HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 210: The Banquet at Lord Mo’s Residence 2

Chapter 210: The Banquet at Lord Mo’s Residence 2

Though Shen Du had his thoughts, he refrained from pressing further as others seemed unwilling to elaborate.

He glanced at Zhu Yan beside him. The couple exchanged a knowing look, their minds in sync.

The conversation shifted to other topics, from court politics to domestic matters. Everyone chatted merrily, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Suddenly, someone steered the discussion towards the recent case.

A female guest remarked, “I heard that in the recent case, someone lost a pair of eyes. Do you think it could be the work of the Half-Faced Ghost?”

“Just a pair of eyes? Would that be enough to satisfy it?” someone joked, while others used the topic to build suspense.

“Hush, we can eat carelessly, but we shouldn’t speak carelessly. It’s best to stay away from such supernatural matters to avoid inviting trouble.”

“Indeed. There have long been rumors of the Half-Faced Ghost-eating people. Those missing limbs are still alive, so we thought these spirits harmless. But now someone has died. How can we not feel afraid?”

“If you’re afraid, don’t speak of it. Words can bring harm. Surely I don’t need to explain further?”

This topic made many guests uneasy. Some of the more timid turned as pale as paper.

What had been a pleasant banquet now felt like a late-night ghost story session, creating an awkward atmosphere.

Zhu Yan, skeptical of such matters, was immune to their gossip. However, she was curious about Madam Mo, who sat beside her, appearing composed and unaffected by the conversation. Madam Mo hadn’t participated in the topic at all, as if uninterested.

Zhu Yan leaned closer to Madam Mo. “Madam Mo, what’s your view on the Half-Faced Ghost-eating people?”

“Ghosts and monsters are born from the human heart. Surely Madam Shen doesn’t believe in such things?” Madam Mo’s counter-question surprised Zhu Yan.

She’s quite formidable, Zhu Yan thought. To interact with her and learn about Mo Qianzhi would require considerable effort.

“I don’t believe it myself, but it’s hard to deny something strange is happening, given the recurring attacks. Moreover, with all the rumors circulating and everyone discussing it, doesn’t Madam Mo have any thoughts on the matter?”

“What thoughts could a mere woman like me have? Though I don’t believe in ghosts and spirits, I keep my distance out of respect. Besides, if spirits were truly at work, surely the King of Hell would come to collect them.”

As she spoke, Madam Mo glanced at Shen Du in the distance. Her lips curved into a smile as she said gently, “The Grand Secretary is known as the White King of Hell. With him here to suppress evil spirits, they will surely have nowhere to hide. It’s a blessing for us in Yingzhou that you two are here. I believe you’ll solve the case soon and capture the real culprit.”

Zhu Yan’s expression stiffened. She hadn’t expected Madam Mo’s words to be so profound. Not only were they impeccable, but they were also polite, leaving Zhu Yan in awe.

Infiltrating their inner circle would indeed be challenging.

Meanwhile, Shen Du directly inquired about the news of the Huoyi Party members from the assembled officials.

Mo Qianzhi quickly responded, “I haven’t heard anything about that. Yingzhou has had many cases recently, but no one has mentioned anything about them. There are plenty of rumors about the Half-Faced Ghost-eating people, though. Of course, such supernatural talk is just to fool the common folk. I don’t believe it. Someone must be behind this, creating an illusion.”

Hearing this, Shen Du didn’t press further. If they claimed to know nothing, he’d accept that for now.

The Half-Faced Ghost case was another matter entirely. Since one issue couldn’t be resolved, he might as well learn more about the current case.

“Then what’s Official Mo’s view on the Half-Faced Ghost incidents?” Shen Du asked, following Mo Qianzhi’s lead.

Mo Qianzhi adopted a pensive expression. “This case, if we count carefully, has been ongoing for several years. The culprit appears and disappears mysteriously, impossible to catch. Apart from the missing body parts, there’s no evidence, and no leads to follow. The people have long been unsettled, which weighs heavily on my mind. That’s why I reported to the court, begging His Majesty to send someone to investigate and restore peace to the people. However, I expected investigators from the Court of Judicial Review. I didn’t anticipate your arrival, Grand Secretary.”

“Official Mo seems surprised by my presence. Is there a difference between my coming and that of the Court’s investigators?”

“Not at all,” Mo Qianzhi hurriedly explained. “I’ve long heard that Grand Secretary Lai is highly favored by the Empress. His Majesty, being a wise ruler who loves his people as his children, would never be careless about matters concerning the common folk. Sending you, Grand Secretary must be because His Majesty trusts your character. Moreover, you’re deeply favored by the Empress. In this regard, I must congratulate you, Grand Secretary.”

Mo Qianzhi’s words carried deep meaning and were indeed flattering. It was as if he were subtly reminding Shen Du not to forget the injustice suffered by the Shen family in the past, even in his current glory.

Shen Du understood the implication. Thanking Mo Qianzhi for his kind words, he replied, “Thank you for your gracious words, Official Mo. Please rest assured, I won’t betray the Empress’s trust regarding the Half-Faced Ghost case. I will devote all my efforts to this matter.”

“Excellent. Grand Secretary, let me toast to you!”

With that, Mo Qianzhi personally poured Shen Du a cup of wine, and they drank it in one go.

Halfway through the banquet, Pan Chi finally arrived.

Mo Qianzhi quickly stood up. “Young Master Pan, today is a rare gathering, yet you arrive so late. You must be punished. Please drink three cups as a sign of sincerity.”

Other officials joined in the teasing. Everyone knew Pan Chi’s character – cultured, witty, and humorous. Even when pressured to drink, he rarely objected.

To everyone’s surprise, Pan Chi’s demeanor was different this time. “I’ll pass on the wine today. After all, drinking can interfere with important matters. There’s a reason for my late arrival. Perhaps you’d like to hear it first.”

Hearing this, the guests grew curious about the reason for his tardiness.

Pan Chi glanced at Shen Du seated in front and Zhu Yan not far away. He said seriously, “The reason I’m late is that I was investigating someone. To my surprise, this person plays a crucial role in the case.”

“Who?” Mo Qianzhi eagerly asked upon hearing it was related to the case.

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