HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 143: Second Brother Xu

Chapter 143: Second Brother Xu

“So, you’ve called me out again for a case?” Xu Xiangren had already anticipated Zhu Yan’s response, but still harbored a glimmer of hope as he asked.

“Mm-hmm,” Zhu Yan nodded, taking a sip of tea from the table. ” I’ve asked Second Brother Xu here because there’s a favor I’d like to request, but I’m not sure if…”

Zhu Yan hesitated, seemingly concerned about the appropriateness of her words.

“Just speak plainly,” Xu Xiangren said, taking a sip of his tea. “We’ve known each other for years. Surely you don’t need to be so guarded with me.”

Zhu Yan straightened her posture, cleared her throat, and looked at Xu Xiangren with a serious expression. “Second Brother Xu, could you send someone to Shanxi to make some inquiries and investigate a person for me?”

Hearing this, Xu Xiangren understood immediately and gave Zhu Yan a meaningful look. “You want to investigate that retired official, Magistrate Chen?”

Zhu Yan nodded eagerly. “As expected of the Local Constable leader, you’ve guessed it in one go.”

Xu Xiangren’s forehead creased. If he couldn’t figure out something this simple, his brain would be worse than a pig’s.

Neither agreeing nor refusing, Xu Xiangren brought his tea to his lips and sipped slowly.

His relaxed demeanor and nonchalant attitude made Zhu Yan anxious.

Zhu Yan clasped her hands together in front of Xu Xiangren, pleading, “Second Brother Xu, please, I beg you, help me with this.”

Xu Xiangren feigned difficulty. “It’s not a big deal, but I’m just wondering what excuse I could use to send my men away.”

“They could visit relatives, or maybe…” Zhu Yan stopped mid-sentence, suddenly realizing the meaning behind his words. Xu Xiangren was teasing her.

The Local Constable didn’t need excuses for their investigations; they could simply issue orders.

Seeing that Zhu Yan had caught on, Xu Xiangren chuckled and shook his head. “Very well, I’ll take care of it. But you’re always asking for favors without showing any gratitude. Don’t you think that’s a bit unfair?”

Zhu Yan laughed awkwardly, then quickly promised, “Don’t worry, Second Brother Xu. Once this case is resolved, I’ll treat you to a grand feast with the finest wine.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Xu Xiangren said, standing up to leave.

Just then, a Local Constable member rushed in to report, “Boss, someone’s reported that a figure from the past has appeared in the ruins of Jinxiu Fang. It’s very strange.”

Hearing this, Xu Xiangren’s expression darkened. When he looked at Zhu Yan, he saw her brow furrowed as well.

They hurried to the scene, where they found Shen Du and even Yunque had arrived.

In the ruins, there was indeed a ghostly figure. It was none other than Kong Xianrong, the owner of Jinxiu Fang!

Hadn’t he died in the case years ago? How could he be alive? Was resurrection truly possible?

Zhu Yan’s face was filled with disbelief as Kong Xianrong’s mouth kept uttering curses, “Those who killed me shall be killed in turn. All sins will be repaid in hell. Vengeance may be delayed, but it will come.”

After speaking, he grew wings like a moth and slowly began to rise.

The scene was so bizarre that Zhu Yan was left dumbfounded, unsure how to react.

At this moment, Shen Du was the calmest. He drew his sword and slashed at the figure.

However, the figure dispersed when struck and reformed when left alone. What kind of sorcery was this, to be so powerful!

As the figure slowly ascended and drifted away, Shen Du quickly gave chase, with Yunque hesitating briefly before following.

Nearby, Xu Xiangren’s face was ashen. In his thirty-plus years of life, he had never witnessed anything so strange.

Zhu Yan’s expression was equally grim, her eyes so dark it was frightening as if she hadn’t yet recovered from what she’d just seen.

“This…” Xu Xiangren didn’t know what to say. After a long pause, he finally managed, “You saw what happened. Could it be a restless spirit?”

“I’ve never believed in ghosts or gods,” Zhu Yan said calmly, closing her eyes briefly.

When she opened them again, her gaze was even more determined. “Someone must be behind this. If we look carefully, we’ll find clues.”

With that, Zhu Yan began searching, while Xu Xiangren stood motionless.

Though he too was skeptical of supernatural explanations, what had just occurred was undeniably strange.

He understood Zhu Yan’s reaction; perhaps she had been shocked by the event.

Zhu Yan’s expression was dark, her brows furrowed deeply. No matter how bizarre the situation, she refused to believe it was the work of spirits or demons.

If someone was playing tricks, they must have left traces. Careful observation would surely reveal the secret.

Zhu Yan searched meticulously, and heaven rewards the diligent—she found something.

In an inconspicuous corner of the ruins, there was some barely noticeable powder. Zhu Yan collected it.

Back at the Ministry of Justice, she searched through all the books but couldn’t identify the powder. It seemed she would need to consult her master again.

As Zhu Yan was preparing to leave the ministry, she suddenly noticed Qi Yeyun walking towards the prison again.

“What’s he doing in the jail?” Zhu Yan wondered, but with urgent matters at hand, she didn’t dwell on it and left the ministry.

Shen Du had chased the figure for quite a distance, only stopping when it disappeared. His face was terrifyingly grim.

He too didn’t believe in ghosts or spirits. If it truly were the work of demons, he would slash them with his sword and eliminate all supernatural beings.

Yunque was still on the chase when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. She stopped and looked closely—it was Season Fangming from the Ministry of Justice.

His complexion didn’t look good, and he was hunched over, writing something.

Curious, Yunque approached to check and saw that Season Fangming was writing a prescription.

“I didn’t know you understood medicine,” Yunque’s eyes shone with admiration. “And your handwriting is so neat. You’re truly talented.”

Startled by Yunque’s praise, Season Fangming quickly said, “You flatter me, Lady Yunque. I’m just scribbling, and only because the doctor was busy, so I had to do it myself.”

Season Fangming seemed normal, so Yunque didn’t think much of it. She scratched her head and, noticing his pale face, asked, “You don’t look well. Are you sick?”

“It’s nothing, just ate something that didn’t agree with me,” Season Fangming finished writing the prescription and set down his brush. Changing the subject, he asked, “What brings Lady Yunque here? Aren’t you busy?”

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