HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 151: Reopening the Case (Part 1)

Chapter 151: Reopening the Case (Part 1)

This was precisely what Shen Du had been worried about. The case had been closed for many years now. If he were to bring it up to the Empress abruptly, would she agree to reopen it?

He wasn’t confident.

After pondering for a long while, Shen Du shook his head. “After all, many years have passed. Moreover, the unjust case caused quite a stir back then, leaving a shadow on many commoners. Reopening an old case now would inevitably cast that shadow once again. So, I’m not sure about this.”

Hearing Shen Du’s words, Zhu Yan also lowered her eyes in contemplation.

Everyone’s position was difficult. Shen Du wanted to reopen the old case, while the Empress desired peace and contentment for the realm and its people.

This situation was indeed troublesome.

An unknown amount of time passed, and the kitchen maid had already brought the meal to the table.

Looking at the table full of dishes, Zhu Yan found no appetite, while Shen Du absent-mindedly took a bite here and there.

Neither had eaten much when, coincidentally, Yun Que suddenly appeared at the doorway.

Seeing the table full of dishes, she sat down next to the two without a second thought.

“People are iron, food is steel. Skip a meal and you’ll feel faint. No matter how difficult the case, we must eat well and drink well,” she said while helping herself generously to the food.

Just as Zhu Yan was about to speak, Shen Du suddenly interjected, “The ancients’ words have some truth to them. No matter what, we must take care of our bodies.”

As he spoke, Shen Du picked up some food with his chopsticks and placed it in Zhu Yan’s bowl. “Eat a bit more. After we’re full, we can go rest.”

Zhu Yan was momentarily stunned. These words seemed deliberately spoken for Yun Que to hear.

Yun Que, however, appeared carefree, completely ignoring Shen Du’s words.

Back in their room, Zhu Yan’s heart was still hung up on Shen Du.

Lying in bed, tossing and turning, she hoped on the one hand that they could clear Jinxiu Fang’s name, but on the other hand, she also hoped that Shen Du could remain uninvolved in this matter.

Somehow, despite her urgent desire for the truth, she found herself feeling sympathetic towards Shen Du.

If she had to choose between the truth and Shen Du’s safety, she would rather choose Shen Du’s well-being.

It seemed she had been thinking for a long time until her mind became hazy, and Zhu Yan finally fell asleep.

Hearing the sound of even breathing, Shen Du opened his eyes. The woman beside him was sleeping peacefully, but her delicate brows were slightly furrowed.

This woman, even in her dreams, was still concerned about the case.

Was the truth so important to her?

Or was this just a professional habit of hers?

The next day, before Zhu Yan awoke, Shen Du got up early. After writing his memorial, he mounted his horse and galloped towards the imperial palace.

In the court, Shen Du presented his memorial to the Empress.

Throughout one night, he had finally made up his mind. Regardless of whether the Empress agreed or not, he had to try for Jinxiu Fang’s sake.

After reading the memorial Shen Du had presented, the Empress furrowed her brows. After all, it was an old case, and it had caused quite a stir in Chang’an City at the time.

If they were to reopen and review it, wouldn’t it make the common people think that the case was still unresolved? Or perhaps that the culprit from back then had not been brought to justice, causing panic once again?

This was the scenario the Empress least wanted to see. The one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. She had to consider the people’s interests in every aspect, and now the Empress found herself in a difficult position.

“My beloved ministers,” the Empress set the memorial aside and looked towards the civil and military officials. “According to the memorial presented by Beloved Minister Shen, the Jinxiu Fang case from six years ago is full of doubts and might be a wrongful conviction. He wishes to reopen the case for investigation. What are your thoughts on this matter?”

“Your Majesty,” one official immediately stood up. “Many years have passed since the case, making it truly difficult to reopen. Moreover, much of the evidence may no longer be available. Furthermore, this case caused quite a commotion in Chang’an City at the time, leaving the common people uneasy and fearful. In my humble opinion, we should let bygones be bygones. It’s not advisable to stir things up again.”

“Your Majesty,” as soon as this person finished speaking, another official stood up. “If the Jinxiu Fang case is indeed a wrongful conviction, although many years have passed, numerous wronged souls cannot find peace. Now that Minister Shen intends to reopen the case, I see no issue with it.”

“Hmph…” Hearing someone in support, Lai Luozhi let out a cold snort from the side, revealing a disdainful expression.

The Empress took in the expressions of everyone present. Noticing Lai Luozhi’s reaction, she asked with some confusion, “Does Beloved Minister Lai have any special insights?”

“Your Majesty,” Lai Luozhi quickly bowed to the Empress and respectfully said, “The Jinxiu Fang case has been closed for so many years. Reopening an old case now will inevitably cause much speculation among the people, leading to unease and fear. For the sake of the people, this case should not be reopened. Moreover, I’ve heard that the Ministry of Justice and the Imperial Guard have just concluded a case recently, so they might be quite idle and thus want to stir up trouble in the capital by digging up old cases.”

“Is Deputy Minister Lai suggesting that I’m making trouble out of nothing?” Shen Du didn’t back down at all, casting a cold glance at Lai Luozhi.

“Minister Shen knows his intentions,” Lai Luozhi looked Shen Du up and down, speaking in a contemptuous tone. “If you truly have nothing to do, why not rest well? After handling cases for so long, you should relax. Why bring up old cases and cause unrest among the people again?”

“Deputy Minister Lai is truly far-sighted, always considering the people’s interests. I admire that,” Shen Du said calmly. Then, he bowed respectfully to the Empress and said,

“Your Majesty, your humble servant’s desire to reopen this case is not on a whim, nor do I intend to cause trouble. It’s because someone personally approached me a few days ago, begging me to seek justice for Jinxiu Fang. Only then did I retrieve the old case files and examine them carefully, discovering numerous doubts. That’s why I wish to reopen the case.

Although many years have passed, in recent days, there have been reports of wandering spirits in the ruins of Jinxiu Fang, causing unrest among the people. There are even rumors that the numerous wronged souls from the Jinxiu Fang case cannot be reincarnated without justice, so they linger in this world. Only by reopening this case and giving the dead justice can they live in peace.

Your humble servant believes that if Your Majesty truly considers the people’s interests, you should allow the people to dispel the shadows in their hearts and enjoy peace and prosperity with ease. Therefore, your humble servant once again implores Your Majesty to allow me to reopen this case.”

Shen Du’s words plunged everyone present into silence.

Even the Empress furrowed her brows, seemingly weighing the pros and cons.

At this moment, Crown Prince Li Zhong suddenly stood up. “Imperial Mother, your son believes Minister Shen’s words have merit. If we want the people to enjoy peace and prosperity, we should give them genuine peace of mind. If it’s only superficial while their hearts are restless, I fear it will only lead to outward compliance but inner discord. In that case, how can the people truly submit to Your Majesty?”

Crown Prince Li Zhong’s words caught everyone by surprise.

In court, the Zhou clan usually held sway, and even when major decisions were to be made, it rarely fell to him to have a say.

For survival, he could only quietly play his role, trying to make himself as transparent as possible to avoid drawing attention.

Now, his sudden support for Shen Du aroused suspicion among many.

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