HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 31: The Imperial Edict Arrives

Chapter 31: The Imperial Edict Arrives

Shen Du shook his head and sighed lightly. At that moment, a palace servant arrived at their side.

“His Majesty has an edict, summoning the Grand Secretary of the Imperial Guard to Daming Palace for a meeting.”

Hearing the imperial edict, Zhu Yan was stunned. Speak of the devil – it was too coincidental.

Shen Du remained calm as if he had anticipated this. He turned to Zhu Yan and said, “If my wife wants to hear opera, please invite performers to the Shen residence. Your salary is too low, and Furong Garden is expensive. Don’t embarrass me by not being able to afford it later.”

Shen Du left with the palace servant, leaving Zhu Yan standing on the street, confused.

Shen Du’s words seemed to have another meaning, but Zhu Yan couldn’t figure it out at the moment.

While she was lost in thought, an Imperial Guard member came to report, “Madam, after curfew last night, we followed the Liang household people to Tongming House. Fearing detection, we observed from afar. The Liang people seemed to argue with the madam but didn’t resort to violence. They left after about half an incense stick’s time.”

Zhu Yan went to Tongming House to question Rong Zhui, but Rong Zhui seemed like a different person, completely denying the Liang family’s visit.

Zhu Yan was perplexed, but suddenly realized something. Her expression changed drastically, and with a cry of “Not good!” she turned and galloped back to the Shen residence on horseback.

Watching the usually unsteady rider now skillfully control a fast horse, Jing Lin was shocked. Had this woman been putting on an act in front of them all along? How daring!

Back at the Shen residence, Zhu Yan went straight to Shen Du’s study. She looked through a few pages of Shen Du’s handwriting, then took out a blank memorial and began writing, imitating his style.

Jing Lin also hurried back to the Shen residence. Learning that Zhu Yan had entered the Grand Secretary’s study, he was alarmed and drew his sword, ready to take Zhu Yan’s head! The Grand Secretary had ordered that no one was to approach his study! No one!

As Jing Lin reached the study door, sword in hand, Zhu Yan came out and handed him a letter, saying, “Quick, deliver this memorial to the Grand Secretary, or his life will be in danger!”

Jing Lin was confused but took the envelope.

On the way to Daming Palace, Jing Lin’s mind was uneasy.

Did Zhu Yan, hoping to become a widow, have some scheme in sending this memorial?

But then he thought, what if the Grand Secretary was in danger?

Weighing the options, Jing Lin knew what was more important. There was also the possibility that Zhu Yan truly couldn’t afford to hire an opera troupe, hence her actions. After all, everyone knew how low a Scribe’s salary was.

In Daming Palace, Empress Zhou Zhao sat on the dragon throne in the magnificent hall, wearing dragon and phoenix brocade robes and a golden phoenix crown. Despite her graying hair and signs of age, her bearing and aura were undeniably imperial, beyond question.

Lai Luozhi, the “Black King Yama,” dressed in a black kirin brocade robe with a long sword at his waist, stood in the great hall reporting to the Empress about the Liang family murder case.

Speaking of the Liang case, Lai Luozhi’s face was full of mockery and disdain.

“Your Majesty, Shen Du has been in charge of the case for days but has yet to solve it. This has led to widespread rumors that our Great Zhou is not using talent effectively, tarnishing Your Majesty’s wisdom. Moreover, with the murder case unsolved, the people live in fear. I request Your Majesty to allow the Inquisition Bureau to intervene, joining forces to solve the case quickly and demonstrate Your Majesty’s wisdom.”

As Lai Luozhi finished speaking, the Empress neither agreed nor refused immediately.

Her expression remained calm as she raised her eyes slightly, her words firm and composed, “What Lord Lai has reported is indeed a concern in Our heart. With the murder case unsolved, it’s as if a great stone weighs upon Our hearts. Since Shen Du has taken charge of this case, We should hear what he has to say.”

Involving the Inquisition Bureau meant bloodshed was inevitable.

In the early years of the Empress’s reign, there was much dissent and daily unrest. Frustrated, the Empress followed Lai Luozhi’s suggestion to establish the Inquisition Bureau to deal with dissenters. The bureau, filled with Lai Luozhi’s strange torture devices, was deeply favored by the Empress. Anyone who entered never left unchanged; those who resisted found neither life nor death.

Now, in these peaceful times, bloodshed was undesirable.

“Your Majesty…” Lai Luozhi tried to speak again, but the Empress raised her hand to stop him. “We have already summoned Shen Du to the palace. Lord Lai, please be patient. Once he arrives, We will naturally understand the whole case.”

“Yes,” Lai Luozhi replied, dissatisfied but constrained by the Empress’s authority.

Moreover, the Empress summoning Shen Du showed she took the case seriously.

The Liang family’s second branch was distantly related to the Empress, whom Lai Luozhi knew. Shen Du’s delay in solving the case was indeed damaging to imperial prestige.

From the Empress’s tone, she favored Shen Du, a point Lai Luozhi had to guard against.

Entering the palace gates, Shen Du slowed his pace.

He knew well why the Empress had summoned him.

Combined with Lai Luozhi’s surveillance of him, he had anticipated the gravity of the situation.

Years ago, Lai Luozhi enjoyed the Empress’s sole favor, but since Shen Du established the Imperial Guard, the Empress rarely used Lai Luozhi. If Lai Luozhi couldn’t target the Imperial Guard, he wouldn’t spare Shen Du.

The wise Empress surely monitored the officials’ movements secretly and wouldn’t blindly trust Lai Luozhi’s words alone.

Summoning him was just to confront Lai Luozhi.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a summons, but an arrest.

But Lai Luozhi was cruel and inscrutable. Being brought to the palace from the street left Shen Du without a strategy.

Even if he could argue well, without solid evidence, it would be hard to convince Her Majesty.

He had given Zhu Yan a subtle hint in his words, but whether she understood and could help, he couldn’t be sure.

“Grand Secretary!”

As he pondered, a familiar voice called from behind.

Stopping, Shen Du saw Jing Lin hurrying forward with an envelope. “This is a letter the Madam urgently asked me to deliver to you. Please read it.”

The palace servants walking with them were puzzled.

The two had been together on the street just moments ago. How could a letter be left behind in such a short time?

But Shen Du’s reputation as the “White King Yama” was not for nothing. Even if suspicious, they dared not ask.

Shen Du’s lips curved upward as he took the envelope and read the memorial inside. His brow relaxed slightly.

Thankfully, the woman hadn’t disappointed him. But how did she know his handwriting?

“Is she behaving at home?” Shen Du casually asked.

Jing Lin’s expression changed slightly. “In response to the Grand Secretary, the Madam… the Madam is well.”

Having followed Shen Du for years, Jing Lin’s facial expressions were easily read by him.

“Did something happen?”

Jing Lin lowered his head deeply. Though he didn’t know the memorial’s contents, Zhu Yan’s entry into Shen Du’s study was a fact.

Seeing Jing Lin’s silence, Shen Du’s tone turned cold and forceful.

“Speak directly if there’s an issue.”

“Yes.” Jing Lin dared not delay and quickly bowed, saying, “The Madam… she entered the Grand Secretary’s study.”

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