HomeMelody of Golden AgeChapter 352: The Bronze Bird of Chang’an Sings 6

Chapter 352: The Bronze Bird of Chang’an Sings 6

The capital was indeed undergoing subtle changes.

Observant individuals noticed that since Shen Du’s return from Yingzhou, the court had been experiencing shifts. Most notably, Empress Zhou Zhao’s reliance on Grand Chancellor Shen Du and Vice Minister of the Court of Judicial Review Lai Luozhi had increased, with Lai Luozhi particularly favored over Shen Du.

Recently, when Lai Luozhi mentioned that his household maids had come of age and were sent back to their hometowns, the Empress immediately bestowed eighty palace maids upon him. In contrast, there was no movement on Shen Du’s side.

Not even a summons.

It was understandable. Shen Du had openly opposed the arranged marriage, forcing the Empress to agree due to her reliance on him. Naturally, she was displeased. In contrast, Lai Luozhi’s actions were always smooth and satisfactory to the Empress, leading to more rewards.

The case of embezzlement in the Mingtang reconstruction was completely hushed up in the court, with no information leaking out. Officials at all levels carried on with their duties, presenting a prosperous facade.

During today’s morning court session, Lai Luozhi suddenly submitted a memorial accusing the Western barbarian chieftain General Kanaqisailuo of plotting rebellion, with convincing evidence.

However, the Empress didn’t give a clear stance on the spot, only instructing Lai Luozhi to leave the evidence and dismiss the court.

But the court officials weren’t blind; they could see through it.

He merely wanted General Kanaqisailuo’s Siamese maids, yet he resorted to such methods.

Chang’an was now hosting envoys from all nations, attracting talented individuals from across the world. This included women from various foreign lands, with skin colors, appearances, and attire vastly different from Great Zhou women. They excelled in dance and song, exuding charm. Officials prided themselves on owning one or two.

Lai Luozhi was particularly excessive in this regard. Recently, someone had sent a group of young Indian girls to his mansion. This time, just because he saw those Siamese maids at General Kanaqisailuo’s banquet, he became fixated on them. Despite hints and suggestions, General Kanaqisailuo politely declined, saying he would soon arrange for a new batch of Siamese maids to be sent north to Lai’s mansion.

But this act truly slapped Lai Luozhi’s face. Since his rise to power, he had been unstoppable. How could he tolerate such contempt from General Kanaqisailuo? He immediately had someone fabricate charges and report to Empress Zhou Zhao.

In the court, apart from Prime Minister Zhang Xingwei raising objections and Shen Du expressing doubts, the rest hurriedly distanced themselves. The Empress even directly rejected the Prime Minister’s opposing memorial.

It was almost certain that the Empress would, as before, allow Lai Luozhi to act recklessly.

Everyone knew that the Empress’s indulgence towards Lai Luozhi even exceeded that of her first consort, Zhang Baohuan.

This matter was quickly passed down to the Court of Judicial Review, with the Ministry of Justice assisting. Zhu Yan was unaware of this when she reported for duty this morning.

Now promoted to Department Director, Zhu Yan was less busy than before, but organizing case files was still necessary. Since Lu Chuichui couldn’t handle it alone, and there hadn’t been many murder cases recently, she helped with the organization.

Soon, those discussions reached her ears, and she listened carefully.

“How can Lai Luozhi treat human life so casually? Won’t the Empress Dowager intervene?” someone whispered.

“Shh, be careful it doesn’t reach the Empress Dowager’s ears, or it’ll be off with your head.” The person made a throat-slitting gesture, frightening the other into silence.

Zhu Yan coughed lightly, and the two quickly turned around. Seeing her, they immediately became respectful: “Director, do you have any instructions?”

“What were you just discussing?”

They hesitated for a long time, both looking terrified and unwilling to say more. Seeing this, Zhu Yan lost interest and waved them away. The two fled as if granted a great pardon.

“This Lai Luozhi truly lives up to his title as the Black King of Hell. Just mentioning him scares people to death. It’s laughable.”

Zhu Yan shook her head. She wasn’t particularly interested in knowing, and if it weren’t for Lai Luozhi constantly targeting Shen Du, she wouldn’t want any connection with him.

Finding Lu Chuichui, Zhu Yan recounted what she had just seen as a joke. Unexpectedly, Lu Chuichui’s expression changed slightly, her small face showing complex, indiscernible emotions.

Noticing something amiss, Zhu Yan was about to inquire when Lu Chuichui pulled out one of the case files from the bottom and tossed it to her, saying glumly:

“See for yourself.”

Zhu Yan was puzzled. After quickly reading through it, she looked up at the sky outside the window, where dark clouds were gathering: “Is it going to snow?”

Not understanding Zhu Yan’s meaning, Lu Chuichui turned her head in surprise: “The Double Ninth Festival has only just passed a month ago. It’s not yet time for snow.”

Pulling her sleeves closer, Zhu Yan’s beautiful eyes darkened: “I’m afraid this year’s snow will come early.”

Lu Chuichui didn’t have such deep thoughts. She sat down, resting her chin on her hands, looking worried: “More people are going to die. Hasn’t Lai Luozhi grown tired of killing? Just because of a few Siamese maids, he wants to execute General Kanaqisailuo’s entire clan.”

Opening and closing the case file,

“The Empress Dowager doesn’t intervene. Isn’t she afraid this will cause unrest in the capital?”

“Shh!” Zhu Yan covered Lu Chuichui’s lips with her hand, giving her a meaningful look. Releasing her hand, she lowered her head to examine the case file carefully, unsure of what to do.

She thought about directly ignoring it, pretending not to know, but this wasn’t in Zhu Yan’s nature. Now that she knew about this matter, how could she act as if she didn’t?

But if she were to intervene, how? She was just a small Department Director, with her head still hanging on the Court of Judicial Review’s death list. Perhaps before she could save anyone, her head would be chopped off first.

Should she ask Shen Du for help?

“Zhu Yan, you should talk to the Grand Chancellor,” Lu Chuichui voiced Zhu Yan’s thoughts first. “He’s the Grand Chancellor, and only he can contend with that person from the Court of Judicial Review in the court. Perhaps he has a way to save these innocent people.”

Zhu Yan smiled bitterly: “The Empress values Lai Luozhi more than Shen Du, and Lai Luozhi constantly tries to put Shen Du in mortal danger. How can he help?”

If he could help, Shen Du would have done so already. But the problem was, what exactly were the Empress’s intentions? Zhu Yan couldn’t see through it at all.

The court was treacherous. Shen Du had early on instructed her to only mind her own business, and to ignore everything else, saying he would handle it.

Zhu Yan also knew that staying out of trouble was the best way to consider Shen Du’s interests. Otherwise, those lurking in the shadows were just waiting to catch her mistakes to strike at Shen Du.

The more she understood Shen Du, the more she realized how precarious his high position was, like walking on thin ice, requiring careful calculation with every step, extremely difficult.

“Forget it, let’s focus on the case files for now. After we finish, come to my house for a meal,” Zhu Yan extended an invitation.

Lu Chuichui was also somewhat dejected, nodding without saying much.

The two put aside those thoughts they shouldn’t have and concentrated on organizing the case files and preparing for the end-of-year performance review.

But Zhu Yan was still distracted. For a long time, she didn’t turn a page, and ink from her brush dripped onto the paper, spreading into a large stain.

Lu Chuichui occasionally looked up and saw this, exclaiming in surprise:

“Sixth Sister!”

Zhu Yan finally came back to her senses, looking down at the ink stain. She shook her head helplessly, turned to a new page, and tried to focus on the case files.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

Lu Chuichui hurriedly got up to open it, and as soon as she did, she cried out in surprise: “Commander Xu?”

Commander of the Local Constable Xu Xiangren?

Zhu Yan quickly rose to greet him, her face showing pleasant surprise: “Elder Brother Xu!”

But she glimpsed Yunque beside him, causing her movement to pause briefly, though she quickly covered it up.

Following behind was Department Director Wu Taiming from the Ministry of Justice. Wu Taiming first cupped his hands in congratulation: “I heard you were promoted to Department Director. Congratulations.”

Zhu Yan returned the gesture: “I still rely on Director Wu’s guidance.”

“Why are you speaking to me so formally now, girl? Even if you don’t say it, I value you highly. Moreover, besides being a Department Director, you’re also the Grand Chancellor’s wife. Speaking of guidance, that goes without saying.” Wu Taiming joked.

Wu Taiming was good in every way, except that in official matters, he was always like a rooster crowing at dawn, wanting you to work until daybreak. He often didn’t allow people to return home on rest days and loved to deduct salaries.

Zhu Yan’s previous mention of his mistress seemed to still ring in his ears. Now seeing Zhu Yan, Wu Taiming didn’t dare to be as unrestrained as before. He glared at Lu Chuichui and scolded: “How dare you let Director Zhu look at your case files?”

Lu Chuichui stuck out her tongue, but Zhu Yan quickly responded: “It’s not her fault. There hasn’t been much to do recently, so I came to help out.”

Wu Taiming glared at Lu Chuichui again, then turned to Zhu Yan and lowered his voice: “Now that you’re not here, with only Clerk Lu as a female official, it’s indeed too much to handle.”

“You coming to help shows you haven’t forgotten my guidance and support.”

Zhu Yan nodded: “I wouldn’t dare forget.”

Remembering others were waiting, Wu Taiming hurriedly made their way, exchanged a few pleasantries, and claimed there was a big case at the Ministry of Justice that needed his attention. He was about to leave when Zhu Yan stopped him:

“Director Wu, what big case?”

But Wu Taiming was secretive, waving his hand and sighing as he left.

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