Chapter 97

Doctor Li has been deeply troubled lately because of the troublemaker who has attracted his sensible and ambitious apprentice, whom he sees as a prospective daughter-in-law.

Initially, he thought this young nobleman’s interest was just a passing fancy and that he would lose interest if he didn’t get what he wanted after a few days. However, this person turned out to be remarkably persistent, finding excuses to stay here every day, causing almost every ailment to befall him, and flirting with Xiao Xi right under his nose. The only thing worth celebrating was that the clinic’s revenue had multiplied several times. However, every time he left, Xiao Xi would sit quietly for a long time, then lock herself in the back room, leaving Doctor Li curious. One day, he listened at the door and heard faint sobbing inside.

This abnormal behavior greatly alerted Doctor Li, who felt that if he continued to turn a blind eye, this prospective daughter-in-law would be taken advantage of. So he promptly instructed his youngest son, Li Yue, to drop everything and come to the clinic to evaluate the situation. If they hit it off, it would be best to expedite matters and avoid letting the unscrupulous nobleman take the initiative.

Doctor Li’s youngest son, Li Yue, had never been fond of medical skills but was passionate about studying. Two years ago, he passed the provincial examination and now works as a clerk in the local government, preparing to take the imperial examination next year. Doctor Li was very proud of this son, but lamented that Li Yue’s excessive focus on academics made him somewhat of a bookworm. He had insisted that his future wife must be literate and able to discuss ancient texts, but as their family was of merchant background, finding such a match had been difficult, hence Li Yue remained unmarried at twenty. So when Doctor Li inadvertently discovered the knowledge and insight displayed by Yuanxi, he felt it was a heaven-sent match and was eager to arrange a marriage for his son.

So on this day, just as Yuanxi had finished grooming and was about to go to the outer hall to see patients, she saw a young man in long robes and a turban standing awkwardly in the courtyard. Upon seeing her, he blushed slightly and formally bowed, saying, “Miss Xia, I am Li Yue, summoned here by my father. May I have the honor of a conversation?”

Although young, he spoke with formality and a touch of old-fashionedness, which Yuanxi found amusing. So she returned his gesture and said, “So, you are the young master. How may I assist you?”

Li Yue rarely spoke with women alone, so he was nervous, hiding his face in his wide sleeves and stealing glances at Yuanxi. Seeing her graceful demeanor, his heart beat faster. Clearing his throat, he continued, “My father has often mentioned your virtues and intellect. My family is respectable; I passed the provincial examination in the year of the Goat and currently hold a government position. My income is adequate. May I have the honor of forming a relationship with you?”

Yuanxi was stunned, taking a moment to understand his meaning. Shocked, she realized Doctor Li had such intentions, feeling deeply ashamed as a married woman. She wanted to explain the misunderstanding but was interrupted by Li Yue’s eagerness, “I am sincere. Will you consent?”

“She does not consent!” A sharp voice interrupted, startling Li Yue. He turned to see a distinguished young man approaching, his face filled with anger, followed by Doctor Li, anxiously pulling him back and muttering, “You, I’ve told you that Xiao Xi isn’t here. If you barge into the inner courtyard again, I’ll report you.”

Yuanxi had only managed to say “I” before the interruption left her stunned. Xiao Du had already reached her, pulling her behind him protectively and glaring at Li Yue.

Li Yue, recovering from the shock, realized this was the nobleman mentioned by his father. He straightened his back and, with newfound courage, demanded, “Who are you to make decisions for her?”

Xiao Du smirked coldly, pulling Yuanxi to his chest and declaring, “Because I am her husband!”

This revelation stunned both Li Yue and Doctor Li, who then directed their doubtful and questioning gazes at Yuanxi. Yuanxi, feeling guilty, nodded timidly.

As they sat around a table in the courtyard, the atmosphere became awkward. The three men were lost in their thoughts, while Li Yue, experiencing his first failed proposal, sat dejectedly.

Yuanxi poured tea with a guilty expression and handed it to Doctor Li, saying, “I’m sorry, I should have told you earlier…” But Doctor Li’s anger remained, and he glared at her, “You can play your games behind closed doors. Why involve others? My humble clinic cannot accommodate such grand figures.”

Hearing Doctor Li’s implication that she should leave, Yuanxi’s eyes filled with tears. She pleaded, “I’m sorry, Doctor Li. I came to this clinic because I had nowhere else to go and genuinely wanted to learn to support myself. I never intended to deceive you.”

Xiao Du grew increasingly displeased. Why was his wife apologizing meekly to this old man? Moreover, this old man was scheming behind their backs. If Xiao Du had arrived later, his wife might have been taken by someone else. So he furrowed his brows and grabbed Yuanxi’s hand, saying, “Stop wasting time with him. If you want to practice medicine, I’ll help you set up clinics. What’s so special about this low-class clinic?”

Doctor Li was on the verge of exploding. No wonder Xiao Xi refused to return. This man was so ruthless and unreasonable. Normally, he must have scolded her a lot, forcing her to leave before he had to come and show goodwill. With these thoughts in mind, he couldn’t help but stand on Yuanxi’s side, feeling sorry for her. “Such a good woman, how can she be ruined by this wastrel?” he exclaimed to Xiao Du.

He then turned to Xiao Du and said, “Sir, I can see clearly that Xiaxi is not willing to go back with you. This forced arrangement won’t end well. Our small clinic, which is not presentable, is not worth your frequent visits.”

Xiao Du slammed the table angrily, making Doctor Li shiver. Worried that Xiao Du might smash the clinic if provoked, Yuanxi told him, “You should go back first. I’ll explain everything to them. Also, today’s incident should not be pursued further, or I will never forgive you.”

Xiao Du felt extremely wronged. They were the ones who coveted his wife first, but now it seemed like he was the one bullying them. However, since Yuanxi had spoken, he had no choice but to leave, reluctantly stepping out the door.

But the thought of his wife being pursued by someone else made him extremely uncomfortable. If he hadn’t promised Yuanxi not to pursue the matter further, he would have wanted to skin that kid alive. He couldn’t sleep that night and finally made a decision: he had to be ruthless if he wanted to win back his wife.

The next day, when Xiao Du appeared at the clinic again, almost everyone was used to it. Doctor Li was busy packing his medicine box, too preoccupied to even glance at Xiao Du. He was thinking about a wealthy merchant who had offered a high price for his medical services. If he could secure this connection, the clinic would prosper. So he had no time to care about the antics of this young couple.

Xiao Du stood tall in front of the table, and Yuanxi sighed softly before she could say anything. Xiao Du, with a smug expression, rolled up his sleeves and said, “I hurt my arm!”

Yuanxi didn’t expect him to be injured today. She hurried over to take a look and indeed found a piece of gauze loosely wrapped around his arm, the inner clothes soaked with blood. When she touched it, he winced in pain, his brows furrowed.

Seeing his suffering, Yuanxi couldn’t help but shed tears. Xiao Du wiped away her tears with his other hand and whispered in her ear, “If I knew it would make you care like this, I would have hurt myself earlier.”

It dawned on Yuanxi then, and she exclaimed indignantly, “Are you crazy? Why would you hurt yourself?”

Xiao Du sighed and said, “No wound, no pain, could compare to the pain you caused me in my heart.”

Yuanxi’s heart skipped a beat, but she was only worried about his injury. Afraid that the wound might worsen, she quickly dragged him to the inner room. Fortunately, there were no patients at the clinic at the moment, so Doctor Li let them handle it themselves without interference.

In the inner room, Yuanxi helped him take off his shirt and carefully applied medicine to his wound. Then, she bandaged it with gauze, trying not to hurt him. After struggling to wrap it up, she was already sweating profusely.

Xiao Du couldn’t stop smiling as he watched her concentrate on dressing his wound, feeling her warm fingertips gently slide over his skin. He couldn’t resist grabbing her hand and said, “Xiao Xi, come back home with me. I know you still care about me.”

But Yuanxi just lowered her head and said, “We agreed not to mention this again.”

Xiao Du refused to let her off easily. He pressed her hand tightly against his bare chest and said, “Xiao Xi, can you listen to a few words from my heart?”

Feeling his hot skin and his heartbeat through her palm, Yuanxi’s body softened. Xiao Du whispered in her ear, “Actually, ever since I learned about my identity that day, I still haven’t figured out whether I should be surnamed Xiao or Zhao.”

Yuanxi didn’t expect him to bring this up and looked at him in surprise. Xiao Du’s expression became somewhat desolate as he continued, “Do you find it laughable? I’ve lived for so many years, and I still don’t know what my surname should be. Even if I have children, I don’t know what their surnames should be. The mother I longed for sees me as an enemy. The father I yearned for lost his true child because of me. My brothers have always wanted to kill me secretly…” He laughed at himself, his eyes suddenly gentle as he looked at Yuanxi. “So, Xiaxi, do you understand? You are the only truth in my life. You are my wife. You said you would accompany me, give me a home. If I lose you, what meaning is there to have all the riches in the world?”

Yuanxi’s hand trembled against his chest, and all her defenses crumbled. Tears streamed down her face, but she was still struggling, saying, “But… but…” Xiao Du pulled her into his arms, gently kissing her lips, his eyes giving her strength, and whispered, “I said, I don’t care about anything else. I only care about you. Wherever you are, that’s my home.”

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