters in the Marquis’ Mansion are more complicated than you imagine. The responsibility entrusted to me does not allow me to easily trust anyone. Can you… understand?” Yuanxi was stunned. She didn’t expect him to be so candid with her. She lowered her head without speaking but silently held his hand. Xiao Du’s heart was filled with tenderness. Suddenly, he remembered what these hands had touched before, so he widened his eyes, struggled for a moment, but eventually let her hold them obediently, and walked away with a pained expression on his face. Yunniang stood by the window, watching their intertwined shadows behind her, and suddenly grinned.

As the area was small, the servants quickly found the house where Rong Qiao had been imprisoned. From the dust on the ground, it was obvious that there had been signs of struggle, but no clues to the murderer could be found. Only a torn piece of cloth was found in the firewood pile nearby, with a few strange bloodstains on it. Yuanxi stared at the piece of cloth for a long time, knowing that it must be a message Rong Qiao wanted to convey to her, but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

Her head began to ache from thinking too much, so she asked Anhe to take her to the yard for some fresh air. Just as they walked past the lotus pond, her body suddenly became unsteady and she fell inward. At this moment, a dark figure quickly rushed to her side, ready to pull her up, but found that Yuanxi had already stood firm, showing no sign of panic on her face, only secretly scrutinizing him, asking, “Are you the guard sent to me by him?” The guard had never been surrounded and scrutinized by two women before, so he awkwardly nodded.

Yuanxi tilted her head and thought for a moment, then signaled to Anhe with her eyes. Anhe obediently asked, “Does the guard mean that whatever madam asks you to do, you can do it?” The guard straightened his chest and said, “I must protect madam’s safety.” Anhe continued, “Madam has something she wants you to do now, and it involves her safety.” The guard widened his eyes, not understanding what they were up to. Yuanxi ordered Anhe to bring several account books and a piece of paper, the guard took the paper and read it, becoming even more puzzled, not understanding why he was being asked to do this task.

Yuanxi then whispered something to Anhe, and Anhe smiled at him and said, “Madam said you just need to do this task, and she will ensure her safety. If not, she will immediately jump into the pond, and then I will go tell Marquis that you didn’t protect her well.” The guard’s face darkened. Although madam looked timid, she had a way to make you unable to refuse. So, with a pained expression on his face, he accepted the task assigned by Yuanxi and went to do it honestly.

Two days later, just after the hottest days had passed, it was written in the almanac that it was suitable for a betrothal ceremony. Aunt Wang changed into a pink robe with flower embroidery, had her maid style her hair into a Lingyun hairstyle, and put on some jewelry. Seeing her face in the mirror, she smiled with joy, making her features as beautiful as peaches and plums. She opened her dressing-case and found a pair of translucent jade earrings, staring at them for a long time, her eyes slightly moist. In her heart, she silently said, “Brother, I finally waited for this day.”

She remembered many years ago, the day before she was sent to the Marquis’ Mansion, her brother placed these earrings in her palm, his face full of guilt as he said, “Little sister, I’m sorry to have troubled you.” But she just smiled and shook her head. She knew her brother, though not lacking in wit and strategy, was unfortunate to lack recommendations. He could only be a low-ranking military officer, relying on the power of the Marquis’ Mansion to fulfill his ambitions. Even if it meant becoming a concubine, she was willing to help her brother curry favor with the Marquis, who was highly favored by the Emperor.

She had once awaited with anticipation the legendary Marquis Xuan Yuan, known for his bravery and military prowess. After all, he was the person she would rely on for the rest of her life. But when she saw the look in his eyes for the first time, she understood that she could never hold any place in his heart because there was someone else in his heart, though she never understood who that person was.

However, she didn’t mind. She never hoped to gain favor from the Marquis. She only hoped to bear children, to establish herself in the mansion. It wasn’t until her youngest son was born, until she experienced many things, that hatred slowly took root, entwining deeper like creeping vines. She began to learn how to please and manipulate, firmly grasping the reins of power in the mansion.

After all, since that person didn’t want her, how could she easily let go? Fortunately, her brother was recognized by two successive emperors and continuously made military achievements, rising in rank. They relied on each other, and she married her niece from her maiden family into the Marquis’ Mansion, finally turning the Wang family from a despised merchant family into one that commanded respect. But she understood all too well in her heart that as long as her status remained that of a concubine, everything she had now was like a mirage, ready to slip away from her hands at any time.

And today, she finally reached this step, no longer just that person’s slave. Thinking of this, her gaze gradually turned cold, her face in the mirror slowly blurring, suddenly turning into the indifferent and somewhat mocking face of Madame Zhao. She suddenly slammed the bronze mirror to the ground, filled with hatred in her heart. The maid behind her was startled, quickly bending down to pick up the bronze mirror, but accidentally sweeping the rouge on the dressing table onto the floor, splattering crimson powder all over the place.

The maid was scared to the brink of tears, quickly kneeling to apologize, but Lady Wang’s expression changed slightly, but she still forced a smile and said, “Today is a good day, I don’t want to punish anyone. Just clean up these things quickly.” The maid repeatedly thanked her and began to clean up the mess on the floor. Lady Wang walked to the door, holding the hand of another maid, and turned back to look at the crimson mess on the ground, suddenly feeling a surge of heat. She took a deep breath, loosened her collar, and walked gracefully toward the main hall.

Many people were already standing or sitting in the hall. Although it was just a simple ceremony, it was carefully arranged, showing a joyous atmosphere. The old Marquis and Madame Zhao sat at the head, below were Xiao Du, Yuan Xi, and other juniors, and then there were special guests and relatives. Auntie Cai, who rarely showed her face, stood behind the Marquis, still with an indifferent and submissive look as if this scene had nothing to do with her. And beside the old Marquis sat another person, dressed in scarlet robes with a jade belt, with a square face and broad shoulders, a somewhat dark complexion with a hint of official authority. It was none other than the Deputy Minister of War, Wang Shou Cheng, who had come specifically.

When Lady Wang saw him, tears uncontrollably welled up in her eyes. She quickly walked forward to bow and said tremblingly, “Brother!” Wang Shou Cheng also showed an excited expression, but it was inconvenient to get up. He just silently wiped the corners of his eyes and nodded to her, letting all the words be communicated in this eye contact.

Xiao Du watched coldly from the side, stood up, and said, “Today is Lady Wang’s joyous day, so I have specially asked General Zhou to prepare some gifts.” After speaking, he clapped his hands, and Zhou Jing Yuan led someone in carrying a box. When Lady Wang saw the person carrying the box, she suddenly widened her eyes and exclaimed, “How come you are here!”

The person carrying the box lifted his head, unexpectedly it was Liu Song, the steward of the Tian Estate that day. Xiao Du said, “I see Lady Wang and Steward Liu have known each other for many years, so I specially invited him to congratulate you. What’s wrong?” Lady Wang finally recovered from her shock, gathered her hair, and reluctantly put on a smile, saying, “Marquis is joking, I only have some dealings with Steward Liu when reporting accounts every month, we are not that familiar.”

“Not familiar?” Xiao Du smiled, walked to the trembling Liu Song, and said word by word, “Then Steward Liu should speak. Are these gifts recorded in the accounts submitted to the Marquis Mansion, or in Lady Wang’s accounts?” Liu Song was struck by lightning, his feet softened and he knelt. Lady Wang’s face turned pale, and she screamed sharply, “There’s no evidence. How can the Marquis casually accuse!”

Xiao Du remained silent and turned his gaze towards Yuan Xi. Yuan Xi sighed and stood up, saying, “Lady Wang knew I didn’t understand bookkeeping, so she entrusted me with the fake account book of the estate. But after reviewing it several times, I felt something was amiss. Later, I realized that although the harvest of the fields should have been affected by natural disasters, there was a whole month of drought last year, yet there were no changes in the accounts.

This indicated that there were issues with these accounts. However, fearing that I might be mistaken, I didn’t dare to make a big fuss and secretly had someone investigate. The result revealed that some of the fields in the estate had been secretly sublet to other tenants, and the rent collected had been loaned out in the name of the Marquis’ Mansion, but these transactions were not recorded in the account book.”

Lady Wang stared at her with astonishment, which quickly turned into resentment. She never imagined she would fall into the hands of this inexperienced maid. She couldn’t help but take two steps back, pondering how to explain. At this moment, Xiao Du spoke again, “So, Auntie Wang, can you tell me where these private funds were used? Who were they given to?” As he spoke, he cast a glance at Wang Shou Cheng. Wang Shou Cheng, who was initially shocked, now trembled under Xiao Du’s scrutiny. Unable to bear it, he stood up and exclaimed, “Marquis, what do you mean? Since Shuyao entered your Marquis’ Mansion, she has never returned home once. Do you still suspect that the money was embezzled by the Wang family?”

Xiao Du remained calm and composed. “There’s no need for you, Mr. Wang, to rush to clear your name,” he said. “Since Lady Wang has set up a private account, there must be another set of records. I believe a search in her chambers would reveal them. And Mr. Wang, you’ve been prosperous these years, generously managing affairs both high and low. I wonder, where did all that money come from?”

Wang Shou Cheng was left speechless by Xiao Du’s words, his face turning grim as he sank heavily into his chair. Lady Wang finally reacted, scanning the room with a cold smirk. “So, this whole ‘side consort’ business was just a trap,” she remarked. “You want to force me to confess in front of everyone, even bringing my brother to testify against me and put him in a difficult position. How ruthless of you…” Her expression shifted to one of despair, and she could no longer maintain her composure.

Bending over, she cried out, “Yes, I did it! I set up the accounts privately! But it has nothing to do with my brother. It was all because of you, all of you!” She pointed accusingly at the old Marquis, then at Madam Zhao, who had been watching everything with cold eyes. Suddenly, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed, “It was you! You plotted this scheme! You’ve been tormenting me for years, and now you’re pushing me to the brink!”

Madam Zhao, looking down on her with disdain, gave her a dismissive glance before leisurely lifting a cup of tea to her lips. Meanwhile, Xiao Yunjing raised his voice, cutting through the tension. “Enough! If you were only hiding some private accounts, considering your many years of service in the mansion and your longstanding relationship with Mr. Wang, we wouldn’t make things difficult for you. But I never expected that you would go so far as to attempt to cover up your misdeeds by plotting against our mistress!”

Lady Wang, tears brimming in her eyes, stared blankly at him for a moment before speaking. “Plotting against our mistress? When did I ever plot against anyone?”

Xiao Du stepped forward, his face dark with anger. “Still trying to deceive us? When you saw that I had Yuan Xi help you with the accounts, fearing that she might discover something fishy, you first made things difficult for her. Then, when you realized you couldn’t delay any longer, you gave her a fake account book. But she took it seriously and wanted to inspect the estate. You were afraid that if she looked too closely, the truth would come out, so you bribed Rongqiao to poison her during the festivities. By some stroke of luck, Yuan Xi didn’t die. Fearing that Rongqiao might accidentally reveal the truth, you decided to silence her and kill her to cover your tracks!”

Lady Wang’s hair was disheveled as she vehemently shook her head, screaming, “I didn’t! I didn’t try to kill anyone! Stop accusing me unjustly!”

Yuan Xi reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth, on which delicate handwriting spelled out a few lines. Remembering the person who wrote it, her tone turned unusually furious. “Originally, Rongqiao felt guilty, but she didn’t dare to confess the truth to me. She only dared to write it down on this piece of cloth, admitting that you gave her a packet of powder to secretly put into the lamp, and then you stealthily sewed this cloth into my shoe. Who knew you would heartlessly kill her? Thankfully, she left a message before she died. It took me a long time to figure it out. She drew a plum blossom with her blood in the corner of her clothes, telling me that she had hidden something in the embroidered plum blossom pattern on my shoe a few days ago.”

Lady Wang was taken aback by Yuan Xi’s words, but quickly shook her head vigorously, vigorously denying, “It’s not like that! I had Rongqiao add something to your lamp, but it was just some sleeping powder. I only wanted to scare you, to prevent you from staying at the estate. But I never told her to poison you, and I have no idea how she died! You have no evidence, so don’t accuse me of murder!”

Yuan Xi, seeing her unwavering gaze, suddenly hesitated. She remembered the last time she saw Rongqiao, tears streaming down her face as she said, “I didn’t know at the time that it was…” Something flashed through her mind, but she couldn’t grasp it. Just then, someone hurriedly ran in, handing something to Xiao Du, and said something to him. Xiao Du looked at the item in his hand and smirked. “You claim it wasn’t you, but why were these unused indigo powders found in your room?”

Lady Wang lifted her head dumbfoundedly, staring at the item in his hand with a mixture of shock and anger. Her eyes reddened, and she gritted her teeth, shouting, “So that’s it, you’ve orchestrated everything to frame me. You just want me dead…”

With a defeated look in her eyes, she began to remove the ornaments from her head and body, throwing them to the ground, her gaze sliding past the sun-drenched roof outside the door. This was where she had spent the first half of her life, where she had once harbored so many hopes and struggles, all of which were now trampled underfoot at this moment. Her life, it seemed, was utterly worthless. With that realization, she covered her face and let out a despairing cry.

Xiao Qing couldn’t bear it any longer and rushed forward, embracing her. He no longer hesitated to cry out, “Mother!” Lady Wang gently stroked his head, tears streaming uncontrollably, and said, “I’m sorry, my child, I failed to protect you. All I can do now is not to burden you anymore.” Her throat choked up, and she couldn’t say anything more.

At this moment, Wang Shou Cheng stood up, bowing deeply to Xiao Yunjing, and said in a low voice, “It’s my incompetence that led my sister to make such a mistake. Could I humbly request, Brother Xiao, in consideration of our longstanding friendship, to spare her?”

Xiao Yunjing and Xiao Du exchanged a glance, both showing some hesitation. However, Yuan Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was off. Luckily, this situation could still be salvaged. Just then, someone hurriedly rushed in from outside, angrily shouting, “Is the old Marquis planning to conspire with others, colluding to protect the perpetrator who attempted to harm my daughter?”

The crowd was stunned by this outburst. Xia Mingyuan stood in the center with a grim expression, raising his chin defiantly. “Fortunately, I’ve brought officials from the Shuntian Prefecture. I heard just now. Now we have both the culprit and the evidence. If Wang Shou Cheng still wants to shield his sister, he’ll be charged with obstructing justice!”

Wang Shou Cheng knew there was no turning back and could only sigh inwardly. He glared fiercely at Xiao Yunjing and said, “I didn’t expect your Marquis mansion to go so far as to summon Xia Mingyuan to frame my sister. It seems your marital ties are truly well-established.”

Xiao Du furrowed his brow, not expecting Xia Mingyuan’s move to be so malicious. Just as he was considering how to defuse the situation, Xia Mingyuan had already sent someone in to drag Lady Wang, who was kneeling on the ground, away. Lady Wang held onto Xiao Qing’s hand tightly, determination flashing in her eyes. She stared fiercely at Zhao Furen, who was seated high above, swaying as she stood up. “Could the officials wait a moment? I still have something to say.”

The few officials looked at each other, unsure how to respond. Suddenly, Lady Wang took a few steps forward, pointing at Zhao Furen, and laughed maniacally. “You think you’ve won? You never expected that I would know your biggest secret. Today, I will let everyone know, you…”

“Shut up!” Xiao Yunjing rushed forward, slapping Lady Wang to the ground. Lady Wang sat on the ground, holding her face, but she had made up her mind to break free from this predicament at all costs. Ignoring everything, she attempted to speak again. Xiao Yunjing quickly grabbed her clothes, dragged her in front of him, and whispered through clenched teeth in her ear, “If you still want your son to live, you’d better shut up now.”

Lady Wang looked up at Xiao Yunjing incredulously, the shock in her eyes gradually turning to sorrow, until finally, there was nothing left but emptiness…

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